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What is
Self-assessment is a general assessment
that a person makes about himself. It
includes an assessment of one's qualities,
skills, abilities, achievements and status.
Self-esteem can be positive or negative and
can vary depending on various factors such
as personal beliefs, experience,
communication with people around you and
comparison with others. It plays an
important role in shaping a person's
personality and behavior, as well as in
their emotional well-being and success.
Experience Comparison with others
Comparing yourself to other people is often a
Past experiences and memories can affect self-
source of low self-esteem. If a person constantly
esteem. Positive and successful experiences can
compares himself to more successful or lucky
build self-confidence, while failures and negative
people, this can lead to feelings of inadequacy
experiences can undermine self-esteem.
and low self-esteem.

Communication with
Interacting with other people and their opinions
about us can have a significant impact on our Certain personal characteristics, such as
self-esteem. Support and praise from others can educational level, physical appearance, health,
strengthen self-esteem, while criticism and and financial situation, can also affect self-
negative comments can lower it. esteem.
The Negative emotional state
People with low self-esteem often experience feelings

consequences of of inadequacy, helplessness, anxiety and depression

due to the constant feeling of failure and

low self-esteem underestimation.

Limited features
Low self-esteem can hinder the development of
personal and professional skills, as people may avoid
new challenges for fear of failure.

Interpersonal problems
Low self-esteem can lead to difficulties in relationships
with other people due to insecurity and lack of self-
People with high self-esteem usually feel confident in
various situations and are able to solve problems

More successful achievement of

High self-esteem promotes more ambitious goals and

The advantages of encourages action to achieve them. People with high

self-esteem are often more successful in their careers,

high self-esteem studies, and other areas of life.

Positive thinking Setting realistic
Awareness of one's strengths and
achievements, as well as the practice of Setting specific and achievable goals
positive thinking, help to strengthen self- helps to gradually increase self-
esteem. confidence and self-esteem

Self-care Skill development

A healthy lifestyle, well-groomed
Learning new skills and abilities increases
appearance, regular exercise and
the sense of competence and self-
sufficient rest help to improve self-esteem.

Support of others
Support and recognition from friends,
family, and colleagues can significantly
boost self-esteem.
Working on self-esteem is a key element of our
personal and professional development. The higher
our self-esteem, the more we are able to achieve
our goals, overcome difficulties and feel
confident in various situations. It also helps us
to better understand and respect ourselves, which
is important for overall emotional well-being.
“Confidence does not come
from the fact that you are
always right, but from the
fact that you are not
afraid to make mistakes.”
Thank you for taking the time for this presentation.

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