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Writing a research paper, especially on a complex and multifaceted subject such as the role and

challenges of a police officer, is a demanding task that requires a deep understanding of the topic,
along with strong research and writing skills. This endeavor involves not just the collection of data
from various sources but also the critical analysis of that information to provide insightful
observations and conclusions.

The difficulty of writing a thesis or research paper on such a topic stems from several factors. Firstly,
the breadth of the subject matter, which encompasses legal, social, psychological, and ethical
dimensions of policing, requires a broad but detailed exploration. Secondly, accessing credible and
relevant sources can be challenging, as it involves navigating academic journals, official reports, and
other professional publications. Moreover, synthesizing this information into a coherent and
compelling argument demands not only time and dedication but also a high degree of academic
writing proficiency.

Given these challenges, it's understandable that many students and researchers may seek assistance in
completing their projects. For those looking to ensure the quality and integrity of their work, it's
recommended to consider professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔. This platform
offers specialized support for research papers, including those focused on the complexities of police
work. By choosing such services, individuals can benefit from the expertise of professionals who are
well-versed in academic research and writing standards, ensuring that the final document is not only
comprehensive and insightful but also adheres to the highest academic quality.
Sergeant or Chief to edit the footage further to keep only the parts of the video that make his.
Provides the change on the June 1, 2015 transfer and the prohibition on appropriation, assignment, or
transfer of. These are only a few examples of concerns that lawmakers, police departments, and
citizens. Most of the emerging strategies of the last twenty years have been attempts to get law
enforcement to broaden police work to see the big picture. Causes of Police Brutality: The factors
that trigger into whether police abuse their power are race, religion, socioeconomic status, and
treatment of the mentally. Police brutality is when in any situation a civilian is harmed due to force
by a police officer. Traditionally police did not maintain the closer ties with the society in order to
prevent crimes and terrorist activities. Table 1 located at the end of this document lists the. The bill
provides that the Department of State Police shall, on a. Senate Resolution creating the Joint Police
Body Camera Study Committee. The evidence might also include weapons, hairs, soil blood and
documents that are found at the given crime scene and whose contents are judged to pertain to the
particular crime ( 2013). Importance of Real or Physical Evidence to an investigation
The importance attributed to physical evidence is seen to primarily depend on its general ability to
establish the commitment of a crime as well as indicate by whom, the how and when the given crime
was committed. Further, we intend to use all of the tools at our disposal to anticipate criminal
activity, including all elements from the city planning department and youth services to patrol and
investigation, and everything in between. In order to do this, police has to develop its capabilities to
use technology for maximum use. Unlike previous generations of police managers, we have greater
capability than ever before to use information to drive innovative strategies. Used to be a
requirement with no training or pay for this type of duty. Requires certain law enforcement officers
to wear cameras. Officers With Cameras That Are To Be Worn On The Uniforms Of The Officers; To
Provide Penalties For Police Officers. As such immigrants and their children have also gained the
citizenship rights to live in these countries with equal rights. Taser provided Rialto with the cameras
used to conduct. Community Policing Community Policing is considered as a new phenomenon and
most of the Police organizations in Western countries are following this model. This research looks at
the ways in which police interact with the public, and how these interactions impact the public's
perceptions of the police and the level of trust that exists between the two groups. The founder of
modern model for Policing, Sir Robert Peel outlined the basic duty of police to ensure the safety of
the general public and the preservation of peace within an increasingly pluralist society The police’s
role is now not just limited to the prevention of crime at the community level however, it now also
entails a broader scope for activities which are considered as essential for controlling and preventing
terrorist activities. While many of these skills can be learned on the street in the day-to-day execution
of their job, many of them are more easily acquired in a formal classroom setting. So, the failure of a
department may then be attributed to the poor decision of a police chief about the model of policing
employed or inadequate execution of the model. A study showed that most citizens complained
against police officers because of the use of profanity and abusive language towards them, the use of
commands to move on or get home, stopping and questioning people on the street or searching them
and their cars without probable cause, the use of threats. Detailed policies need to be hashed out
before a police. Adds text to penal code stating that all departments that elect their officers to wear
body cameras must develop. Rather, police leaders need to be thinking about what’s going to happen
that may affect law enforcement and crime, what the implications are for their work, and how they
may improve the future environment by acting today. This paper will therefore make an attempt to
discuss the challenges faced by Police during 21st century while discussing the difference between
the challenges faced by the Police in past. Are all controversial topics in which has struck America,
leaving the questions answered.
A majority of the articles that I have read are focused on the pending legislative efforts in each. This
type of research paper is typically written by students or professionals in the field of criminal justice,
sociology, or political science, and it is often used to explore the effectiveness of different policing
strategies, the impact of police policies on communities, and the ways in which police officers carry
out their duties. Meeting the expectations of the current environment therefore can become a
significant challenge for the police to meet. The Council of State Governments and Eastern
Kentucky University. Each department faces unique challenges that must be overcome for any
improvement to occur. You probably would not steal a candy bar if you saw. Are police abusing their
powers as law enforcement officers. Public policing in the 21st century:issues and dilemmas in the
U.S. and Canada. New York: Criminal Justice Press, 2005. Most states have some sort of
“eavesdropping law” that requires them to notify members of. As such immigrants and their children
have also gained the citizenship rights to live in these countries with equal rights. Police brutality is
when in any situation a civilian is harmed due to force by a police officer. The bill provides further
that any other law?enforcement agency in the Commonwealth may. So, the failure of a department
may then be attributed to the poor decision of a police chief about the model of policing employed
or inadequate execution of the model. Relating to a body worn camera program for certain law
enforcement agencies in this state. References Champion, D. (2007). Sentencing: a reference
handbook. The areas of leadership selection and recruitment and training will be discussed along
with the officer code of ethics. Recordings shall be retained in the database for 30 days but may be
retained longer if. What may work for a large metropolitan city may not work. Body cameras tend
provide an accurate documentation. Cummings, Bill. “Cameras?on?cops bill comes into focus.” Hearst Media Services. Your own personal camera or video recorder cannot capture
what goes on behind it, and. Justice Services. Such policy must contain provisions (i) governing the
information provided to individuals being. With this knowledge, the local commander can employ
problem-oriented policing solutions tailored to the local community. While direct evidence is
generally described as being the physical evidence or testimony of a given fact, as is seen in the
event that a witness happens to assert actual knowledge of a given fact, the evidence provided by
this witness is perceived to be direct evidence, however, circumstantial evidence is regarded as being
evidence pertaining to a fact or given circumstances for which a reasonable degree of inferences may
possibly be drawn. Table 2: Current Legislation Regarding Police Body Cameras. Exempts from an
eavesdropping violation recordings made simultaneously with. With the advent of fusion centers, we
now take for granted that we should use police intelligence to deal with terrorism. As the name
suggests, community policing requires an effective coordination and communication between
communities as well as the Police therefore it is important that police must develop its capabilities to
better coordinate. For example, the city of Rialto, California believes that it has saved the. Imposes a
one?year moratorium on the use of body cameras by law enforcement.
The bill provides further that any other law?enforcement agency in the Commonwealth may. As
introduced, requires law enforcement officers to wear wide angle body cameras that record video
footage while on. Li, Shirley. “The Big Picture: How Do Police Body Cameras Work?” The Wire.
Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO. Craig, C. (2009). Basic labor and employment law for paralegals.
Duluth, Minnesota, their 110 officer?worn cameras generate 8,000 to 10,000 videos per month. In
the event that a given party wishes to try and introduce real evidence, it is important for the party to
aptly demonstrate that the actual object that was involved in the particular crime is being introduced
and that it has not in any way been subject to any form of tampering. Auxiliary why do if you
actually help maintain a 500 word essay. Likely benefits and concerns with body cameras. 3. Being
part of the community may allow the Police to effectively extract the required information and
become more effective in controlling the crime as well prevent it. Providing for the use of portable
event recording devices by local law enforcement agencies in counties with. Finally, police
departments do not link their operations and information systems to other parts of the justice system
or social services system. We can consider a broader, deeper set of policing or criminal justice
interventions because we can understand our environment better, even forecasting what is likely to
happen in the future. This would mean becoming more pro-active in managing police’s relationship
with any community in which it is willing to work. Public policing in the 21st century:issues and
dilemmas in the U.S. and Canada. New York: Criminal Justice Press, 2005. Response times to 911
calls and case clearance rates are used to measure performance, but these measures can be traps that
prevent the police from acting effectively. Police need to use predictive intelligence to get out of the
trap of day-to-day crisis control. Used to be a requirement with no training or pay for this type of
duty. We now hear of police departments that identify a particular problem, like vehicle theft or drug
activity, and decide that they want to “compstat it.” They mean that they want to track the
performance of their department against an outcome that is meaningful to their community and hold
themselves accountable for the improvement of that outcome. To police in DeKalb County as a
police officer, I would need a bachelor's degree plus a police academy certificate. Let us write or edit
the research paper on your topic. In order to do this, police has to develop its capabilities to use
technology for maximum use. This perspective provides the basis for a discussion of constraints, to
strengthen the rights of male domestic violence victims in the U. They recruit, train and develop all
staff helping them to develop their careers. Methods of Demonstrative Evidence that might
potentially be used in the Clarification of Issues Pertaining to Action or lack of action thereof at a
given Crime Scene for a Jury or a Judge Demonstrative evidence is generally the evidence that might
be used to effectively illustrate or help explain oral testimony or aid in the recreation of a tangible
event. Who Fail To Wear Such Cameras; And For Related Purposes. Ethics are important not only for
a police officer, but, indeed, also for every citizen in the course of everyday life. Other people argue
that body cameras won’t help to indict officers or. Protection from false accusations Training and
policy requirements. Are all controversial topics in which has struck America, leaving the questions
answered. What may work for a large metropolitan city may not work.
Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. Requiring law enforcement vehicle and body camera videos to be
confidential; Defines guidelines on release and. Malfunctions and errors in operation of cameras. 9.
The Role of Police The original duty or the mission of Police, as outlined by Sir Robert Peel, is to
prevent crime and disorder however, the overall sensitivity and the responsibilities of Policies have
radically changed in the wake of current situation. Where, it is Words: 3074 Length: 10 Pages Topic:
Criminal Justice Paper: 74710088 From all neighborhoods the answers were the same, that when
police, residents and merchants worked together, crime was reduced. It has been however, become a
challenge for the police to ensure that it is represented by every community in order to ensure that the
elements of biasness is reduced. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. A young man by the name of Freddie Gray was arrested for allegedly carrying a
switchblade. These job titles might be very similar but they do differ in many ways. A law-abiding
police is a boon to the country, its administration and police system as well. After the tragic terrorist
attack on September 11, 2001, the Department of Homeland Security was organized to further
strengthen the aviation and border security of the United States and to provide better protection
against bioterrorism and enhance the sharing of intelligence from various intelligence agencies and to
maximize law enforcement resources and infrastructures The Department of Homeland Security 2.
Appropriates funds as a grant?in?aid to each county for the purchase of body video cameras and law
enforcement. The city of Corvallis has been using helmet?mounted cameras on their motorcycle
officers for. This would mean that new set of organizational changes need to be introduced in order
to make Police as a learning and adaptable organization which works according to the current
environment. Instead, they prefer to be led in a process that grants them a voice and input into
organizational decisions. The officer on duty could monitor the footage for any. A majority of the
cities around the Portland Metro area either have plans in motion for testing. When cooked in
kitchen lab, however, krokodil users often lack for materials, and thus use gasoline as a solvent along
with red phosphorous, iodine, and hydrochloric as reactants to synthesize desomorphine from
codeine tablets. By 1993, African American officers were the majority in Detroit, Washington, D.
These are only a few examples of concerns that lawmakers, police departments, and citizens. Requires
law enforcement agencies in certain cities to require their officers to wear a camera while on duty
and in. Gillett, Bud. “Fort Worth Police Arming Officers With Security Cameras.” CBS DFW. CBS
Local. The first solution to improving internal affairs would be to re-valuate leadership roles. Sheriffs
also correspond with police officers in certain areas and situations occurring in the county or a close
by city. He did not resist arrest, but was wailing in pain as he was being arrested. Because these
efforts are tied now to state and local policing through fusion centers and other activities, so we may
expect that predictive analysis will play a big role in how police work together to respond to
terrorism, organized crime, and similar threats. Table 2: Current Legislation Regarding Police Body
Cameras. 13. He claimed ineffective assistance of counsel because he discovered, after the trial, that
his attorney had represented the victim on unrelated charges. They would argue, too, that the use of
force is not only a question of reacting to citizen violations of the law and resistance but may also
involve an array of actions that do not lawfully conform to the spirit of the law.
I understand that the life of a police officer is spent responding to crimes in progress, patrolling
assigned areas to maintain public safety, interviewing witnesses and suspects, apprehending
fugitives, collecting evidence, writing reports and providing testimony in court. This is a huge
privacy concern, so a few of those bills are looking to. They have technology including thermal
imaging cameras which work by following heat sources and which transmit pictures to ground
commanders. In this way, it is possible to predict where crime may increase next week or next
month, thus enabling proactive deployment or other, fundamental crime prevention strategies. Used
to be a requirement with no training or pay for this type of duty. The crime rate in New York
dropped significantly during the 1990s. Use of technology Though law enforcement agencies used
the technology in order to control and prevent the crime however, the latest developments in
technology have allowed Police to become more effective. Opponents of body cameras argue that
while the study may show some. Appropriates moneys as a grant?in?aid to the city and county of
Honolulu to purchase body cameras for their police. Diversity and Minority Affairs International
cities have become multi-ethnic in nature owing to the fact people migrating from different cultures
and countries have now become part of the cultures prevailing in large cities. So, the failure of a
department may then be attributed to the poor decision of a police chief about the model of policing
employed or inadequate execution of the model. Any footage containing confidential information
and personal matters should be edited before. Rather, police leaders need to be thinking about what’s
going to happen that may affect law enforcement and crime, what the implications are for their
work, and how they may improve the future environment by acting today. A study showed that most
citizens complained against police officers because of the use of profanity and abusive language
towards them, the use of commands to move on or get home, stopping and questioning people on
the street or searching them and their cars without probable cause, the use of threats. Physical
evidence is seen to primarily involve the various objects that happen to be found at the scene of a
particular crime. Being part of the community may allow the Police to effectively extract the
required information and become more effective in controlling the crime as well prevent it. It is my
view that body cameras are definitely the future of policing, however, there is still a lot. While many
of the skills that an officer needs are learned on the street, the technical education would be a
credential that the public could rely on in the same way that they do doctors, lawyers, and rocket
scientists. Day-to-day activities dominate the time and energy of the police, despite reforms of the
last thirty years. Everyone was on their own during this 12?hour period. Are there certain factors that
lead to police brutality or excessive use of force. Law enforcement agencies need to have a clearly
written policy in place for times when. Dempsey, John S. and Linda S. Forst. An Introduction to
Policing. The traditional community policing model was based on gaining and developing the trust
within the public to achieve the overall aim of public safety. The results of this experiment were
published in 2013 and. Requires officers assigned to patrol duties to be equipped with body cameras
while performing their duties; Requires. This is relatively new challenge as historically police has
remained focused on hiring from single community whereas the current challenges require that
diversity in the work force should be on the priority list. This paper will seek to discuss whether
police officers should have degrees or not. The high level of technical expertise required of today's
officer makes a college degree an advantageous endeavor for any officer. Better Behavior From Law
Enforcement and Citizens. 5.
Another manifestation of public involvement in police work can be found in London. Provides the
change on the June 1, 2015 transfer and the prohibition on appropriation, assignment, or transfer of.
Table 2: Current Legislation Regarding Police Body Cameras. Overall, police research is an
important field that helps to improve our understanding of policing and law enforcement, and it can
help to inform the development of more effective and efficient policing strategies. According to
David Bayley, there are six major strategies to control the use of illegal drugs in the United States;
however, urban police departments focus primarily on two: suppressing the sale of drugs between
suppliers and consumers and educating people about the perils of illegal drug use. Ever since the
August 9, 2014 shooting of 18?year?old Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. Finally, police
departments do not link their operations and information systems to other parts of the justice system
or social services system. In the United States, high policing is the responsibility of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service, and many regional drug intelligence activities. Table 1: List
of benefits and concerns with body cameras. Ethics are important not only for a police officer, but,
indeed, also for every citizen in the course of everyday life. This system is based on paramilitary
nature of organization which requires that a definite command and control system is in place. This
paper will therefore make an attempt to discuss the challenges faced by Police during 21st century
while discussing the difference between the challenges faced by the Police in past. Predictive
policing enables other strategies but is not a substitute for them. There is a chance that answer to this
questions might always be divided, why. Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois to
make conforming changes. We now hear of police departments that identify a particular problem, like
vehicle theft or drug activity, and decide that they want to “compstat it.” They mean that they want
to track the performance of their department against an outcome that is meaningful to their
community and hold themselves accountable for the improvement of that outcome. Being tasked
with performing a job more efficiently and still using the same levels of resources requires a creative
and lateral approach. The best way to see the future and act appropriately is to have a complete
picture of the current situation. There are currently five pending legislative bills in the Oregon House
and Senate in regards to. Tomorrow’s forward-thinking department must rely on good information
that has been fully analyzed and disseminated. The Portland Police Bureau, which serves the largest
city in the state of Oregon, is considering. The term, predictive policing, is therefore not meant to tie
a police chief or anyone else to a particular strategy or cause us to abandon proven police techniques.
Research suggests that changes in crime rates at the city level are driven by changes that are highly
localized, perhaps even at the block or building level. Requires law enforcement agency to establish
policies and procedures for retaining recordings from cameras worn. What is needed to help officer
discretion is a central ethos that will guide discretion when all other rules fail to help. For example,
the city of Rialto, California believes that it has saved the. Use of body camera system by law
enforcement and other entities. To establish a grant program providing for the acquisition, operation,
and maintenance of body cameras for law. Furthermore, it can improve police ethics during the law
enforcement, and it will help them thinking before they pull. Amending the Pennsylvania
Consolidated Statutes, in wiretapping and electronic surveillance, providing for law.
All three of these victims ended up dead at the hands of police. For this I looked into the police and
fire service and concluded that I would prefer to join the police service rather than the fire service.
Response times to 911 calls and case clearance rates are used to measure performance, but these
measures can be traps that prevent the police from acting effectively. Abuse, Constable, Human
rights 1781 Words 5 Pages Composition 1 Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft. This paper
will therefore make an attempt to discuss the challenges faced by Police during 21st century while
discussing the difference between the challenges faced by the Police in past. Amends the general
statutes to require that police officers be equipped with body cameras and the images recorded. The
bill also provides that recordings in the database shall not be disclosed. The Major Categories of
Evidence as Seen in Criminal Cases, the Manner in which they happen to Differ from One Another
and their Subsequent Significance in Investigations Name: University: What is Real Evidence or
physical Evidence. As such immigrants and their children have also gained the citizenship rights to
live in these countries with equal rights. In other words, the precinct commander intuitively knows
which blocks or buildings are the problems in the local area and which police tactics will work best in
those places. Most crime is part of a larger pattern of criminal activity and social issues. Police work
comes in many forms. Their also have been many debates on the aggressiveness and intent that a
police officer may have while pursuing a law breaking citizen. Students who are asked to prepare a
research proposal dedicated to this problem should study the topic profoundly, find several cases of
the police brutality in newspapers or in the web to support their ideas with the cases from the real
life. Police officers have a duty to resist that temptation as they serve the community.
PoliceFoundation. Scribd, March 16, 2013. Web. February 28, 2015. Police Law of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois to make conforming changes. English 111 December 5, 2011 Police
brutality Police brutality is one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations in the United
States and it occurs in every community. Imposes a one?year moratorium on the use of body cameras
by law enforcement. Now, we intend to be proactive, focusing on lead times and performance
instead of response times and last year’s crime rates. Some research has shown that well-trained
police officers are more effective at preventing and solving crimes, and that they are more likely to
use appropriate force when necessary. Specifies information acquired by law enforcement via a
dashboard camera or a body camera must be inaccessible to. Detailed policies need to be hashed out
before a police. His results support that leadership matters, both in terms of the priorities of agency
executives and also the priorities of patrol supervisors. By conducting rigorous research and
analyzing data, researchers can identify best practices and make recommendations for improving the
effectiveness of policing in our communities. Good information comes from police reports,
intelligence, sensors (e.g., license plate readers), forensic technology, and integrated information
from multiple sources. Table 1 located at the end of this document lists the. Being tasked with
performing a job more efficiently and still using the same levels of resources requires a creative and
lateral approach. The first two soviet rulers Lenin and Stalin were linked to the one great process of
the revolution. In 1992, the number of handgun crimes increased by about 40 percent compared to
the prior five-year period, and handguns were used in about 60 percent of all murders Bureau of
Justice Statistics, 1994. Creates the Law Enforcement Officer Body Camera System Act.

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