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NOTE - 7

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VI/ Genap
Judul : Mysteries

1. Mystery = misteri
Something strange or unknown which has not yet been explained or understood.

2. Earthquake = gempa bumi

A sudden, violent movement of the earth’s surface, often causing damage and sometimes deaths.

3. Geoglyphs
A geoglyph is a large design or motif produced on the ground and typically formed by clastic rocks or
similarly durable elements of the landscape, such as stones, stone fragments, gravel, or earth.

4. Proof = bukti
A fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true.

5. Enormous = besar sekali

Extremely large or great.

6. Sculpture = patung
The art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such
as wood, clay, metal, or stone, or an object made in this way.

7. Yeti
A big creature like a human covered in hair that is believed by some people to live in the Himalayas.

8. Aurora Borealis
A pattern of differently coloured lights that are sometimes seen in the night sky in the
most northern parts of the world.

9. Bermuda Triangle = segitiga bermuda

An area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where ships and aircraft are said to
have disappeared in mysterious ways.

10. Altitude = ketinggian

Height above sea level.

B. GRAMMAR - QUESTION TAG with BE (is/am/are) – CAN - DO –

1. Tag questions/ Question Tags turn a statement into a question.
2. They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true.
3. Positive sentence into negative

Subject + is/am/are + ……., isn’t/ aren’t + Subject?

Example: - Cindy is a smart girl, isn’t she?

Cindy gadis yang pintar, bukan?
- I am good at singing, aren’t I? (Special for subject I)
NOTE - 7

Subject + can + ……., can’t + Subject?

Example: - He can speak English, can’t he?

Dia bisa berbahasa Inggris, bukan?

Subject (I/You/ We/They) + Verb 1 + ……., don’t + Subject?

Subject (He/ She/ It) + Verb 1(s/es) + ……., doesn’t + Subject?

Example: - John works in this factory, doesn’t he?

- They work in this factory, don’t they?

4. Negative sentence into positive.

Subject + isn’t / am not/ aren’t + ……., is/ am/ are + Subject ?

Example: - Cindy isn’t a smart girl, is she?

Cindy bukan gadis yang pintar, bukan?

- I am not good at singing, am I ?

Subject + can’t + ……., can + Subject?

Example: - He can’t speak English, can he?

Dia tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris, bukan?

Subject (I/You/ We/They) + don’t + Verb 1 + ……., do + Subject?

Subject (He/ She/ It) + doesn’t + Verb 1 + ……., does + Subject ?

Example: - John doesn’t work in this factory, does he ?

- They don’t work in this factory, do they?


1. Your sister isn’t a police woman, __________________?

2. I am a good student, ________________?
3. We stay here tonight, ____________________?
4. He lives in New York, _________________________?
5. They don’t know me, ___________________?

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