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Personal Trainer

evaluation Kit
the issa, Your trusted source for fitness education

Personal Trainer Evaluation Kit

Congratulations! Just the fact that you’ve downloaded this Personal Trainer
Evaluation Kit from the ISSA tells me that you’re already well on the way to becom-
ing a personal trainer.

Over the past 25 years, we’ve taught over 180,000 students and trainers from more
than 80 countries around the world. The ISSA is widely recognized as “the trainer’s
trainer” and gyms everywhere ask us to refer our certified trainers to them. With all
that experience, we know what makes an effective, successful personal trainer. Read
on to find out if that includes you...

Becoming a personal trainer is a great choice. I can’t think of a more rewarding and
fulfilling career – nor one that can give you as much freedom and flexibility. What’s
more, demand is high for personal trainers and is set to increase over the next few
years. In fact, the US Department of Labor predicts a 24% growth in the field
through 2020.

It’s not for everyone though. We can train you to the highest level in the knowledge
and techniques of the job, but we only want to take you on if you have a real passion
for fitness.

This kit will help you decide whether being a personal trainer is a good fit for you
and how ready you are to get started right away.

What’s included in this kit:

1. Test your readiness in our Evaluation Quick Quiz

2. What exactly does a personal trainer do?
3. The 5 characteristics of great personal trainers
4. Your 5-step plan to becoming a personal trainer
5. The next step you can take right now

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the issa, Your trusted source for fitness education

Personal Trainer Evaluation Kit

Here we go...

Test your readiness in our Evaluation Quick Quiz

Click this link and take our trainer evaluation quick quiz. It takes less than 3
minutes – then you can come back for more information.

Wait – did you take the quiz yet? If you haven’t taken it, go and do it now.

OK – so how did you do?

You’re ready! Think about enrolling right away.

8 or more

5–7 You’re a very likely candidate. Keep reading to make sure.

Students have various reasons to study personal training – from hitting

4 or less personal bests to improving the health of those they love. Remember what
drew you here from the start and read on to see if your goals are a match.

So the quiz is useful, but remember that nobody but you can really know whether you
want to be a personal trainer.

You probably have a bunch of questions.

What exactly does a personal trainer do?

As a personal trainer, you’ll work with clients to assess their strengths and weaknesses
and then design an exercise program to improve their physical fitness. You’ll motivate
clients by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability. You’ll instruct them
in the proper technique for exercises. And you’ll also educate clients in other aspects of
wellness besides exercise, including general health and nutrition.

As a personal trainer, you aren’t necessarily restricted to a particular venue. You might
work in a fitness facility, in your home, in your clients’ homes or even outdoors.

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the issa, Your trusted source for fitness education

Personal Trainer Evaluation Kit

You might choose to specialize in a certain training type, training philosophy, per-
formance type, exercise modality, or client population. ISSA personal trainers design
programs that utilize strength training, cardio, flexibility, and nutrition strategies to
optimize results.

The 5 characteristics of great personal trainers

Personal trainers come in all shapes and sizes, but there are certain characteristics that
many share. Which of these traits do you identify with most?

1. Passion for fitness

Look forward to the gym? Spend hours researching the best techniques? Live
to squat, press, lift or swim, bike, run? You’re in excellent company. The
strength of the ISSA community is rooted deep in the love of fitness.

2. Desire to help others

There is no denying that wellness can turn the world around. You know it.
You want to pass it on. Simple.

3. Personal transformation
Countless graduates have personally experienced the transforming power
of fitness and they want others to know the same triumph. Nothing is more
effective than a trainer who has been there.

4. Sociable
There are no two ways about it, you’ll be working closely with people. You’ll
need to form good relationships with your clients to get the most out of them
and make sure they keep working with you.

5. Motivating
You know that changing your body or meeting a challenge takes commitment.
A trainer that brings needed enthusiasm and support when the going gets
tough is key to permanent gains.

4 • 1.800.892.4772 • 1.805.745.8111 (international)

the issa, Your trusted source for fitness education

Personal Trainer Evaluation Kit

Your 5-step plan to becoming a personal trainer

1. Got any questions? Talk to our expert team and get them
answered fast. It costs nothing and there’s no obligation.
LiveChat here or call us at 1-800-892-4772 (1-805-745-8111 international)

2. Envision your future.

Want to work for an organization? Work for yourself? Just want to know
what trainers know? You can change your mind at any time, but you’ll feel
more secure with a goal in mind. If you decide to certify with ISSA, you’ll
get exclusive information that will direct you in your career path or get your
business up and running with paying clients fast.

3. Get certified.
Choose a certification program and get started.
Struggling to choose? Get the 7 Secrets of Choosing the Right Personal
Trainer Certification

4. Get ready for the field.

Since all gyms require trainers to be certified in CPR/AED, we actively pre-
pare you for the field by requiring that you have an active CPR/AED card.
(Just ask one of our reps how to locate a class near you.) If you have proof of
a past hands-on class, ask about our online refresher course!

5. Get started.

The next step you can take right now

If you’re determined to become a personal trainer then don’t delay: get started
today! Every day you wait is another day you didn’t follow your dreams.

You can enroll in ISSA’s Personal Trainer Certification course here:

If you haven’t quite decided, what’s stopping you? What question is unanswered?
What fear is holding you back?

Whatever it might be, talk to our team.

LiveChat here or call us at 1-800-892-4772 (1-805-745-8111 international)

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