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Dec 29, 2023

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Motivation refers to a set of forces that causes people to behave in certain
ways. In perspective, it is a psychological process that gives purpose and
direction to behavior. MHA Logistics uses the Need-Based Models to motivate
the employees. The needs-based theory states that employees have certain
needs that must be met to be motivated to perform. Therefore, theories in
the need-based model that MHA Logistics use is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
which is proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. Maslow assumed that there
are five-tier models of human needs within an individual, which are arranged
in the hierarchy. There are five-tiers of the hierarchy including physiological,
safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization. The first lower level of
the hierarchy needs is physiological needs which is defined as needs for good
and comfortable working conditions. For instance, MHA Logistics manager
which is Mr. Hashim Abdullah need to be constant of paying the basic wage
or salary to the employees, provide lunch coupon to all the employee for
quarterly, provide a comfort restroom for employees, provide a cuckoo water
dispenser and others. Thus, a manager who focuses on physiological needs
assumes that employees work mainly for money and are concerned about
comfort and their rate of pay and it must be met first before higher needs can
be fulfilled. Subsequently, the next level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is
security or safety needs which define a need to have a safe physical and
emotional environment. Moreover, it is a need for protection against threats
or unsafe working environment such as job security and predictable work
environment. For example, Mr. Hashim Abdullah as a manager of MHA
Logistics need to provide pension plan to the retire employees, fringe benefits
such as manager provide a lot of facility around working places, insurance
plan incase if anything happened to the employees due to the working time
like SOCSO and other else. After physiological and safety needs have been
fulfilled, then the third level of human needs is social and involves belonging
needs and feelings. Other than that, social or affiliation needs are one of the
parts in Maslow hierarchy. Social needs occur when an individual values their
work as an opportunity and is loved also accepted by others. In other words, it
is the way that an employee makes a healthy relationship with other
employees and builds good communication between manager and
employee. For example, MHA Logistics organized an event for organizations
such as Family Day so that the bonding between employees and
management becomes closer. Besides, the company also gives motivation

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and suggestions to all the employees to encourage their teamwork. MHA
Logistics also always prioritized their employees in every situation that occurs
in the company. A need for personal feelings of achievement and self-worth is
called esteem needs. It means that managers who prioritize esteem needs
always try to instill pride in their employees’ work and use public reward and
recognition for services rendered. For example, managers who think that
their employees have good potential and make great efforts during a task will
get a higher position in the company. Self-actualization needs are when a
manager who values self-actualization may place an employee in challenging
job that allow them to upgrade their skills and challenge themselves in doing
a task. For example, MHA Logistics gives them a chance to work with other
companies in the same industry. It is to help their employees gain more
knowledge and skills to help them improve themselves.


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