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Section A - History

1) Choose the correct option (2.5)

a) The Prayag Prashati was written by
i) samdrugupta iii) kalidasa
ii) harisena iv) Chandraguta
b) Harsha was a great supporter of _______
i) Hinduism iii) Jainism
ii) Muslim iv) Buddhism
c) The saka era was started by
i) Rudradaman iii) Kanishka
ii) karikal iv) Chandraguta
d) Paper was invented by
i) Europe iii) Africa
ii) China iv) India
e) ____________ was the most famous mathematics of the Gupta period
i) Ilango iii) Chandraguta
ii) Aryabhatta iv) kalidasa
2) Fill in the blanks (2.5)
a) The merchant and traders had their own associations known as _________
b) Punch marked coins were made of silver and ___________.
c) The Gandhara school of Art produced images ___________.
d) Buddhacharita was written by___________.
e) _________ gave the an almost accurate value of pie.
3) Define them (any four) (10)
a) Second Urbanisation
b) stupa
c) Silk route
d) Agricultural intensification
e) Guilds
4) Answer these questions in short (any two) (6)
a) What were items of import at arikamedu?
b) Name the chief ports cities of the pandyas, charas and cholas.
c) Mention a few centres where Buddhist art flourished
d) Who is pulakesin II?
5) Answer these questions in detail (any one) (7)
a) The Gupta Age was a period rich in art literature and science and technology.
b) Discuss the hierarchy that existed in a village.

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c) Discuss the Greek influence on India.
Section b- geography
1) Write true or false. (2.5)
a) The average height of the Himadri is 4000m
b) Goa is the smallest state in India.
c) Mango showers are harmful for the growth of mangoes.
d) The first week of October is celebrated as wildlife week every year.
e) Bangladesh lies to the north of India.
2) Difference between (any two) (10)
a) Western Coastal plains and Eastern coastal plains
b) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
c) Advancing and Retreating monsoon
d) Evergreen and Deciduous forest
3) Answer these questions in short (any three) (6)
a) Name the water bodies that are located on the three sides of the Indian
b) Why are the Shivalik earthquake prone?
c) What do you mean by term delta?
d) State two special features of mangrove
e) Name the four seasons experienced in India.

4) Answer these question in detail (any two) (8)

a) Give an account of the Northern plains of India.
b) How are forests useful to us?
c) Give an account of the monsoon season in India.
d) Explain the factors that affect the climate of India.

Section c –civics
1) Choose the correct option (2)
a) Ward councillor are elected on the basic of ___________
i) universal adult franchise iii) panchayat
ii) MP iv) superintendent of police
b) In India, most of the farmers are either small farmers or _______
i) Money lenders iii) middle farmers
ii) Large farmers iv) landless labour
c) People who sell goods and food on the streets are called
i) Trader iii) street vendor
ii) Salesperson iv) chaiwalla
d) Factories employ people on basis
i) Regular iii) irregular
ii) Contract iv) frequent

2) Answer these question in short.(any three) (6)

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a) How do migrant workers live in the cities?
b) What are tertiary occupation?
c) Who are landless farmers?
d) What is the primary occupation in rural areas?
3) Answer these questions in detail. (any two) (8)
a) How are street vendor important for the economy?
b) What is the difference between money lender and a Trader?
c) List the other occupation understand by people in villages
d) What are the source of income for the Municipal corporation

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