CV - Yusuf Bahrudin Nizar

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Yusuf Bahrudin Nizar

Software Developer
Surabaya, Indonesia | +6281230707932 | | LinkedIn | Github

As a dynamic fullstack developer, I bring a dedicated commitment to innovation and an unwavering
pursuit of excellence. Holding a degree in Information Systems and fortified by the rigorous Hacktiv8
Fullstack JavaScript Bootcamp, I excel in crafting user-friendly software that seamlessly integrates
cutting-edge technical expertise. My versatile skill set spans both front-end and back-end
technologies, ensuring a holistic approach to software development. I thrive on translating creative
ideas into functional and efficient solutions, and I am devoted to staying at the forefront of emerging
technologies to deliver impactful results.

Hacktiv8 Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
Full Stack JavaScript Immersive Program (Transcript) June 2023 - October 2023
Universitas Dinamika STIKOM Surabaya (Transcript) Surabaya, Indonesia
Bachelor of Information Systems (GPA 3.37/4.00) 2015 – 2021

Career break/achieving my dreams at Hacktiv8 Jakarta, Indonesia
FullStack Developer June 2023 – October 2023
As a Fullstack Developer at Hacktiv8, I undertook an intensive Immersive JavaScript Full Stack
program, which further refined my skills and knowledge in software development. During this period,
I was involved and contributed to various projects, demonstrating my proficiency in both front-end
and back-end technologies.
● Detik Application
Pioneered the development of mobile and web applications that replicated the user interface of
the news portal. Manage the entire project life cycle, ensuring team alignment and
adherence to best practices.
● HMDB Movies
Developed a web-based movie application that displays a curated list of movies, provides
detailed information and integrates with YouTube for trailers.
● Job Portal
Created a simple but effective web application for to-do lists, combining Create, Read, Update
and Delete (CRUD) functionality.

PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading Tbk Surabaya, Indonesia

Warehouseman October 2021 – June 2023
● I effectively utilized Oracle Applications to manage and optimize various warehouse operations.
This include utilizing the software for tracking inventory, order processing, and ensuring the
smooth flow of goods within the warehouse.
● I was responsible for overseeing inventory management processes, which involved tracking
stock levels, monitoring product movements, and maintaining accurate records. This included
coordinating with other team members ensure efficient storage and retrieval of items.
● A crucial aspect of my role was to maintain high levels of inventory accuracy. I implemented
best practices to minimize errors in inventory records ensuring that discrepancies were reduced
to a minimum. This contributed to a more efficient and reliable warehouse operation.

PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia

Risk Management (Internship) June 2020 – June 2021
● I am actively involved in the identification and analysis of information threats within the ICT
department, with a particular focus on baggage services. My responsibilities include assessing
vulnerabilities and managing associated risks. This experience helps strengthen the security of
sensitive data.
● I developed expertise in ISO 27001 and ISO 27005 standards. This knowledge allowed me to
contribute to the development and implementation of robust information security management
systems, aligning with internationally recognized standards.

PT. Stars International Shoes Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia

Web Developer (Internship) June 2018 – May 2019
● Developing a web-based stoíe seaích and logistics tíacking system.

Language: JavaScript
Front End: React JS, Redux, jQuery & Ajax, Vue, Pinia, React Native, HTML & CSS, Apollo Client
Back End: Node JS, Express, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, Apollo Server, MongoDB, Redis,
Rest API, Amazon Web Services(AWS), Docker, Microservices

Detik App October 2023
A mobile and web based that replicate the user interface of the news portal
Tech stack: ReactJS, React-Native, Expo, Express.js, MongoDB, Sequelize, PostgresSQL, GraphQL,
Apollo Server, AWS, Microservices, Docker, Rest API

HMDB Movie September 2023

A web based movie application that displays a list of movies, provides detailed information about
each movie, and integrates with Youtube to show their trailers.
Tech stack: Vue, Pinia, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, 3rd party API for server-side, Express.js, Html,
Tailwind Css

Job Portal August 2023

A simple web application that allows users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) job listings.
Tech stack: Vue, jQuery & Ajax, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, Express.js, Html & Css

Software Engineer Intern Issued on November 2023
Certificate: 445eb32187aa No expiration date
SQL (Intermediate) Issued on November 2023
Certificate: 530c6650cb1c No expiration date
JavaScript (Intermediate) Issued on November 2023
Certificate: 4f88de6cc055 No expiration date
Frontend Web (Basic) Issued on November 2023
Certificate: MRZML9430XYQ No expiration date
Javascript (Basic) Issued on November 2023
Certificate: 2VX36QJ1NXYQ No expiration date
Pemrograman Web (Basic) Issued on November 2023
Certificate: 1OP81O568ZQK No expiration date
Fullstack Javascript Immersive Issued on October 2023
Certificate: HCK-1699945680137 No expiration date

Brand Ambassador Mahasiswa Issued on januari 2018
Certificate: tsel-lopp No expiration date

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