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Les Miserables Script

The novel takes place in a France in which the monarchy has been returned to power by the reactionary forces of Europe that defeated Napoleon in 1815. In the France of the Restoration, the disparity between the wealth of the aristocracy and the desperate poverty of the masses is overwhelming. Hugo said of Les Misrables : So long as there exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation which, in the midst of civilization, artificially creates a hell on earth, and complicates with human fatality a destiny that is divine; so long as the three problems of the century - the degradation of man by the exploitation of his labor, the ruin of woman by starvation, and the atrophy of childhood in physical and spiritual night - are not solved; ... in other words, and from a still broader point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, there should be a need for books such as this.
You can't sleep here.

- Get away from me. - Why don't you go to an inn?

- Why do you think? - Did your knock on doors and ask people?

I asked everywhere. Leave me alone.

You didn't ask there.

Knock on that door.

Who can that be?

Do you have food?

- Come in. - Look, I'm a convict.

My name is Jean Valjean. I've served years' hard labor.

They let me out four days ago. I'm on parole.

I have to go to Dijon to report Monday, or they'll send me back to prison.

Here's my passport. I can't read, but I know what it says. "He's dangerous. "

Monsieur, you're welcome to eat with us as my guest.

I'm a convict. You saw my passport.

I know who you are.

You're gonna let me inside your house?

What crime did you commit?

Maybe I killed someone.

How do you know I'm not going to murder you?

How do you know I'm not going to murder you?

A joke?

I suppose we'll have to trust each other.

I didn't kill anyone.

I'm a thief. I stole food.

I stole, but I paid for it. Nineteen years in chains.

So they let me out, and they give me a yellow passport.

What can I do with a yellow passport?

I have to go to my parole officer in Dijon, and then what? Starve to death?

Nineteen years, and now the real punishment begins.

- Men can be urnjust. - Men? Not God?

All right. Whoever you are, thank you.

A meal and a bed to sleep in.

A real bed.

And in the morning, I'll be a new man.


Is anybody there?

So we'll use wooden spoons. I don't want to hear anything more about it.

- I'm sorry to disturb you. - You caught him!

I had my eye on this man.

Thank God.

I'm very angry with you, Jean Valjean.

What happened to your eye, monseigneur?

- Didn't he tell you he was our guest? - Oh, yes.

After we searched his knapsack and found all this silver...

he claimed...

that you gave it to him.

Yes. Of course I gave him the silverware.

But why didn't you take the candlesticks? That was very foolish.

Mme Gilot, fetch the silver candlesticks.

They're worth at least francs. Why did you leave them? Hurry!

M. Valjean has to get going.

He's lost a lot of time.

Did you forget to take them?

- Are you saying he told us the truth? - Of course.

Thank you for bringing him back. I'm very relieved.

Release him.

You're letting me go?

Didn't you understand the bishop?

Mme Gilot, offer these men some wine. They must be thirsty.


And don't forget...

don't ever forget you've promised to become a new man.


Why are you doing this?

Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to evil.

With this silver, I've bought your soul.

I've ransomed you from fear and hatred.

Now I give you back to God.

Good afternoon, Captain. I'm Javert, the new police inspector.

Here are my orders from the Paris prefect.

Oh, yes. Hello, Inspector Javert.

I've been expecting you. I'm Captain Beauvais.

- How was your journey? - You haven't looked at my orders.

Oh, I'm sure they're all right. Have you eaten?

- Or would you... - I'd like you to follow procedure.

Well, everything seems...

to be in order, Inspector.

You are now in charge of the Vigau police.

In Paris, things are miserable.

Crime is rampant.

The streets are filthy. Conditions here are much better.

Yes. Life in Vigau has never been better.

Shall I take you to our brick factory?

- That's our biggest business. - Very well.

This way.

- Who owns the factory? - The mayor.

He was one of the workers.

But when it went bankrupt five years ago... incredible to think of now...

he bought the whole works for less than francs.

I should report to the mayor as soon as possible.

- Let's do that first. - Yes, sir.

The mayor seems to be the force behind everything. Must be a man of genius.

He is extraordinary. But I should warn you, he is also a little eccentric.

- Eccentric? In what way? - Well, he's shy. Lives like a hermit.

Didn't even want to be mayor.

Tried to refuse the honor, but the town fathers insisted.

Not ambitious, yet he's this successfurl.

He's a mystery. Some people think he's crazy, but I like him.

- I like him, and I feel sorry for him. - You feel sorry for the mayor?

Becaurse he's lonely. Here we are.

- He lives here? - Strange, isn't it?

Little better than a worker's house.

Good afternoon, Monsieur le Maire. The new inspector has arrived.

- He wants to report. - That's all right. He doesn't have to.

But Monsieur le Maire, if you don't permit the inspector to report...

I think he will burst into tears.

Monsieur le Maire, I'm Inspector Javert.

I have the honor of reporting to my post as your prefect of police.

- I'm sorry. What's your name? - Inspector Javert.

- You were expecting me. Paris should... - You have papers?

Yes, I apologize. I should have presented them immediately.

Good. Thank you for coming.

Captain, make sure the inspector is settled comfortably.

- Yes. - Good day.

- The men and women work separately? - Yes.

Monsieur le maire redesigned the factory in order to keep the sexes apart.

- I told you he's eccentric. - Not eccentric, Captain. No.

He cares about honest working women and wants to protect their virtue.

Very proper. Very wise.

- Sorry. - Excuse me.

You've ruined another one! They're going to dock my wages.

All right! Enough. Fantine, get your things.

- I'm gonna move your place. - Good riddance!

An unforgettable experience, but I'll forget it anyway!

Let's go. Back to work! Come on.

The fun's over. Come on. Back to work.

Well, I'd feel safer if you had an escort.

Don't worry. I can look after myself. I haven't much time. I murst leave.

I hope this urgency does not imply distress.

May I ask why you are withdrawing your entire fortune?

I trust that you are aware that

this institution is at your service...

Thank you. But this is a business opportunity. No crisis.

I'll be back tomorrow.

I have received disturbing information about one of the girls.

I haven't questioned her, but I believe she has a child and is not married.

- What? Is she a whore? - I don't hire...

- I don't hire women who sell themselves. - Of course your don't. I apologize.

It's just, I don't want our ladies to be exposed to corruption.

I suggest dismissal.

- I trust your judgment. - Thank you.

Fantine, come with me, please. Come on.

She's caught the tart.

Please don't let me go now, madame. My little girl is sick.

You read it in that letter from the people who take care of her.

They write that she's got the military fever.

They need francs for medicine, or she'll die in a week.

Who are these people, the Thenardiers? Are they relatives?

No, not relatives.

Your deliberately left your child with strangers to conceal her?

You're dismissing me for having a child...

Not for having a child...

but for having a child out of wedlock and pretending to be an honest woman.

I have to earn money to feed her.

How can I work and take care of her? I have to lie.

You make it sound as though your lie is my fault.

No. I'm sorry. I'm upset. I don't mean to argue, madame.

My Cosette is a sweet little girl, an innocent little girl.

Don't punish her for my sin. I was stupid. I fell in love...

"In love. " That is always the excuse.

Yes, you're right. I'm bad. I'm a bad person.

But the Thenardiers are good people. They have two daughters of their own.

My Cosette can play with them. She won't be so lonely.

She's better off with them. Only I have to make money to pay for her medicine.

- Please. Just a month. I'll work hard. - Monsieur cares about his workers.

He cannot have women of questionable morals influencing the girls.

I'm sorry.

What's going on?

Five sous for the chair. Nice doing business with you.

- Are you skipping out? - I sold it for extra money.

- You owe me a month's rent. - Not till next week.

Pay now, or you're out. I've got people who want the room. Thirty francs.

- You got in your hand. - I'll give you . The rest next week.

How? They fired you.

Who told you I was fired?

- This is still a small town. - I have a job.

- Don't lie. - I start next week.

Everybody knows your story. You've got a bastard kid.

Nobody's gonna give you work.

Please take half. I'll get you the rest.

Don't look so worried.

Things aren't that bad.

You've still got a bed.

Yes. Good hair quality. Ten francs.

Dear Reverend Mother...

the bishop of Digne, may he rest in peace...

often told me of your convent and its good works.

In his memory, I would like to give a...

Or 'I should like"?

"Should" is preferable.

And "endow" is less brutal than "give. "

- I should like to endow... - Monsieur, there's been an accident!

One of the workers, Lafitte!

Breaking my... Get me out!

- I can't breathe! - Stand back. Let me through.

Help us. We need leverage. Come on! Move! Quickly now!

Get me out! It's breaking my ribs!

- Get ready. - Come on. Push! All together!

Come on.

- Marla, where's Claudette tonight? - Good evening.

Oh, she's...

There are more than ever.

Oh. Inspector, your startled me.

Yes, I've counted four new girls.

You see, Captain, when a town grows, crime grows with it.

Shall I get the men? We'll make arrests.

- No. Did you check off the regulars? - Yes.

- And I've noted the new girls. - Good work.

- Is it : ? I didn't hear it ring. - I'm early. I was restless.

- You heard about Lafitte and the cart? - Heard nothing else.

Incredible feat. Has the mayor always been that strong?

Well, he's a big man. But I didn't know he was that strong.

- Didn't he show it when he was young? - I didn't know him when he was young.

Oh, that's right. He moved here. Where's he from?

He came here from Paris, but that's not where he was born. I think he told...

Didn't you check his papers when he arrived?

I suppose I did. Don't remember.

Perhaps you didn't.

Why should you?

What about her?

- Who are your? Pursh off! - Yeah, clear off.


Hi, dearie.

Yes, yes.

She's new.

Who is it?

I'm buying your horse and cart.

The doctor says your kneecap's broken. You won't be able to do your old job.

I've taken the liberty of writing to the Sainte Marie Convent in Paris.

The sisters need a new caretaker and gardener.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Sorry for what?

Monsieur, I used to...

I was angry at you...

because when you came here, you were a worker like me...

and you grew rich while I had troubles.

We've all had troubles, Lafitte, and we all need help from time to time.

Rest, and I'll let you know when I've word from the convent.

"Thank you...

for our...

new c... "

C- A-R-E...

- Caretaker. That's it. Caretaker. - Excuse me.

Inspector Javert is here to see you.

Tell him to wait.

I have exciting news, Monsieur le Maire. Paris is interested in my plan.

- What plan is that? - It's in the letter.

Why don't you tell me? You said it's your plan.

I forgot. I apologize.

- Apologize for what? - I forgot, you don't read.

Your clerk mentioned it.

Neglected your education to make your fortune, I suppose.

What is Paris interested in? I'm all ears.

Because of Vigau's extraordinary growth during the past five years...

I've proposed that we make a detailed census.

Well, that would be interesting. But how is it a police matter?

Modern law enforcement demands modern

methods, and that means information.

For example: How many people have moved here in the last decade?

Where did they come from? What's their background?

Is our criminal population homegrown, or are they outsiders?

Without information we cannot know how to control the dangerous elements.

- You might be making a mistake. - What mistake is that?

Sometimes people move to a new town to start with a clean slate.

You might be doing more harm than good by prying into their private lives.

An honest man has nothing to fear from the truth.

For example, Paris knows...

that my father was a thief...

and my mother, a prostitute.

If my mother or father

were to move here to Vigau...

I would want everyone to know who and what they are.

- Even if they had reformed themselves? - Reform is a discredited fantasy.

Modern science tells us that people are by nature lawbreakers or law abiders.

A wolf can wear sheep's clothing...

but he's still a wolf.

I was just thinking, Inspector, that you have been unlucky.

Unlucky? I don't understand.

Unfortunately, you've been assigned to a dull post.

You'd be happier in Paris...

where everyone, either by nature or experience, is dishonest.

Indeed. But I'll see if I prefer Paris.

They've asked me to report to the deputy prefect to further explain my idea.

I'll be gone for four days.

We'll miss you. Good luck.

Thank you. And good-bye.

Inspector, one moment.


A farewell gift.

You're offering me a gift?

Yes, Inspector. My papers.

Baptism certificate.


Working papers from the Marseilles docks.

I want to get your census off on the right foot.

Pleasant journey, Inspector.

Move on. Have your papers ready.

It is Paris. We don't waste time here.

- Inspector Javert. Let me through. - Papers. Move on.

Inspector Javert, the prefect was impressed by your proposal.

I expect him to approve a budget for your census within the month.

Thank you, sir. That's excellent news.

You are known in Paris now.

Your future is bright.

So I suggest you drop...

this request for an investigation of the mayor.

Sir, I was a guard for a year in the quarries of Toulon.

I saw Jean Valjean perform the same feat of strength the mayor did with the cart.

The hard labor makes them incredibly strong.

Once I made the connection...

once I was no longer dazzled by his wealth, I've grown more certain daily.

Now I recognize his face and voice, I'm amazed I didn't know him right away.

- Well, Javert, I don't doubt that... - Sir.

I'm prepared to denounce him.

Denounce him? Without proof?

If I force a trial, the evidence will be found.

If he showed you papers, and they were in order...

I checked the baptism certificate. It's a copy.

Eleven years ago there was a fire at the parish.

The original records were destroyed. All his documents are based on that copy.

Your identification alone is not enough to subject the mayor of Vigau...

to a trial.

File a report, and I'll recommend we investigate.

Sir, Jean Valjean is a thief.

It makes a mockery of our institutions to have a corrupt and depraved man...

in charge of our industry and government.

I said file a report.

I'll investigate on this end, discreetly.

Do not denounce him without proof.

Be patient.

He's not going anywhere, is he?


the ten francs a month we agreed on is no longer enough.

Cosette grows bigger by the minute.

She enjoyed her sixth birthday party and the new doll we bought her.

We love her, so we won't charge for her present.

But she needs a new coat and shoes. We can't afford to pay for them.

And she eats more than both our daughters put together.

Beginning right away you must send francs a month...

or you'll have to fetch her.

Sincerely, Thenardier. "

- So what's your answer? - I can't move.

I don't have money to pay in advance for a room.

Am I a charity? You haven't paid me in four months.

- I paid you. - I have bills. I can't spread my legs.

Besides, it's not good business to rent to a whore. What about your necklace?

- That's worth something.

- No, not this. It's for my daughter.

You better come up with something. I want ten francs, or you're out!

This time I want cash.

Good evening, monsieur.

My God, you're hideous.

- Well, how much? - A franc.

- You're joking. - Fifty sous.

- To screw a corpse? - Come here.

She hasn't got a drop of blood in her veins!

Mademoiselle. Mademoiselle, how about a sous?

I have a sous. I have a sous to spend on you.

Let's give your tits a bit of color.


how about something...

to drink!

Something to drink!

Now down you go, tart.

Oh, she's mad!

She's attacking him!

Sir, this is a disturbance.

May I?

I'll take care of this.

That's enough!

It's not my fault! They started...

Go home!

- Be quick about it! - Let's go.


You asked me to tell you if he went too far.

Well, I've kept my mouth shut long enough.

Have her taken to the prison. You'll get six months.

Six months? What about Cosette? What'll happen to her?

- Who is Cosette? - My daughter.

If I don't send the Thenardiers money, they'll turn her out.

- Is your daughter here in Vigau? - No, sir. She lives with...

Then she's not my concern.

Inspector! Inspector, please listen to my side.

I know I hit the gentleman. I know I was wrong.

But do they have the right to put snow down my dress...

especially when it's the only one

I have, and I need it for work?

I'm sorry. I don't mean to argue.

It won't happen again.

Inspector, please.

- Please be merciful. - All right.

I've listened to your side. You're still getting six months.

- The eternal fire can't change that. - One moment.

It's you. You did this to me! You fired me.

Slut! Come here!

- Let her go. - What?

Let me explain. I was crossing the square when you arrested her.

I asked people, and they said it was the fault of the men who'd attacked her.

In fact, they should be under arrest.

Now that you've heard this new evidence, I want you to release her.

He said I can go. He is the mayor, isn't he?

I'll be going.

- I won't be any bother to anyone. - Sergeant, who said she could go?

- I did. - No, you don't.

I'm the final judicial authority in Vigau. She's innocent.

- She spat on you. - She was upset. I forgive her.

She insulted you. In front of my men, she defiled you.

- That's my concern, Inspector. - No, sir. You are wrong.

You are the personification of order...

morality, government... in fact, the whole of society.

You don't have the right to forgive her for debasing all of us.

You don't have the authority to destroy justice.

I do.

Under Articles and of the criminal code, I can order her release.

Sergeant, she is free to go.

I cannot allow that, monsieur. I was there. She attacked a man.

- The decision is mine. She is free. - Not while I am in charge of this post!

Under Article you are relieved of command until tomorrow morning.

You are dismissed, Inspector! Leave!


You're free to go.


I doubt she'll survive.

She talks continually about Cosette.

Who's that?

- Her daughter. - She needs will to fight the infection.

Perhaps if the girl were with her...

I understand. Thank you, Doctor.

You'll need nurses. I can't arrange for them till morning. What about tonight?

I'll take care of her tonight.

Keep her body warm and her head cool. Good night.

Why did the gossip bother you?

- You didn't have to fire me. - Your clothes are damp.

- I have to get you some dry... - It's all right.

There'll be no charge. You deserve it.

But I don't understand why you're being so kind.

I was preoccupied. I didn't know.

If you'd come straight to me, none of this...

You need to rest.

- You don't want a kiss? - I want you to rest.

And don't worry. I'll bring your daughter to you.

- You're going to the Thenardiers? - No. I can't.

I'll send the money to bring Cosette here.

- She can't live with me. - Of course she can.

She will.

She'll attend the school, and you won't have any more worries.

When you're better I'll find work for you.

But you don't understand.

I'm a whore, and Cosette has no father.

She has the Lord.

He is her Father.

And you are His creation.

In His eyes you have never been anything but an innocent...

and beautiful woman.

- You look better every day. - Liar.

- Please. - Thank you.

Fantine, look.

Is that Thenardier's handwriting?

- Yes. - Is something wrong?

- Read it. - I don't know how.

- Would you read it to me? - Well, I'm... I'm learning, myself.

We're a fine pair.

My clerk tells me this man can't bring Cosette because you owe him money.

- I don't. I paid him. - I've sent him money as well.

It's an obvious lie. He could've brought Cosette and been paid in person.

Then I'll go get her.

No, wait. Stay where you are. It's all right.

There's no need. He thinks you've come into money.

He's become a little greedy, that's all.

I've sent him what he's asked for, and extra, to bring Cosette.

She should be here in a few days.

How wonderful to see her.

- You must eat. - Have your lunch.

What about you? Don't you eat?

"Our little lark, our darling Cosette...

is eager to be with her mother, but she has a cough.

'Like my mummy's,' the sweet angel said.

The physician advises she's not well enough to travel now.

I'll bring her when she's stronger.

Meanwhile, the medicine is expensive...

and the doctor's bills are criminal.

Fantine owes urs another

francs. "

- All right. I've heard enough. - Do you want to dictate a reply?


Instead, write this note for Fantine to sign:

"M. Thenardier...

you will hand Cosette over to the bearer.

Regards. "

I'll be leaving right away.

- Javert. - I need to see you immediately.

- Alone. - Thank you, Pierre.

I'm in a hurry, Inspector.

A seriours... A grave violation of the public trust has been committed.

An inferior has shown a complete lack of respect for the law.

- He must be exposed and punished. - Who is the offender?

I am.

I slandered you, monsieur. I'm here to ask that you demand my dismissal.

Inspector, what are you talking about?

Resignation is honorable, and I don't deserve it.

I must be punished.

You treated me unjustly over the... about the woman.

This time you must treat me justly. You must dismiss me.

For what?

I denounced you to the Paris prefect of police.

- I swore that you were a convict. - You said I was what?

A convict.

I had no proof.

Only a memory of this man, Jean Valjean, whom I guarded years ago in prison.

I denounced you without a shred of evidence.

- You denounced me? - Yes.

I was a fool. They told me I was wrong.

They said you couldn't be Jean Valjean, and they were right.

I've just returned from Arras, where I saw the real Jean Valjean.

- The real Valjean? - Yes.

Two weeks ago, a man called Carnot was arrested for poaching apples.

At the prison, a convict took one look at him and said, "I know this man.

We were in prison in Toulon years ago.

He's Jean Valjean. " I didn't believe it.

I went there to see for myself. Well, there's no question.

Carnot is Valjean.

I apologize, monsieur.

I look at you now, and it's obvious you're not a convict.

You don't think I'm a convict?

Of course I don't. I've seen Valjean with my own eyes.

I must've been out of my mind to think a great man like you could be a criminal.

- This man... He admits to being Valjean? - Of course not.

He pretends to be a half-wit who can't understand the charges.

Valjean has broken parole.

That calls for life imprisonment.

- When is the trial? - Tomorrow.

- How long will it take? - No more than an afternoon.

- Tomorrow. - The evidence is overwhelming.

I returned so you could dismiss me and press charges for slander.

I must consider.

I was just on my way home. Walk with me.

You are a stern man.

But you're honorable.

I want you to remain prefect.

- Monsieur le Maire, that's impossible. - You've exaggerated your offense.

I've not exaggerated, monsieur.

I resented you. I chafed at your authority.

And out of revenge I slandered you.

If a subordinate of mine had done that I would have broken him.

You must punish me, monsieur, or my life will have been meaningless.

Blame me.

- You, Monsieur le Maire? - I order you to forgive yourself.

Blame me for that mercy.

You will remain prefect. Those are my orders.

Will you go get her today?

Yes. Tonight.

Is something wrong?

I'm going to do my best.

I'm going to get better for my girl.

But if He chooses to take me, will you look after Cosette? I have no right...

You and Cosette will always be safe with me.

I swear it.

- Is this the courthouse? - Yes, sir.

Thank you.

- May I go in? - I can't let you in. It's full.

It's full? There are no seats?


- We got two great cases. - So I can't get in?

Not a chance.

Unless... Unless monsieur is a public official.

There's a seat reserved for them right beside the judge.

Best seats in the house.

I'm the mayor of Vigau.

Gentlemen, will you be so kind as to remain seated...

while m'lords, the judges, reexamine the prisoner's records.

Prisoner to remain standing at the bar.

- Monsieur le President. - It is an honor.

- Welcome. - Thank you.

Continue the examination.

You pretend to be simple.

So I give you a simple question to answer.

Are you or are you not

the convict Jean Valjean?

In the first place...

- What was the first place? - Answer the question.

You're wicked! That's what I was going to say.

Only I forgot your name.

I'm a man who...

Oh, what's the word for it?

I'm one of those who doesn't eat every day.

I'm... I'm hungry.

That's the word.

You've already been found guilty of poaching.

Answer the prosecutor's question.

Did he ask a question?

Are you or are you not Jean Valjean?

Your say I was born in Faverolles.

That's very clever, telling me where I come from.

That's more than I know. My... My parents were tramps.

In view of the shrewdly contrived denials...

of the accused, who is trying to pass himself off as an idiot...

I call the witness Brevet to the stand.

So ordered.

Brevet, I remind you...

that what you say may destroy a man's life.

Your must be absolutely certain of your testimony.

My memory is good. The best thing I have.

The accused will rise.

- Do you recognize this man? - Yeah.

I was the first to recognize him, so I ought to get credit.

Never mind who was first. Who is he?

That's Jean Valjean. We served years together in prison.

He looks older, of course. Looks stupider too.

That's probably age.

- I call the convict Lombard to stand. - You may step down.

The accused should remain standing.

I repeat my warning. A man's life can be destroyed by your answer.

Do you recognize the accused?

I can't help but recognize him.

We did five years on one chain.

What's the matter with you, eh?

No "Hello"?

Eh? Did you miss me, eh?


I call Bertin to the stand.

I warn you as well. Your answer can ruin a man.

Do you recognize the accused?

Yeah. He's Jean Valjean.

May I address the court?

Yes, sir. Yes, certainly, Monsieur le Maire.

Look at me. Do you recognize me?

I recognize you. You were an informer in Toulon, and I see you're still a snitch.

Hello, Brevet. And you, Lombard.

Don't look at my fancy clothes, at my scraped chin. Look at my eyes.

You called yourself "Godless", right?

You've got a scar on your left shoulder.

I gave it to you the night you tried to kill me, remember?

- When I pinned you over the stove. - It is you.

Show the court your scar.

Bertin, in the hollow of your left arm, there's a date tattooed, .

The year of the Revolution. Show them.

I know these men, Monsieur le President, and they know me.

I am the man you want.

I am Jean Valjean.

- It's him! - Oh, my God!

Monsieur le Maire, I know you to be a kind man, but this...

A kind man?

When I was in prison, I was as ignorant, mean and devious as these men. Not kind.

And I wish I could keep my mouth shut and let this poor wretch suffer for me.

But... Continue with the investigation, monsieur.

You will find further proof that I am Valjean.

I need you in the office right away.

- You're back. - I don't have the child yet.

- I'll be leaving in an hour. How is she? - Cough's much worse.

There's more blood now. She's...

I think she's just holding on to see her daughter.

- Wait. - I've an urgent message for Javert.

- I'll take it up. - To be delivered by hand.

This is a special warrant from Arras.

I knew it.

Monsieur, you're back.

If something were...

I was just dreaming...

about you.

- Don't excite yourself. - And me.

And Cosette.

We were at her confirmation...

and she looked so beautiful.

- Fantine, if something were... - But then she didn't know me.

And I was crying.

I have to tell you something.

- I know... - I won't be able...

I'm not going to live long.

Would you give this to her?

- I saved it for her. - Yes.

- Could you give it to her, please? - I'll give it to her.

She can come stay with you, can't she?

You will raise her, won't you?


- I'll raise her. - Promise me, monsieur.

I promise.

He lies so well, doesn't he? He's had a lot of practice.

A lifetime of lies.

- Save me! - It's all right.

He's not here for you.

Monsieur le Maire...

He isn't mayor anymore.

- Let me talk to you in private. - Speak up. Don't mumble!

- I need a favor. - Come on! Speak up!

- Give me two days to fetch her child. - Are you joking?

- I'll pay anything you want. - Do you think I'm that stupid?

I think you do.

You must have laughed when you forgave me, generous and kind Mayor.

- I beg you... - You'll not fetch things for your whore!

You're going back where you belong, and this bitch is going to jail.

Listen to me! You'll never see your daughter again! You're going to prison!

He can't save you. He's a criminal.

Scum of the earth!

Get up!

It's a pleasure to see you again, Valjean.

You killed her.

Where will you go, Valjean? You don't have papers.

I'll find you.

She repented, didn't she?

- She made her peace with God. - Yes, monsieur.

Are you a convict? Is that true?


- Where's the inspector? - Inside.

Did you kill him?

That's a pity.

You'd better hit me hard enough

to make a lump.

- Where is he? - He left half an hour ago.

- On foot? - On the wagon.

- Which way? - The southern route.

- Commandeer the mail coach. - Yes, sir.

Not you, Beauvais. You two, go!

- Ask anybody. Everybody saw him leave. - How much money did he take?

- He didn't take any. - Show me the book.

I don't understand. He transferred ownership.

To all the employees.

Shares have been apportioned by seniority.

He withdrew nothing for himself.


Faster! Come on! Drive them there!


- Morning, Monsieur le Maire. - Good morning.

- Whoa! - Don't slow down. Give me the reins.

Come on!

We're going too fast, sir!

Hold on!


You're under arrest...

The whore... who did she write to? The address... give it to me!

There you are, you little slut. What took you so long?

- It's heavy. - Don't let me hear you complaining.

You don't bring a sou. The least you can do is clean the rooms!

I feed your greedy little mouth.

Do I get thanks? No, I get smart answers.

Now get to work!

Finish those stockings or you'll get no supper. You have to earn your keep!

What do you want?

- A room, please. - A room costs sou.

I'll pay in advance.

Oh. Very well, monsieur.

My dear, my sweet, my precious...

- You've forgotten, haven't you? - I've forgotten.

I do that, don't I? I forget things.

- What have I forgotten? - We've rented the regular room.

We've only got the wedding chamber left.

I'm sorry, monsieur, but that costs sou.

- You want a meal? - Bread and cheese.

Is that all? There's rabbit stew.

- What's she knitting? - Who?

Oh. She's making stockings for my daughters.

- She's not your daughter? - Not that creature. No.

Why? Does she interest you?


- What's her name? - Cosette.

- What are they worth? - The girl?

- The stockings. - The stockings... I don't know.

- You can buy the stockings. - Probably sou.

I'll buy them. I'm paying for her time.

I want her to play.

Of course, you understand, I meant sou for each stocking.

Cosette, get up. Come on. Get out of there.

Get out of there!

Get out!

You're working for me now. You can rest or you can play.

What would you like?

Madame, is it true? Am I allowed to play?

You heard, didn't you? You must play!

Hurry up! Start playing.

Perhaps monsieur would like Cosette to play on his lap?

I'm heading to Paris.

- Is there a mail carriage I can take? - It's gone already.

Next coach to Paris arrives at dawn.

- You like our Cosette? - I want to take her with me.

Monsieur, I have to tell you the truth. I adore that child.

- You adore her. - Yes, it's true.

I'm not rich. I've had to pay over francs for her medicine.

But I'm a stupid man. I have no sense, just a heart.

- A big heart. - You paid over


Five hundred.

All right. I want to leave right away.

I'm sorry, monsieur. But her mother gave her to us to protect.

- I can't let a stranger take her... - How much?

This isn't a question of money.

- What right do you have to the girl? - You don't want money?

Of course not. I mean...

Even if you offered or I couldn't give her to you.


True, I owe


My whole life would be solved if only I had francs, but...

I can't think about money.

It's a question of law. All that matters is:

- Who has a right to the child. - That's a relief.

Here's a letter from Cosette's mother authorizing me to take her.

Cosette, quick!

Do we have to walk all the way to Paris?

- Yes. Are you tired? - No, monsieur. I'm all right.

Cosette, best not to call me "monsieur. "

People will think we're strangers.

Then what shall I call you, monsieur?

Well, what about "papa"?

But you're not my father, monsieur. Are you?

Want me to carry you?

I can reach the branches!

You're the tallest lady in France.

- I'm the queen of France. - That's right.

You're the queen of France.

You're the queen, Cosette.

Have your papers out and ready to be inspected.

Wake up. This is Paris.

Form an orderly queue and have your papers ready!

You! Keep in line back there!

Have your papers out and ready for inspection!

Let these carriages through.

We must get here.

Have your papers out and ready for inspection.

Listen. Wait here.

I won't be long. All right?

Have your papers out and ready for inspection.

Don't leave me!

You have to be quiet.

I'm just having a look at the wall.

- I'm not leaving you. - Are we gonna climb that wall?


All right?

Papa! But you told me to call you papa.

You! Where are your documents?

- No luck yet. - He's on foot.

The little girl would slow him down.

Well, Javert...

you said he was Valjean, and we ignored you.

Rather than apologize...

I want you to know that I've asked the prefect to transfer you to Paris...

to work as my deputy.

Monsieur, I'm honored.

Thank you.

Meanwhile, these men are at your disposal to find Valjean.

All right, Cosette. Give me your doll.

Now, climb on my back.

Come on. Here.

Put your foot here.

That's it. Big jump. That's a girl. All right.

- Papa, I'm frightened. - Don't look down.

- Of course he won't. - Pardon me?

- He won't what? - Have your papers ready.

I want three of you in each direction to walk around the wall.

Look for a narrow gap where someone could jump onto a roof.

- Go! - I don't understand.

He has no proper papers, sir. He won't come through here.

- Watch here. - Yes, sir.

Stay down!

We'll have to cross here.

Shut up! Do you want to get us killed?

I'm sorry. It's all right.

I'm sorry. But we have to be quiet.

This is the only place we can get over.

Listen to me. We have to jump.

Come on. Take my hand.

- What's on the other side of this wall? - It's a convent.

I'm not going to wake up a building full of nuns...

who are terrified of men and search their beds!

- It's for their protection. - This is a strict order.

They're not permitted to look at a man much less speak to him!

It's a boarding school for girls. They must be protected.

The girls are daughters of the aristocracy...

whose parents will kiss your feet if you are right...

and have you guillotined if you are wrong!

I know he's in there.

What? Who are you?

Now I'm trapped under the cart, Lafitte.

If you would collect all the nurns and schoolgirls and take them to the chapel.

Then my men courld search everywhere

and you wouldn't be in danger.

We're not afraid of men. We're here to adore Christ.

- I can't protect you out here. - A search of our grounds...

our school or our convent is impossible.

I'm sorry, Inspector.

I've told the Mother Superior you're my brother.

- You'll be the new gardener. - Good.

Thank you.

Tomorrow can you arrange for her to go to school here?

- I can pay. - Who is she?

She's an orphan.

She'll be with me now.

- Pity. - What?

I was thinking of next year, when it will be Cosette's turn.

Is it a pity to be devoted to Christ?

A beautiful nun is a tragic waste.

Well, even though Cosette will be stuck here...

at least you can see the world.

Or Paris anyway.

Aren't you curious?

You haven't been outside now in how many years?

The world never changes.

It is changing.

You should have a look for yourself.

You'll be surprised.

- What are you looking at? - I'm just watching the people go by.

- I don't want to take my vows. - Your promised the Mother Superior.

- I want to leave. Please. - But we're safe here.

- Safe from what? - We have everything we need.

I can work here. I can be near you.

- We have a good life here. - Please, Papa.

I'll think about it.

I'm very grateful for everything you've done for us, Reverend Mother.

But my daughter's happiness is what's most important to me.

Naturally, I'm disappointed Cosette has changed her mind.

But I, too, want to see her happy.

Thank you.

We shall leave as soon as I can find a suitable home.

I was wondering...

I don't know anyone in Paris.

If you could help me find a house in a decent area...

Lafitte, how courld you afford such a house?

Before we came here, I had money...

family money... that I saved...

to help provide for us.

Well, I hope you're certain that you've made the right decision.

I am.

Look, Papa.

- I shan't be long. - I'll wait here.

- All right. But don't leave the cab. - I'll stay put.

I'll be back soon.

Ma'am, have you got any money?

Why not? Because it's against the law to strike.

The king has declared that everything is a crime.

Writing is a crime.

Two weeks ago police destroyed the Egalite... the workers' newspaper.

They smashed the press.

That man making the speech...

He's the leader of the A.B.C. Society...

the largest and most dangerous of the student groups.

They want the king out. They want suffrage without limitation.

I don't care what they want. I want to know who they are.

- Speaking out is a crime. - Marius Pontmercy.

- Rents a room above the Cafe Musain. - Being poor is the worst crime of all.

If you commit these crimes, you are condemned for life.

Concentrate on him.

Our government has no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness.

- And it has no work for us! - And there's no work.

And because there is no work our children are starving.

Tell me, why are we powerless to save the people we love?

Tell me why!

- The king lied! - The king betrayed us.

We were promised the vote. Do we have the vote?

Where is the republic our fathers died for?

- Where? - Here!

It's here, my brothers.

It lives here in our heads.

But most of all...

best of all...

it lives in our hearts.

We are the republic!

Where have you been? I told you not to leave the cab.

I was just going out for some air.

- Who's that? - I don't know.

- He was making a speech in the street. - Come.

We're going home.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You again. I looked this time. I'm sure you weren't at mass.

I was, Father!

- Get out of the line! - Mademoiselle, they won't let urs in.

It's all right, Father. Let them through.

- We made extra today. - How are you, Gavroche?

Thank you. No one is as kind and beautiful as you...

Gavroche, you're such a convincing liar. I fear for your mortal soul.

- Who are your little friends? - Not friends. Theses are my babies.

I found them wandering the street. Don't I make a good father?

Your'd make a better father, Gavroche, with a real coat.

Wait a moment.

My friend wants to know if you'll take a walk in the park with him.

Here you are. Bring your babies back tomorrow and I'll give them jackets.

- Thank you, sir. - Thank you.

He never leaves her alone.

He's not a father. He's a jailer.

Go on. Here they come.

- Go. - Come on, boys. Hurry up.

Let's go home.

May we go for a walk? It's so sunny and mild.

I'm tired. Would you read to me in the garden?

Why don't you go lie down? I'll go for a walk.

- Alone? - I'm going have to walk alone someday.

Someday, not today.

- Why don't you sit in the fiacre...

- Stop playing games!

- I'm not playing games. - Are you disobeying me?

I'm your father! Get in.

It's Thursday.

Madame Toussaint made your favorite dessert.

What do you say, Cosette?

Strangers can be dangerous.

Will that be all?

Will that be all?

Yes, thank you, Toussaint.

- You're not, you know. - Pardon?

You're not my father.

That is, you never said you were until you became so angry today.

That was the very first time

you said it.

- Yes. You're right. - Well?

Are you my father?

I promised your mother I'd take care of you.

I know you think I worry too much.

- But strangers can be... - All right!

- What's the matter? - I don't want to hear that speech again!

I know there's something shameful. It must be me.

- My child, no! - Or you!

You're the shameful secret.

Maybe both of us. It doesn't matter. I can't go out or talk to people...

- Stop this, Cosette. - I think you're lying.

I know the secret.

You want me here with you all the time... night and day...

because you're lonely, and you want me to be alone forever!

You're right. I'm not a father. I don't...

I just want to protect you, that's all.

The world isn't a safe place, believe me.

You're the only person I have.

This is the only way I know how to do it. I'm sorry.

- It's all right. - Come. Have your meal.

- I won't be long. - Fine.

Toussaint will save it.

- Hello. - Hello.

- What's your name?

- Marius.

- And yours? - I'm Cosette.

I have something for you.

Thank you.

I can warm up your soup.

I'm coming.

I'll be here...

tomorrow night, outside.

See you tomorrow.

Any guns?

- Maybe this is moving too fast. - Revolutions should always be rushed.

Progress doesn't have time to waste.

But this is pathetic. Two weeks, what have we got?

Barely enough guns for ourselves.

Then we'll do what revolutionaries have always done:

- Tear up the streets and throw stones. - Come on, Marius! Throw stones?

They won't attack with sticks!


We have two kegs of gunpowder stored in the back room. Guns are another story.

- Is there a plan? - No one can agree when to make a move.

They argue about whether the people are ready.

- But the truth is, they're scared. - These puppies seem harmless.

We should move you to another group.

Thank you.

What about this Marius? Anything on him?

He's in love. But he has to go to the square...

to the food tent, to get a glimpse of his beloved.

- Who is the father? - I know you like me to be thorough.

So I checked. He's behind the charity.

I didn't find out much, only his name:


You know him?

I don't think so.

Aren't we going for our walk?

Not tonight, Papa. I want to finish my book.

But we missed it last night, and you've been in all day.

- You need your exercise, my dear. - I'm too tired.

- Are you all right? - Yes, of course.

I have my book, and Toussaint is here.

Good night, my dear.

Your letter was beautiful.

It was really beautiful.

- Tell my everything. - Everything? About what?

About you.

There's nothing to tell.

I'm a very simple girl.

I live a very simple life.

I grew up in a convent with other girls, of course.

My father lived there too.

My father's a very good man.

I grew up in his love.

His love was my home, if you know what I mean.

And then I met you.

And what about you?

- You're a genius, aren't you? - Genius.

I'm a poor student...

no brighter or smarter than anyone else.

Your speech was wonderful.

I didn't breathe while you talked.

I was afraid I'd miss a word.

This week was the same as last... every night?

Inspector, they're in love.

It's perfectly nauseating.

She sneaks out the door, and they're together till dawn.

They even stay out there when it rains.

I haven't caught the gun supplier. I've caught pneumonia.

- And the father knows nothing? - This, too, isn't a surprise.

I admit the whole experience has disillusioned me.

I certainly don't plan on having any children.

Especially not a daughter.

Can I be reassigned?

Perhaps I could infiltrate some nice anarchists.

- With a roof over their heads. - Yes, I'll handle this.

You're relieved. Take two days off and report to me.

- You'll be reassigned. - Thank you.

Just out of curiosity, sir, what are you going to do?

From what you've said, M. Lafitte is respectable and well-off.

- Yes. - A little softhearted perhaps.

But a churchgoer... loving father and so on.

Absolutely. The whole neighborhood speaks well of him.

He deserves to know his daurghter's been seduced by a dangerous radical.

Toussaint, leave yourr cooking, and come sit in the garden.

It's a glorious day.

- There's someone here to see you. - Who is it?

- Insp... - It doesn't matter.

Inspector Javert, from the police.

- Could you w... - I'll wait.

- Who was that? - That wa...

- Yes?

- Was a gardener.

- But why say you're away? - There's no time to explain.

Tell him I've gone away for a week.

If he asks qurestions about your past...

say you have a headache and excuse yourself.

- All right? No details. - You're frightened.

No. Please, just go.

Try not to be nervous. He'll sense it.

Stay calm and composed.

My father instructed Madame Toussaint to say he's out when he's on a trip...

so no one will know when there's two helpless women here by ourselves.

Isn't it ridiculous that he worried about it with you... a police inspector?

- When will he return? - Oh, a week.

Hard to say.

I'm going to leave him this note. Do you have an envelope?

Right here.

I knew a Lafitte. Where did your people come from?

Here. Paris.

Probably no relation.

This is for your father's eyes alone.

And I'd appreciate it if you gave him the letter yourself.

What a horrible man. How do you know him?

- There's no feeling in his eyes. - What does this mean?

"Your daughter has been seduced...

by a dangerous radical named Marius Pontmercy.

She betrays you every night!"

- I don't know. - Don't lie to me!

Have you given yourself to this person? Is it true?

- Do you see him every night? - Go ahead! Hit me!

Is that why I should tell you... because you'll hit me?

Tell me the truth!

How dare you ask for the truth when you only tell me lies?

Why does a policeman frighten you out of your wits?

Who is he? Who are you?

You don't urnderstand.

You've ruined me. You've ruined us.

You're right. I don't understand.

How can I when you won't tell me the truth?

What is it? Who are you?

All right. I'm not going to lie.

It's true. I love Marius. I'm not ashamed.

I only have a corner of a bench to be with him.

But that corner is mine.

It's my life.

Is that what's going to ruin us?

Please tell me what this is all abourt, Papa.


Please tell me what is it.


What is it?


I am a convict.

When I was young...

just your age...

I was very poor. I was starving.

One day I stood in front of a window.

A window full of bread.

There was just glass between me...

and not being hungry anymore.

It was so easy.

So I broke it...

and took what I wanted.

Then they caught me...

and put me in chains for almost years.

They did things to me...

I can't tell you about it.

And I did things, there in jail.

Terrible things.

I became an animal.

They took my dignity.

They took everything from me.

Inspector, where do you want me tomorrow?

Should I go back to the Cafe Musain?

Not right away.

Mingle with the crowd at the square.

- See where it takes you. - All right.

Lafitte... the softhearted gentleman... did you find out about his background?

Yes, sir. He's from Vigau, born and raised.

Lafitte and his daughter Cosette lived there until ten years ago.

- You didn't say her name was Cosette! - You didn't ask.

- No one here, sir. - The place is empty, sir.

No one and nothing. Clean as a whistle.

He moves fast.

Yes, he does.

But there's a way to find him.

- Marius, have you seen my babies? - Not now.

Not tonight. We have to plan tomorrow's action.

Tomorrow we're not having an action. We're having a revolution.

We can't tolerate this! We can't allow the king to bury Lamarque as his hero!

- I promise. One hour. - No!

Marius, this is not a game!

- Tomorrow you have to mean it! - I mean it.

- Do your? - Yes. We'll plan tactics when I return.

When these bastards try to bury Lamarque we'll bury them instead.

You hurry back.

After tomorrow you can make love to her as a free man.


"Go to

Rue De I'Ouest. "


He has to leave, and I have to go with him.

- What's wrong? - His life is at stake.

- His life? How? - It's a secret.

I can't give it away. I was an orphan. He saved me.

He gave me everything I have. I can't leave him right now.

- That means I'll never see you again. - Listen!

I know what we can do. We'll talk to him.

He'll understand. He'll agree. You can come with us to England!

England? Cosette, are you crazy?

Tomorrow we're going to fight!

We're going to restore the republic!

I can't run away now!

Why do your have to go to England? Why now?

Why do you have to go now?

He needs me. He took care of me, and now he needs me.

I understand.

Marius, please.

Don't be sad.

When do you leave?

Tomorrow. We can leave Paris becaurse of Lamarque's funeral.

He's not sure. He said we might leave the next day.

I'll be here tomorrow night.

Promise me you'll meet me here.

Well, it's obvious we have them outnumbered.

There are

troops in the city...

and they can be reinforced by another in two days.

So the question is where to deploy them.

My informers tell me the most critical moment...

is when Lamarque's funeral procession passes through the square.

That's where they'll start the fighting.

Well, we won't fight them for every inch.

We'll surround them.

It's frightening, Papa. Why are they so angry about this?

Because Lamarque was a hero who fought for the republic.

Why is the king giving Lamarque a state funeral?

He's trying to claim Lamarque as his own hero.

It's a lie. It's the final insult.

That's why they're angry.

Long live the republic!

- Lamarque is ours! - Jump on!

Lamarque is our hero!

Come on, everybody! Pull!

Long live the republic!

To the barricades!

Get out!

Javert, your information is as good as gold.

But the idiots of the municipal guard...

ignored your advice about the arsenal.

Javert, why are you dressed like that?

Because I'm on the trail of someone who's very dangerous.

It will be an important arrest, sir.

Possibly the most important of my career.

Indeed. Who is it?

I'd rather not say until I've got him.

Well, at the very least, show me where you're going.

Past the perimeter. Here.

There are dozens of barricades in this part of the city.

Anything could happen. We have no control in this area.

It's under control, sir.

As soon as it's dark we'll go through the barrier. Hundreds are fleeing.

Police don't care who leaves. They're more concerned about people coming in.

So it's a perfect opportunity. Cosette, please!

How bad is the fighting?

I didn't go anywhere near it. I went the other way.

- What are they saying? - No one really knows what's happening.

The streets are full of barricades, and everyone says something different.

Whatever the truth is, a lot of people will die tonight.

Is it too dangerous for us to wait here until the morning?

You saw the barricades.

I promised I'd wait.

Even if he can't come, I have to wait.

- It hurts this much? - I'm sorry.

I've known him for only a few weeks. That's what you're thinking.

That I'm only a silly girl, that he's little more than a stranger.

But that's not how I feel.

I understand.

I do.



Marius, not tonight.

One hour. I'll be gone one hour.

- I found my boys! - Well done, Gavroche.

The law is here to protect you, Cosette...

from criminals like this scum.

Is Valjean here? Is he alone?

I'll never tell you anything.

Do you know who and what you're protecting?

Didn't he tell you he's really just a common thief?

- I know who he is. - Oh, yes? Did he tell you who you are?

Did he tell you you're a bastard child?

Did he tell you your mother was a whore?

Give it to me. You'll be breaking

the law. There'll be no turning back.

Who are you?

Chief Inspector Javert.

If you surrender now, things will go better for you and her.

Surrender? I'm taking you to face the people's justice.

At the barricades?

You fool. Don't you know your revolution has no chance?

If we die, your die with us.

Good-bye, Marius.

I love you, Cosette.

Go on!

He came to say good-bye.

He loves me, Papa.

Take her to our old house.

It's going to be all right. I promise you.

So here we are.

I was right.

You know him?

When we have a spare bullet, we're going to kill him.

What are you doing here? Where's Cosette?

Waiting for you in the house where you fell in love.

- Go to her. - I can't.

- Go to her. - Not now.

She's your future.

If we can't win here, then none of us have a future.

You have love. That's the only future God gives us.


Gavroche! Get back!

- I need bullets! - Gavroche! Get back here!

Come back!

- Get back here! - Gavroche! Come back!


- Let's do it now. - You proud of your work?

You're next.

Let me do it.

You kill him in the alley.

We don't want his blood in here with ours.

A knife. That's right.

- It suits you better. - Why, Javert?

Why couldn't you leave me alone? I'm nothing! I'm no one!

Yes. But you've managed to beat me.

I'm not trying to beat you!

- I want to live in peace! - Then hurry up and do it.

Your friends need you.

That way, through the gate.

You'll be safe.

- You're going to shoot me in the back. - I'm letting you go.

You'd better hurry. They won't be merciful.

Go on.

You should kill me.

I won't stop.


I won't let you go.

You should end this.

Kill me.

You're dead, Javert.

- Everybody, get back! - Move it on through!

On the back wall there!

Surrender, men!

- Surrender! - Surrender or be shot!


Turn and follow me!

You men in there, take that doorway!

Come on. Do it! Jump!

Let's be quick about it!

Long live the republic!

- You two, look on the roof. - Yes, sir.

Get some ladders. Hurry!

- This way. - He's smarter than that.

He'll go downhill to the river. Come on.

It's all right. It's all right. Come on.

Come on. Help me. You must help me.


Is he alive?


- He needs a doctor. - To make him healthy for a firing squad?

Come on, Javert. You know there'll be an amnesty in a few days.

- It's me you want. - Yes.

Arrest me. Let him go.

- Is that all you care about? - You've caught me.

That's what you care about.

Let him take the boy where he wants. Then bring him back here to me.

He'll live. Toussaint...

- Find a doctor. - Yes, monsieur.

Take some money. Promise him any amount he wants.

- Yes, monsieur. - Go!

I promised I would give you this.

It was your mother's.

She was a good woman. I loved her, Cosette.

I've told you everything. Take care of him. Live a happy life.

I made an arrangement, my dear.

I have to go.

- Promise me you'll be happy. - No! Not like this, Papa!

This is right, my dear. I stole something. I did.

I stole happiness with your. I don't mind paying.

Go to him. He's your life now.

Bring him here.

That is an important memo for the prefect.

It will explain what I've done with the prisoner.

Make sure he sees it before breakfast.

I'm glad I had time to myself.

I needed to think...

about what you deserve.

You're a difficult problem.

- Move to the edge. - Why aren't you taking me in?

You're my prisoner. Do what I tell you!

You don't understand the importance of the law.

I've given you an order. Obey it.

Why didn't you kill me?

I don't have the right to kill you.

But you hate me.

I don't hate you.

I don't feel anything.

You don't want to go back to the quarries, do you?

Then for once we agree.

I'm going to spare you from a life in prison, Jean Valjean.

It's a pity the rules don't allow me to be merciful.

I've tried to live my life without breaking a single rule.

You're free.

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