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Green Rabbit's Foot

Wonderous Item (Trinket), rare (requires attunement)

A small, jet-black rabbit's foot imbued with an otherworldly charm. This trinket holds a peculiar luck, but
with a twist of unpredictable magic.
Lucky Charm. You have 1 luck point. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
throw, you can spend this luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend one of your luck
points after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the d20s is used
for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
You can also spend one luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a d20 and then choose
whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours.
Wild Surge. After using the luck point, roll on the wild magic table immediately. If you are not a sorcerer,
disregard any result tied to that class, and roll once more on the wild magic table. The saving throw for any
spell effect resulting from this surge is DC 14.
You regain your luck after a long rest.
“A small jet-black rabbit's foot that bestows uncanny luck upon its owner, allowing them to twist fate in their
favour. However, with each stroke of good fortune comes the unpredictable surge of wild magic, revealing the
whimsical nature of the charm.”

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