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On Cognitive Computing

Article in International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence · July 2009
DOI: 10.4018/jssci.2009070101 · Source:


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Yingxu Wang
The University of Calgary


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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 1

On Cognitive Computing
Yingxu Wang, University of Calgary, Canada

Inspired by the latest development in cognitive informatics and contemporary denotational mathematics,
cognitive computing is an emerging paradigm of intelligent computing methodologies and systems, which
implements computational intelligence by autonomous inferences and perceptions mimicking the mechanisms
of the brain. This article presents a survey on the theoretical framework and architectural techniques of
cognitive computing beyond conventional imperative and autonomic computing technologies. Theoreti-
cal foundations of cognitive computing are elaborated from the aspects of cognitive informatics, neural
informatics, and denotational mathematics. Conceptual models of cognitive computing are explored on the
basis of the latest advances in abstract intelligence and computational intelligence. Applications of cogni-
tive computing are described from the aspects of autonomous agent systems and cognitive search engines,
which demonstrate how machine and computational intelligence may be generated and implemented by
cognitive computing theories and technologies toward autonomous knowledge processing. [Article copies
are available for purchase from]

Keywords: Autonomous Agent Systems; Autonomous Systems; Cognitive Computing; Cognitive Infor-
matics; Cognitive Search Engines; Computational Intelligence; Denotational Mathematics;
Natural Intelligence; Neural Informatics; Soft Computing

INTRODUCTION passive technology based on stored-program

controlled behaviors for data processing (Tur-
Computing as a discipline in a narrow sense, ing, 1950; von Neumann, 1946, 1958; Gersting,
is an application of computers to solve a given 1982; Mandrioli and Ghezzi, 1987; Lewis and
computational problem by imperative instruc- Papadimitriou, 1998). An autonomic comput-
tions; while in a broad sense, it is a process ing is goal-driven and self-decision-driven
to implement the instructive intelligence by a technologies that do not rely on instructive and
system that transfers a set of given information procedural information (Kephart and Chess,
or instructions into expected behaviors. 2003; IBM, 2006; Wang, 2004, 2007a). Cogni-
According to theories of cognitive in- tive computing is more intelligent technologies
formatics (Wang, 2002a, 2003, 2006, 2007b, beyond imperative and autonomic computing,
2007c, 2008a, 2009a; Wang et al., 2009b), which embodies major natural intelligence
computing technologies and systems may be behaviors of the brain such as thinking, infer-
classified into the categories of imperative, ence, learning, and perceptions.
autonomic, and cognitive from the bottom
up. Imperative computing is a traditional and

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2 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

Definition 1. Cognitive computing is an informatics theories and denotational math-

emerging paradigm of intelligent computing ematical structures for cognitive computing.
methodologies and systems that implements
computational intelligence by autonomous Cognitive Informatics for
inferences and perceptions mimicking the Cognitive Computing
mechanisms of the brain.
The fundamental theories and methodologies
Cognitive computing systems are designed underpinning cognitive computing are cognitive
for cognitive and perceptive knowledge pro- informatics (Wang, 2002a, 2003, 2006, 2007b,
cessing based on contemporary denotational 2007c, 2008a, 2009a; Wang et al., 2009b).
mathematics (Zadeh, 1965; Wang, 2002b, Cognitive informatics is a cutting-edge and
2007a, 2008b, 2008c, 2008d, 2008e; Wang et multidisciplinary research field that tackles
al, 2009a), which are centered by the parallel the fundamental problems shared by modern
autonomous inference and perception mecha- informatics, computation, software engineering,
nisms of the brain as revealed in the Layered AI, computational intelligence, cybernetics,
Reference Model of the Brain (LRMB) (Wang cognitive science, neuropsychology, medical
et al., 2006). On the basis of cognitive comput- science, systems science, philosophy, linguis-
ing, next generation cognitive computers and tics, economics, management science, and
autonomous intelligent systems that think and life sciences. The development and the cross
feel may be designed and implemented. fertilization between the aforementioned sci-
This article presents the theoretical frame- ence and engineering disciplines have led to a
work and architectural techniques of cognitive whole range of emerging research areas known
computing beyond conventional imperative as cognitive informatics.
and autonomic computing systems. Theoretical
foundations of cognitive computing are elabo- Definition 2. Cognitive informatics is a trans-
rated from the aspects of cognitive informatics, disciplinary enquiry of cognitive, computing,
neural informatics, and denotational mathemat- and information sciences, which studies the
ics. Conceptual models of cognitive comput- internal information processing mechanisms
ing are explored from the latest development and processes of natural intelligence (the
in abstract intelligence, intelligent behaviors, brain), the theoretical framework and deno-
and computational intelligence. Applications tational mathematics of abstract intelligence,
of cognitive computing are described with and their engineering applications by cognitive
an autonomous agent system and a cognitive computing.
search engine, which demonstrate how machine
and computational intelligence may be gener- The architecture of the theoretical frame-
ated and implemented by cognitive computing work of cognitive informatics (Wang, 2007b)
theories and technologies toward autonomous covers the Information-Matter-Energy (IME)
knowledge processing. model (Wang, 2003), the Layered Reference
Model of the Brain (LRMB) (Wang et al., 2006),
the Object-Attribute-Relation (OAR) model of
THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS information representation in the brain (Wang,
FOR COGNITIVE COMPUTING 2007d), the cognitive informatics model of the
brain (Wang and Wang, 2006), Natural Intel-
Theories and methodologies of cognitive ligence (NI) (Wang, 2002a), Neural Informatics
computing are inspired by the latest advances (NeI) (Wang, 2007b), the mechanisms of hu-
in cognitive informatics and denotational math- man perception processes (Wang, 2007e), and
ematics. This section elaborates the cognitive cognitive computing (Wang, 2006).

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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 3

Recent studies in cognitive informatics Figure 2. Based LRMB, any specific life be-
reveal an entire set of cognitive functions of the havior in real-world is a revoke or composition
brain (Wang, 2007b; Wang and Wang, 2006) of these LRMB cognitive processes interacting
and their cognitive process models (Wang et at different layers.
al., 2006) known as the LRMB model of the Cognitive informatics prepares a systemati-
brain. LRMB, as shown in Figure 1, provides cal theoretical foundation for the development
a reference model for the design and imple- of cognitive computing methodologies and sys-
mentation of computational intelligence, which tems. The architectural and behavioral models
enables a systematic and formal description of of cognitive computing will be developed in
architectures and behaviors of computational the next section on the basis of the theoretical
intelligence. The LRMB model explains the framework of cognitive informatics.
functional mechanisms and cognitive processes
of the natural intelligence with 43 cognitive Neural Informatics for Cognitive
processes at seven layers known as the sensation, Computing
memory, perception, action, meta-cognitive,
meta-inference, and higher cognitive layers Neural informatics (Wang, 2007b) is a branch
from the bottom up. LRMB elicits the core and of cognitive informatics, where memory and
highly repetitive recurrent cognitive processes its neural and logical models are recognized
from a huge variety of life functions, which as the foundation and platform of any form
may shed light on the study of the fundamental of natural or artificial intelligence (Wang and
mechanisms and interactions of complicated Wang, 2006).
mental processes and computational intelli-
gence, particularly the relationships and interac- Definition 3. Neural Informatics is an in-
tions between the inherited and the acquired life terdisciplinary enquiry of the biological and
functions as well as those of the subconscious physiological representation of information
and conscious cognitive processes. and knowledge in the brain at the neuron level
The seven-layer LRMB model can be and their abstract modeling in denotational
refined by 43 cognitive processes as shown in mathematics.

Figure 1. The Layered Reference Model of the Brain (LRMB)

The Layered Reference Model of the Brain (LRMB)

§LRMBST §NI_Sys // The Natural Intelligent system

= NI_OS // The sub conscious NI operating system
|| NI_App // The conscious NI applications
= ( Layer1_Sensation_Processes
|| Layer2_Memory_Processes
|| Layer3_Perception_Processes
|| Layer4_Action_Processes
|| ( Layer5_Meta_Cognitive_Processes
|| Layer6_Meta_Inference_Processes
|| Layer7_Higher_Cogntive_Processes

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4 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

Figure 2. The refined model of LRMB

Instances of life behaviors and complex actions

Layer 7: Higher cognitive processes

Comprehension Learning Problem Decision Creation Planning Pattern
solving making recognition

Layer 6: Meta-inference processes

Deduction Induction Abduction Analogy Analysis Synthesis

Layer 5: Meta-cognitive processes

Object Abstra- Concept Categori- Compa- Memori- Qualifi- Quantifi- Selection Search Model Imagery
Identify ction establish. zation rison zation cation cation establish.

Layer 4: Action processes

Wired actions Contingent actions
(Skills) (Temporary behaviors)

Layer 3: Perception processes

Self- Attention Motivation and Emotions Attitudes Sense of Sense of
Consciousness goal-setting spatiality motion

Layer 2: Memory processes

Sensory buffer Short-term Long-term Action buffer
Memory Memory Memory Memory

Layer 1: Sensational processes

Vision Audition Smell Tactility Taste

The physiological/neurological brain

The major memory organ that accommo- CMMST  SBM

dates acquired information and knowledge in || STM
the brain is the cerebrum or the cerebral cortex. || CSM
In particular, the association and premotor || LTM
|| ABM
cortex in the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe,
sensory cortex in the frontal lobe, visual cortex
in the occipital lobe, primary motor cortex in
where || denotes a parallel relations and ST rep-
the frontal lobe, supplementary motor area in
resents an abstract system structural model.
the frontal lobe, and procedural memory in
cerebellum (Wilson and Frank, 1999; Wang
CMM provides a logical model for explain-
and Wang, 2006).
ing the abstract functional partitions of memo-
ries and their roles. In Theorem 1, ABM and
Theorem 1. The Cognitive Model of Memory
CSM are newly identified in (Wang and Wang,
(CMM) states that the logical architecture of
2006), which were not modeled in literature of
human memory is parallel configured by the
cognitive science, psychology, neurology, and
Sensory Buffer Memory (SBM), Short-Term
brain science. The CMM model may be used
Memory (STM), Conscious-Status Memory
to explain a set of fundamental mechanisms of
(CSM), Long-Term Memory (LTM), and Action-
neural informatics.
Buffer Memory (ABM), i.e.:
It is recognized that in contrary to the tra-
ditional container metaphor, the mechanisms of

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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 5

human memory can be described by a relational It is noteworthy as in the OAR model that the
metaphor. The relational metaphor perceives relations themselves represent information and
that memory and knowledge are represented by knowledge in the brain. The relational metaphor
the connections between neurons known as the is totally different from the traditional container
synapses, rather than the neurons themselves metaphor in neuropsychology and computer sci-
as information containers. Therefore, the cog- ence, because the latter perceives that memory
nitive model of human memory, particularly and knowledge are stored in individual neurons
LTM, can be described by three fundamental and the neurons function as containers.
artefacts known as: a) Objects – an abstraction
of an external entity and/or internal concept; b) Denotational Mathematics for
Attribute – a sub-object that is used to denote de- Cognitive Computing
tailed properties and characteristics of the given
object; and c) Relation – a connection or inter- As that of formal logic and Boolean algebra are
relationship between any pair of object-object, the mathematical foundations of von Neumann
object-attribute, and attribute-attribute. computers. The mathematical foundations of
cognitive computing are based on contemporary
Definition 4. The Object-Attribute-Relation denotational mathematics (Wang, 2008b).
(OAR) model of LTM is described as a triple,
i.e.: Definition 5. Denotational mathematics is a
category of expressive mathematical structures
OAR  (O, A, R) (2) that deals with high-level mathematical enti-
ties beyond numbers and simple sets, such as
An illustration of the OAR model between abstract objects, complex relations, behavioral
two objects is shown in Figure 3. The relations information, concepts, knowledge, processes,
between objects O1 and O2 can be established intelligence, and systems.
via pairs of object-object, object-attribute, and/
or attribute-attribute. The connections could be Typical paradigms of denotational math-
highly complicated, while the mechanism is ematics are comparatively presented in Table
fairly simple that it can be reduced to the physi- 1, where their structures, mathematical entities,
ological links of neurons via synapses in LTM. algebraic operations, and usages are contrasted.

Figure 3. The OAR model of memory mechanisms

r(O1, O2)
O1 O2
r(A11, A21)
A11 A21

r(O1, A2j) A12 A22 r(O2, A1i)

A13 A23

r(O1, A1m) A1i A2j r(O2, A2m’)

A1m A2m'

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6 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

No. Paradigm Structure Mathematical entities Algebraic operations Usage

{   }
Concept CA  (C , OP, Θ) = ({O, A, R c , R i , R o },  Algebraic manipulations
1 c  (O, A, R c , R i , R o ) { ,     }
algebra {•r , •c }, ΘC ) c on abstract concepts
 {  }
System SA  ( S , OP, Θ) = ({C , R c , R i , R o , B, },  Algebraic manipulations
2 S  (C , ,R c , R i , R o , B, Ω Θ) { , ,     }
algebra {•r , •c }, Θ ) c on abstract systems
Table 1. Paradigms of denotational mathematics

R e a l - P {:=, , ⇒, ⇐, , , , |,
time pro- R  {→, , |, |…|…, R*, R+, Ri,
Algebraic manipulations
3 cess RTPA (T, P ,N ) |, @, , ↑, ↓, !, Ä, , §}
on abstract processes
algebra , , ||, ∯, |||, », ,  t,  e,  i}
(RTPA) T  {N, Z, R, S, BL, B, H, P, TI, D, DT,
RT, ST, @e S, @t TM, @int , s BL}

is prohibited.
Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 7

The paradigms of denotational mathematics as MODELS OF COGNITIVE

shown in Table 1 are concept algebra (Wang, COMPUTING
2008c), system algebra (Wang, 2008d; Wang
et al., 2009a), and Real-Time Process Algebra On the basis of cognitive informatics and
(RTPA) (Wang, 2002b, 2008e). Among the three denotational mathematics, new computing ar-
forms of denotational mathematics, concept chitectures and technologies may be developed
algebra is designed to deal with the abstract known as cognitive computing, which adopt
mathematical structure of concepts and semantic non-von Neumann architectures and extend
inferences, as well as their representation and traditional computing capabilities from impera-
manipulation in semantic computing and knowl- tive data processing to autonomous knowledge
edge engineering. System algebra is created to processing. The following subsections describe
the rigorous treatment of abstract systems and the abstract intelligence and behavioral models
their algebraic relations and operations. RTPA of cognitive computing.
is developed to deal with series of intelligent
behavioral processes of humans and systems.
The Abstract Intelligence Model of
The emergence of denotational math-
ematics is driven by the practical needs in
Cognitive Computing
cognitive informatics, computational intel-
According to functional reductionism, a logi-
ligence, computing science, software science,
cal model of the general form of intelligence
and knowledge engineering, because all these
is needed known as abstract intelligence in
modern disciplines study complex human and
order to formally explain high-level mecha-
machine behaviors and their rigorous treat-
nisms of the brain on the basis of observations
ments. Denotational mathematics provides a
at the biological, physiological, functional,
powerful mathematical means for modeling
and logical levels. On the basis of the logical
and formalizing cognitive computing systems.
model of abstract intelligence, the studies on
Not only the architectures of computational
the paradigms of intelligence, such as natu-
intelligent systems, but also their dynamic
ral, artificial, machinable, and computational
behaviors can be rigorously and systematically
intelligence, may be unified into a coherent
manipulated by denotational mathematics. A
framework (Wang, 2009a).
wide range of problems and applications have
been dealt with by denotational mathematics in
Definition 6. Abstract intelligence, αI, is a
cognitive informatics and computational intel-
human enquiry of both natural and artificial
ligence, such as autonomous machine learning
intelligence at the embody levels of neural,
(Wang, 2007f), memorization (Wang, 2009b),
cognitive, functional, and logical from the
cognitive decision making (Wang and Ruhe,
bottom up.
2007), and problem solving (Wang and Chiew,
2009). The case studies in cognitive computing
In the narrow sense, αI is a human or a
demonstrate that denotational mathematics is
system ability that transforms information into
an ideal and powerful mathematical means for
behaviors. While, in the broad sense, αI is any
dealing with concepts, knowledge, behavioral
human or system ability that autonomously
processes, and human/machine intelligence
transfers the forms of abstract information
with real-world problems.
between data, information, knowledge, and
behaviors in the brain or autonomous systems.
With the clarification of the intension and ex-
tension of the concept of αI, its paradigms or
concrete forms in the real-world can be derived
as summarized in Table 2.

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8 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

Table 2. Taxonomy of abstract intelligence and its embodying forms

Form of
No. Embodying means Paradigms
Natural Naturally grown biological and Human brains and brains of other well de-
intelligence (NI) physiological organisms veloped species
Intelligent systems, knowledge systems,
Artificial Cognitively-inspired artificial models
2 decision-making systems, and distributed
intelligence (AI) and man-made systems
agent systems
Computers, robots, autonomic circuits,
Machinable neural
3 Complex machine and wired systems
intelligence (MI) networks, and autonomic mechanical ma-
Expert systems, fuzzy systems, autonomous
Computational Computational methodologies and computing, intelligent agent systems, genetic/
intelligence (CoI) software systems evolutionary systems, and autonomous learn-
ing systems

It is noteworthy that all paradigms of As an embedment form of abstract intel-

abstract intelligence share the same cognitive ligence, cognitive computing is a subset of αI
informatics foundation as described in the fol- and NI. Therefore, cognitive computing shares
lowing theorem, because they are an artificial the LRMB reference model of the brain, which
or machine implementation of abstract intel- extends capabilities of CoI to the seven layers
ligence. Therefore, the differences between of NI. Detailed discussions will be extended in
NI, AI, MI, and CoI are only distinguishable the following subsections.
by the means of their implementation and the
extent of their intelligent capability. The Computational Intelligence
Model of Cognitive Computing
Theorem 2. The inclusive intelligent capability
states that any concrete real-world paradigm Definition 7. Computational intelligence (CoI)
of intelligence is a subset of αI, i.e.: is an embodying form of abstract intelligence
(αI) that implements intelligent mechanisms and
CoI ⊆ MI ⊆ AI ⊆ NI ⊆ αI behaviors by computational methodologies and
(3) software systems, such as expert systems, fuzzy
systems, autonomous computing, intelligent
Theorem 2 indicates that AI, CoI, and MI agent systems, genetic/evolutionary systems,
are dominated by NI and αI. Therefore, one and autonomous learning systems.
should not expect a computer or a software
system to solve a problem where human can- The fundamental mechanisms of αI can be
not. In other words, no AI or computer systems described by the Generic Abstract Intelligence
may be designed and/or implemented for a Model (GAIM) (Wang, 2007c) as shown in
given problem where there is no solution be- Figure 4. In the GAIM model, different forms
ing known collectively by human beings as a of intelligence are described as a driving force
whole. Further, according to Theorem 2, the that transfers between a pair of abstract objects
development and implementation of AI rely in the brain such as data (D), information (I),
on the understanding of the mechanisms and knowledge (K), and behavior (B). It is note-
laws of NI. worthy that each abstract object is physically

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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 9

Figure 4. The Generic Abstract Intelligence Model (GAIM)

Stimuli Ir
D B Behaviors
Ip I Ii

Ip – Perceptive intelligence Ii – Instructive intelligence

Ic – Cognitive intelligence Ir – Reflective intelligence

retained in a particular type of memories. This Definition 8. The entire behavior space of
is the neural informatics foundation of natural cognitive computing, BCC, is a layered hierarchi-
intelligence, and the physiological evidences cal structure that encompasses the imperative
of why natural intelligence can be classified behaviors BI, autonomic behaviors BA, and
into four forms known as the instructive intel- cognitive behaviors BC from the bottom up,
ligence Ii, reflective intelligence Ir, cognitive i.e. (see Box 1) where BI is modeled by the
intelligence Ic, and perceptive intelligence Ip. event-, time-, and interrupt-driven behaviors;
Cognitive computing is aimed at imple- BA is modeled by the goal- and decision-driven
menting all forms of abstract intelligence in behaviors; and BC is modeled by the percep-
the GAIM model by imperative computing tion- and inference-driven behaviors.
CI, autonomic computing CA, and cognitive
computing CC from the bottom up. The rela- On the basis of the above model, the intel-
tionship between different forms of CoI and ligent behaviors of II, IA, and IC can be defined
their implementation means can be elaborated as follows.
as follows:
Definition 9. The behavioral model of cognitive
CI Ii computing, CC ST, is to implement the impera-
CA Ir (4) tive intelligence II, autonomic intelligence IA,
CC Ic Ip and cognitive intelligence IC as follows (see
Box 2).
where each form of cognitive computing will be
specified by a set of intelligent computational According to Definition 9, it is obvious
behaviors in the following subsection. that the relationship among the three-level
intelligence can be derived as follows.
The Behavioral Model of Cognitive
Computing Theorem 3. The intelligent behaviors of cog-
nitive computing systems are hierarchical and
The abstract intelligence model of cognitive inclusive at the levels of imperative, autonomic,
computing can be refined by a behavioral model and cognitive intelligence, i.e.:
that evolves computing technologies from
the conventional imperative behaviors to the II ⊆ IA ⊆ IC (7)
autonomic and cognitive behaviors.

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10 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

Box 1.

BCC  (BI , BA, BC )

( {Be , Bt , Bint } / / BI
| | {Be , Bt , Bint , Bg , Bd } / / BA (5)
| | {Be , Bt , Bint , Bg , Bd , Bp , Binf } / / BC

Box 2.

II {Be , Bt , Bint }
CC ST  IA {Be , Bt , Bint , Bg , Bd } (6)
IC {Be , Bt , Bint , Bg , Bd , Bp , Binf }

Proof: Directly applying Definition 9, Theorem capabilities of αI and NI beyond conventional

3 can be proven, which shows that any lower imperative computing.
level intelligent behavior is a subset of those of
a higher level. In other words, any higher layer Autonomous Agent Systems
intelligence is a natural extension of those of
lower layers. Definition 10. An Autonomous Agent System
(AAS) is a composition of distributed agents
Both Theorem 3 and Definition 9 indicate that possesses autonomous computing and
the approach to implement cognitive computing decision making abilities as well as interac-
at the top level of computational intelligence is to tive communication capability to peers and
embody and implement a set of parallel comput- the environment.
ing architectures and behaviors by imperative,
autonomic, and cognitive engines. An AAS may also be called an intelligent-
ware, shortly intelware (Wang, 2009c), to reflect
its essence and relationship with hardware and
APPLICATIONS OF COGNITIVE software in cognitive computing. On the basis of
COMPUTING LRMB, an AAS can be modeled as follows.

Cognitive computing as generic intelligence/ Definition 11. The cognitive computing model
knowledge processing methodology and tech- of AAS’s, §AASST, is a parallel structure repre-
nology can be applied to develop the next gen- sented by the Agent Operating System (AOSST)
eration cognitive computers and autonomous and a set of agent intelligence represented by
systems. Two paradigms of cognitive comput- the Agent Intelligent Behaviors (AIBST), as
ing known as autonomous agent systems and shown in Figure 5.
cognitive search engines are elaborated in this
section, which mimic higher level intelligent The §AASST model, denoted in RTPA
(Wang, 2002b, 2008e), reveals that NI and AI
share the same cognitive informatics founda-

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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 11

Figure 5. The cognitive computing model of AAS

The Computational Intelligent Model of AAS
§AASST AOSST // Agent operating system
|| AIBST // Agent intelligent behaviors
= { // AOSST
n -1
ptr P = 0
SENSORS[ptrP]ST> // Layer 1: Sensation engine

|| <MEST: R
addr P = 0
MEM[addrP]ST> // Layer 2: Memory engine


iP = 0
// Layer 3: Perception engine

= <AttentionST || MotivationST || EmotionST || AttitudeST

| SensOfSpatialityST || SensOfTimeST || SensOfMotionST>
|| <AEST: R
ptr P = 0
SERVOS[ptrP]ST> // Layer 4: Action engine

|| <CEST: R PROC[iN]ST >
iP = 0
// Layer 5: Meta-cognition engine

= <ObjectIdentificationST || AbstractionST || ConceptEstablishmentST

| SearchST || CategorizationST || ComparisonST || MemorizationST
|| QualificationST || QuantificationST || SelectionST>
|| <IEST: R PROC[iN]ST >
iP = 0
// Layer 6: Meta-inference engine

= <DeductionST || InductionST || AbductionST || AnalogyST

| AnalysisST || SynthesisST>
iP = 0
// Layer 7: Higher cognition engine

= <ComprehensionST || LearningST || PlanningST || ProblemSolvingST

| DecisionMakingST || CreationST || PattenRecognitionST>
|| <§tTM> // Relative clock
|| { // AIBST
ne N -1
|| < R @e S
k N=0
k PkST> // Event-driven behaviors (Be)

nt N -1
|| < R @t TM
k N=0
k PkST> // Time-driven behaviors (Bt)

nint N -1
|| < R
k N=0
@intk PkST> // Interrupt-driven behaviors (Bint)

nt N -1
|| < R @g ST
k N=0
k PkST> // Goal-driven behaviors (Bg)

nt N -1
|| < R @d ST
k N=0
k PkST> // Decision-driven behaviors (Bd)

nt N -1
|| < R @p ST
k N=0
k PkST> // Perception-driven behaviors (Bp)

nint N -1
|| < R
k N=0
@infkST PkST> // Inference-driven behaviors (Binf)

tions on the basis of abstract intelligence and between NI and AI are only distinguishable by
cognitive computing. The compatible intelligent the means of implementation and the extent of
capability states that NI, AI, and AAS’s, are intelligent ability. Therefore, the studies on NI
compatible by sharing the same mechanisms and AI in general, and AAS’s in particular, may
of intelligent capability and behaviors. In other be unified into a coherent framework based on
words, at the logical level, NI of the brain cognitive informatics and cognitive computing,
shares the same mechanisms as those of AI especially the LRMB reference model.
and computational intelligence. The differences

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12 Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009

Cognitive Search Engines analysis and contrast of conventional search

and intelligent search by cognitive computing
Search is not only a basic computational ap- systems on these three aspects are provided
plication, but also a fundamental cognitive in Table 3.
process of human brains. The study in cognitive It is recognized that suitable denotational
search engines is another application paradigm mathematical means, such as concept algebra
of cognitive computing. (Wang, 2008c) and visual semantic algebra
(Wang, 2009d) are required in order to support
Definition 12. Search  is a cognitive process rigorous textual and visual semantic reasoning
to allocate and retrieve a piece of knowledge with relational linguistic/domain knowledge
in the memory and/or cyberspace by a given bases. In addition, machine learning capabilities
concept cST, in which an equivalent or similar and sophisticated computational intelligence
concept ciST may be found, i.e.: are needed. Therefore, cognitive computing
provides a set of theoretical and technical
nN preparations for the design and implementation
 R  cST = c ST ∨ cST ≅ c ST
iN 1
i i of next generation intelligent search engines.

→ c’ST = cST  ciST (8)

where nN is the maximum number of elements
in the designated searching space in LTM or Cognitive computing has been characterized as
cyberspace, and cST = ciST or cST ≅ ciST denote a set of autonomous and perceptive knowledge
an equivalent or similar concept according to processing theories and technologies mimicking
concept algebra. the mechanisms of the brain beyond conven-
tional imperative data processing. This article
A fundamental problem in search tech- has presented the theoretical framework of
nologies is that search is a hybrid and complex cognitive computing and recent advances in
process encompassing the following three the study of cognitive computing theories and
aspects: a) Queries comprehension, b) Search methodologies in cognitive informatics, soft
algorithms, and c) Results representation. An

Table 3. Comparison of search technologies

Function Conventional Search Engines Cognitive Search Engines
Keyword-based (syntactic-oriented) Comprehension-based (semantics-oriented)
Symbolic guessing of user queries Interactive semantic analysis of user queries
Semantic matching (conceptual/semantic equiva-
Keyword matching (symbolic equivalence)
Search lence)
Finding all equivalent symbol strings Finding all synonymies and related knowledge
A list of URLs A list of concepts with attributes and objects
Ranking by: Ranking by:
- Keyword frequency - Concept equivalency
- Statistical or probable benchmarks - Semantic similarity
Knowledge processing: Knowledge processing:
- None - Knowledge extraction
- Concept building

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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 13

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ICCI’06 and ICCI’07 program committees
for the invited keynotes related to this article. Wang, Y. (2006). Keynote: Cognitive Informatics -
The author thanks the anonymous reviewers Towards the Future Generation Computers that Think
and Feel. Proc. 5th IEEE International Conference
for their valuable comments and suggestions
on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI’06), Beijing, China,
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Int. J. of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), 1-15, July-September 2009 15

Yingxu Wang is professor of cognitive informatics and software engineering, Director of International Center for
Cognitive Informatics (ICfCI), and Director of Theoretical and Empirical Software Engineering Research Center
(TESERC) at the University of Calgary. He is a Fellow of WIF, a P.Eng of Canada, a Senior Member of IEEE and
ACM, and a member of ISO/IEC JTC1 and the Canadian Advisory Committee (CAC) for ISO. He received a PhD
in Software Engineering from The Nottingham Trent University, UK, in 1997, and a BSc in Electrical Engineering
from Shanghai Tiedao University in 1983. He has industrial experience since 1972 and has been a full professor since
1994. He was a visiting professor in the Computing Laboratory at Oxford University in 1995, Dept. of Computer
Science at Stanford University in 2008, and the Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC) Lab at University
of California, Berkeley in 2008, respectively. He is the founder and steering committee chair of the annual IEEE
International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI). He is founding editor-in-chief of International Journal
of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI), founding editor-in-chief of International Journal of
Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), associate editor of IEEE Trans on System, Man, and
Cybernetics (A), and editor-in-chief of CRC Book Series in Software Engineering. He is the initiator of a number
of cutting-edge research fields and/or subject areas such as cognitive informatics, cognitive computing, abstract
intelligence, denotational mathematics, theoretical software engineering, coordinative work organization theory,
cognitive complexity of software, and built-in tests. He has published over 105 peer reviewed journal papers, 193
peer reviewed conference papers, and 12 books in cognitive informatics, software engineering, and computational
intelligence. He is the recipient of dozens international awards on academic leadership, outstanding contribution,
research achievement, best paper, and teaching in the last 30 years.

Copyright © 2009, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global
is prohibited.

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