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Pros and Cons of Various Communication Channels

Communication is an important part of exchanging information from the sender to the recipient
and there are various channels through which people can convey information, this can be done
through digital channels, traditional, broadcast or print media channels to convey information
that is either written, spoken or visual. Each channel has its advantages and disadvantages, and it
is important to understand the channels in relation to the level of importance of the message.

In an organization formal and informal channels are used to convey information. A formal
channel of communication is used by managers to communicate within or outside the
organization. Communication flows through formal channels from top-level managers to
subordinates, this ensures that the information flows orderly, timely and accurate manner.
According to Gujaral(2022), some advantages of using formal communication are that they help
in maintaining the authority structure of the organization and making it easier to assign
responsibilities to subordinates. On top of the aforementioned advantage, it prevents gossips and
information leaks within and outside the organization, the disadvantage of using formal
communication in an organization is time-consuming because minor pieces of information must
pass through several levels of the hierarchy, resulting in delays in reaching all levels of the
organization. On the other hand, informal communication channel uses the grapevine method of
communication vertical, horizontal and diagonal routes such that it does not have a defined
structure. The advantage is that it allows the exchange of thoughts and views in informal
communication and leads to the generation of more ideas and expectations, which can be
valuable for decision-makers. In addition, it is faster compared to formal communication
however the drawback is that it is taken very lightly as the information is unofficial and may be
distorted and full of rumours (Guffey, 2006).

Emails and text messaging platforms are modern examples of digital communication channels. .
According to BarCharts (2011), messaging platforms are ideal for sending short and urgent
messages to a recipient based on the type of information required. The major advantage of emails
and messaging platforms is that they are suited to reach multiple recipients and can achieve
broader applications such as attaching documents at a lower cost (use of internet bundles) and
faster pace than traditional mail post. For instance, the Malawi University Of Business And
Applied Sciences only takes a few minutes to notify a thousand students about examination
results. Another advantage of Emails, they can be sent and received from anywhere in the world
so long an email account is available, therefore, a message can be accessed by recipients
whenever and wherever it suits them on any device making them more convenient
(Libsyn,2023). Text messages provide a good way to reach a large audience, making them ideal
for businesses to communicate with their customers for example Airtel Malawi uses text
messages to notify customers of new services and Data packages. With all the stated benefits of
using email as a channel, its weakness is the need for an internet connection to send and receive
messages unlike text messages which can be delivered without the use of internet connection. In
addition, emails and other messaging platforms may be at high risk of security breaches such as
being hacked or phishing which makes sensitive information vulnerable to unauthorized users
due to the digital era (Emile Woolf International, 2015).

Telephone is another form of communication channel. Phone calls allow immediate and real-
time feedback, and it is more efficient to send messages compared to long emails which are to be
replied to at a later time. The significance of using a telephone is that it is useful when conveying
or obtaining quick information, in addition, telephones are used when the message does not
require non-verbal cues or face-to-face meetings which also saves time and cost of travelling
(Emile Woolf International, 2015). According to Libsyn (2023), a telephone is limited to poor
network coverage which makes it difficult for the recipient to understand the message besides
that it is also affected by the surrounding noise which also distorts the message making it harder
to understand one another.

Video conferencing is another means of transmitting information, it takes a modern approach of

face-to-face communication to a digital version. It allows people in business meetings to attend
interviews or any other interaction depending on the nature of communication among individuals
who are physically distant (Chaturvedi & Mukesh, 2013). The use of video conferencing to
exchange information is time and cost-saving, it does not require members to travel from one
place to another they can digitally meet and, in addition, it promotes member participation
however it requires a working internet connection, poor signal may hinder communication from
taking place, besides that it is also affected by background noise.
Face to face is another form of communication under traditional communication channel. It is a
widely used channel better suited for direct messages to avoid rumors and get immediate
clarifications such as a meeting which is mostly preferred to written communication, body
language and emotions are displayed during a conversation which helps to judge a person's
character which in turn allows building strong emotional connections (Chaturvedi & Mukesh,
2013). According to Guffey (2006), another advantage of face-to-face is the use of nonverbal
cues to make a point which is used to persuade or emphasize a point to an individual, this
channel also eliminates any technological challenges of using digital channels however this
channel requires physical proximity a challenge to those at distant locations which may force
them to travel increasing travelling expenses and wastage of time, for example the president of
Malawi going to a press conference in the United States of America at a scheduled time.

A broadcast communication channel is a type of communication channel that allows a message

to be sent to a large audience simultaneously, without the need for individual recipients to
respond or participate actively. Broadcasting can be done through various channels, such as
television, radio, or even social media platforms for a modern approach. The message is typically
delivered by a sender, and the recipients receive it passively (Media Today,2008).Television
sends audiovisuals for communication it is limited by the availability of channels that a satellite
service can deliver to the audience as the TV channel in which the message is broadcasted may
not be available to some audiences who use a different satellite for example an advertisement is
broadcasted through DSTV while others do not have access to premium channels which leaves
out some potential audiences. Another limitation is the cost of sending the message through
various broadcasting stations may be expensive as this depends on the length of the message, the
longer the message the higher the cost, the popularity of the broadcast station influences the cost
and the time of conveying the message such as in the morning or in the evening where there are
more audiences (Media Today, 2008). According to Baba (2015), many people in developing
countries do not have access to electricity, which means they cannot enjoy using television as a
means of receiving information even though it is a powerful way of communicating messages to
a large audience.

Conveying a message through a radio station is a way to broadcast an audio message to a large
audience as well. It is similar to television as it falls under the same category but transmitting
information over the radio has its strengths against television. Radio transmission reaches larger
audiences than television. In many developing countries television is not available such as
Malawi due to economic and technical limitations in the rural areas. As a result, a large number
of people especially those in rural areas divert to using the radio to receive messages as they are
widely available and they are convenient since radios are portable compared to television hence
they are ready on the go. With all the benefits of using a radio, it is limited to signal
interferences like weather affecting the reception quality, in addition, the use of radio is a one-
way communication as it does not promote interaction (Baba, 2015).

Print media is another form of communication channel on the broader aspect that includes
newspapers, magazines, flyers etc. In general, they have similar advantages and disadvantages
stated below. A well-designed print material has a long impact on readers which increases the
likelihood of a message being remembered easily (strikingly, 2023), for example, a business ad
with vibrant colours attracts a reader's attention to continue reading, another benefit of using
print media is said to be credible and reliable according to Rout et al. (2022) a research was
conducted and found that many readers relied on print media over social media, this is due to
fake news and rumours posted on them. The main disadvantage of using print media is the cost
of production for example the need for ink and paper another drawback is that it lacks the speed
of sending the message to the intended audience (strikingly, 2023).

In conclusion, communication channels provide various means of exchanging information, each

channel has its strengths and limitations therefore it is important to know the advantages and
disadvantages of each channel before choosing the most suitable one depending on the situation.
With technology, communication channels have become more diverse and accessible, making it
easier to reach a wider audience. However, it is important to note that no single channel is
perfect, and often a combination of channels may be needed to achieve effective communication.

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