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Q,1 React ttM- p•m•• p,en below. 5

1. On 23 December 2005, the Governme11t of India enacted the Disaster Manase,nent Act,
which envi5aCed the ue.itlon of NatlONI Oisasler Mana,ement Authority (NOMA), headed
by the Prime Mlnlste,, and State ~ t e , Manace,nent Authorl11es (SOMAs) headed by
respective Chief Ministers, to spearhead and lm...,_t a holistk and Integrated appr0,1Ch
to Disaster Mana,ement In India. The NatloMI Oisffler Man-cement Authotlly (NOMA),
headed by the Prime Mlnlste, of India, Is the apex body for Disasler Mana,ement In India.
NOMA Is responslble for lraminc polldes, lr,ln a down culdellnes and best-prKllces for
coordlnat1n1 with the State Disaster Man-cement Authorities (SDMAs) to ensure a holistic
and distributed approach to disaster man-cement .
2. The National Disaster Mnnacement Authority, of which Prime Mlnlste, Narendra Modi Is the
chairman, has drawn detailed auldellnes lo, al m ~ across the country allrr a rKent
study sl1owed all major museums across India were vulnetllble to vandalism and face near
destruction of p,lceless and rare .vtrfacts lrom natural and man-made dlsaste,s,
3. The study. based on p,elmlnary site visits by a team of the N.ltional Oisaste, Management
Aul hority (NOMA) to many of the c.ountr(s top museums, was carriNI out afle, a fire gutted a
large section of the National Muse.n lo, Natunl Hlsto,y In New Delhi In Aptil last year -rely
damaging the buildlng and a large section of the collection and Its library. lnduding M!Wfal rare
4. The report on the guidelines fo, museum also cites how some rare collectlons at the Pratap
Singh Museum In S,lnagar, damaged during the 2014 floods, could h....e been saved II
authorities had taken measures to sal~rd them from natlA'II disasters.
5. The study finds al the majo, museums also face hleh risk of vandalism. The National Gallery of
Modem Art in Mumba~ fo, lnstina, has also been listed as being "vulne<llble" to nuclear
hau,rd due to its presence near the nuclear plant at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
6, vanldta AJora, the consultant to NOMA who amchoted the study of museums and p,eparatlon
of ~he guidelines. said: "Giveft the btOad rang!! of natural and Induced hazards that pose
a threat to musel.fflS across India. It's essential to Increase locus on risk reduction at multiple
levels." Indian museums house diverse objects and C1Jlectiot1i, ranging from archaeolo&lcal
artefacts to p,iceless artworks. which have ~bilit.les that are difficult to address with
standardised approaches. she said.

Answer ANY FIVE ol tbe roUowtac ftW-!h

I. Who leads the State Disaster Manacement Authoritles?

II. According to ~e NOMA. what hl&h rlslc factor is faced by all the major museums In India?
Ill. In which year. some rate collectlons of the Sn, Pr~ Sinch Museum. S,lnitar. were
Iv. Why Is ii e~nlial 10 Increase focus on risk reduction of nxurat and human Induced haz.atds
that pose a threat to museums across India at mulllple levels?
v. Who. accordinc 10 the passa,e hoS1ed the study of museums and preparation of the
vi. Find a word from para 1 which means the same as 'lead'.
Q,2 Rud Ibo,__ _ _ _, 5

Coca-colo, Of Cola, is • cort>onocld soft drink m•nufactured by The Coc.a•Co4• Coml)iny, Orlslnolly
marketed as a temperance drink and Intended as a patent medicine, tt was Invented In the Late 19th
century by John Stnh Ptmberton ind WH bouaht out by buslneumon ASi Gri115 C.ndltr, -
morltttln1 tltllcs led COci<olo to lu domln1nce of the world soft-drink morltet thrOUll>Oul the 20th
century. The drlnk's name refers to two of Its ortjJnal Ingredients: coca luws. and loY null I•
source of affeirvl. The current formula of Coca-Cola remains I trade l«ffl; h ~ r. 1 Wififty of

reportl!d redpes ind e,perimenQI recrutJoos have been published. (from Wildprdo. tJv /'ff

There Is no doubt that a.ny ftiwur of soda an be a very tasty bewnge. However. it's not the
best thing ta lndlAce In, considering that It contains a lat of calories and mare than your dolly
Mlotment of supr- but 11: also hiH ittry frw vitamins and mlnerats. It's also in',pot ta,t to
remembef tNt sug;ar-trtt sodas aren' t much bettf!'r. For Instance, take the COQ•CW nutrilion
facts. Thouat, Cocl-Col• Ind Coke Zera ... dlffertnt In thlt Cok• Ze«> h•s no cllorlu, it isn't •nv
more nutritious for you 1han Cat1•Col1 Is.
n Is lmportlnt to remember 1h11 no mane, whal th• beveroge, If II Is sweetened will> ea1r1
..,car, you 1ro probobly 101n110 run Into problems with beln1 overwel1ht or even obese.
8"-s tha~ y0ut mk of hurt dlse1se, dllbetes, 1nd other hulth prabltms lncro1ses when you
drink too much sod.I.



Hero' s whll Y"" might ••P•ct to find In Coe.a-Colo:

• Carbonated wat•r. This Is rhe buts of all s-odtt l)(Oducu.
• Supr. This mlaht be• very hl&h 1mount. H' s lmpossibl< 10 know, howver, since
th• percento1e of dally v11uf5 of su11r Is nl'Vti on any products in the
m,rl<etplace. Cou•Col1 nutrition f1cts list how many c1rbohydr1tes, but not a
dally amount of sugar lnt•k•.
• Phosphoric acid. This 11ves Coc1<ol1 Its slflnature ·co11• t•ste.
• C.lfMlo. This Is tllt 1n111dltnt th1t m•kts you lttl peppy allor you drink It,
• tlavourf"I. No ont knows lo, sure whit this mtans. t>Kause It's
cons4dered a secret. But lh• company dou AV lhtre trt no 1rtJfld1I
ffivourings or prtse:rvilli\les In the drink.
• CW•1wL This is anothtr lo,m of sup, thlt atves COIi Its distlnc11vt color.
• Sodium. Most M>du haw- sodium content and Coo.Col, Is no t)lc•pUon,
• ~ App,1renlly ont 12 0.1. ~n of Coca<ol111ves you ll" of your
dally rtc«nmtnded corbot,ydratt lntoke ,

.-,,._ ANY FlVI! of tin Ion, ..t,w quo1llono:

a. WNt does the drink's name refff to?
ij, Wily It's not tht best thine to ln<lul1• In any flo\lOur ohod17
Ill. What happe,ns when we drink roo much soda 1
Iv, Name tho tn1rtdlent ustd ID 1lvl! colo Its dlsti<lctlvo colour7
v. Does Coca Cola mn~n sodktm or not? s coco cola contains sodium
vi, Sam Is hosmg • p;.rty and he Invites 27 1uests. ~ och ol tht auetlS drinks 60 ml of coa Coll,
' - m'"V bottles will be ~ulred for the p;.rty that Is shown In the 1,,,.11/vtn ll>ovt?

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