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(Weeks 1-2)


1. Discuss the nature of different recreational activities ((PEH12FH-IIa-20).

2. Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes
most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out of school (PEH12FH-IIa-t-8)

 https://theknowledgereview.com/the-importance-and-impact-of-recreational-
 https://www.smartset.pt/en/indoor-and-outdoor-activities
 Aparato, C.R., Talaroc-Brebante, Z., Fernando-Callo, L. & Dajime, P.F.
Physical Education and Health Vol. 2. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2017
 Mangubat, A.S., Tolotol, M.B., Urbiztondo, S.M. & Vergara, L.A. HOPE Health-
Optimizing Physical Education – Recreational Activities, Quezon City: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016


Any activity that takes place during your free time is referred to as recreation. It
does not follow standard rules; it can be done anywhere; and most of all, it gives
enjoyment and self-satisfaction. Recreation is derived from the Latin word, “recreare”
which means to be refreshed, to relax or to enjoy. Participation in recreational activities
varies from one person to another depending on one’s intention, reason or belief.

Having in touch with nature can give so much relaxation. Walking on green grass
by the woods or just watching birds early in the morning while holding hands with your
loved ones (family) is a unique bonding time away from the day-to-day routine. Others
love to do these activities in water while those adventurers would prefer more on air. Our
country has many places to explore and to start many recreational activities, whether on
land, in air or on water.





Recreation consists of activities or experiences carried on within leisure, usually chosen

voluntarily by the participant either because of satisfaction, pleasure or creative
enrichment derived, or because he perceives certain personal or social values to be gained
from them. It may also be perceived as the process of participation, or as the emotional
state derived from involvement.

Various studies have shown the importance of recreation on one’s life specifically in
three aspects; Physical Health, Mental Health and Improved Quality of Life.

1. PHYSICAL HEALTH: Recreational activities, especially outdoor improves one’s

health like maintaining lower body fat percentage, lowering blood and cholesterol levels,
increasing muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and
cardiovascular endurance. Overall, it increases one’s stamina and energy level.

2. MENTAL HEALTH: Mental health is essential for overall physical health.

Recreational activities help manage stress. It provides a chance to nurture oneself and
provides a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and
depression. There is also an increased motivation to learn as it can serve as a laboratory
for application of contents learnt in classrooms teaching. It provides a channel for
releasing tension and anxiety thus facilitating emotional stability and resilience. Such
activities help students to become more self-reliant, emphatic and self-disciplined.

3. IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE: People who make recreation a priority is more

likely to feel satisfied with their lives overall, according to an American Recreation
Coalition Study, 2000. Recreational activities help create a balance between academic
pressures with physical and mental well-being. The effects of recreation are multifold. It
enriches self-expression, self-fulfillment ability, interpersonal skills, techniques and



methods of using leisure, physical strength, creative expression, and aesthetic sense. Such
attributes have a favorable effect on human beings who have limits in everyday life.
Therefore, recreation is allowed to be used as a tool of therapy (Lee, 2000). Physical
activity-based recreation helps participants recover from the deteriorated physical
strength, caused by the lack of exercise, and develops the latent ability to achieve self-
realization. This also helps people to deal with common day to day problems more
effectively as it makes people more optimistic and with a positive outlook to life.


1. Indoor activities-are carried out inside a space. They are limited to the conditions of
the place where they are held, to the number of people participating in the activities,
among other factors. Indoor activities are simply what you do inside the comfort of your
home, for example, puzzles, board or card games.

2. Outdoor activities- are carried out in an outdoor space. It can be a green space on a
property or in contact with nature. When carried out abroad, activities can become more
interesting for the whole team. Outdoor activities are what you do outdoors/outside.
Camping, trekking, and fishing are some example of what you do outdoors.


1. Voluntarily done
2. No money involvement
3. Not and obligation nor responsibility
4. Done during free time
5. To enjoy or have fun



(Hiking, Trekking, Camping, Orienteering)
Are you planning a walk after school? How about a longer walk with your loved ones
(family and friends)? Have you explored the mountains, hills, caves, forests or hidden
falls in/near your community? If your answer is no, then think again. Maybe you are still
a stranger in your own place.

Consider some outdoor recreational activities that bring you closer to nature. It is
very relaxing to hear the sound of singing birds and bubbling brooks; very soothing when
you feel the breath of fresh air on your face and smell the divine fragrance of flowers. A
line in an energy beverage commercial says, “Great things start from small beginning.”
So, start your recreational activities with hiking and/or jogging even within your
compound this season.

To fully understand, the following terms related to mountaineering are defined


Recreational Activity Definition

Hiking It is an outdoor activity where there

are clear paths to follow. Paths are
usually beautifully charted with signs
so that hikers will not get lost along
the trails. Natural hiking trails serve
as guides of the hikers to their
destinations. It is usually shorter than

This outdoor activity is a longer

journey on foot compared to hiking.
The activity is quite challenging,
allowing the trekkers to pass through
an uncharted path. Sometimes, this
will take within a few days or weeks.
Usually, undeveloped places are
explored in trekking where there is a
close-up view of the wonders of



Camping is an enjoyable outdoor

Camping activity that allows you to experience
simple adventures outside your
homes. It allows a lot of moving
since it involves activities like
carrying backpacks, hiking and most
of all pitching of tents. This activity
lets you experience interaction and
bonding with others while engaging
in different educational activities.

It is an outdoor activity that requires

you to follow a specific sequence of
pre-set course with the help of
navigating devices, specifically maps
and compass to go through an
unfamiliar terrain. Aside from
physical, this activity requires mental
toughness to be able to reach the
expected destination.

You can always make your own version of these recreational activities at home.
Just be creative and innovative. Even a simple household chore can be converted into
something that will give you and your loved ones an avenue to enjoy, relax and bond with
one another during quarantine period.



Weeks 1-2 (ASSESSMENT)

NAME: ________________________________________________________
YR. & SECTION: _______________________________________________

Direction: Identify what importance of recreation is being asked in each item. Write only
the letter of the correct answer before the number.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Improved Quality of Life

_______1. It provides a chance to nurture oneself and provides a sense of balance and
_______2. It enriches self-expression, self-fulfillment ability, interpersonal skills,
techniques and creative expression.
_______3. It provides a channel for releasing tension and anxiety thus facilitating
emotional stability and resilience.
_______4. It increases one’s stamina and energy level.

_______5. It improves one’s health like maintaining lower body fat percentage, lowering
blood and cholesterol levels.

_______6. This also helps people to deal with common day to day problems more
effectively as it makes people to have a positive outlook in life.

_______7. Recreational activities help students to become more self-reliant, emphatic

and self-disciplined.

_______8. Engaging in recreational activity increases muscular strength, flexibility,

muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

_______9. Physical activity-based recreation helps participants recover from the

deteriorated physical strength caused by the lack of exercise and develops the latent
ability to achieve self-realization.

_______10. Recreational activities help create a balance between academic pressures



with physical and mental well-being.

Test 1
Identify what is being asked in each item. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
______________________1. This activity is quite challenging, allowing the trekkers to
pass through an uncharted path.

______________________2. It comes from the Latin word recreare which means to be

______________________3. It is an outdoor activity that requires you to follow a
specific sequence of pre-set course with the help of navigating devices, specifically maps
and compass to go through an unfamiliar terrain.

______________________4. These are activities that you simply do inside the comfort
of your home, like puzzles, board or card games.
______________________5. It is an outdoor activity where there are clear paths to

Test 2
Question to Ponder
Based on the lesson, what type of recreational activities did you do with your
family during free time? Is it important to spend your leisure time with them? Discuss
your answer. (10 points)




This lesson focuses on the elements of teamwork and the skills required to work and to
communicate effectively within teams. Being able to function effectively as a team
member is a necessary skill for success in the workplace, in sports, in family units, and
so on.

What is Team Building?

Is an organized recreational activity that aims to promote unity, cooperation, and
teamwork. Team building is participated with small groups or large groups of people that
empower individuals through different recreational games. It is an avenue that brings
individuals together. Team Building unites each individual towards a common goal.
In order for a team to accomplish its goals, it is important for the team members
to understand that they may play a number of different roles within a given team.
Furthermore, individuals within a team need to appreciate the roles assumed by or
assigned to the other team members.
To gain this understanding and appreciation of team roles, a team needs the
opportunity at the appropriate time in its development to build a sense of being a team.
These team-building activities involve cooperation, teamwork, and communication

Values and Importance of Team Building

There are tremendous benefits team building activities bring. Team building activities and
games are specifically designed to make sound decisions, solve problems, and most
importantly, collaborate with different kinds of people.
Students learn how they can work with each other better, listen to others, and
communicate effectively. It is also a perfect time for students to know each other more,
build trust with one another, and of course, have fun.
1. Team building builds relations
Team building helps students kick off their courses with a flying start, helping them get
right into learning and collaboration. While conducting a class for shy or more reserved
students is alright in some cases, when teaching in a more interactive class, the social
barriers, and inhibitions can be downright challenging.
Team building helps nurture strong interpersonal relations, which is crucial in this type of
classroom setting. Students need to feel that they belong and that they are part of a group.
2. Breaks the barrier between teachers and students
Another benefit of hosting a team building event is to develop the trust between the



teachers and students. More often than not, there is a large gap between teachers and
students, especially in a more formal classroom atmosphere. Hosting a team building
activity opens up the possibility to bridge this gap.

Students can view their teachers more like a family person rather than a person of
authority that supervises classroom affairs. That alone can-do wonders in boosting a
student’s morale.
3. It helps build the confidence of students
Team building activities help build students’ confidence, not only in themselves but with
other people as well. Some team building activities are tailored to help participants step
outside of their comfort zones as they team up with other participants to reach a common
end goal. By pushing them to their limits, and achieving a seemingly impossible task at
hand, it dramatically boosts their confidence levels.
Moreover, other participants may be reluctant to work with others because they are either
in-doubt or unsure of the abilities of other people. Team building helps ease these fears.
When students see their classmates overcome a challenge or they overcome difficult
obstacles as a team, their confidence increases. High levels of trust and confidence
between individuals and groups lead to higher levels of productivity.
4. Encourages Creativity among Students
Team building activities are a fantastic way to take students away from their usual, day-
to-day routines. In other words, it gives them a breather to escape their ordinary, and
sometimes mundane routines. As a result, it nurtures students’ more creative side, using
their imaginations more to complete a task that is assigned to them.
It also sends a strong message to participants that they are welcome to hone their
creativity. As a result, they can bring their creative problem-solving skills back to the
classroom, even after the event.
Team building activities help teachers identify specific barriers that block creativity
among students such as excessive bullying at school that makes more reserved students
not to speak out and keep their ideas to themselves.
5. Increases Classroom Dynamics
History and philosophy classes are types of courses where ideas are free flowing. Team
building events help achieve that by making students feel more comfortable voicing out
their thoughts and opinions.
As participants bond with one another, they gradually form a dynamic with others, which
makes them less reserved and shy. Teachers can take advantage of this dynamic, making
them more engaged and active in class, which, in turn, creates a more positive classroom
In Summary
Team building activities teach students a variety of skills which they can use, not only in
the four walls of the classroom but also in their day to day lives. These activities are a
powerful way to nurture collaboration and trust. It also improves confidence, cultivates



strengths and addresses weaknesses, giving a lasting and a more meaningful impact to
participants for a long time.

Benefits of Team Building Activities

1. Better Communication
Communication between staff and departments is the key to success. Team building
exercises encourage staff to communicate with each other to complete tasks and solve
problems. By putting people in a fun and relaxing environment outside the workplace,
you will encourage everyone to relax, be themselves and open up to others.
An example activity to encourage improved communication would be plank walking
where every member of the team must communicate effectively in order to walk in sync.
2. Increased Productivity
Better communication and collaboration will have a positive knock-on effect on
productivity levels. By working together on a common goal, duplication of work is
decreased, there is less friction and resistance, and therefore better output from each staff
This is one of the most sought-after goals that employers look to achieve when taking
part in team-building activities.
3. Improved Morale
One of the top benefits of team building activities is improved morale in the office. An
enthusiastic and positive workforce that feel they are cared for will radiate that feeling
throughout the office, creating an environment that is nice and fun to work in.
Team exercises and games that improve morale can help break down barriers between
employees and give ideas to bosses as to how to create and keep a good atmosphere in
the office.
4. Increase in Motivation
Taking part in something new and exciting such as a team bonding exercise increases
staff’s motivation as they know that they are being cared for and will be rewarded for
their good work.
This increase in motivation should help improve productivity levels, morale and
confidence in each other's ability.
5. Leadership Qualities Identified
Employers and managers can identify leaders within the workforce while taking part in
team-building activities as they take control of problem-solving tasks and positively work
with and encourage other members of the team.
While taking part in a team game such as ‘Blindfold Shape Game’, leaders will
communicate effectively with everyone and find solutions to get the correct answers.
6. Creativity is Encouraged



Activities such as raft-building encourage staff to think and get creative while designing
their raft that must float on the water. Encouraging the workforce to be creative and use
their initiative can have amazing effects on an organization as staff will feel trusted to
think outside the box and find solutions to potential problems.
Fresh ideas can keep a company ahead of the pack and opens a wide range of
7. Increase in Confidence Levels
Team building days can increase employee’s personal confidence and also confidence in
their colleague’s abilities. An increase in confidence will give your workforce the inner
courage to express new ideas and depend on others within the group to be able to
complete tasks that are necessary to make a company successful.
8. Improved Mental Health
Problem-solving challenges and physical activities are good for people's mental health.
By proving that you are capable of completing challenges you will gain a huge boost in
confidence and self-esteem.
Getting out and taking part in physical activities is also a great way to clear the head and
feel healthier which will have a great impact on a person’s mental health.
9. Improved Physical Health
Giving your staff a day out of the office where they are not sitting at a desk all day is a
great way to promote improving physical health. Team building activities are much more
active than typing emails and making phone calls all day!
Businesses cannot function if their staff are missing days because they are physically
unwell and that is why promoting good physical health through team building is
10. Responsibility
In a team-building game, every member of staff has to contribute otherwise, they are
letting the team down. Team games reinforce the responsibilities that everyone has, and
this will hopefully manifest into the workplace.
11. Trust
Getting to know your work colleagues better personally helps to develop trust. This is a
major benefit of team building activities as people in the workplace will know each
other's capabilities and interests, leading to better collaboration with tasks and improved
12. Respect
While working together on problem-solving tasks and team games, a level of respect is
gained between employees because they can see that their colleagues are there to help
them and they can also identify skills and qualities that each other have.
13. Lots of fun!
Creating a fun environment between colleagues and teammates can help in so many ways
from staff turnover and sick days to productivity and in turn, profits. Team building is a



whole lot of fun and it is a great way for staff to see another side of their colleagues that
they may not normally see at work.
As you can see, team building activities are not just for a jolly day out of the office – they
are in fact an essential part of the business and a brilliant way to get your staff motivated.

Questions to ponder:
1. What are the benefits of team building activities?

2. What are the values and importance of team building activities and how it will
be improved quality of life?




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