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Chemistry Test total marks-60

1. Define:
(a) Radical [1]
(b) Valency [1]
(c) Molecular formula [1]
2. Balance the following equations: [10]
A. N2 + H2 ⟶ NH3
B. H2 + O2 ⟶ H2O
C. Na2O + H2O ⟶ NaOH
D. CO + O2 ⟶ CO2
E. Zn + HCl ⟶ ZnCl2 + H2
3. Give one example each that illustrates the following characteristics of
a chemical reaction: [3]
(a) evolution of a gas
(b) change of colour
(c) change in state
4. (a) Define catalyst. [1]
(b) What are (i) positive catalysts and (ii) negative catalysts? Support
your answer with one example for each of them. [3]
(c) Name three biochemical catalysts found in the human body. [3]
5. Fill in the blanks: [3]
(a) A reaction in which two or more substances combine to form a
single substance is called a ............... reaction.
(b) A ............... is a substance which changes the rate of a chemical
reaction without undergoing a chemical change itself.
Chemistry Test total marks-60
(c) The formation of gas bubbles in a liquid during a reaction is called
............... .
6. Give reasons for the following: [4]
(a) Hydrogen can be used as a fuel.
(b) Though hydrogen is lighter than air it cannot be collected by
downward displacement of air.
7. Name the following: [2]
(a) Two metals which give hydrogen with cold water.
(b) A metal which liberates hydrogen only when steam is passed over
red hot metal.
8. How does anomalous expansion of water help the aquatic organisms
in cold climates? [2]
9. What is the effect on boiling point of water when: [2]
(a) pressure is increased?
(b) impurity is added?
10. How do the solubility of a solid and a gas gets affected by: [2]
(a) Increase in temperature?
(b) Increase in pressure?
11. Differentiate between: [4]
(a) Solution and suspension
(b) Suspension and colloid
12. Name the following: [3]
(a) The hardest naturally occurring substance.
(b) A greyish black non-metal that is a good conductor of electricity.
Chemistry Test total marks-60
(c) The third crystalline form of carbon.
13. Write three differences between graphite and diamond. [2]
14. Name four types of coal with the percentage of carbon present in
each. [2]
15. (a) Name the chemicals required for the preparation of carbon
dioxide in the laboratory. [2]
(b) How will you collect the gas? [1]
(c) Write the balanced chemical equation for the above reaction. [2]
(d) Draw a labelled diagram for the preparation of CO2 in the laboratory.
(e) Why is sulphuric acid not used for the preparation of carbon dioxide
in the laboratory? [2]
16. Write two remedies for carbon monoxide poisoning. [2]

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