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DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS (DKA) When the accumulated ketones exceed the body's capacity of

Introduction extracting them, they overflow into urine (ie, ketonuria).If the
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute, major, life- situation is not treated promptly, more accumulation of organic
threatening complication of diabetes. acids leads to frank clinical metabolic acidosis (ie,
DKA mainly occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes, but ketoacidosis), with a drop in pH and bicarbonate serum levels.
it is not uncommon in some patients with type 2 Respiratory compensation of this acidotic condition results in
diabetes. rapid shallow breathing (Kussmaul respirations).
Definitions  Vicious cycle
Clinically Ketones, in particular beta hydroxybutyrate, induce nausea and
An acute state of severe uncontrolled diabetes that vomiting that consequently aggravate fluid and electrolyte loss
requires emergency treatment with insulin and already existing in DKA.
intravenous fluids. Moreover, acetone produces the characteristic fruity breath
Biochemically odor of ketotic patients.
Serum ketones greater than 5 mEq/L, hyperglycemia Hyperglycemia usually exceeds the renal threshold of glucose
(usually glucose20-30 mmol/L) and metabolic acidosis absorption and results in significant glycosuria. Consequently,
(pH of less than 7.3, bicarbonate <15mmol/l) water loss in the urine is increased due to osmotic diuresis
Alberto 1974 induced by glycosuria. This leads to severe dehydration, thirst,
Severe uncontrolled diabetis requiring treatment with tissue hypoperfusion, worsening of lactic acidosis.
continuous infusion of IV-fluids and IV-insulin and with Typical free water loss in DKA is approximately 6 liters or
blood ketones >5 mmol/l (acetoacetate,3- nearly 100 mL/kg of body weight. The initial half of this
hydroxybutyrate) amount is derived from intracellular fluid and precedes signs
Modified Alberto of dehydration, while the other half is from extracellular fluid
Bicorbinate levels<15mmol/L with significant ketosis and is responsible for signs of dehydration.
(urine ketostix ++ or more, blood ketone+ or more.)  Electrolyte imbalances
Pathophysiology: Hyperglycemia, osmotic diuresis, serum hyperosmolarity, and
DKA is a complex disordered metabolic state metabolic acidosis result in severe electrolyte disturbances.
characterized by The most characteristic disturbance is total body potassium
 Hyperglycemia loss. This loss is not mirrored in serum potassium levels,
 Acidosis which may be low, within the reference range, or even high.
 Ketonaemia and ketonuria Potassium loss is caused by a shift of potassium from the
-DKA usually occurs as a consequence of absolute or intracellular to the extracellular space in an exchange with
relative insulin deficiency that is accompanied by an hydrogen ions that accumulate extracellularly in acidosis. A
increase in counter-regulatory hormones (ie, glucagon, large part of the shifted extracellular potassium is lost in urine
cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine). because of osmotic diuresis. Patients with initial hypokalemia
This type of hormonal imbalance enhances hepatic are considered to have severe and serious total body potassium
gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis. depletion.
 Hyperglycemia High serum osmolarity also drives water from intracellular to
Hepatic gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis secondary to extracellular space, causing dilutional hyponatremia. Sodium
insulin deficiency, and counter-regulatory hormone also is lost in the urine during the osmotic diuresis.
excess result in severe hyperglycemia. Typical overall electrolyte loss includes
 Increased ketones  200-500 mEq/L of potassium
Lipolysis from the adipose tissue increases serum free  300-700 mEq/L of sodium
fatty acids. Reduced insulin levels, in combination with  350-500 mEq/L of chloride.
elevations in catecholamines and growth hormone, lead The combined effects of serum hyperosmolarity, dehydration,
to an increase in lipolysis and release of free fatty acids. and acidosis result in increased osmolarity in brain cells that
Normally, these free fatty acids are converted to clinically manifests as an alteration in the level of
triglycerides or very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) in consciousness.

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