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Year 2020 and 2021 are the years that stopped us from gathering, learning, and meeting one
another. And now 2023 is the time that was given to us to both learn what to do in an emergency situation
and to meet our other girl scouts. The event happened at the gymnasium of Alangilan Central Elementary
School at the 11th day of March 2023.

The event first started with a prayer headed by our Cadet. GS Jenevie Perez, followed by the roll
call providing that each schools should present their yell for their attendance. And after that, the real event
has now begun.

Learning, making friends, and having fun.

The speakers for the event that taught the girls on what to do if ever they encounter an accident or
an emergency situation wherein first aid is needed are Mr. Emanuel and Mr. Edward from the Philippine
Red Cross Batangas chapter. The trainers very well elaborated what are the different kinds of accidents
and what are their causes. Mr. Emanuel provided the information on what the girls are needed to do when

a patient is having a cardiac arrest or when someone has an open wound. Meanwhile, Mr. Edward taught
the girls on how does bandaging work.

With all these things explained, the girls received a certificate of participation and some badges!
With the last remarks being, “ may you don’t experience on using these first aid, however, when someone
needs it, may you also don’t hesitate on helping.”.

Mr. Emanuel of the Philippine Red Cross

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