Creativity Report

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1. Initial idea và team structure

- Initial idea: We were planning to open a clothing store selling cotton t-shirts under the brand name '4 Beauties'
on one of the hottest e-commerce platforms today, TikTok Shop. With 3 billion in hand, we allocated this amount
into 8 parts for various incurred costs including

+ slide: Creativity 1.pptx

- Team structure:
+ People: Cao Thùy Trang
+ Thinking: Tô Thanh Thanh, Trần Xuân Lộc
+ Action: Trần Trương Quỳnh Trang, Đỗ Lê Nam

2. Circle brainstorming
2.1. Consolidate idea (thinking)

No Team Feedback Ranking

- Feedback is highly contributory.

- The group is very homogenous in ideas. Accompanied by detailed
1 (Huong Giang’s 1
contributions and analyses that help the group's products develop sustainably
and long-term.

- Evaluate ideas and products in depth as well as point out the team's
shortcomings and questions about the product.
2 - Provide feedback on how the product needs to be improved and be more 2
(Vi Hai’s team)
creative. Evaluate and consider product costs carefully to improve as well as
consider the need for changes.

- Effectively highlighted potential risks for our product, offering valuable

insights for proactive management.
- The recommendation to delve deeper into customer demographics has been
beneficial, helping us broaden our target age group and enhance market
3 (Binh Minh’s 3
- The advice to focus on understanding customer needs more thoroughly has
proven helpful, guiding us towards refining our product to better meet diverse
customer demands.

- Has added a touch of creativity to product positioning, making us more

distinct in the competitive landscape and appealing to customers.
4 (Danh Thai’s 4
- Questions about profit and capital haven't yet yielded significant value and
feasibility for our team.
- Inquiries about engaging well-known influencers for capital recovery delve
too deeply into specifics, missing the core aspects and, as a result, might not
provide substantial value for our team.

- Delved into our competitive advantages and the potential risks associated
with banking transactions.
5 - While these discussions hold significance, the questions revolving around
5 (Minh Anh’s price increments post-brand positioning and the discrepancy between product 5
team) costs and marketing expenses haven't yet yielded tangible value for our team.
Despite their meaningful intent, these inquiries haven't translated into
practical insights or actionable strategies for our group.

2.2. Giving feedback (action)

No Team Feedback Ranking

- The most creative ideas that can help many types of customers.
- The issue they target is mental health, which is an issue with many
3 limitations at the present time. So it can be concluded that they know how to
1 1
(Vi Hai’s team) recognize and take advantage of opportunities.
- However, the only drawback that needs improvement is that the numbers on
this project's implementation are only estimates, not highly accurate.

- Another potential project that is based on one of the practical issues in life
that has not been fully exploited - family education.
- Related documents and information can be found but there are very few
2 (Huong Giang’s 2
organizations implementing this educational system.
- But the data is only not very accurate and they should also detail this service
distribution plan.

5 - Creative ideas, environmental protection.

3 (Minh Anh’s - Inconvenient, cannot attract a wide range of customers. 3
team) - Legal issues have not been clearly mentioned.

- Creative idea by thinking of a healthy substitution for traditional beer,

1 offering consumers a responsible choice.
4 (Binh Minh’s - However, higher price and compromised taste from the technology that 4
team) lowers the alcohol level can be a an obstacle to attracting customer as the
beverage industry is very competitive.

- Uncreative ideas, difficult to compete => currently most stores apply black
friday, back to school to have discounts for customers, especially students.
- The backup amount of 1.5 billion is too much.
5 (Danh Thai’s 5
- The cost of buying a store and buying a laptop is quite high.
- Should expand marketing through influencers.
- Tax and license issues have not been raised.

3. Improved idea
To enhance the distinct positioning and creativity of our product, our cotton t-shirts are designed to shrink into a baby tee,
providing warmth when lightly sprayed with water, and expand into an oversized tee when stretched out. In addition to
emphasizing the pricing and quality aspect of the garment, we also aim to focus on the sustainable values of the product,
including environmental, brand, and utility values.

Rather than solely concentrating on sales through a platform like TikTok Shop, we should broaden our reach to include
Instagram and Facebook for promotional purposes, instead of limiting our advertising efforts to just these two platforms.
This approach will enable us to connect with a more diverse customer base and build strong relationships across various
Furthermore, we should invest in enhancing our packaging to prevent the risk of idea theft and consider expanding our
range of designs to add diversity to our product line. Particularly crucial is a dedicated investment in educational efforts
and customer service, providing detailed information on product usage, mechanics, and potential risks. This proactive
approach will not only fortify our brand's integrity but also cultivate a sense of trust and loyalty among our customers.

Lastly, it is essential for us to thoroughly assess the potential for capital recovery and the timeframe for profitability. This
evaluation will provide a foundation for gradual price adjustments to enhance the product's value proposition over time.
Understanding the financial aspects will enable us to make informed decisions, ensuring the sustainability and growth of
our business.

4. Reflection of the first part of this module

4.1. Group reflection
Our journey through the first module of Creativity and Innovation Management has been an enlightening experience,
delving into the foundational aspects of creativity.

The exploration of the creativity concept laid a solid foundation for our understanding. We discovered that creativity is
not confined to artistic pursuits but is a dynamic force that can be harnessed across various domains. The classification of
creativity, as discussed in the lectures and handouts, provided us with a framework to identify and appreciate different
forms of creative expression. This understanding is crucial for recognizing and nurturing creativity within ourselves and
our team members.

Understanding the factors influencing creativity was eye-opening. Identifying both internal and external elements that
impact creative thinking allows us to create an environment conducive to innovation. The practical insights shared during
lectures and in-class activities regarding how to be creative were invaluable. We learned that creativity is a skill that can
be developed through deliberate practice and specific techniques. This knowledge provides a roadmap for continuous
improvement in our creative abilities.

Exploring creativity in teamwork emphasized the collaborative nature of innovation. We discussed strategies for fostering
a creative team culture and recognized the importance of diverse perspectives. This understanding is fundamental as we
navigate collaborative projects in the future. Identifying the characteristics of a creative group was a crucial aspect of our
learning. The introduction to various creative tools and techniques was enlightening. From brainstorming to mind
mapping, we gained practical insights into applying these methods in real-world scenarios. These tools will undoubtedly
become valuable assets in our creative endeavors.

As discussed in our Creativity and Innovation Management module, we consciously applied the principles we learned to
stimulate creativity within the team. Factors such as creating a supportive environment, encouraging open communication,
and embracing diverse perspectives were embedded in our ideation process.

Our collaborative venture into the business idea generation project, which involved a significant budget of 3 billion VND,
has been both rewarding and challenging. Our team embarked on a captivating journey to conceive a unique business
concept, ultimately giving birth to the innovative "ShrinkToFit" T-shirt. Our brainstorming sessions included a
comprehensive analysis of market trends and consumer needs. The "ShrinkToFit" T-shirt was strategically positioned to
cater to the growing demand for versatile, adaptive clothing in an ever-evolving fashion landscape.

Each team member actively participated in various project aspects, showcasing a high level of commitment and
responsibility. The strategic allocation of roles ensured that individual strengths were utilized effectively, resulting in a
harmonious synergy propelling our project forward.

Incorporating the budget of 3 billion VND into the development and production of the "ShrinkToFit" T-shirt was a
meticulous process. Carefully managing financial projections and cost estimations ensured our product met quality
standards while remaining within the allocated budget. Collaboratively formulating a pricing strategy that considered
production costs, market competition, and perceived customer value was integral to our success. Striking a balance
between affordability and quality, our team worked diligently to achieve this equilibrium.
The "ShrinkToFit" T-shirt boasts a distinctive USP, setting it apart from conventional clothing options. Our team
articulated and emphasized this unique feature in our marketing strategy, creating a compelling value proposition for
potential customers.

Despite our achievements, reflection prompts us to consider areas for improvement. Going forward, we could enhance
the efficiency of our communication channels, ensuring all team members are consistently engaged and informed. As we
move forward with the "ShrinkToFit" T-shirt business idea, we recognize the importance of continuous refinement.
Customer feedback, market dynamics, and technological advancements will shape our ongoing strategy. Regular team
check-ins and a commitment to adaptability will remain key as we navigate the implementation and growth phases of our
venture. In conclusion, our collaborative effort has given rise to a truly innovative business idea. The "ShrinkToFit" T-
shirt not only reflects our commitment to creativity and problem-solving but also showcases the strength of our team

4.2. Individual reflection

Tran Truong Quynh Trang:
Exploring the foundational concepts of creativity and innovation management revealed key insights that have left a lasting
impact on my approach to both individual and collaborative endeavors. Understanding creativity as a dynamic force
applicable across various domains has broadened my perspective. Delving into the sources of creativity highlighted the
diverse triggers for innovative thinking, empowering me to intentionally tap into these sources. Learning about being
creative in personal work emphasized the importance of individual creativity, recognizing personal practices and habits
as catalysts for unleashing creative potential. Identifying factors affecting creativity and learning how to be creative
equipped me with the knowledge to create an environment conducive to innovation. Discovering characteristics of a
creative group and exploring creative tools and techniques provided practical insights applicable to real-world scenarios.
Understanding key principles to encourage creativity illuminated the role of leadership, organizational culture, and a
growth mindset in fostering innovation.
Moving forward, these learnings will shape my approach to creativity in both personal and collaborative settings,
influencing my academic and professional pursuits.

To Thanh Thanh:
In the Creativity and Innovation course, I've had unique and insightful educational experiences. The first session laid a
strong foundation by providing me with a solid understanding of fundamental creativity concepts, guiding me on how to
approach problems from various perspectives, and stimulating the process of generating new ideas. The second session
took the learning experience to new heights as I was challenged to present our group's goal within a 5-minute timeframe.
This was not only an opportunity for me to showcase creativity in presenting my objectives but also a chance to glean
insights from the diverse approaches of other groups. We decided on an innovative presentation style, constructing a tower
with playing cards to not only highlight our goal but also emphasize the importance of cohesion and sustainability within
the team. Building on this, the third session elevated my learning further by applying Belbin Team Roles to assess the
roles and potential of each team member. This process not only enhanced my understanding of each team member’s
strengths and weaknesses but also provided valuable guidance on implementing Circle Brainstorming techniques,
supporting effectively my leadership skill within the team. In summary, these sessions collectively expanded my
knowledge of creativity and innovation. They provided opportunities to develop not only presentation skills and teamwork
but also a deeper understanding of team dynamics. These acquired skills will prove beneficial not just in academic pursuits
but also in my professional and everyday life.

Do Le Nam:
The initial learning sessions unveiled an entirely new perspective on creativity for me. It was not just a concept but a
profound and expansive notion. The idea of innovating in thought opened up intriguing and essential insights, deeply
influencing my approach to everything in life, from personal projects to collaborative endeavors. Understanding how
creativity is not just a concept but a versatile force applicable across various domains allowed me to explore untapped
potential within myself. Learning about the origins of creativity highlighted diverse triggers for innovative thinking,
enabling me to intentionally stimulate creative ideas. It also encouraged me to approach problems from different angles,
breaking away from traditional perspectives. Recognizing personal practices as powerful catalysts for creativity, I became
aware of how individual habits can be a driving force behind innovative thinking.Identifying factors that influence
creativity and learning how to be creative equipped me with the knowledge to foster an environment conducive to
innovation. In group work, I had the opportunity to engage with fresh and innovative ideas from my peers. I learned
effective communication and rational thinking to engage with others'creative concepts. These insights will significantly
shape my approach to creativity, emphasizing that it is not confined to a narrow field but holds great significance for
future life endeavors.

Cao Thuy Trang:

Engaging in the Creativity & Innovation Management course has been an eye-opening experience, particularly during our
recent group activity. Revising the Belbin individual report allowed me to understand my preferred team role and how it
contributes to the overall dynamics. Our recent group activity, where we were divided into six teams to explore the
intriguing question, "If you had 3 billion, what would you do?" presented a unique challenge. The diversity of perspectives
within our group fostered creativity as we engaged in lively discussions and negotiations to shape a comprehensive plan.
The structured format of going in a circle, spending seven minutes commenting on other groups' plans, and another seven
minutes presenting ours was particularly enlightening. It not only allowed us to see the various approaches to the same
problem but also provided constructive feedback that enhanced our critical thinking and adaptability. This exercise not
only honed my teamwork and communication skills but also underscored the importance of creativity and innovation in

Throughout this experience, I've come to appreciate the interconnectedness of creativity and innovation in the realm of
management. The ability to navigate and contribute effectively within a team, especially when tasked with addressing
complex challenges, has been a valuable lesson. Moving forward, I aim to apply the knowledge gained from this course
to real-world scenarios, recognizing the need for continual creativity and adaptability in the ever-evolving landscape of
innovation management. This course has not only expanded my understanding of individual and collective creativity but
has also equipped me with practical skills that I am eager to employ in future endeavors.

Tran Xuan Loc:

Coming to this subject, I have seen many experiences, both old and new, along with drawing new lessons and experiences.
First, I was exposed to the concepts of creativity and how to improve and develop my own inner abilities. Thanks to the
teacher's questions, lessons as well as the opinions of all other members of the class, I can receive more ways of thinking
with many dimensions for many different problems. Next, I honed my teamwork skills with the amazing members of team
4. I learned for the first time more about the roles of the members along with the strengths they have to best contribute to
the product of the group. In addition, experiencing how to create and operate a project is also more realistic and creative.
I think this is something extremely helpful for my future plans. I hope to be able to learn more things and convey more of
what I know to those participating in this subject.

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