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Chapter I

The Problem


Urban forestry is an integrated concept, defined as the art, science, and

technology of managing trees and forest resources in and around community
ecosystems for the psychological, sociological, aesthetic, economic, and
environmental benefits trees provide in the society. It plays an important role
in addressing environmental problems, including those related to erosion
control, noise and air pollution reduction, wastewater management, and other
problems. According to UN Environment Program reports, cities are a top
contributor to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of
greenhouse gas emissions. Estimates suggest that cities are responsible for
75% percent of global CO2 emissions, with transport and buildings being
among the largest contributors .In general, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
in cities come from vehicles, the use of energy for heating and cooling
buildings, electric lighting for streets and buildings, industrial processes,
waste management, and embodied carbon in urban infrastructure.

The Pagadian City is a 2nd Class city and is the Regional Center of
Zamboanga del Sur, nicknamed ‘’The Little Hong Kong of the South’’. The
City of Pagadian was created on June 21, 1969 by virtue of Republic Act No.
5478. The city has 54 barangays with classified 25 urban and 29 rural
barangays in total, with a population of 210,254 people. The trees in
Pagadian City was loved and duly maintained by the 1st Lady Priscilla ‘’Ilang-
ilang’’ Co and his team. They’ve planted and maintain variety of shrubs,
palms, and trees like the Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata), Dao
(Dracontomelon dao), Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta), Narra (Pterocarpus
indicus), and other tree species suitable for urban areas.
The trees depending on type and age, a single tree can store anywhere
between one to 22 tonnes of CO2 over the course of its life; a lot of carbon
dioxide, it also act as a sink for CO2 by fixing carbon during photosynthesis
and storing excess carbon as biomass. The net long-term CO 2 source/sink
dynamics of forests change through time as trees grow, die, and decay.
However, increasing the number of trees might potentially slow the
accumulation of atmospheric carbon. In addition, Field-based methods for
the estimation of trees aboveground biomass (AGB) and carbon stock
are typically based on plots, forest inventories, and the use of allometric
equations built on and derived from measurements taken using in situ-
measurements. Therefore, quantifying and mapping carbon storage potential
of trees in urban areas is an essential initiative in order for us to know the
status of our environment and how we will act according to its factors and

Climate change is the leading ecologic, economic and geopolitical issue of

the 21st Century and has even the potential to rewrite the global equation for
prosperity, development and peace. Sadly, if the current trend of urban
development continues, buildings and people may soon crowd out the
majority of existing trees. Poor urban planning often leads to indiscriminate
and sometimes illegal felling. Another key reason why cities are losing their
tree cover lies in how trees are viewed: as an amenity at best, and at worst,
as a resource that can be easily surrendered. These trees occupy spaces
along streets and are typically planted in the right of ways owned by the city.

Lastly, a diverse urban tree distribution protects overall biodiversity – animals,

insects and natural vegetation – further supporting urban tree health. Trees
also are a refuge for native, threatened or endangered wildlife and plants.
Conceptual Framework

Carbon Storage Urban Trees in

Potential Pagadian City

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study.

The conceptual framework of the study is reflected in Figure 1. As seen in the

figure, this study will determine the Carbon Storage Potential of Urban trees
in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur. The dependent variable is the carbon
storage potential in a particular urban tree species and the independent
variable is the urban trees in Pagadian, City.

Statement of the Problem

This study will quantify and map-out the carbon storage potential of urban
trees in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur. Specifically it will answer the
following questions:

1. What is the amount of carbon stored in different urban tree species in

Pagadian City?
2. In Pagadian City, which urban barangay has the most trees?
3. What is the total amount of carbon stored on urban trees in Pagadian
4. In the urban barangays of Pagadian City, which tree species is

The hypothesis of the study will be tested for the validity of significance:

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the tree species

density and the carbon storage potential of urban trees in Pagadian City,
Zamboanga del Sur.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant relationship between the species

density and the carbon storage potential of urban trees in Pagadian City,
Zamboanga del Sur.

Significance of the Study

This study acquires a great potential for us to combat climate change

including its major effects on urban areas. Through this research authorities,
environmentalist, law makers, concerned NGO’s and others organization will
initiate tree planting initiatives, this will involved planting suitable tree species
on vacant lots, parks, along streets & roads, and in other denuded available
spaces between the city. This research holds implications for environmental
conservation, policy development, and efforts to achieve a more resilient and
carbon-neutral future. Through this cities can contribute to carbon storage
efforts while improving urban development and economy.

This will benefit the following:

 Students. This research will help students in this institution to become

more aware and knowledgeable about urban trees carbon storage
capability and its role in our environment.
 City. Through this cities can contribute to the overall environmental
carbon storage efforts while improving urban development and
 Future Researchers. This research will help future researchers by
providing data, strategy, and expertise, particularly on topics linked to
the Carbon Storage Potential of Urban Trees.

Scope and Limitation

The scope and limitations of the study involve the following areas:

Subject Matter: This study will focus on Quantification and Mapping of

Carbon Storage Potential of Urban trees in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del

The study considers a wide range of tree species and their characteristics,

collects essential data and tree attributes, and analyzing it using appropriate

tools and methods. This study will also focus on the abudance of a specific

tree species that is present on the research environment. Moreover, the

study will only be carried out in 7 urban barangays of Pagadian City,

Zamboanga del Sur, not including those rural barangays and other other

neighboring areas.

Definition of Terms

Emission – are substances released into the air and are measured by their

concentrations, or parts per million, in the atmosphere.

Erosion Control – is the treatment that prevents or controls wind or water

erosion in agriculture, construction, fire remediation, storm water

management, sustainable landscaping, and riparian and watershed

Greenhouse Gases (GHG’s) – consist of CO2 , methane, ozone, nitrous

oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and water vapor. They are gases in the

atmosphere that traps heat.

Quantification – is the act of giving numerical value to a measurement of

something. It produces a standardized form of measurement that allows

statistical procedures and mathematical calculations.

Urban planning – is a discipline and method of action, urban planning

deals with the processes of production, structuring and appropriation of

urban space.

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