2011 09 12 - Minutes

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NDHA Board Meeting Minutes

Subject Facilitator Location Board Members Present Board Members Absent Members Present NDHA Barry Smith / Peter Vanarsdale Bunten Road Park Activities Building Date Time Scribe September 12, 2011 7:00 PM James DeLoach

Barry Smith, James DeLoach, Andy Miller, Peter VanArsdale, Rick Austin, Susan Holland Rob Welch, Suzette Reeves, Don Watson Cheryl Smith, Mrs. Welch, Luke Livingston

Key Points Discussed No. 1. 2. Topic August Minutes Approval Treasurers Report Highlights Rick Auston moved to approve, Susan Holland seconded, approved by majority vote. Susan Holland presented financial reports and lead a general discussion. It was noted that spending was in the anticipated range. Peter VanArsdale moved to approve the treasurers report, Andy Miller seconded, approved with a majority vote. Rick Austin indicated that website development was in progress and that mockups were in being prepared to make the community site more modern. Barry Smith reported that conversations with the City of Duluth were continuing related to development of the lake access area. Peter VanArsdale noted that the pool season has been an excellent one and the Swim Atlanta has done a good job. Discussion of pool closing date ended in decision to close the pool for the season no later that 9/16/2011. It was noted the restroom water supply should be turned off at closing. It was noted that the restroom doors would be replaced after closing and that out of pocket expenses would be reimbursed. No official report was given in the absence of the committee chair. Barry Smith discussed the potential of adding additional/better seating around the courts. No official report was given in the absence of the committee chair. Barry Smith reported that Don Watson had provided the signage to him and that dam signs are ready to be installed. General discussion took place regarding bulletin boards for the community. Andy Miller reported that the new landscape contractor takes over beginning 10/1/2011. October planting at the entrances will take place as scheduled. No official report was given in the absence of the committee chair. It was noted that Cheryl Smith did an excellent job


Development Committee


Pool Operations


Tennis Operations


General Maintenance


Landscape Maintenance



Key Points Discussed No. 9. Old Business Topic Highlights with the most recent issue of Normans News. Reported that new covenants had been signed, notarized and submitted. The covenants will be published to the web site and provided to board members when the official copy is received. Discussed board qualification list. Discussed community garage sale scheduled for 10/15/2011, will have dumpster may have donuts and cider. Discussed Fall Carnival scheduled for 10/29/2011, looking for volunteers. Discussed possibility of Christmas Party. Noted that normandownes.org and normandownes.net will point to the main website. Decided that annual meeting will be held 11/17/2011 meeting will be catered like last year. Luke Livingston came by and expressed appreciation for a meal provided after a hospital visit. Next board meeting scheduled for 10/10/2011. Peter VanArsdale moved to adjourn, Andy Miller seconded, adjourned by majority vote.


New Business

11. 12. 13.

Other Discussion Next Meeting Meeting Adjourned

Action Plan No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Action Item(s) Check on final porta potty bill that was issued. See if it should be paid. Send final proposal for bulletin board, Board will approve via email Owner Rob Welch Cheryl Smith Target Date

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