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4th Slide Explanation

One of the key aspects of strategic management is Adapting Organizational

Design to Strategy. So what is Adapting Organizational Design to Strategy?

Adapting Organizational Design to Strategy

- This Involves aligning an organization's structure, systems, and
processes to support its strategic goals
- It is also about creating an environment that facilitates the successful
execution of the strategy

Identify the strategy

● The first step is to understand the organization's strategy. This pertains
to questions such as what are the strategic goals and objectives? What
is the organization trying to achieve?

Assess the Current Design

● The next step is to evaluate the current organizational design with
questions like.. Does it support the strategy? Where are the gaps of the
current strategy?

Design Changes
● Based on the assessment, the organization then designs changes to its
structure, systems, processes, and roles to better align with its strategy.
● This could involve redefining roles and responsibilities, modifying
reporting relationships, changing decision-making processes, or even
creating new departments or teams.

Implement Changes
● Finally, this is where changes are put into action.
● This may involves changing management processes to help employees
understand and adapt to the new design
● This could be through hiring new staff, implementing training
programs, purchasing new software, or restructuring departments.

Monitor and Adjust

● Lastly is to monitor and adjust the new strategy implemented
● So why is it important to monitor the results and make adjustments as
needed? It allows the organization to assess the effectiveness of the
changes made and to ensure they are indeed supporting the strategic
● If the changes are not aligning with the desired results, adjustments
can be made promptly.

In conclusion, adopting organizational design to strategy is about creating an

environment that supports the successful execution of the company's
strategy. It requires a clear understanding of the strategy, careful planning,
and effective execution.
7th Slide Explanation

One of the critical aspects of strategic leadership is Leading Organizational

Change. So what is leading organizational change?

Leading Organizational Change

- This refers to the role that leaders play in guiding their organizations
through changes that are necessary for the implementation of their
strategic plans.
- This also involves setting the direction for the change, communicating
it to the organization, and motivating employees to embrace and adapt
to the change

The shift on the approaches or strategies of an organization is significant in

strategic leadership, why? Because it directly impacts the direction and
success of the organization.

Setting the Direction

● The leaders first set the direction for the change
● They need to clearly define the change, why it's necessary, and what the
organization will look like once the change is implemented
● This might involve developing a new vision or strategic plan for the

Communicating the Change

● The leaders then communicate this change to the entire organization
● They must effectively communicate the change to the entire
● This involves explaining why the change is necessary, how it aligns with
the organization's strategy, and what it means for employees

Motivating Employees
● Change can be challenging, and it's natural for employees to resist it
● Leaders need to motivate employees to embrace the change
● This might involve explaining the benefits of the change, providing
training and support, and rewarding employees for adapting to the

Managing the Change Process

● Finally, the leaders also need to manage the change process, why?
Because change, especially in an organizational context, is often
complex and challenging.
● This involves planning the change, implementing it, monitoring its
progress, and making adjustments as necessary

In conclusion, leading organizational change is a critical part of strategic

leadership. It's about guiding the organization through change, ensuring it
aligns with the strategic goals, and creating an environment that supports
the successful execution of the strategy.
4th Slide Explanation & Example (Philippine Set-up)

A great example of this is Jollibee Foods Corporation, one of the most

significant fast-food chains in the Philippines. As part of its strategic goal to
become a significant global player, Jollibee had to adapt its organizational

Step 1: Identify the Strategy

Jollibee's strategic goal was to expand globally and diversify its portfolio.

Step 2: Assess the Current Design

Jollibee evaluated its current capabilities in terms of global operations,
including its supply chain management, international marketing efforts, and
cross-cultural customer service.

Step 3: Design Changes

Based on the assessment, Jollibee identified necessary changes in the
organizational design to support its global expansion strategy. This involved
creating international business units, developing a global supply chain team,
and establishing local teams in its international markets to understand and
cater to local tastes and preferences.

Step 4: Implement Changes

Jollibee then put these changes into action. This involved restructuring its
organization, recruiting new staff for its international operations, and
implementing new systems and processes.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust

After the changes were implemented, Jollibee monitored the results and
made adjustments as needed. This involved tracking sales in its international
markets, customer feedback, and market trends.
7th Slide Explanation & Example (Philippine Set-up)

For instance, let's consider the case of Globe Telecom, one of the leading
telecommunications companies in the Philippines. In response to the rapidly
changing technology and customer demands, Globe Telecom embarked on a
significant organizational change to transform its business operations and
enhance its digital capabilities.

Setting the Direction:

The leaders at Globe Telecom clearly defined the change needed: a shift
towards becoming a leading digital solutions company. They identified the
strategic goals and laid out a vision for the future of the company.

Communicating the Change:

The leaders communicated this new vision to all levels of the organization.
They explained why the change was necessary, how it aligned with the
company's strategy, and what it meant for employees.

Motivating Employees:
Change can be challenging, and resistance is natural. Globe Telecom's leaders
worked to motivate employees to embrace the change. They highlighted the
benefits of the change, provided training and resources to support employees
during the transition, and recognized and rewarded employees who adapted
to the new ways of working.

Managing the Change Process:

The leaders also played a crucial role in managing the change process itself.
They planned and implemented the change, monitored its progress, and
made adjustments as needed.

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