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Information Resource:

1. Expandable – Expanding information doesn’t compromise its integrity; in fact,

incorporating more details can lead to a deeper understanding. An expandable information
resource is like a book where you can keep adding more pages with new information
whenever you need t. This way, it can always up-to-date and include more details as they
become available. It’s like having a book that keeps getting bigger and better with each

2. Compressible – Extending information can offer more thorough explanation, but it’s not
always required. An easily understandable information resource provides clear and concise
information that is easy to grasp. Its simplicity facilitates efficient learning and decision-
making processes.

3. Transportable – Information is easy to transport, especially in digital form. Through the

internet and other technologies, information can be communicated. A transportable
information resource can be accessed and utilized from various locations or devices,
providing convenient access to essential information on the go.

4. Diffusive – Gossip and falsehoods usually spread quickly. Unfortunately, this holds true
for any information, no matter how reliable. A diffusive information resource spreads
widely across various platforms or channels, making it readily accessible and disseminated
to a broad audience.

5. Sharable – Since information is easily exchanged, it is also regarded as shareable. You

may treat as confidential any information. Having said that, once someone chooses to
reveal something to someone, they will no longer have control over it. A sharable
information resource in one that can be easily distributed or exchanged among users,
allowing for collaborative access and dissemination of knowledge.

Valuable Information:
1. Complete - It suggests that the content is thorough and covers every pertinent facet of the
topic. The presentation needs to contain all relevant information. This means that, even
while information is often provided on an individual basis based on the circumstances, the
basis that is needed, and the authorization access specific information, whatever is provided
must include all pertinent details.
2. Economical – Focusing on maximizing the benefits of the information while lowering the
costs associated with its collection, processing, distribution, and use is essential from an
economic perspective. Organizational decision-makers must continuously balance the
information’s value against its production costs because producing high-quality
information does come at a cost. It is necessary to consider all expenses related to supplying
high-quality information in order to reduce without comprising information quality.

3. Reliable – Information that can be relied upon to be accurate, consistent, and truthful is
said to be reliable. Users are able to depend on reliable information. Usually, information
from one entity can be sought by another organization or used as evidence. Therefore, in
order for the information to be taken seriously, it must possess specific qualities.

4. Relevant – Information that directly addresses the needs, interests, or concerns of the
audience. It is useless to produce information for no purpose at all. Organizations require
systems that guarantee information is sorted to suit needs where needed.

5. Timely – You may deliver material that satisfies the audience’s immediate demands and
interests, keeps them informed and involved, and shows that you are adaptable to shifting
conditions and fashions. Wisdom fades with time. Some information that was relevant a
year ago may not be relevant today.

6. Flexible – It is possible to offer consumers a flexible and adaptive resource that

accommodates a range of needs, preferences, and situations. This adaptability maximizes
the information’s value and impact by improving usability, engagement, and effectiveness.

7. Verifiable – Data that can be verified, supported, or validated be reliable references,

evidence, or sources. In order to help readers, make wise judgments, expand their
comprehension of the issue, and progress knowledge in their particular professions, you
can offer the reliable and credible content.

8. Accessible – Information that everyone can access and use without difficulty, regardless of
their circumstances, background, and ability. You may expand your audience, enable
people to obtain information that is pertinent to their life, and advance equality and
inclusivity in the information access process.

9. Secure – Data that is protected against unwanted access, modification, or release. By

putting security measures in place, important data may be protected from threats and
weaknesses, guaranteeing its availability, confidentiality, and integrity while upholding
stakeholder confidence.

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