Activity 2 Philosophical Perspectives

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Activity 2: Philosophical Perspectives

Choose the most significant one of the eight philosophical ideas about the self
that you believe in the most and explain it in your own words.
• Socrates: Body and Soul
• Plato: Rational soul, Spirited soul, and Appetitive soul
• St. Augustine: Knowing God is knowing oneself.
• Rene Descartes: I think, therefore, I am/ body and mind
• David Hume: There is no self/ What people experience is just a bundle or
collection of different perceptions, sensations, ideas, thoughts and images.
• Immanuel Kant: Based on your past experiences, your preferences, your
philosophy in life, and how you view yourself; that is the self.
• Gilbert Ryle: Your behavior is yourself.
• Maurice Merleau-Ponty: How we experience our lives is the way we see our self,
and that is our definition of our self.
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You may browse the web but make sure to provide your own input and reflections
as well. You are future Professionals hence, learn NOT to steal the intellectual properties
of others. Maximum of 150 words.
30 as the highest possible score

Criteria Excellent Acceptable Poor

Content 15 points 8-12 points 3-7 points

• Provides • Ideas are • Ideas are
relevant ideas relevant to the irrelevant to
to the posted posted the posted
question. question. question.
• Content is • Content is • Content is
engaging and appropriate vague and
original. and original. unoriginal.

Organization of 10 points 7-9 points 4-6 points

Thoughts • Paragraphs • Paragraphs • Weak
are are coherent organization,
impressively and cohesive. sentences are
coherent and rambling and
cohesive. ideas are

Grammar, 5 points 3 points 1 points

punctuation, • Virtually, no • Few • Numerous
spelling error in grammatical grammatical,
grammar, errors and few punctuation
punctuation spelling and and spelling
and spelling punctuation errors.


Angel Funtilar. (2022). Studocu. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from

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