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Repair Code Component Repair Type Length Width Pieces Location Damage ResParty Total

12427 RLA/RLA IT 180 0 1 FG23 BR Third Party 275

12472 RLG/RLG RP 0 0 4 FG23 BR Third Party 80
13376 LBR/LBR GS 0 0 2 DX3N BT Third Party 60
14063 FPP/FPP SN 115 130 1 BR1N BR Third Party 575
14072 HWR/HWR RE 1 0 1 BXXX LO Third Party 45
14755 MCO/MCO WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 60
14769 MCO/MCO MR 4 0 1 IXXX CT Third Party 130
14775 MCO/MCO MR 10 0 1 IXXX CT Third Party 325
14783 MCO/MCO RM 0 0 1 BXXX DB Third Party 26
99999 RLA/null GS 120 0 1 DG23 DT Third Party 90
99999 PAA/null GW 15 0 6 LB23 CK Third Party 98
99999 CMA/null GS 1 0 3 UX1N DT Third Party 102
99999 FPP/null SN 115 90 1 BR3N BR Third Party 276
99999 FPP/null SN 130 115 1 BR5N BR Third Party 339
99999 FPP/null SN 150 115 1 BR12 BR Third Party 425
11769 PAA/null GW 15 0 6 LX24 BR Third Party 103
11769 PAA/null GW 15 0 5 RX24 BR Third Party 86
12023 PAA/null GS 360 90 1 LX25 BT Third Party 158
12062 PAA/null GS 450 120 1 RX25 BT Third Party 252
14755 MCO/null WW 0 0 1 IXXX DY Third Party 51
14166 FPP/null SN 60 115 1 BL1N BR Third Party 198
14166 FPP/null SN 60 115 1 BL3N BR Third Party 198
14167 FPP/null SN 90 115 1 BL5N BR Third Party 258
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 46
12969 RLA/null GS 180 0 1 DG23 BT Third Party 115
14753 MCO/null CC 20 0 1 IXXX OR Third Party 75
99999 LBC/null GS 0 0 4 DX3N BT Third Party 39
14755 MCO/null WW 0 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 50
99999 FPP/null SN 210 120 1 BL45 BR Third Party 627
99999 FPP/null SN 90 120 1 BL3N BR Third Party 276
99999 CMA/null GS 0 0 1 UX3N BT Third Party 35
99999 FPP/null SN 120 120 1 BR1N BR Third Party 339
99999 DHR/null RP 0 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 19
99999 FPP/null SN 90 120 1 BR5N BR Third Party 276
99999 FPP/null SN 60 120 1 BR3N BR Third Party 212
2051 PAA/PAA GS 120 120 2 RX24 BW Third Party 146
14166 FPP/FPP SN 60 115 1 BL2N BR Third Party 261
14167 FPP/FPP SN 90 115 1 BR5N BR Third Party 331
14753 MCO/MCO CC 20 0 1 IXXX OS Third Party 78
14063 FPP/null SN 115 130 1 BR1N BR Third Party 320
14167 FPP/null SN 90 115 1 BR4N BR Third Party 260
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 45
14793 MCO/null RM 40 0 2 BXXX BR Third Party 32
14063 FPP/FPP SN 115 130 2 BX3N BR Third Party 640
14166 FPP/FPP SN 60 115 1 BL4N BR Third Party 200
14200 CMA/CMA RP 0 0 1 UX4N BR Third Party 175
14753 MCO/MCO CC 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 75
11847 PAA/null WD 15 0 4 RX34 CK Third Party 57
11847 PAA/null WD 15 0 2 RX23 CK Third Party 29
11847 PAA/null WD 15 0 4 LX34 CK Third Party 57
12663 PAA/null WD 15 0 3 FX23 CK Third Party 43
13029 DSB/null GS 60 0 1 DB3N BW Third Party 41
13029 DSB/null GS 60 0 1 DB2N BW Third Party 41
13711 PAA/null WD 15 0 4 TX12 CK Third Party 57
14063 FPP/null RP 130 115 1 BR1N BR Third Party 350
14755 MCO/null WW 0 0 1 IXXX DY Third Party 51
13037 DSH/null SN 30 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 66
13208 GRS/null GS 30 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 12
13987 PAA/null GS 270 180 1 TX35 BT Third Party 227
14072 HWR/null RE 1 0 1 BX4N LO Third Party 36
14248 CMA/null GS 0 0 1 UX4N BT Third Party 35
14248 CMA/null GS 0 0 4 UX12 BT Third Party 137
14351 FLT/null GS 60 0 2 UX2N BT Third Party 50
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 50
14765 MCO/null RM 0 0 1 IXXX ML Third Party 4
13376 LBR/null GS 0 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 22
14166 FPP/null SN 60 115 1 BR1N BR Third Party 212
14166 FPP/null SN 60 115 1 BL1N BR Third Party 212
14248 CMA/null GS 0 0 1 UX2N BT Third Party 35
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 50
13401 LBH/LBH RP 0 0 1 DB2N BT Third Party 50
13522 PAA/PAA PT 30 30 1 TR1N BT Third Party 45
14062 FPP/FPP SN 115 240 1 BL23 BT Third Party 1040
14062 FPP/FPP SN 115 240 1 BR23 BT Third Party 1040
14166 FPP/FPP SN 60 115 1 BR4N BT Third Party 345
14202 CMA/CMA GS 1 0 15 UX15 BT Third Party 675
14755 MCO/MCO WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 60
14783 MCO/MCO RM 0 0 8 IXXX DY Third Party 208
99999 FPP/null RP 180 115 1 BR23 CL Third Party 479
99999 FPP/null RP 115 90 1 BR5N BR Third Party 271
99999 FPP/null RP 180 115 1 BL23 BR Third Party 479
99999 PAA/null GW 15 0 3 RX24 BR Third Party 47
99999 MCO/null WP 0 0 5 IXXX DY Third Party 54
99999 FPP/null RE 0 0 1 BX4N LO Third Party 33
99999 RLA/null GS 120 0 1 FG23 BT Third Party 59
99999 FPP/null RP 115 90 1 BL5N BR Third Party 271
11982 PAA/null GS 240 60 1 RX45 BT Third Party 79
12720 PAA/null GS 60 180 1 FX23 BT Third Party 64
14160 FPP/null MV 1 0 1 BXXX NL Third Party 14
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX OS Third Party 50
11847 PAA/null WD 15 0 1 RB4N BR Third Party 15
11938 PAA/null GS 60 30 1 LX23 BT Third Party 26
11985 PAA/null GS 330 60 1 RX35 BT Third Party 104
13376 LBR/null GS 0 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 22
13376 LBR/null GS 0 0 1 DB2N BT Third Party 22
14072 HWR/null RE 1 0 1 BL1N LO Third Party 36
14167 FPP/null SN 90 115 1 BL45 BR Third Party 276
14248 CMA/null GS 0 0 1 UL5N BT Third Party 35
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 50
14765 MCO/null RM 0 0 1 IXXX ML Third Party 4
11769 PAA/PAA GW 15 0 4 RB24 BR Third Party 14.26
11769 PAA/PAA GW 15 0 12 LB24 BR Third Party 14.26
12057 PAA/PAA GS 300 120 1 RB24 BT Third Party 144.6
12058 PAA/PAA GS 330 120 1 LB24 BT Third Party 157.8
13177 GTA/GTA SN 30 0 1 DB3N BR Third Party 18.72
13400 LBH/LBH RP 2 0 1 DB3N BT Third Party 47.6
13409 DHC/DHC GS 0 0 2 DB3N BT Third Party 9.96
13409 DHC/DHC GS 0 0 2 DB3N BT Third Party 9.96
14167 FPP/FPP SN 90 115 1 BR5N BR Third Party 256.4
14755 MCO/MCO WW 20 0 1 BXXX DY Third Party 44.73
13376 LBR/null GS 0 0 1 DX3N BT Third Party 30
13877 PAA/null GS 120 90 1 TX45 BT Third Party 80
14160 FPP/null MV 1 0 1 BX15 NL Third Party 20
14755 MCO/null WW 20 0 1 IXXX DY Third Party 60
14765 MCO/null RM 0 0 8 EXXX ML Third Party 37
14783 MCO/null RM 0 0 1 IXXX DB Third Party 26
13925 PAA/null GS 480 120 1 TX14 DT Third Party 234
14166 FPP/null SN 60 115 1 BR12 BK Third Party 200
14753 MCO/null CC 20 0 1 IXXX OS Third Party 75
14770 MCO/null MR 5 0 1 IXXX CT Third Party 116
14783 MCO/null RM 0 0 2 IXXX CT Third Party 35
Insert front bottom rail
Replace front bottom rail interior gusset(each)
Straighten door locking bar(each)
Replace plywood floor within 130 cm x 115 cm with screws
Resecure or Replace floor screws 1-10
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Maintain panel surface 4 square meter including removing rust and repainting
Maintain panel surface 10 square meter including removing rust and repainting
Remove residue or lashing wire
Rails Assembly.Straighten
Panel Assembly.Straighten & weld
Cross Member Assembly.Straighten
Plywood Plank.Section
Plywood Plank.Section
Plywood Plank.Section
Panel Assembly.Straighten & weld
Panel Assembly.Straighten & weld
Panel Assembly.Straighten
Panel Assembly.Straighten
Cargo Container (Entire).Water wash
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 90 cm x 115 cm with screws
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Straighten rear bottom rail
Chemical clean entire interior 20' container
Locking Bar Cam.Straighten
Cargo Container (Entire).Water wash
Plywood Plank.Section
Plywood Plank.Section
Cross Member Assembly.Straighten
Plywood Plank.Section
Door Handle Retainer.Replace
Plywood Plank.Section
Plywood Plank.Section
Straighten side panel
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 90 cm x 115 cm with screws
Chemical clean entire interior 20' container
Replace plywood floor within 130 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 90 cm x 115 cm with screws
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Remove cargo debris 20'
Replace plywood floor within 130 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace crossmember full length with reset floor screws
Chemical clean entire interior 20' container
Panel Assembly.Weld
Panel Assembly.Weld
Panel Assembly.Weld
Panel Assembly.Weld
Door Stiffener - Bottom Ed.Straighten
Door Stiffener - Bottom Ed.Straighten
Panel Assembly.Weld
Plywood Plank.Replace
Cargo Container (Entire).Water wash
Section or insert door frame vertical rail
Straighten and reinstall door gasket retainer strip
Straighten roof panel
Resecure or Replace floor screws 1-10
Straighten crossmember
Straighten crossmember
Straighten fork-lift pocket rail
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Remove marking of dangerous cargo(each)
Locking Bar Rod (Tube).Straighten
Plywood Plank.Section
Plywood Plank.Section
Cross Member Assembly.Straighten
Cargo Container (Entire).Water wash
Replace door handle with Replacing rivet
Patch roof panel
Replace plywood floor within 240 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 240 cm x 115 cm with screws
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Straighten crossmember full length
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Remove residue or lashing wire
Plywood Plank.Replace
Plywood Plank.Replace
Plywood Plank.Replace
Panel Assembly.Straighten & weld
Cargo Container (Entire).Sweep
Plywood Plank.Resure / Tighten
Rails Assembly.Straighten
Plywood Plank.Replace
Straighten side panel
Straighten front panel
Remove extra nails on floor and fill holes with dowels 1-10
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Weld side panel
Straighten side panel
Straighten side panel
Straighten door locking bar(each)
Straighten door locking bar(each)
Resecure or Replace floor screws 1-10
Replace plywood floor within 90 cm x 115 cm with screws
Straighten crossmember
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Remove marking of dangerous cargo(each)
Straighten and weld side panel
Straighten and weld side panel
Straighten side panel
Straighten side panel
Section door seal (with reset strip)
Replace door handle and handle hub with Replacing rivet
Straighten door handle retainer and catch
Straighten door handle retainer and catch
Replace plywood floor within 90 cm x 115 cm with screws
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Straighten door locking bar(each)
Straighten roof panel
Remove extra nails on floor and fill holes with dowels 1-10
Water wash entire interior 20' container or wash detergent
Remove marking of dangerous cargo(each)
Remove residue or lashing wire
Straighten roof panel
Replace plywood floor within 60 cm x 115 cm with screws
Chemical clean entire interior 20' container
Maintain panel surface 5 square meter including removing rust and repainting
Remove residue or lashing wire

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