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JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education)

E-ISSN Online: 2548-4699

Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching

Education Students
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizaha, Bayu Pramonob*, Muhammadc, Muhammad Kharis Fajard, Adlina Dayana Binti
a,b,c,d Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
e Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Received: 21 Sep 23 Accepted: 25 Oct 23 Published: 30 Oct 23

Sports physical training is a physical activity that has a good effect on health, fitness and performance. Currently,
many physical exercises have been developed, especially physical exercises using high intensity. The purpose of
this study was to see the effects of high-intensity training on fitness and health in Sports Coaching Education
students. In this study, the experimental pre-test post-test method was used involving seven untraining men
and nine training men who are students majoring Sports Coaching Education (SCE). This study was conducted
in four weeks, with frequency three times a week. The test used is the Shapiro-Wilk for normality check and
Wilcoxon test to see the difference in pre-test and post-test after the sample gets high-intensity training
treatment for four weeks. The results of this study showed differences in post HR Max, post bodyweight, post
BMI, post sum recovery, and post HR rest (p<0.05). On the results of N-gain, tabata training was quite effective
given to the group of training students than the untraining group. The conclusion in this study shows that the
application of high-intensity training requires an adaptation process in the unfit student group to have a positive
effect on the health and fitness of SCE students.

Keywords: physical fitness; sport modification; tabata; university student

1. Introduction

Since long ago, physical fitness is one part of a healthy lifestyle, especially in physical health and mental
health. So that everyone must have a schedule or activity to support their fitness. In addition, previous
researches Redondo-Flórez et al., 2022; Wu, 2022; Zhai et al., (2022) found that there is a relationship
between decreased academic grades and low physical activity of students. Students at the beginning
of the semester have high academic activities, so they assume they do not have enough time to do
physical activity (Hariyanto et al., 2023). This is the reason why they have low fitness.

High-intensity physical activity can increase energy expenditure characterized by increased muscle
contraction and is carried out with a measurable program such as volume, intensity and frequency
(Thivel et al., 2018). Physical exercise can strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, endurance and the
cardiovascular system (Adamu et al., 2007; Atakan et al., 2021; Bompa & Buzziechelli, 2015). Regular
physical exercise is needed to improve fitness so that it is not easy to experience fatigue and rapid
energy loss (Hernawan et al., 2021). One of the physical fitness that must be possessed is
cardiovascular endurance. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels
to circulate oxygen to tissues throughout the body (Husnul & Nida, 2021).

JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education) | Volume 8 | Nomor 2 | 2023 | 121 - 128 121
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

High-intensity interval training or commonly referred to as high-intensity exercise with relatively short
intervals. This sport is very often done by adults, especially students. It is proven by Lu et al. (2023)
that HIIT is very effective in a university environment. In a study conducted by Lan et al. (2022) on
university students, it was found that they preferred to use HIIT training because it was greater in
increasing aerobic capacity. Based on the literature above, researchers focus on developing HIIT
exercises using the tabata method.

The tabata method is recognized as the most efficient form of HIIT. This study is important to
conduct because it will support academic improvement through improved fitness. Tabata performed
for 4 weeks can increase VO2max in adults. The exercise also resulted in significant improvements in
cardiovascular function (Bahtra et al., 2023; Guo et al., 2023; Kranen et al., 2023; Martin-Smith et al.,
2020). In this study using a modified tabata exercise method with an exercise duration of 4 minutes
consisting of a work and rest ratio of 20 seconds : 10 seconds (Pambudi Rilo et al., 2021). Therefore,
this study aims to determine the effects obtained from modified tabata training on fitness and health
in Sports Coaching Education students.

2. Method

It was an experimental study involving students majoring in Sport Coaching Education (SCE). Nine
students who were active in physical activity and seven students who were not active in physical
activity were gathered. Students who were active in physical activity were observed from the weekly
activities of these students by doing 3 sports exercises for at least 45 minutes each exercise. Aerobic
capacity was measured using the Harvard Step Test. The data source in this study was collected by
applying a test instrument for 4 weeks, done 3 times in a week. The data collection technique in this
study was direct observation around the environment of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences.

Figure 1. Tabata Modification

In Figure 1 is a modified tabata exercise programme that was carried out for 4 weeks. In week-1 there
were 3 training sessions and in 1 session with 24 minutes. The 24 minutes was divided into 6 sets,
each set lasting 4 minutes with a 1-minute rest period for each set change. The 4-minute exercise
duration consisted of a work and rest ratio of 20 seconds: 10 seconds for 85% from DNM.
Measurement of heart rate (HR) exercise or HR max, sum recovery, harvard, bodyweight, body mass
index (BMI), HR basal, and HR rest were taken in the first week before tabata and the fourth week
after tabata.

JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education) | Volume 8 | Nomor 2 | 2023 | 121 - 128 122
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

3. Result

Table 1. Description of pre test – post test of SCE students

Variable Measurement Mean SD
Pre 154.06 25.94
HR Exercise
Post 142.56 35.19
Pre 108.37 20.46
Sum Recovery
Post 96.12 21.22
Pre 80.06 12.65
Post 90.81 20.23
Pre 60.78 9.51
Post 60.00 9.04
Pre 22.19 3.31
Post 21.89 3.16
Pre 69.68 12.46
HR Basal
Post 68.43 24.05
Pre 87.75 17.18
HR Rest
Post 79.12 10.50

Table 1 describes the mean and standard deviation of pretest and posttest data on SCE students after
doing modified tabata training there are changes in pre-post HR Max 154.06 ± 142.56, pre-post
recovery 108.37 ± 96.12, pre-post Harvard 80.06 ± 90.81, pre-post body weight 60.78 ± 60.00, pre-
post BMI 22.19 ± 21.89, pre-post basal HR 67.68 ± 68.43, pre - post HR rest 87.75 ± 79.12.

Table 2. Shapiro Whilk test results

Variable Measurement
Statistic df p-value
Pre 0.818 0.05
HR Exercise
Post 0.895 0.67
Pre 0.857 0.17
Sum Recovery
Post 0.980 0.966
Pre 0.948 0.459
Post 0.882 0.42
Pre 0.947 0.440
Bodyweight 16
Post 0.922 0.185
Pre 0.923 0.188
Post 0.940 0.349
Pre 0.909 0.114
HR Basal
Post 0.580 0.000
Pre 0.820 0.005
HR Rest
Post 0.959 0.646

Table 2 tests the normality of all variables, namely HR exercise, Sum Recovery, Harvard, Bodyweight,
BMI, Basal HR, and HR Rest. The explanation of the descriptive table above is that bodyweight and
BMI are declared normally distributed because p>0.05.

JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education) | Volume 8 | Nomor 2 | 2023 | 121 - 128 123
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

Table 3. Wilcoxon test results

Test Statistic
Variable p-value
Post HR Exercise 0.036
Post Harvard 0.005
Post Body Weight 0.008
Post BMI 0.008
Post HR Basal 0.229
Post Sum Recovery 0.021
Post HR Rest 0.011

It can be seen in table 3 that p-value of post HR Max was 0.036, Harvard was 0.005, post bodyweight
was 0.008, post BMI was 0.008, post sum recovery was 0.021, and post HR rest 0.011, declared
significant because the p<0.05. This means that there is a difference after the modified tabata exercise.

Table 4. Paired T-test

Paired T-Test
t p-value
Pre HR Max & Post HR Max 2.131 0.050
Pre Sum reco & Post Sum Recovery 2.577 0.021
Pre Harvard & Post Harvad -3.176 0.006
Pre Bodyweight & Post Bodyweight 3.012 0.009
Pre BMI & Post BMI 3.245 0.005
Pre HR Rest & Post HR Rest 2.655 0.018

It can be seen that the output of table 4 explains that the Paired T-Test of HR Max was 0.050, Sum
Recovery was 0.021, Harvard step test is 0.021, body weight was 0.009, BMI is 0.995, HR Rest was
0.018, because the sig.<0.05 value, it could be concluded that there was a difference in modified tabata

Table 5. N-gain test results

Group N Mean Minimum Maximum

Untraining 7 49.00 -320.00 350.00
N-gain Tabata
Training 9 58.03 5.56 233.33

When tabata training was given to students who were not fit they fell into the less effective category
because it only reached 49% with a minimum value of -320% and a maximum value of 350%. They
need a long adaptation to be able to enter the effective category. As for the group of students who
were fit, 58% were included in the moderately effective category. With a minimum value of 5.56%
and a maximum value of 233.3%.

4. Discussion

This study aims to determine the positive impact obtained from modified tabata training on the fitness
and health of SCE students. In this study there are variables of HR max, recovery, Harvard Step Test,

JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education) | Volume 8 | Nomor 2 | 2023 | 121 - 128 124
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

Bodyweight, BMI, basal HR, and HR rest. The data collection time of the pre-test variable was before
doing the modified tabata, after doing the modified tabata test for 4 weeks, the post test data then was
collected. Only the basal pulse did not have a normal distribution so it could not be continued with a
different test. Variables that were normally distributed and continued in different tests were HR
exercise, Harvard, Weight, BMI, and HR Rest variables (p<0.05). From the data generated, it stated
that Ha was accepted because there was an effect of modified tabata training on the fitness and health
of SCE students.

There was a significant pretest-posttest difference in mean bodyweight which means that there was a
decrease in the sample. It was supported by previous research, that exercising can reduce the risk
profile of overweight and obesity compared those who do not exercise (Eather et al., 2019; Ho et al.,
2012; Meng et al., 2022; Swift et al., 2014). From observations when modified tabata exercise provides
benefits for reducing excess fat and body weight levels and improving cardiovascular fitness. Body
Mass Index (BMI) is very influential on body fitness as evidenced by previous researches that
overweight or obesity makes physical performance worse, decreases muscle endurance and can make
lower cardiorespiratory fitness (D. McArdcle et al., 2015). In addition, being underweight will also
affect physical fitness to be worsen (X. Chen et al., 2020; Perissiou et al., 2020).

The lower the resting pulse rate, the better a person's fitness. When doing physical exercise in the
body there will be a decrease in heart rate. Regular physical exercise can increase aerobic capacity and
oxygen demand at rest will decrease because the heart can meet oxygen demand more efficiently at
rest. In studies done by Kourek et al., 2023; Ziemann et al. (2011), tabata can also increase aerobic
capacity in university students who are accustomed to regular exercise has a beneficial effect on
cardiorespiratory fitness. This observation also suggests that short-duration exercise can improve
cardio metabolic risk factors in young men (Fisher et al., 2015). Tabata training for students who are
not fit only has an impact of 49% into the category of less effect because this exercise uses high
intensity and requires a long adaptation to get a good category. It is important for us to maintain health
and fitness because it is one of the factors that support all daily activities. The body is not healthy and
fit, it will easily get tired and even fall ill. Fitness is also beneficial for the immune system, according
to previous researches physical activity is recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic because it
can improve fitness and provide benefits to physical and mental health (P. Chen et al., 2020; De Sousa
et al., 2021; Dwyer et al., 2020; Lesser & Nienhuis, 2020; Pinho et al., 2020)

This study indirectly provides a positive effect on high-intensity training on the fitness of sports
students. Currently, people are more concerned with interesting physical activities, so modifications
to physical exercise are needed, especially for young people. Tabata training with modified
movements, intensity and also additional music has more impact on student fitness (Ballmann, 2021;
Clark et al., 2012; Cutrufello et al., 2020; Greco et al., 2022). This study only focused on the impact of
modified tabata training on the fitness and health of SCE students. The study only included students
of the Surabaya State University Sports Coaching Education Department, so the results of this study
were limited to that population.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

After 4 weeks of the tabata exercise program, there were significant differences in HR exercise, aerobic
capacity, body weight, BMI, and HR rest. From the research conducted, it can be shown that the
application of high-intensity training requires an adaptation process in untraining student groups to
have a positive effect on the health and fitness of SCE students.


JOSSAE (Journal of Sport Science and Education) | Volume 8 | Nomor 2 | 2023 | 121 - 128 125
Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

We would like to thank the students of Sports Coaching Education, Surabaya State University, who
have been willing to participate in this study as samples. Thank you to the supervisors who have helped
direct the completion of this writing.

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Nisa Hamidah Nur Azizah, Bayu Pramono, Muhammad, Muhammad Kharis Fajar, Adlina Dayana Binti Azriddin
Effects of Tabata Training on Fitness and Health of Sports Coaching Education Students

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