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Discussion Board 2.

DB 2.2 - Case study: Cooper

The assessment of the facts presented in this case study shows that Cooper suffers from a

major depressive disorder. According to the film shared by Relationships (2021), the symptoms

of major depressive disorder may include sleep disturbances, fatigue, hopelessness, changes in

weight and appetite, substance abuse, threats of suicide, chronic physical pain, and trouble

thinking or remembering things. Cooper exhibits most of these symptoms, indicating that he is

suffering several episodes of major depressive disorder. The film states that depression has solid

genetic components linked to the parents (Relationships, 2021). Similarly, Cooper has indicated

that his mother was depressed and nothing helped her.

As Cooper’s counselor, it is vital to assess the client’s history to determine whether the

client is suffering depressive disorder due to increased risks of genetic factors or is due to life’s

even like that of losing his mother. Social isolation is one of the significant categories of mood

disorders that need to be addressed to help the client more effectively. Understanding the client’s

situation will require the counselor to create a robust rapport and trust for successful therapy

(Prout & Wadkins, 2014). In achieving this, the writer would meet with Cooper in several

sessions to effectively understand his condition and advise him accordingly. Whether the

depressive disorder is genetically transmitted or resulting from life events, there are numerous

ways of managing the disease and preventing it from moving to a severe level.

Interpersonal psychotherapy provides the counselor with three phases of treatment:

initial, middle, and termination stages (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). The approach differs from the

modular method characterizing cognitive behavior therapy or dialectical behavior therapy, where
strategies are conducted before and after behavioral ones (Wedding & Corsini, 2019). For

example, Cooper must explain that his condition is a treatable medical problem while

conceptualizing his situation. This will help restore his hope and eliminate suicidal thoughts with

the argument that even his mother could not get help with her depressive disorder. IPT is

considered as a time-limited approach to therapy of treating unipolar and non-psychotic

depression in adults. Practical application of the method can help Cooper with rapid relief of his

major depressive disorder symptoms and improve his interpersonal functioning.


Prout, P., & Wadkins. M. (2014). Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills : An Integrated

Approach to Practice. Springer Publishing Company.

Relationships [Film]. (2021). Symptom Media. Retrieved from https://symptommedia-


Wedding, D. & Corsini, R. J. (Eds.). (2019). Current psychotherapies (11th Ed.). Boston, MA:


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