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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


Evaluation of a Biochar‑Based Slow‑Release P Fertilizer to Improve

Spinacia oleracea P Use, Yield, and Nutritional Quality
Cindy Sepúlveda‑Cadavid1 · Jhon H. Romero1 · Maicol Torres1 · Evelyn Becerra‑Agudelo1 ·
Julián E. López1,2

Received: 11 April 2021 / Accepted: 12 August 2021

© Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo 2021

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a biochar-based slow-release P fertilizer (BBSRPF) produced from a corn
stover-derived biochar (CSB), compared to mineral fertilization and co-application of CSB itself and mineral fertilization
on bioavailability of soil P and spinach production, as well as, foliar macronutrients (N, P and K), protein, and ascorbic acid
in plants.
First, CSB was produced from corn stover. Then, P loading process was done with a ­KH2PO4 solution for BBSRPF produc-
tion. Afterwards, a greenhouse experiment was performed for 70 days using a factorial design with the following treatments:
mineral NPK fertilization (F), CSB and mineral NPK fertilization (BC) and BBSRPF and mineral NK fertilization (P-BC).
After this, soil samples were collected and the plants were harvested to determine changes in soil physicochemical proper-
ties, bioavailability of soil P, leaf content of P, N, K, ascorbic acid, and protein. Besides, fresh and dry biomass, and crop
yield were also determined.
The P-BC treatment significantly increased bioavailable soil P by ~ 72% compared to F and BC treatments. Furthermore, P,
N, K, protein, ascorbic acid content, and yield of spinach pants were significantly increased by ~ 29, 52, 33, 20, 21, and ~ 25%
when P-BC treatment was applied, respectively.
Incorporation of P into the biochar matrix is an effective strategy to increase spinach P use efficiency in tropical soils. There-
fore, BBSRPF could totally replace conventional mineral P fertilizers without compromising crop yield, and increasing the
nutritional quality of spinach plants.

Keywords Spinach · Protein · Ascorbic acid · Mineral nutrition · Soil quality

1 Introduction compounds (Carvalho et al. 2019; Salehi et al. 2019). Due

to this, it has been reported that in USA spinach production
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a leafy vegetable which and consumption increased by 418% and 31%, respectively,
belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. Which is well from 1970 to 2012 (Roberts and Moreau 2016). Moreover,
known since its composition includes high nutritional value in Colombia, the production of leafy vegetables including
spinach has been of great importance in recent years, with
10,000 ha of land planted of this kind of crops, approxi-
Cindy Sepúlveda-Cadavid and Jhon H. Romero contributed
equally to this work. mately. Producing about 18.1 ton ha−1 of spinach in 2017
(Casierra-Posada et al. 2021). Which may be associated to
* Julián E. López the growing awareness of healthier lifestyles based on plant-; based diets and alertness of chronic diseases associated to
Semillero de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales— unhealthy nutritional habits, e.g., cardiovascular problems,
SICA, Facultad de Arquitectura E Ingeniería, Institución overweight, cancer to name but a few (Fan et al. 2014; Lara
Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Carrera 78 # 65 et al. 2021).
– 46, 050034 Medellín, Colombia On that basis, spinach plants are composed by several
Facultad de Ingenierías, Programa de Ingeniería substances, some of which have been reported to have ben-
Ambiental, Universidad de Medellín, Carrera 87 N° 30‑65, eficial effects on human health. For instance, ascorbic acid is
050026 Medellín, Colombia

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

known as an important antioxidant agent present in spinach of biochar and fertilizer improve the availability of this ele-
plants, that can have a positive influence on the reduction of ment (Xu et al. 2014). In line with this, Chintala et al. (2014)
risk of some diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, cata- also found a similar behavior regarding P constrain in acidic
racts and cardiovascular diseases (Bergquist et al. 2006). soils after biochar application. In contrast, Li et al. (2020)
Moreover, the increasing interest on vegetable proteins has and Eduah et al. (2019) have reported a decrease in the effi-
led to looking for the improvement of protein content in ciency of phosphate fertilization with the co-application
vegetables, due to negative impacts of production of animal of biochar and traditional chemical fertilizers in neutral to
proteins on the environment such as acidification, erosion, alkaline soils. These results suggest that there is still lack of
eutrophication, biodiversity loss and climate change, related understanding on the influence of this fertilization alterna-
to the use of land, water, fuels, fertilizers, pesticides and tive on P bioavailability management in crops. In the case of
animal waste production (Aiking 2011; Sabaté et al. 2015). spinach, studies such as Li et al. (2016) report a decrease in
In addition to this, negative impacts on human health have P nutrition with the application of biochar in soil compared
also been associated to high consumption of animal protein to the use of chemical fertilizer. In addition, plant-derived
sources, like obesity, hypercholesterolemia and higher prob- biochar generally has a limited concentration of bioavailable
ability of suffering from cancer (Lander et al. 2016; Marti- P, making it uncompetitive for the supply of this nutrient
Quijal et al. 2019). compared to other traditionally used sources (Li et al. 2020).
Considering that environmental conditions and agronomi- To overcome the limitations that biochars itself have
cal practices can influence the composition and the devel- regarding the nutritional management of P in crops, the use
opment of spinach plants, it is necessary the researching of P-laden biochar as slow-release fertilizers has been sug-
on agricultural products that lead to the improvement of gested as an alternative (Volf and Rosolem 2020). In tropi-
the crop nutritional value, as a result of the enhancement cal soils it has been found that biochar-based slow-release
of environmental factors associated to soil parameters and P fertilizers (BBSRPFs) have shown a superior behavior
nutrients availability (Salehi et al. 2019). In the same way, to improve P bioavailability in soils and crop production,
these products should promote soil health, as safe food pro- compared to conventional mineral fertilizers (e.g., triple
duction depends on it (Gallego and Olivero-Verbel, 2021). superphosphate) (Carneiro et al. 2021; Lustosa Filho et al.
Specifically, in acidic soils, the applied agronomical prac- 2020; Pogorzelski et al. 2020). Nevertheless, to the authors
tices must take into account their limitations regarding crop knowledge, the effect of BBSRPF to supply 100% of the
production potential (Bolan et al. 2003). For instance, for nutritional demand for this element in important leafy crops
the case of P behavior, this nutrient can be fixed by Fe and such as spinach and its impact on production and plant nutri-
Al oxides which restricts its availability. This reduces the tional quality has not been widely explored. Hence, further
efficiency of P fertilization practices traditionally used (Zhu research is needed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of
et al. 2018). Furthermore, traditional practices do not con- BBSRPFs compared to mineral fertilizers and co-application
tribute to soil health improvement. On the contrary, these of biochar and mineral fertilizer regarding spinach yield,
can cause negative impacts on soil properties and environ- nutritional content (N, P, and K) and biochemical compound
mental dynamics (Bouwman et al. 2013; Lin et al. 2019). of interest (protein, ascorbic acid). This, aiming for more
Regarding this, several alternatives to traditional chemi- sustainable agronomic practices equated with conventional
cal fertilizers have arisen in recent years. For instance, bio- fertilizers schemes in terms of crop production. Specially in
chars are a target of an increasing interest as an alterna- Colombian agricultural soils, in which insufficient fertiliza-
tive, since their high carbon content and their active surface tion and progressive depletion of key nutrients are limiting
area have shown to have several positive impacts on soil factors for production of vegetable crops. For instance, the
physicochemical and biological properties (e.g., pH, soil extraction rates of P exceed soil nutrient availability by 20%,
enzymatic activities), crop yield and nutrition (e. g., plat approximately (Bojacá et al. 2010).
productivity, relative water content, content of N, P, and K, Accordingly, this study evaluated the effects of a BBSRPF
as well as biochemical compounds), and the reduction of produced from a corn stover derived biochar (CSB), on
toxic effects (e.g., oxidative stress) on plants due to heavy P use, yield and nutritional quality of spinach plants in
metals in soils (Naeem et al. 2021; Turan 2019; Zubair et al. comparison with traditional mineral NPK fertilization and
2021). However, with respect to P bioavailability, the co- co-application of mineral NPK fertilizer and corn stover
application of biochar itself and phosphate fertilizers can be derives biochar itself. We hypothesize that the application
counterproductive in some cases. For example, the applica- of BBSRPF on acidic tropical soil improves crop produc-
tion of biochar can increase the capability of P fixation in tion and its nutritional quality, through the enhancement of
acidic soils, depending on application rates of biochar and P bioavailability and other soil physicochemical properties.
phosphate fertilization. Thus, P availability is reduced, com- The aims of this study were (i) to assess BBSRPF capacity
pared to neutral and alkaline soils, in which co-application for improving soil properties and the bioavailability of P,

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

(ii) to compare the effect of the application of BBSRPF, a membrane. Subsequently, it was washed with distilled water
traditional mineral NPK fertilizer, and the co-application (DW), dried at 60ºC and then stored.
of CSB and traditional mineral NPK fertilizer on spinach For CSB and BBSRPF characterization, the bioavailable
nutritional quality (N, P, K, protein and ascorbic acid) at P content was determined with Olsen method (Olsen-P)
leaf level, and (iii) determine the effect of these treatments (López et al., 2020b). In brief, 1.0 g of solid with 20 ml of
on spinach yield. In order to support our hypothesis, a green- 0.5 M NaHCO3 solution (pH 8.5) was shaken for 30 min,
house experiment was conducted comparing the application then solid was removed by filtration (0.45 μm). The total P
of mineral NPK fertilizer, CSB with mineral NPK fertilizer, concentration was measured by acid digestion (HCl:HNO3
and BBSRPF with mineral NK fertilizer on spinach leaves 3:1) at 80 °C. The P concentration was quantified using the
content of N, P, K, protein and ascorbic acid, and crop yield. molybdenum blue colorimetric method with a UV–visible
Additionally, soil P bioavailability, P fractions, soil pH, elec- 8500 spectrophotometer at 800 nm. Ash content was meas-
trical conductivity (EC), soil organic matter (SOM), and ured as the weight of the residue after sample was heated to
cation exchange capacity (CEC) were also measured. This 700 °C in an open crucible using a muffle furnace. Super-
study contributes to current debates on how biochar-derived ficial functional groups were determined by FTIR analysis
agro-inputs are a co-implemented solution for improving using an infrared spectrometer (Thermo scientific Smart iTR
soil health, plant nutrition and crop yield in tropical soils. Nicolet iS10), which was operating in a 4000–400 cm−1
spectral range with a resolution of 4 cm−1. Specific surface
area was analyzed by BET method (López et al. 2020a) with
a surface area and pore size analyzer (Nova2200e, Quan-
2 Materials and Methods
tachrome Instruments). The C and N content were deter-
mined using an elemental analyzer (Elemental Analyzer,
2.1 Soil Collection and Properties
Germany). The pH and EC were determined using 1:10 solid
to DW ratio (HQd portable multi meter – HACH ®). For
Acidic soil was collected from Santa Bárbara municipal-
CSB, concentration of Ca, Mg, K and Na were measured
ity in northwestern Colombia (5°52′29"N, 75°33′58" W).
after digesting 0.25 g of sample with 10 mL of aqua regia
Soil was classified as Entisol as per USDA soil taxonomic
(HCl:HNO3) at 90 ºC for 1 h and 140 ºC for 3 h. After diges-
classification. Soil samples were collected from top layer
tion, samples were diluted with DW and filtered (0.45 μm).
(0–20 cm) using methodology proposed by Muñoz et al.
Elemental concentration of elements in the filtered solution
(2019), thus obtaining a composite sample. Afterwards,
was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emis-
soil was air-dried, ground, sieved (< 2 mm) and stored. Soil
sion spectrometry (ICP-OES) (Agilent Technologies 5100
properties were: pH (5.2 ± 0.2), EC (1.3 ± 0.3 dS m−1),
ICP-OES equipment).
SOM (3.5 ± 0.5%), CEC (13.2 ± 0.4 meq 100 g−1 soil), bio-
available P (1.2 ± 0.2 mg kg−1), sand (15%), silt (38%), clay
2.3 Slow Phosphorus Release
(47%), and texture (clay loam soil).
To verify the slow P release from the produced BBSRPF
2.2 Production and Characterization of Raw Biochar compared to a commercial mineral NPK fertilizer (granu-
and Biochar‑Based Slow‑Release P Fertilizer lated fertilizer NPK 15–15-15, MONÓMEROS®, Colombia
S.A.), a mass of 100 mg P, based on P concentration of
Corn stover was used as feedstock for CSB production. each P source, was added in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask and
Biomass was air-dried at room temperature (30ºC ± 2ºC) 120 mL of DW were added to it, and, afterwards, was equili-
for 48 h, then ground to pass through a 2-mm sieve and brated for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days by shaking at 100 rpm. Then,
be placed in ceramic crucibles. The crucibles were covered solids were removed by filtration (0.45 μm) and P concentra-
with a close-fitting lid and pyrolyzed under limited oxygen tion was quantified as previously mentioned.
supply in a muffle furnace. The pyrolysis temperature was
raised to 500ºC for 30 min, followed by cooling at room 2.4 Greenhouse Pot Experiment
temperature inside a furnace. The CSB was left aerating for
24 h, then sieved (< 2 mm) and stored in airtight containers. Certified seeds of Spinacia oleracea (Impulssemillas®,
To produce the BBSRPF, the CSB was immersed in a satu- Colombia) were used. They were germinated on peat mois-
rated KH2PO4 solution (400 mg P L−1) at a solid:solution tened with DW at 70% water holding capacity (WHC)
ratio of 1:40 for 48 h based on P adsorption isotherm (López 5 days before starting the greenhouse experiment. For
et al. 2020a) for this material to reach the highest satura- greenhouse experiment, factorial arrangements treatments
tion (See Supplementary Information Fig. S1 and Table S1), with three replicates were applied. The following treat-
then the solid was separated by filtration using a 0.45 μm ments were evaluated: i) soil with recommended mineral

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

NPK fertilization (F), ii) soil with co-application of CSB and For all the extractions, a 1:20 ratio soil:solution was used.
recommended mineral NPK fertilization (BC), and iii) soil Finally, the residual soil was digested at 80ºC as indicated
with co-application of the produced BBSRPF and mineral previously to quantify occluded P (Residual-P). For each
NK fertilization (P-BC) (Table 2). Mineral NPK fertilization step, the soil-solution suspensions were filtrated (0.45 μm)
was applied using commercial products, urea as N source and the P in the filtrate was measured as described above.
(MONÓMEROS®, Colombia S.A.), triple superphosphate Soil pH and EC were measured in DW using 1:2 soil:DW
as P source (YARA®, Colombia S.A.), and potassium chlo- ratio. For determining SOM content, Walkley and Black
ride as K source (MONÓMEROS®, Colombia S.A.), The method was used. Finally, in order to measure CEC ammo-
dose of BBSRPF in P-BC treatment was adjusted following nium acetate method was employed at pH 7.0 (Pansu and
the same Olsen-P concentration used for F and BC treatment Gautheyrou 2006).
to guarantee a similar concentration of bioavailable P. Min-
eral fertilization treatment was kept as experiment control 2.6 Plant Analysis
(Table 2), according to traditional agronomical practices.
For experimental set-up, 75 kg of soil were air-dried, By the other hand, spinach leaves were weighed to deter-
ground and sieved (< 2 mm). Then, each soil sample was mine fresh weight biomass (FWB) in order to calculate crop
mixed with the respective treatment (Table 2). Then, the yield. Afterwards, a leaf subsample was taken (one leaf per
soil samples were moistened at 70% WHC and were incu- plant) in order to determine protein content and ascorbic
bated for 24 h at room temperature (30 ± 2ºC). After incu- acid concentration in fresh leaf biomass using the meth-
bation period, a soil sample was taken from each treatment ods proposed by Bradford (1976) and Keller and Schwager
to determine initial bioavailable P concentration. Pre-incu- (1977), respectively. Then, the remaining leaves were dried
bated soil samples were transferred into pots and each one at 60ºC until constant weight was reached in order to deter-
was filled with 5.0 kg of soil obtaining 15 pots per treat- mine dry weight biomass (DWB). After that, to quantify
ment. In the greenhouse, the pots were randomly arranged. leaf P, N, and K concentration the dry biomass was digested
Furthermore, one spinach seedling was sown in each pot. (HCl:HNO3 3:1 ratio at 80ºC). The digestate was filtrated
Besides, to maintain moisture content (70% of WHC), pots (0.45 μm) and the filtrate was used to quantify P, N and K in
were watered daily with DW and subjected to daily obser- leaf. For determining P concentration was used method as
vation of weight loss. The experiment was maintained for mentioned above, while total N was determined by Kjeldhal
70 days (equivalent to 1 crop production cycle). Throughout method. Finally, K concentration was measured by ICP-OES
the experiment, soil samples were taken every 10 days to as described above.
determine the kinetics of bioavailable P. After that period,
spinach plants leaves were harvested and soil samples were 2.7 Quality Assurance and Quality Control
taken (post-harvest soil). The 15 leaves and soil samples
obtained from all experimental units were randomly divided To assure the reliability of the results, quality assurance and
into three groups with five soil and leaf samples each. Then, quality control, protocols were included throughout the ana-
the samples were mixed to obtain three composite samples lytical processes. All reagents were of analytical grade. For
for each treatment in order to conduct post-harvest analysis. all procedures DW (18.2 MΩ cm−1 resistivity) was used.
Synthetic multi-element solutions and samples duplicates
2.5 Soil Analysis were included in each lot of samples for quality assurance
and evaluate reproducibility, respectively. All the material
Soil samples were used to determine bioavailable P, P frac- used was washed with P-free detergent. The glassware was
tions, pH, EC, SOM, and CEC. Bioavailable P was quanti- soaked in acid solution (3 M HNO3) bath overnight and
fied in the samples throughout the experiment and in the washed with DW prior use.
post-harvest soil by Olsen-P extraction, as previously men-
tioned. In post-harvest soil samples, the inorganic P distribu- 2.8 Statistical Analysis
tion was measured according to the methodology proposed
by Hedley et al. (1982). Whereby 1.0 g of the soil sample All data are presented as mean values and standard error of
was sequentially extracted using deionized water first and the mean (SEM) of three replicates. Graph’s plotting was
then 0.5 M NaHCO3 solution to determine the labile P frac- done with Python and the statistical analysis was carried out
tion (Labile-P). Subsequently, the soil sample was extracted with Statgraphics® Centurion XVIII software. A one-way
by 1 M and 5 M NaOH solutions (NaOH1M-P and NaOH- analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to stablish differ-
P5M, respectively) to quantify P bound to Fe and Al oxides ences among the different treatments regarding soil phys-
(FeAl-P). Afterwards, the soil sample was extracted by 1 M icochemical properties, crop yield and nutritional quality.
HCl solution (HCl-P) to quantify P bound to Ca (Ca-P). Values of P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant,

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

and pairwise comparisons were performed with the Tukey’s

post-test. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to estab-
lish relationships between soil properties and crop yield and
nutritional quality. Prior to analysis, Bartlett’s test and the
Shapiro–Wilk test were applied to verify the assumptions of
homogeneity of variance and data normality, respectively.

3 Results

3.1 Characteristics of Corn Stover‑Derived Biochar

and Biochar‑Based Slow‑Release P Fertilizer

Physicochemical characteristics of CSB and BBSRPF are

shown in Table 1. The total and bioavailable P in CSB were Fig. 1  Comparison of P release behavior from biochar-based slow-
10,060 and 84 mg kg−1 (< 1% of total-P, approximately), release P fertilizer (BBSRPF) and a commercial granulated mineral
respectively. Based on bioavailable P concentration, our fertilizer. Data are expressed as mean values of two replicates ± stand-
ard error of the mean (SEM). Absence of error bars indicates that
results indicate that P bioavailability increased by more
error bars are smaller than symbols
than 1000% when CSB was equilibrated with saturated P
solution. For BBSRPF the bioavailable P concentration was
equivalent to 54% of total P. The FTIR results evidenced mineral fertilizer released 80% of the bioavailable P and the
the binding of PO34− onto the surface of CSB after P load- BBSRPF released 40% of the bioavailable P.
ing process (Fig. S2). Compared to CSB the ash content
in BBSRPF increased by 6%. The BBSRPF showed a 22% 3.2 Changes Bioavailable Soil P Concentration
reduction in surface area compared to CSB. Concentrations and Soil Properties
of Ca and Mg in CSB were elevated compared to K and Na
concentrations. Finally, pH and EC of BBSRPF was 2 units Changes in bioavailable soil P concentration across the
and 31% lower compared to CSB, respectively. Addition- experiment are shown in Fig. S3. Application of F, BC,
ally, the results of P release assay are presented in Fig. 1. and P-BC increased soil P bioavailability to a similar level
The mineral fertilizer released 60% of the total bioavail- at the beginning of the greenhouse experiment. However,
able P after 1 day of shaking, whereas the BBSRPF released after day 10 P bioavailability was significantly reduced for
20% of the bioavailable P for the same time. After 5 days, the F and BC treatments. In contrast, the soil treated with
P-BC maintained a high P bioavailability. For post-harvest
soil samples, the bioavailable P concentrations are shown
Table 1  Characteristics of corn stover derived biochar (CSB) and in Fig. 2a. The application of P-BC significantly increased
biochar-based slow-release P fertilizer (BBSRPF) by 52% the bioavailable P concentration compared to F
treatment. On the contrary, the application of BC treatment
Parameters CSB BBSRPF
significantly reduced the bioavailability of P by 22% com-
pH 10.0 ± 0.4 7.9 ± 0.3 pared to F treatment. Compared with BC treatment, in P-CB
EC (dS ­m−1) 8.40 ± 0.4 2.30 ± 0.2 treatment significantly increased by 91% the bioavailable P
Total P (mg ­kg−1) 10,060 ± 98 22 × ­103 ± 145 concentration (Table 2).
Bioavailable P (mg ­kg−1) 84.0 ± 4.2 12 × ­103 ± 251 The BC and P-BC treatments modified significantly P dis-
Ash content (%) 22.2 ± 0.2 23.5 ± 0.08 tribution in fractions compared with F treatment (Fig. 2b).
N (%) 2.2 1.1 On the one side, for F treatment P fractions were distrib-
C (%) 67.1 68.9 uted as follows: FeAl-P > Labile-P > Residual-P > Ca-P.
Surface area ­(m2 ­g−1) 380 ± 40 296 ± 55 With 60% of P accumulated in FeAl-P fraction, 25% in
Ca (mg k­ g−1) 28,492 - Labile-P fraction and 2% in Ca-P fraction. By the other
Mg (mg k­ g−1) 23,221 - side, P fraction distribution for BC treatment was FeAl-
K (mg ­kg−1) 10,742 - P > Labile-P > Ca-P > Residual-P. Where, compared to F
Na (mg ­kg−1) 90 - treatment, P accumulated in fractions FeAl-P and Labile-P
decreased to 39% and 24%, respectively; whereas the high-
EC electrical conductivity. Data are presented as mean values of three
replicates ± standard error of the mean (SEM). For N, C, Ca, Mg, K, est percentage of P in the Ca-P fraction was found for this
and Na values data are presented as values of one replicate treatment with 19%. Finally, P-BC treatment showed the

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

greatest accumulation of P in Labile-P fraction with 36%

and decreased P content in FeAl-P fraction to 32% regard-
ing F treatment. Furthermore, P accumulated in Ca-P frac-
tion was 13% when P-BC treatment was applied. Changes
in physicochemical properties of post-harvest soil samples
are shown in Fig. 3. In general, our results showed that soils
amended with CSB and BBSRPF significantly increased by
2.7 and 1.4 units, 100 and 74%, 98 and 86%, and 206 and
230% the values of pH, EC, CEC, and SOM for BC and
P-BC treatments, respectively, compared to the soil under F
treatment. On the contrary, no significant differences were
observed for the EC, CEC and SOM values between BC and
P-BC treatments.

3.3 Plant Growth and Crop Yield

Plant growth and crop yield results after 70 days are shown
in Fig. 4a and b. The P-BC treatment significantly increased
DWB of spinach plants by 21% and 59% compared to BC
and F treatments, respectively. Additionally, based on
mineral NPK fertilization used in this study, the expected
production was 25 t ha−1. However, only P-BC treatment
achieved to reach this value, even exceeding it. Hence, this
treatment increased crop yield (t ha−1) in 34 and 17%,
compared to F and BC treatments, demonstrating a better
efficiency of P-BC treatment in nutrient uptake (Fig. 3) and
fresh biomass production in spinach plants, compared to F
and BC treatment.

3.4 Nutritional Quality

Fig. 2  Changes in bioavailable P concentration (a) and P fraction dis- Our results show that BC treatment significantly increased
tribution (b) in post-harvest soil samples treated with NPK mineral protein and ascorbic acid content in spinach leaves by 20 and
fertilizer (F), corn stover derived biochar and NPK mineral fertilizer
(BC), and biochar-based slow-release P fertilizer with mineral NK 21%, respectively. However, P-BC treatment had the best per-
mineral fertilizer (P-BC) after 70 days. The results represent mean formance, enhancing leaf protein by 48 and ascorbic acid by
values of three replicates. Vertical bars represent the standard error 57%. In both cases, in comparison to F treatment (Fig. 4c and
of the mean (SEM). Means followed by the same letter are not sig- d). Additionally, changes in P, N, and K concentration and
nificantly different (Tukey at p < 0.05). Labile-P: labile P. FeAl-
P: P bound to Fe and Al oxides. Ca-P: P bound to Ca. Residual-P: uptake by spinach plants after 70 d are shown in Fig. 5. By the
occluded P one hand, is illustrated that the application of P-BC treatment
significantly improved by 35 and 23% leaf P concentration
compared to F and BC treatments, respectively. By contrast,
no significant differences were observed between F and BC
treatments for leaf P concentration. Moreover, a significantly

Table 2  Description of nutrient Nutrient management treatment Treatment code

management treatments for
spinach cultivation Control. Soil with NPK mineral fertilizer at recommended dose (225 – 90—200 kg ­ha−1) F
Soil with CSB application at dose of 3 g k­ g−1 + NPK mineral fertilizer at recommended BC
dose (225 – 90—200 kg ­ha−1)
Soil with BBSRPF application at dose of 3 g k­ g−1 + NK mineral fertilizer at recom- P-BC
mended dose (225—200 kg ­ha−1)

CSB corn stover-derived biochar. BBSRPF biochar-based slow-release P fertilizer. N from Urea. P from
triple superphosphate. K from potassium chloride

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Fig. 3  Changes in soil pH

(a), EC (b), CEC (c), and
SOM (d) in post-harvest soil
samples treated with NPK
mineral fertilizer (F), corn
stover derived biochar and
NPK mineral fertilizer (BC),
and biochar-based slow-release
P fertilizer with NK mineral
fertilizer (P-BC) after 70 days.
EC: electrical conductivity.
CEC: cation exchange capacity.
SOM: soil organic matter. The
results represent mean values
of three replicates. Vertical bars
represent the standard error of
the mean (SEM). Means fol-
lowed by the same letter are not
significantly different (Tukey at
p < 0.05)

Fig. 4  Changes in spinach leaf

DWB (a), yield (b), protein
(c) and AA (d) content in soil
samples treated with NPK min-
eral fertilizer (F), corn stover
derived biochar and NPK min-
eral fertilizer (BC), and biochar-
based slow-release P fertilizer
with NK mineral fertilizer
(P-BC) after 70 days. DWB: dry
weight biomass. FWB: fresh
weight biomass. AA: ascorbic
acid. The results represent mean
values of three replicates. Verti-
cal bars represent the standard
error of the mean (SEM).
Means followed by the same
letter are not significantly differ-
ent (Tukey at p < 0.05). Dotted
line indicates the expected yield
for the recommended fertilizer
application rate

increase of 283 and 138% in P uptake in leaf was observed in and K uptake compared to F treatment (Fig. 5d and f). How-
P-BC treatment compared to F and BC treatments. In addition ever, P-BC treatment significantly improved the absorption of
to this, we found a strong correlation between soil bioavailable N and K compared to BC treatment (Fig. 6).
P concentration, P uptake and the concentration of P in spinach
leaves (Fig. 5a and b) (Table S1). On the other hand, the results
show that for BC and P-BC treatments N and K concentration
in leaves was significantly favored by 47 and 52% and 38 and
33%, respectively, compared to F treatment (Fig. 5c and e).
Likewise, P-BC and BC treatments significantly increased N

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

Fig. 5  Changes in leaf P, N, and K concentration (a, c, e) and uptake fertilizer (P-BC) after 70 days. The results represent mean values of
(b, d, f) by spinach plants sown in soils treated with NPK mineral three replicates. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean
fertilizer (F), corn stover derived biochar and NPK mineral fertilizer (SEM). Means followed by the same letter are not significantly differ-
(BC), and biochar-based slow-release P fertilizer with NK mineral ent (Tukey at p < 0.05)

Fig. 6  General scheme for the

use of biochar-based slow-
release P fertilizers (BBSRPFs)
in spinach production. EC:
electrical conductivity. SOM:
soil organic matter. CEC: cation
exchange capacity

4 Discussion agriculture. Additionally, this work contributes to current

discussions on how biochar-derived agro-inputs can be an
This research supports the importance of developing aid to improve agronomic crop management practices of
new alternatives such as BBSRPF in novel and sustain- agricultural soils in tropical areas. In general, P concen-
able approaches, regarding the relevance that P handles in tration of plant-derived biochars is very low (< 1%) (Li
et al. 2020). For this reason, it is necessary complimenting

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

biochar composition using P loading processes to meet desorption of P from the BBSRPF when P was adsorbed
plant nutritional requirements. In this line, the results con- through weak chemical bounds (Yao et al. 2013). Moreo-
firm that the P loading process to improve its bioavailable ver, P can be slowly solubilized from new mineral phases
concentration in the CSB was successful. As shown in formed during the P loading process (Ahmad et al. 2018).
Fig. S1, the L-type isotherm evidences a high affinity of Because of this, the BBSRPF was able to maintain a higher
the adsorbent for the adsorbate, even at low equilibrium bioavailable soil P content for the 70 days of the experiment
concentrations (López et al. 2020a). This indicates that compared to the F and BC treatments (Fig. S3).
the CSB used is a good material for P sorption. Although By the other hand, the results showed that the application
biochar is a material with a high CEC and a lower anion of F and BC treatments significantly reduced the concen-
exchange capacity (AEC), different mechanisms explain tration of bioavailable P compared to the P-BC treatment.
the sorption of PO43− ions on CSB. For instance, in this Increases in FeAl-P fraction (Fig. 2b) in soil under F treat-
study the FTIR analysis demonstrated the interaction ment support the theory that Fe and Al oxides retain a large
between P and CSB functional groups (Fig. S2). Spectra part of P added to acidic soils (pH, 4.9 ± 0.2) (Chintala et al.
for BBSRPF showed a band at 1000–1100 cm−1 related to 2014; Zhu et al. 2018; Eduah et al. 2019) limiting the effi-
the presence of PO34− (Coates 2006; Bashir et al. 2018) ciency of this practice to supply bioavailable P for plants
and another band at 540 cm−1 related to the presence of in agricultural tropical soils. This is why the bioavailable P
phosphate functional groups bonded to oxygen (O–P–O) kinetics shows a drastic reduction in time for this treatment
(Novais et al. 2018; Nardis et al. 2020). Another possible (Fig. S3).
mechanism related to P loading in CSB could have been For the BC treatment, this behavior can be explained by
that PO43− ions former bridge bonds with the residual the high affinity of CSB for P sorption (Fig. S1), as previ-
charge of ligand bonded divalent cations (e.g., Ca2+ and ously discussed. Possibly the P added as triple superphos-
Mg2+) resulting in PO43− sorption onto the CSB. This phate was adsorbed by the CSB incorporated into the soil,
phenomenon may be relevant to the P loading process on through one of the mechanisms mentioned above, which
CSB for this study, as CSB has a high ratio of Ca/P to would explain the rapid reduction in P bioavailability
Ca/Mg (Table 1) (Jung et al. 2016; Ahmad et al. 2018). (Fig. S3). This resulted in a reduction in the Labil-P frac-
Additionally, increase in ash content of BBSRPF (Table 1) tion (Fig. 2b) (Xu et al. 2014; Li et al. 2020). This, could
suggest the formation of new mineral phases (e.g., brushite later lead to the release of P adsorbed by the CSB to soil
and hydroxyapatite), possibly related to P co-precipita- solution, depending on the concentration gradients of this
tion processes with the Ca present in the CSB (Table 1) element, implying a residual effect that was not evaluated in
(Ahmad et al. 2018). Furthermore, the decrease in surface this study. However, this could generate a pool of P bioavail-
area in the BBSRPF evidenced that the pores of the CSB able in the long term. Besides, P can not only be retained in
were filled or blocked P from the KH2PO4 solution (Li CSB in the BC treatment, but also in SOM (Xu et al. 2014);
et al. 2020). therefore, it is possible that a higher increase in SOM con-
For P-BC treatment, the application of BBSRPF tent in this treatment (Fig. 3d) may be related to a lower P
improved the bioavailability of P in soil. This is evidenced bioavailability. Additionally, in BC treatment, soil pH was
by the increase in Olsen-P concentration and Labil-P frac- slightly alkaline (7.8 ± 0.2) (Fig. 3a) which could promote
tion percentage (Fig. 2a). Possibly this finding is related to formation of Ca-P insoluble precipitates (Zhu et al. 2018)
an indirect effect of BBSRPF on soil pH and the direct con- decreasing P bioavailability, which can be evidenced in Ca-P
tribution of bioavailable P (Table 1). First, the reduction of fraction increase for this treatment (Fig. 2b).
soil acidity by increasing the pH (6.3 ± 0.2), since P has its These findings are in agreement with other studies where
greatest bioavailability in soil at pH between 6 – 7 (Zhang it has been determined that the application of BBSRPF can
et al. 2016) (Fig. 3). An increase in soil pH could reduce the be more efficient for improving P bioavailability in soils
formation of insoluble precipitates with Al3+, e.g., variscite than traditional fertilizers and co-application of CSB itself
(AlPO4 2H2O), and Fe3+, e.g., sternite (FePO4 2H2O) and and mineral P fertilizers (Carneiro et al. 2021; Lustosa
vivianite ((Fe3PO4)2 8H2O), which is common in acidic Filho et al. 2020; Pogorzelski et al. 2020). The results of
tropical soils (Zhu et al. 2018). This hypothesis is supported this study imply that the effect of CSB on P bioavailability
by a significant reduction of FeAl-P fraction found for this would depend on the affinity of the material for this ele-
same treatment (Fig. 2b). Second, as shown in our results ment. Thus, it is necessary to previously saturate the CSB
(Fig. 1), P release from BBSRPF was slower compared to with P so that it does not adsorb the P present in the soil
mineral fertilizer, preventing the formation of insoluble P solution and instead releases the P retained in the matrix of
precipitates due to the dosage of this element from BBSRPF. the material.
This is explained by the diffusivity of P from the matrix Besides the positive effects of P-BC treatment and nega-
to the external environment (Volf and Rosolem 2020) and tive effects of F and BC treatments on P soil bioavailability

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

at 70 d, effects of these treatments on other physicochemical when added to soil. Since these products are usually either
properties of the soil were also found. For instance, results limited by precipitation processes with soil components or
showed increases in pH, EC, CEC, and SOM for BC and leached easily (Li et al. 2020), reducing nutrients bioavail-
P-BC treatments compared to F treatment. Similar results ability for plants and, consequently, causing their lower
were found in other studies, where the application of differ- growth and development. Furthermore, these results are in
ent types of biochars improved physicochemical properties line with other studies in which the application of organic-
of soil, increasing its quality (Chew et al. 2020). Further- based amendments improve soil nutrient bioavailability for
more, no differences between BC and P-BC treatments were crops, compared to mineral NPK fertilizers (Klammsteiner
found regarding EC, CEC, and SOM, suggesting that the et al. 2020).
CSB P loading process did not decrease its capability to Moreover, the application of BBSRPF also promoted a
improve soil health. better nutritional quality of spinach regarding ascorbic acid,
Changes in pH were significantly different between treat- protein (Fig. 4c and d) and macronutrients (N, P and K)
ments (Fig. 3a). The increase in pH of soil treated with CSB content in leaf (Fig. 5a,c and e), which were significantly
and BBSRPF is due to the liming effect of these materials enhanced with P-BC treatment. By the one hand, ascorbic
(Shi et al. 2017). However, the application of CSB increased acid is one of the most important nutritional quality factors
the soil pH value 1.1 units compared to the soil treated with in many crops, since performs many biological functions in
BBSRPF (Fig. 3a). This is related to a lower pH and EC the human body. Mainly, regarding its antioxidant activity
value of the BBSRPF compared to CSB (Table. 1), due to which can help reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
the remotion of some basic compounds by the agitation and and some cancer types (Citak and Sonmez 2010; Mozafar
washing (López et al. 2020a) in the process of preparation 1993; Salehi et al. 2019). This substance is provided mostly
of BBSRPF. The increase in CEC (Fig. 3c) is explained by by plants (Wang et al. 2013), which emphasizes the need of
the increment in soil pH. Which enhances the amount of enhances nutritive quality of crops (Gallie 2013). On the
negative soil surface charges, in addition to the contribu- other hand, due to the emerging and growing awareness of
tion of surface functional groups (Fig. S2) (Shi et al. 2017). negative effects of animal proteins sources on human health,
Furthermore, the application of CSB and BBSRPF increased there is an increasing interest on vegetable proteins, which,
SOM (Fig. 3d) due to the organic carbon inputs (Shi et al., in turn, have been demonstrated to benefit cardiovascular
2020) (Table 1). Besides, increases in soil EC in BC and health and lipid metabolism while providing a wide profile
P-BC treatments (Fig. 3b) are explained as a result of releas- of amino acids of importance for human nutrition. Addition-
ing of cations and anions from the materials into soil solu- ally, lower economic and environmental costs of vegetable
tion (Khan et al. 2017). These results demonstrate that the proteins are also some of the advantages of this alterna-
BBSRPF promotes the “biochar effect” (Chew et al. 2020), tive source (Marti-Quijal et al. 2019). As mentioned, the
which improves both soil health and bioavailability of min- increase of ascorbic acid and protein in plants grown in soils
eral nutrient, such as P. treated with P-CB was higher than that of plants planted
As a result of the positive incidence that BBSRPF has in soils under BC and F treatments. Previously, some stud-
on soil health improvement, crop production and nutri- ies have showed that biochemical attributes such as protein
tional value are also enhanced. Which is in accordance and ascorbic acid content in spinach leaf can be strongly
with our results, since application of BC and P-BC treat- improved with biochar application. For instance, Khan et al.
ments improved soil physicochemical properties (Fig. 3). (2017) found that miscanthus biochar improved protein and
Particularly, P-BC treatment showed the best results for all ascorbic acid of spinach up to 77 and 251%, respectively.
the variables determined in this study, which are consistent Similarly, Turan (2020) also observed that the improvement
with better crop productivity. For instance, DWB of spinach of protein content at leaf level was promoted when biochar-
plants was significantly increased when both BBSRPF and based amendments were applied to spinach crops. Improved
CSB were applied (Fig. 4a). As similarly found by Younis plant nutritional value under P-BC treatment correlated with
et al. (2016) and Li et al. (2016) regarding the increase in changes in soil physicochemical properties (Table S3).
spinach DWB with application of biochar produced from Likewise, macronutrients (N, P, and K) content in spin-
cotton stalks and maize straw, respectively. However, P-BC ach leaves was also shown to be mainly enhanced with the
treatment showed the best performance in DWB increase application of BBSRPF (Fig. 5). The superior performance
compared to BC and F treatments, reaffirming the superior- of this material to increase P concentration and uptake is
ity of BBSRPF, as has been also found in previous stud- related to the increase in soil P bioavailability (Fig. 2a)
ies (Ahmad et al. 2018). Additionally, crop yield was also (Table S2). Since, compared to the dissolution of mineral P
higher with P-BC treatment while F treatment had the poor- fertilizer, P adsorbed on biochar matrix would be released
est performance for improving spinach yield (Fig. 4b), which according to the adsorption–desorption equilibrium between
corroborates the low effectiveness of conventional fertilizers plant roots and soil. In addition, BBSRPF had a low bulk

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

density compared to mineral fertilizer (Fig. S4). Therefore, Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
it may be better distributed in the soil, generating a higher tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 42729-0​ 21-0​ 0583-0.
possibility of contact between roots and BBSRPF particles,
Acknowledgements The authors thank the laboratory of the Institución
which act as a hot-spot of bioavailable soil P source (Li Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia for its technical support and
et al. 2020). Which is supported by the correlation found Semillero de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales—SICA. Further-
among these parameters (Table S2). Additionally, N and K more, Julián E. López thanks Universidad de Medellín for the scholar-
content were increased in P-BC and BC treatments. Despite ship [No. 321316/427405].
a possible increase in soil K bioavailability due to the use of
Author Contribution Maicol Torres and Evelyn Becerra-Agudelo: soil
KH2PO4 solution for the CSB loading process, and for K samples collection, methodology validation, assays development, data
content in CSB, leaf K concentration was not different for collection, data analysis, and writing the first draft of the paper.
BC and P-BC treatments. Possibly this is explained by the Cindy Sepúlveda-Cadavid and Jhon H. Romero: conceptualization,
fact that both treatments supplied the bioavailability of this experimental design, data analysis, review, and editing of the paper.
Julián E. López: conceptualization, funding acquisition, experimen-
nutrient in the soil, necessary for the spinach plant, since tal design, data analysis, supervision, review, and editing of the paper.
nutrient uptake by plants depends not only on the concen-
tration of the element in soil solution, but also on the nutri- Funding This study was funded by Institución Universitaria Colegio
tional requirement of the plant. Therefore, no deficiencies or Mayor de Antioquia and Universidad de Medellín.
increases in this parameter were observed. However, in the
long term, the BBSRPF produced could represent a reserve Data Availability The datasets generated during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
not only of P but also of bioavailable K. This should be
evaluated in trials with several crop cycles, to determine Code Availability Not applicable.
the possible advantages of BBSRPF in reducing the appli-
cation of mineral K fertilizers. Even though no significant Declarations
differences were found regarding N and K content at leaf
level between these treatments, the uptake efficiency of Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
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