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John Reynel Corpuz

Gerald John Balacuit
Charlie Jhon Hindoy
Francis Ivor Llanita
John Francis Llanita
Kyle Maña
Jhon Paul Quiring
Cliff Renhard Raut
Carl James Toong

March 2024
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page





A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School
Alubijid, Misamis Oriental


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


John Reynel Corpuz

Gerald John Balacuit
Charlie Jhon Hindoy
Francis Ivor Llanita
John Francis Llanita
Kyle Maña
Jhon Paul Quiring
Cliff Renhard Raut
Carl James Toong
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page

March 2024




Internet use nowadays has become one of the most important habits in our daily lives.

One of the most significant daily routines is using the internet. It is now a must for all people,

regardless of gender or age, making it a useful tool for keeping up with the rapidly advancing

technology. It serves as a knowledge base, a communication tool, and a way to unwind.

Computer gaming is one of the influences of this technology. The most common kind of

entertainment, computer games appeal to a wide range of age groups. One of the most

popular pastimes for many individuals is playing video games online. Online games can be a

stress reliever, a challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social connection, and

even a way to psychologically escape from the real world, according to a study by Castillo

and Dumrique (2017).

This topic will give information about the current status and effects of playing online

games among the G12 TVL students in Alubijid National Comprehensive High School, thus,

this is mainly focused and involved on their academic performances. Students academic

performance is the measurement or scope of a student’s accomplishments in all academic

subjects. Academic productivity is a term used to express how far one has come and how

much they have improved. Everything has a flip side, and this holds true for academic
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 2
success as well. Generally speaking, academic performance refers to a student’s

accomplishment in their academic pursuits. Grades, exam results, and involvement in class

are just a few ways to measure this. (Dumrique, 2017).

Due to the overwhelming amount of schoolwork, students frequently experience

tension during school hours. By playing online games, they can relax. Unexpected learning

happens for students, but using online games inappropriately can also cause distractions at

school and other issues. Even the child’s health and social lives are unwittingly impacted

when their attention is divided (Dumrique, 2018).

According to Jongco (2022), withdrawal from social interactions is one of the most

typical effects of addiction to online gaming. Students would rather stay at home or in

internet cafés than engage with their family or friends. Interaction and communication will

break down as a result of this isolation. They may converse with other online gamers, it's

true, but their real social and interpersonal life suffer. Students stop being productive when

they stop participating in social work. They spend so much time playing that they become

sleep deprived, which makes it difficult for them to complete duties at work or at home,

which lowers productivity. They thus fare poorly academically. Internet game addiction is

bad for students' health since they go for long stretches without eating and don't even take

breaks for bathroom breaks or showers, which are essential necessitiess.

Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 3
The researchers felt the need in determining the impact of playing online games. The

purpose of this study is to find out the implications and effects of playing online games to the

academic performance among the G12 TVL students in ANCHS.


The study on the effects of playing online games on the academic performance of

G12 TVL Students anchored on the Bandura Social Learning Theory. Bandura's theory of

social learning provides a useful framework for us to consider how students learn via

observational learning and modelling. For Bandura learning takes place in a social setting via

observation, but it also involves cognitive processes; that is, learners internalize and make

sense of what see in order to reproduce the behavior themselves. Gibson argues that this

involves that the psychological matching of cognitive skills and patterns of behavior between

a person and an observing individual. Bandura proposed that this type of learning involved

four different stages attention retention, reproduction and motivation.

Playing Online Games is simply the playing of a video game over the internet,

usually with friends. Online games can be played on any number of devices from dedicated

video games consoles such as Play stations, Xboxes, and Nintendo Switches, PCs, laptops

and mobile phones. Mobile legends is a free to play fantasy. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 4
(MOBA) for mobile devices with classic 5 vs 5 lane based MOBA battles. At 7.6 hours per

week, the average gamer plays just over one hour everyday on average.

Academic performance/achievement is the extent to which a student, teacher, or

institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by

continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Playing Online Games

 Attention Students’ Academic
 Attendance Performance
 Time Management

Figure #1. Relationship of Independent to Dependent Variables


This study aims to identity the effects of playing online games on the academic

performance of G12 TVL students.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of playing online games in terms of:

1.a Attention
1.b Attendance
1.c Time Management
2. What is the academic performance of the students?
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 5
3. Is there a significant difference between playing online games to students academic



The hypotheses were tested at the 0.05 level of significance based on the problems

stated above.

Ho1: There is no significant difference in academic performance between students

who play online games and those who do not.

Ho2: The frequency and duration of playing online games do not significantly

affect the academic performance of students.


This particular study, which primarily aims to ascertain the effects of playing online

games on the students academic performance, this study could be significant and beneficial

to the following.

Students: This study will help the grade 12 students develop awareness on the significant

effects of online games in academic performance of grade 12 students.

Teachers: This will give them information about the state of the student's academic

achievement while playing online games, which will inspire them to assist the kids by

providing appropriate, clear, and helpful feedback regarding the outcome of this problem.
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 6

Department of Education: This will provide them optimistic understanding and yawning

awareness to the diverse causes that would affect academic performance of each student who

takes part about online games.

Future Researchers: The result of this study will serve as a basic and as a resource for

supplementary information and ideas for researches why will conduct similar studies in the



The coverage of this study is all about online games effect to academic performance

of students. It consist of effects of playing online games, it tells about the proper or right use

of online games as their part time habits. This study is focusing on the negative effect of

online games if it becomes the education interference and also it tells about possibilities or

results if you play online games even during school time.

The researcher limited this research only at Alubijid National Comprehensive High

School (ANCHS) with the minimum count of respondents, 10 students either male or female,

Grade 12 TVL students only. The researcher also limited this researcher only with the effects

of online games to their academic performance. The consequence of the study was very

genuine only for the selected Grade 12 TVL students only, while the generalizations and

analysis were empirically based on the findings of the study.

Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page 7

Academic Performance: How pupils handle their academic work and how they handle or

complete the assignments assigned to them by their teacher.

Education: The knowledge, abilities, comprehension and attitudes you can get from going to


Internet: A global computer network made up of interconnected networks that use common

protocols for communication that offers a range of information and communication


Online game: A game in which the visuals produced by computer program are electronically

altered and played utilizing a computer network, such as the internet games that demand and

online connection. As an illustration, consider Dota, Rules of Survival, Mobile Legend, and

Clash of clans.

Player: People participating in an online gaming or another sport.

Students: A someone who is enrolled in school at a university or another institution of higher

Alubijid National Comprehensive High School Page

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