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Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

English Literary terms

Comparing two unlike things using like or as. For example, Rashid runs like a Lion.

Direct comparison between two unlike things. For example, Rashid is a lion.

Giving human qualities to non-human things. For example, flowers were dancing.

Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. For example: I have told you a
million times.

Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of nearby word. For example: Baba Baba black

Using language that signifies the opposite of what is intended. For Example, saying beautiful
day during thunderstorm.

Repetition of vowel sound inside a word. Example: The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Hidden story inside a story like Metamorphosis, Fairy Queen etc.

In Symbolism, objects or events represent abstract ideas, concepts or themes.

In Allusion, the writer refers to a well-known person, events, place, myths or work of art. For
example, "Big Brother is watching you " means Govt.


Prepared by: Rashid Ali

Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

A character talking to an absent person or thing. Example: -----------------

It means "to dance". Short story in poem, Dramatic narration, Question and answer method,
Medieval touch, Supernatural elements used, Repetition of particular lines, words and phrases.
Example " Rime of Ancient Mariner" by S.T Coleridge.

Four-line stanza is " quatrain ".

Fanciful or elaborative metaphor that draw comparison between two different things. For
example: Shakespeare compares a lover's beauty with summer days, Donne compares his and her
lover's love with flea.

A unit of two lines in poetry is "couplet". They have the same meter and same rhyme, can stand
alone. There are two types of it, Open couplets (not give complete idea) Close couplets (give
complete idea).

Heroic Couplets
They are pairs of rhymed lines written in iambic pentameter, meter commonly used in Epic and
narrative poetry. Rhyming scheme AABB.

It means pause. Pauses in one line of poetry is known Caesura. For example: ---, ____etc.

Aristotle coined it, suffering and downfall of protagonist, allows audience to experience fear and
pity and that is catharsis.

Iambic and Meter

Iambic is combination of two syllables, first unstressed while second stressed syllable, it is also
called feet or feet. Meter is equal to one foot or foot. It defines the no. of iambic in one line of
poetry. It types are monometer, dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, hexameter.

Common Meter
It consists of alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter.

Prepared by: Rashid Ali

Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

Rhyme and Rhyme

Scheme Repetition of same sound at the end of lines is " Rhyme " and Rhyming scheme is
denoting every sound with specific letter. For example: Twinkle, Twinkle little star, (A) How I
wonder what you are, (A) Like a diamond in sky, (B)

Single emotion or feeling, more to heart than intellect, short like songs, easy to remember,
subjective poetry, ode sonnets and ballad are forms of it. Melic songs (single person with Lyrical
instrument) Choric songs (many persons with many instruments)

Lyrical poem that addresses a particular subject, person, or object. poet. Pindar. Horace. There
are three basic types of odes: Pindaric ode (follow strict structure with three stanzas, each as
specific meter and rhyme. strophe, Antistrophe, Epode). Horatian ode (short stanzas and same
meter and rhyme). Irregular ode (Do not follow specific form)

It refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language to create mental images in the reader's mind.
Five senses are used.

Central idea or message that author wants to convey.

It refers to the attitude or emotional expression of a writer towards subject matter or character.

It refers to the overall atmosphere or emotional feeling created by a piece of writing.

It refers to struggle or clash between opposing forces or characters.

Point of View
It refers to the perspective from which a story is told or written. First person (Narrator is present
in story and represents themselves as "I"). Second Person (Narrator addresses reader directly as "
you ". Third Person (Narrator is external of the story).


Prepared by: Rashid Ali

Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

It refers to the time, place and social environment in which the events of the story take place.

Characters of story or novel.

Central character of the story.

It is a character that opposes or creates conflict for the protagonist.

The sequence pf event is " plot". Its principle is " cause and effect". For example: " The kind
died and then queen died, is a story while the kind died and then queen died of grief, is a plot.

The 14 lines poem is called " sonnet ". Dante coined it. There are two major types of sonnets,
Italian sonnets (Petrarchan sonnets,Fancesco Petrarch first used it, octave 8 lines and sestet 6
lines, from 9th line poet give solution and is called volta, Giacomo coined it.) English sonnets
(Shakespearean sonnets, Thomas Wyatt first translated, earl of surrey used it first, 3 quatrains
and one couplet, volta from 9th line, while Shakespeare start to give solution in his last couplet.

Three Unites
unity of time, unity of place, unity of action (follow by everyone)

A long narrative poem that tells the story of heroic deeds often involves gods, kings and
legendary figures. There are two types, Folk Epic (fairy queen), Literary Epic (Paradise lost)

Epic Theatre
It coined by Bertold Brecht, Anti-Aristotle ideas, claims theatre should not be dramatic and
promote emotions in audience while it should show reality of life and social change.

Black Verse
Only focus on meter, not on rhyme, specifically iambic pentameter is used, Marlow, William
Shakespeare, Miltan and William Cowper widely used it.

Formal Verse

Prepared by: Rashid Ali

Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

Focus on both meter and rhyme of poetry.

Free Verse
Verse means poetry while free verse means no proper use of meter and rhyme, walt Waitman
American writer famous for it.

A sad song or poem focuses on emotions, no follow meter and rhyme, first person written on
someone death, serious reflection.

The poet shows his feelings by using past events.

Two- or four-lines poem.

To criticize someone or something.

Group of words that have different meanings from literal meaning. like, break a leg means "
good luck".

Sentence or phrase with two opposite or contradicting words. For example: Rashid is seriously

Stream of Consciousness
It is a narrative technique that aims to capture the continuous flow of thoughts and feeling
passing through a character's mind, James Joyce widely used it.

Similar stresses on syllables or group of words.

It refers to recurring elements, theme, image, symbol, idea that have significance in literary.


Prepared by: Rashid Ali

Most Common Terms Used in English Literature

Straight forward message, no use of meter, rhyme or rhythm, For example; newspaper, Essay,
novel etc.

Figurative Language
It refers to the use of literary devices in writing like smile etc.

poetic technique where sentence or phrase carries over from one to next without a pause or
break in meaning.

It is like painting with words. Expression of feelings and thoughts by using meter, rhyme and

Form of literature or performance tells a story through dialogue and action, often performed on

Serious play with sad ending, focus on downfall of hero due to flaw or mistake.

Play with happy ending, often filled with humor.

Blend of tragedy and comedy, elements of both serious and humorous moments.

Long narrative tale or story complete in itself, reader can enjoy private, unlimited length.

Prepared by: Rashid Ali

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