Topic 3

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Part 1: Writing assignment

Introduce about yourself & My name is Nguyen. I'm currently 18 years old and
the topic
studying at FPT college. Next I will talk about my family
(Giới thiệu bản thân & chủ

My family consists of 4 people, my parents, my brother and me. My

father's name is Vuong and he is currently working as a farmer. With a
sun-kissed appearance, he looks very healthy. This year, my father is 53
and his hobby is relaxation. My mother's name is Lach and she is 44
years old this year. Mother's job is to be a worker. Has a slightly short
and fat appearance. Mom's hobby is cooking. I also have 1 brother. He
The content (Nội dung) is currently 24 years old and has extremely good looks. His hobby is
playing games. In my family, I love my mother the most because she
knows how to take care of the family. Everyone often watch People
often watch movies together

Ending sentence (Câu kết) I love my family

Part 2: Q&A (Question & Answer)

Nhặt các thông tin trong phần nội dung tương ứng với các câu hỏi sau

1. How many people are there in your My family consists of 4 people

family? (Gia đình em có bao nhiêu My father's name is Prosperous
2. What’s your father’s name? (Tên của
bố em là gì?)
3. How old is he? (Bố em bao nhiêu My father is 54 years old this year
4. What is your father’s occupation? My father is a farmer
(Nghề nghiệp của bố em?)
5. What are your father’s hobbies? (Sở Dad's hobby is relaxing after a day of
thích của bố em?) work

6. How do you describe your father’s Dad has a toned appearance with sun-
appearnace? Miêu tả ngoại hình của kissed skin

7. How do you describe your father’s Dad is a very gentle person
personality? Miêu tả tính cách của bố
8. What is your mother’s name? (Mẹ My mother's name is lo
em tên là gì?)
9. How old is she? (Mẹ em bao nhiêu My mother is 44 years old this
tuổi?) year

10. What is your mother’s occupation? My mother's job is to be a

(Công việc của mẹ em?) worker

11. What are your mother’s hobbies? (Sở Mom's hobby is cooking
thích của mẹ em là gì?)
12. How do you describe your mother’s Mom has a short appearance
appearnace? Miêu tả ngoại hình của and is a bit fat
13. How do you describe your mother’s Mom has an extremely peaceful
personality? Miêu tả tính cách của personality
14. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have 1 brother
(Em có anh chị em nào không?)

15. If yes, what is your brother’s/sister’s His name is Huy

name? (Nếu có, tên của anh/em trai,
chị/em gái em là gì?)
16. How old is your brother/sister? (Anh he is 24 years old this year
trai/em trai, chị gái/em gái em bao
nhiêu tuổi)
17. What are your brother’s/sister’s His hobby is playing games
hobbies? (Sở thích của anh/chị/em
của em là gì?)
18. How do you describe his/her he is tall and good looking
appearnace? Miêu tả ngoại hình của
anh/chị/em em
19. Who do you love most in your famil I like my mother the most
y? Why? (Em yêu ai nhất nhà? Tại
because she is always my

20. What do you and your family do tog often watch TV together
ether? (Em và gia đình thường làm gì
cùng nhau?)

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