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Letter of intention to purchase thermal coal

Currently, the cooperation project of Qujing Qilin District

Industrial Development and Investment Group and Guangxi

Ba ikuang Group under Geely Holding Group: lignite supply

contract of Baikuang Power Plant, Yinhai Power Plant, Tiandong

Power Plant, 3 Power Plant and Debao Power Plant, In 2023,

the above four thermal power plants will supply 1.5 million tons,

Intentionality is reached, From 2023 to 2024, import 3600 kcal

to 5500 kcal, Demand for 3 million tons, Based on the above

requirements, Plan to arrive in Jakarta around August 19, 2023

for investigation and business negotiation with Mr. Edy Purwanto,


Expected to travel for a week or so, The accompanying

personnel are: Feng Jiachun, head of Finance Department of

Qujing Qilin District Industrial Investment Group, Deng Ying jiie,

An accompanying person, Gao Xinyu, head of Risk Control

Department of Industrial Investment Group, and Liu Kaihua,

minister of Justice Department.

I am writing to you in reply!

Qujing Qilin District Industrial tment (Group) Co.,LTD

动力煤采 购 意向函

现有 曲靖市版麟区工 业开发投资集团与吉利控股集团

下属的广西百矿集团电厂合作项目:百矿电厂 、银海电厂 、

田东电厂 、德保电厂三电厂褐煤供应合同 ,2023 年度于上述 4

家火力发电厂年长 协供应 量 150 万吨 ,意向性达成 ,2023

年 至 2024 年进口印尼煤 3600 大卡至 5500 大 卡 均 可 ,需求

量 300 万吨 ,基于以上需求,计划 于 2023 年 8 月 19 日左右到
达雅加达考察及商务洽谈,洽谈集团為 PT. SBS,M r . Edy

预计 此行一周左右 ,随行人员为 :工投集团 财务部部 长

冯佳春、集团一级子公司 麟捷商贸有限责任公司董事长邓

颖 杰 、法务部部 长刘 凯 华 、随行陪 同 人 员呆新 字 。

顺祝商祺 !


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