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Sub-: Geography
Std-: X (EM) Marks-: 40
Date: 25/10/2021 Time: 2 hours
1. All questions / activities are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right in bracket indicate full marks.
3. For Q. No. 6 (A) use graph paper and attach it to the main answer book. [If you don’t have a
graph paper then solve Q. No. 6 (B)]
4. Use of stencil is allowed for drawing maps.
5. Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
6. Answers should be written in Black and Blue ink only.
7. Use of colour pencils are allowed for diagrams, sketches and map work.
8. Answers written in pencils will not be considered.

Q. 1. Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given
and rewrite the sentences in your answer-book: (4)

1. To the foot hills of the Aravalis ...... .

(i) lies the Bundelkhand Plateau. (ii) lies the Mewad Plateau.
(iii) lies the Malwa Plateau. (iv) lies the Deccan Plateau.
2. India and Brazil have ........... type of government
(i) Military (ii) Communist
(iii) Republic (iv) Presidential
3. In Brazil ……….. receives orographic rainfall
(i) Guyana Highlands (ii) windward side of the Great Escarpment
(iii) Amazon river basin (iv) Paraguay- Parana river basin
4. In India, thorny vegetation is found in the state of
(i) Rajasthan (ii) Maharashtra
(iii) Goa (iv) Kerala

Q. 2. Find the odd man out: (4)

1. Neighbouring countries of India

(i) Nepal (ii) Bhutan (iii) Pakistan (iv) Suriname
2. North flowing rivers in Brazil.
(i) Juruika (ii) Purus (iii) Xingu (iv) Aragua
3. Summer months of India
(i) December (ii) March (iii) April (iv) May
4. Which State has the least urbanization in Brazil?
(i) Para (ii) Amapa (iii) Espirito Santo (iv) Parana

Q. 3. Differentiate between the following. (Any two) (4)

1. Location of India and Location of Brazil
2. Forest types of India and Forest types of Brazil
3. Differentiate between the human settlements in Ganga river basin and the Amazon river
Q.4 A. Mark the following in the outline map of India, write the names and give index (any four):
1. Capital of India
2. Western Coastal Plains
3. Narmada River
4. Punjab-Haryana Plain
5. Cold desert
6. State where one horned Rhinoceros is found.

B. Observe the given map and answer the questions given below it: (any four) (4)

1. What is the title of the given map?

2. Name the island at the mouth of Amazon River.
3. Name any big river meeting South Atlantic Ocean.
4. Name the ocean to the southeast of Brazil
5. Which country is located to the south of Brazil?
6. Between which two highlands is the Amazon River basin located?

Q. 5 Give geographical reasons for the following. (Any two) (6)

1. Snowfall doesn’t always occur in Brazil.
2. Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of Himalayas.
3. Why is India looked upon as a young country?
4. Urbanization is increasing rapidly in India.
Q 6 A. With the help of the given statistical data prepare a simple bar graph and answer the
following questions: (6)
Brazil- Average annual rainfall in mm
Physiographic Amazon Basin Paraguay Parana Brazilian Coastal areas
Divisions Basin Highlands

Average Annual 2000 1500 600 1200

Rainfall in mm
1. Which physiographic division of Brazil receives the maximum average annual rainfall?
2. What is represented by ‘X’ axis in the graph drawn by you?
3. Comment on average annual rainfall in Brazilian Highlands.

B. Observe the following cross-section of Brazil’s physiography and answer the questions given
below it. (6)

1. Which physiographic feature acts as an obstruction to the winds coming from the ocean?
2. What is the range of temperature in the given figure?
3. How much is annual rainfall in coastal areas?
4. What is the average temperature of Amazon basin?
5. In which region, the rainfall is about 1600 mm?
6. What is the latitudinal extent of the given figure?

Q. 7. Answer the following questions in detail. (Any two) (8)

1. Outline the importance of field visit.
2. What problems did Brazil and India face after independence?
3. What are the major causes of degradation of forests in Brazil and India?
4. Giving examples, correlate climate and population distribution.


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