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medicine -Introduction-

anat/ physio
-Risk factors+Etiology
-Diagnosis/clinical features
-differential diagnosis
Fluids- blood;CSF/Organs/micro -serology;
urine+stools/Path-gross path;histopath
stablize/conservative-bedside monitoring/
Prevention/screening /followup
- recent advances

ortho tumors
-anatomy- jt-type;bone; articular
surface;ligament;muscles(stability); relations,blood -Epidemiology-Age/gender/race/population/Incidence
supply,nerve supply, movement,axis -anatomy/physiology
-Risk factor/ppt factor/etiology -Risk factor/etiology- modifiable/non modifiable
-mechanism of injury -definition/pathogenesis/route of metastasis
-associated injury -classification system
-diagnosis: symptoms-dips(deformity,pain, swelling, diagnosis: symptoms-local/metastatic,signs
-investigation(confirm-tissue diagnosis,stage-local/
-classification system
systemic,plan for surgery)
Fluids- blood;CSF/Organs/micro -serology; urine+stools/
Path-gross path;histopath
Fluids- blood;CSF/Organs/micro -serology; urine+stools/ /imaging-usg;xray;ct;mri;angio;fitness for procedure
Path-gross path;histopath -treatment(local/systemic)-stablize/conservative-bedside
/imaging-usg;xray;ct;mri;angio;fitness for procedure monitoring/medical/invasive-surgery/rehab
-treatment-stablize/conservative-bedside monitoring/ - followup
medical/invasive-surgery/rehab - prognosis
- prognosis - complications
- complications - prophylaxis
- prophylaxis - recent advances
- recent advances
surgery surgery/
-Introduction: anatomy/physiology
-Risk factor/etiology- modifiable/non modifiable,
etiology- hollow-mech,nonmech/non
hollow,organs-VITAMINS ABCDEK
-definition/pathogenesis-site/mechanism of
insult;injury/peculiar features Indication
-classification system -Contraindication- relative/absolute
diagnosis: symptoms,signs
-complications of disease -Anesthesia
-investigation(confirm-tissue diagnosis,stage,plan for -Anatomical sites
surgery) -Procedure steps- position, incision,
Fluids- blood;CSF/Organs/micro -serology;
dissection,target procedure,closure,
urine+stools/Path-gross path;histopath
/imaging-usg;xray;ct;mri;angio;fitness for procedure confirmation of placed device if working)
-treatment(local/systemic)-stablize/ -Complications- pre-op- disease
conservative-bedside monitoring/medical/ exacerbation,chronic disease, anesthesia/
intraop- surgery/postop- early and late(local
- followup
- prognosis and general)
- complications
- prophylaxis
- recent advances

complications obstetrics
Introduction- anat/ physio
-Risk factors+Etiology
Anesthesia related -Definition/pathophysiology
Surgery-related: Anatomical injury (Vessels and Organs) -Diagnosis-clinical features
Immediate (<24 hrs):
L o c a l : R e a c t i o n a.r y h e m o r r h a g e
General: Asphyxia (Airway obstruction with -complications-maternal/fetal
tongue fall or aspiration of vomitus) -differential diagnosis
Fluids- blood;CSF/Organs/micro -serology;
Local: General:
urine+stools/Path-gross path;histopath

Paralytic ileus (abdominal Pulmonary: Collapse,

surgeries) Bronchopneumonia, Emboli
/imaging-usg;xray;ct;mri;angio;fitness for procedure
Infection (wound, peritonitis, Urinary: Retention, ATN
pelvic, subphrenic) DVT -treatment-
Secondary hemorrhage Enterocolitis
Dehiscence (wound, anastomosis) Bedsores
Obstruction (fibrinous adhesions) Parotitis Prepartum:1st/2nd/3rd trimester; Criteria for admission;
Timing and mode of delivery-when/mode/if vaginal-
spontaneous or induced/if induced -mech;Intrapartum-
General: After extensive 1/2/3 stage;postpartum- mother and child complications;
Local: resections or gastrectomy contraception
Obstruction (fibrous Anemia stablize-when to admit/conservative-bedside monitoring-

Vitamin deficiency
Incisional hernia mom and fetus/medical/invasive-surgery
Steatorrhea and/or
Persistent wound sinus diarrhea - prophylaxis
Recurrence of original lesion Dumping syndrome -Risk factors
Scar probles (hypertrophic Osteoporosis
Prevention/screening /followup
scars, keloid)
Relevant recent advances
tests and investigation Advice
first trimester
-dietary/nutritional advice-folic
first trimester-booking visit:
acid,iron,calcium,vit D,Fish oil
blood- Hb, Hematocrit, Blood picture,MCV, -excercise
Blood- group and Rh typing, -immunization
syphilis,HbsAg,HIV,Rubella,TORCH -work
screen,Gdm, asymptomatic -travel
bacteriuria,aneuploidy, Thyroid -intercourse
Imaging- USG-dating scan -smoking/alcohol intake
-common Symptoms- nausea and
2nd trimester- urine routine,down vomiting,heart burn,pica,ptyalism,
screen,anomaly scan and other tests not done constipation,hemmorhoids,var
at booking, fetal count icosities,backache,vaginal
3rd trimester 2nd trimester-antenatal excercise
24-28 weeks:: Hb, Hematocrit,Gdm,antibody 3rd trimester-fetal movement count
for rh and importance taught,signs of labour,
32-36 weeks- usg-fetal growth discussion of induction,breastfeeding and
fetal presentation contraception

maternal complications fetal complications

General history General exam
Demographics General appearance-
presenting complaints consciousness,mental,build,
HOPC- onset,duration , nutrition(head to toe)
progression, Socrates, associated PICCLE
symptoms Vitals
Etiological history, history of Anthropometry
complications,systems review systemic examination
treatment history Other systems review
past history-medical, surgical Summary
occupational history Working diagnosis
marital/menstrual history Investigation
SES explanation to patient
personal history-high risk, smokin, Treatment
alcohol,sleep, bowel, bladder


Infections- h/o Geriatrics

Occupational exposure
recent travel Symptoms- h/o
Pets/animals/insect bites Atypical/late presentation/comorbidities
Eating out Confusion, depression,dementia,stroke
Sexual/transfusion/abuse usual+hearing impairment,
Similar illness in other family infection, breathlessness,anemia, dizziness,
constipation,peptic ulcer,fluid imbalance, painful
joints,, incontinence,falls,immobility,pressure,

Infections- o/e

Geriatrics- o/e
Skin lesions- site, distribution,pattern Arcus/venous
of appearance and disappearance, ulcer/edema/leukoplakia
secondary changes
Cvs-heart failure, atherosclerotic
cvs- hemodynamic
heart disease
respi- chest wall, kyphosis,
Respi- distress, ent/urt, lrt-bronchial
sounds,added,decreased sound,
tenderness gi-fecal obs,bph
GI- tenderness,hsm Cns- orientation, behaviour,
GU- discharge, ulcers cognition,
Nervous system- altered speech,memory,vision,hearing,gait
sensorium,nuchal rigidity,focal deficit
skin, soft tissue, skeletal exam
CVS history CVS exam
Gen app- corneal arcus,xanthelasma,malar flush,skin,
Chest pain- SOCRATES
Skeletal system,dysmorphic features, peripheral signs of
Dyspnea on exertion- NYHA ar and ie
Positional(PND, VITALS
Orthopnea) pulse-rate, rhythm, volume, character,rf delay,
Fatigue peripheral pulse
Palpitation bp- all four limbs, temp-peripheral coldness,jvp
Syncope PICCLE
Urine output Inspection: trachea, precordial bulge, activity, apical
impulse, visible pulsations,dilated veins,scars,sinuses,
H/o- IE,RHD, pressure symptoms
chest wall
Palpation: apex,palpable p2,parasternal heave,thrill,
Percussion:heart borders,left 2nd ICS,
Liver dullness,traubes,ascitis
Ascultation: S1/S2/S3,S4, other sounds,
Systems review: rs-basal crepts, effusion
git- hsm, ascitis
cns- pupil,reflex,fundus, deficit
Acq/cong valvular heart disease most probably (lesion
name ) in/not in sinus rhythm, NYHA grade, with signs of
failure associated +/- pul htn, with peripheral signs of

Respi history Respi exam

Gen app- build, stigmata of tb, signs of internal
occupational history malignancy, paraneoplastic
Dyspnea-mmrc syndrome,horners,tracheal tug
cough VITALS
hemoptysis PICCLE
chest pain URI- ent, tonsils, mouth,sinus
Fever Inspection: chest wall deformity/trachea/apical
Wheeze impulse/increased won/breathing type/
Pressure symptoms-dysphagia,horners, Movement/spine/neck veins/ scars and sinuses
paraneoplastic symptoms Palpation:
Past history of tb, aspiration, hiv warmth/tenderness/trachea/apex/movement-
Rx h/o- pleural tap,drugs,surgery whole chest,hemithorac/tactile fremitus
Personal- low,loa Percussion: 9 areas, traubes, liver,tidal percussion,
F/h- allergies, asthma,tb, cancer Shifting dullness
SES- pollution(in/out) Ascultation: breath sounds,vocal resonance (3),
added sounds, signs of failure,pul htn(corpul)
Others- succession splash,de espine,coin test, post
tussive suction,rales
side/pathology/etiology/complications/risk factors
GI history- liver GI liver exam
Jaundice-urine,stools, pruritis,yellow Peripheral signs of cld,chronic alcoholism,
malnutrition, pruritis
head to toe(hair,skin, eyes, breath, hands and nails,
distension Trunk,others- asterixis, pedal edema, testicular
malena/hematemesis/rectal bleed atrophy, facies
Altered sensorium PICCLE
Bleeding Inspection: shape of abdo, distension,
Encephalopathic umbilicus,flanks,movt,scars,swelling,dilated
changes/neuropsychiatric changes veins(standing exam), hernial orifices, genitalia
Palpation: warmth, tenderness,
Weakness, malaise, anorexia
Pmh- similar episodes,blood p/abdo
transfusion percussion: liver span,fluid thrill, shifting
Personal- drugs, alcohol, sex dullness,puddle sign(120)
Ascultation- bowel sounds,rubs,venous hum,renal
Other gi Symptoms- anorexia,
bruit, pr
altered taste, dysphagia,heart burn, liver exam- size,consistency,pulsatility
vomiting,abdo pain, distension, Spleen palpation-
weight loss, flatulence,hiccups, classical/bimanual/Middleton/dipplings
Spleen percussion- traubes, Nixon's,castelle
constipation, diarrhoea,stools Measurement: girth
color+/- blood, urine color Encephalopathic changes- asterixis,constructional
apraxia, decor hepaticus, confusionsbp- fever+
distension, hepatorenal- urine output

Nephrology history Nephro exam

Gen app- puffy face, constitutional symptoms,
Pain consiousness,polycythemia, peripheral neuropathy,
hematuria/Oliguria/Anuria/polyuria/nocturia/dysur retinopathy of diabetes, muscle weakness, bony
ia/pneumaturia tenderness
Hesitancy VITALS
precipitancy PICCLE
Urgency Inspection: acidotic breathing, flapping tremor
incontinecr Palpation: warmth/tenderness/renal angle
discharge tenderness
Periorbital puffiness Percussion: liver dullness, tidal percussion,
Breathlessness,pedal edema, ascitis Shifting dullness
Fluid and Electrolyte imbalance Ascultation: breath sounds, added aounds,
pericardial rub
General history General exam
Demographics General appearance-
presenting complaints consciousness,mental,build,
HOPC- onset,duration , nutrition(head to toe)
progression, Socrates, associated PICCLE
symptoms Vitals
Etiological history, history of Anthropometry
complications,systems review systemic examination
treatment history Other systems review
past history-medical, surgical Summary
occupational history Working diagnosis
marital/menstrual history Investigation
SES explanation to patient
personal history-high risk, smokin, Treatment
alcohol,sleep, bowel, bladder

Infections- h/o Geriatrics

Occupational exposure
recent travel Symptoms- h/o
Pets/animals/insect bites Atypical/late presentation/comorbidities
Eating out Confusion, depression,dementia,stroke
Sexual/transfusion/abuse usual+hearing impairment,
Similar illness in other family infection, breathlessness,anemia, dizziness,
constipation,peptic ulcer,fluid imbalance, painful
joints,, incontinence,falls,immobility,pressure,

Infections- o/e

Geriatrics- o/e
Skin lesions- site, distribution,pattern Arcus/venous
of appearance and disappearance, ulcer/edema/leukoplakia
secondary changes
Cvs-heart failure, atherosclerotic
cvs- hemodynamic
heart disease
respi- chest wall, kyphosis,
Respi- distress, ent/urt, lrt-bronchial
sounds,added,decreased sound,
tenderness gi-fecal obs,bph
GI- tenderness,hsm Cns- orientation, behaviour,
GU- discharge, ulcers cognition,
Nervous system- altered speech,memory,vision,hearing,gait
sensorium,nuchal rigidity,focal deficit
skin, soft tissue, skeletal exam




“Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve

high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the
value of knowing God.”― Jim Elliot

Whatever you do, work Notes

at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord,
not for human masters,
since you know that you
will receive an inheritance
from the Lord as a
reward. It is the Lord
Christ you are serving
col 3:23,24
Cns history- hemiplegia Cns examination- hemiplegia

Pc: weakness on one side, deviation General appearance- hyperlipidemia, cardio, neurocut
marker,internal malignancy, tb, complications,
of mouth, inability to speak interventions)
HOPC: onset(time,ppt factor, patient vitals+ carotid bruit,jvp
action), duration, progression, Hic2omes(dysarthria, apahsia)
associated events(eth,cerebral), rx frontal release signs, apraxia,cortical signs
cranial nerves(reflex- 5,3,4,6,9,10) 5- jaw jerk
Current deficit
Motor- attitude, fasiculations, tremor, clonus, abnormal
Higher fn(hicomes) movement, bulk, tone( passive, muscle groups),
motor- power(active,joints)- u/l,trunk,l/l
Sensory- top,joint position, vibration,rhomberg,
power(u/l,trunk,l,/),tone,cranial reflexes- DTR-superficial
nerves, sensory system, cerebellum, cerebellum,gait
meninges, MSK
autonomic Other systems- CVS, ABDO,RESPI
Complication Diagnosis: CVA, side hemiplegia, other deficits, anatomical,
pathological(eth), etiology, risk factor, complication,
Past history (rf, etiology*) functional status, comorbidities
family history
personal- include adl

Cns history- paraplegia

Cns examinatio paraplegia
Pc: weakness of limbs,sensory loss General appearance- hyperlipidemia, cardio, neurocut
in limbs, bowel bladder symptoms, marker,internal malignancy, tb, complications,
radicular pain interventions)
vitals+ carotid bruit,jvp
HOPC: onset,ppt factor, duration, Picc'L'e
progression, evolution, severity,rx Hic2omes(dysarthria, apahsia)
Current deficit cranial nerves(2,9,10,11,12)
Motor- attitude, fasiculations, tremor, clonus, abnormal
Sensory system(root pain,tract movement, bulk, tone( passive, muscle groups),
specific, suspended/dissociative power(active,joints)- u/l,trunk,l/l
loss), pain over spine Sensory- top,joint position, vibration,rhomberg,
reflexes- DTR-superficial
autonomic cerebellum,gait
Cranial nerve (2,9,10,11,12) meninges, MSK
Complication Other systems- CVS, ABDO,RESPI
Diagnosis: paraplegia, anat level-
Past history (rf, etiology*,prior
vertical(sensory,motor, reflex),
episodes) horizontal( extra Dural, intradural extramed, intramed)
family history pathology,etiology, rf, functional status

personal- include adl

Obs and gyne Surgery
H and N:
Obs Oral Malignacy
Parotid, submandibular swelling
-gdm Thyroglossal cyst
Branchial cyst
-htn General:
-cardiac disease -soft tissue benign: lipoma,dermoid,
-anemia sebaceous cyst, NF
-soft tissue malignant: sarcoma
-rh Gyne
-iugr Ulcer: bcc,scc,mm
-fibroid Neck- lymph node, lipoma, cystic hygroma
-Obs instruments -prolapse
-skull, pelvis -endometrial cancer Uro
-drugs, specimens Testicular mass
-gyne drugs and specimens
-cervical cancer
-gyne instruments -molar pregnancy Ca. Penis


Surgery Medicine
- consolidation
-pleural effusion
-hernia, hydrocole -fibrocavitory disease
-abdo mass -bronchiectasis Abdomen
Epigastric mass(goo) -lung abscess -hSM
lumbar,renal mass -hepatomegaly
Rif mass- appendicular, tb, ca., Chrons, UC Cvs -splenomegaly
Retroperitoneal mass- sarcome, ca. -valvular heart disease- as/ar/ms/mr
-liver abscess
-heart failure
Osce -ascites+pedal edema
-infective endocarditis
-hpb -+anemia/jaundice/lymphadenopat
Obstructive jaundice -acute hepatitis
Hsm+anemia -cirrhosis,portal hypertension,
-vasc -hsm+ascitis
Varicose, paod -cirrhosis+portal htn+ascitis+
Aaa Osce encephalopathy
Carotid body tumor -derm,rheuma
-pathology specimens
Endocrine: - drugs -stroke
ca. Breast, thyroid -paraplegia
-cn palsy

Ca. Penis
Supracondylar fx of the humerus
Shoulder dislocation
Non union of femur
Recurrent patellar dislocation
Stiff knee joint
Fixed flexion deformity
Rheumatoid arthritis
chronic osteomyelitis
acl tear
Your paragraph text
swelling - history swelling - exam
General apperance-
demographics build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi and peripheral
presenting complaint stigmata of tb, internal malignancy and others
hopc: swelling itself/ pressure,involvement VITALS
of surrounding
inspection: 5S MI CENA
cong/ acq- ppt facor/predisposing factor
symptoms prior to swelling, movement, impulse,cough,number,associated
rx, findings-color,margin,pressure effect- nvlm
complications palpation: 3CT 2FIR
MD-PEPSAR mode of temperature,tender, transilluminancy,confirm
onset,duration,preogression,pain,exact finding, consistency, compressibility
site,skin, signs of inflammation(5), fluctuancy,fixity,
indentation,impulse,reducibility, relation to
secondary changes and associated
others- plane,mobility,margin
features(local,distant), recurrence
past medical/surgical history ascultation
family history measurements
personal history movements
ses pressure effects- nvlm

ulcer- history ulcer- exam

General apperance-
demographics build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi and
presenting complaint: peripheral stigmata of tb, internal
onset,duratoin,preogression,discharge,asso malignancy,peripheral nerves,
ciated feature skin,nail,hair,trophic changes,jvp
etiological- trauma,abcess,arterial,(sir VITALS
ulcer:surrounding area, edge,margin, floor,
discharge,whoe limb
n,wound,neuropathy),, (rapid
surrounding skin,margin,edge,floor,base,
nidetb(low,loa,c+h+ert,contact), malignant
DR.B(depth, relation, bleed)
secondary changes and associated mobility test
features(local,distant), recurrence LMN VP(lymphnode, movement at
past medical/surgical history joints,neuro- central and peripheral, varicose,
family history peripheral puses)
personal history systemic examination(respi,cvs,gi, pr)
ses diagnosis: sitre,size,number, clinical state,
sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam
General apperance-
presenting complaint
and peripheral stigmata of tb,
cong/ acq- ppt facor/predisposing factor internal malignancy,
symptoms prior to swelling, VITALS
complications inspection:site,size,shape of
MD-PEPSAR mode of
site,skin, signs of inflammation(5), discharge, skin around
secondary changes and associated palpation:warmth, wall,
features(local,distant), recurrence mobility,lump
past medical/surgical history lymph node, probe exam
family history
systemic examination(respi,cvs,gi,
personal history

PVD - history PVD- Exam

demographics,onset,duration,preogressio General apperance- build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi
and peripheral stigmata of tb, internal malignancy
n,pain- boyd, ,exact site,skin, signs of ,skin, nails , hair,jvp,peripheral pulses
inflammation(5), secondary changes and VITALS
associated features(local,distant), PICCLE, ECOG
inspection:color, capillary fillinf, venous refilling, signs
of ischemia(skin, fat,muscle), postural test, gangrene(
raynaud,rest pain, ulcers. black toes, extent, color,typr line of demarcation,limb above),
(burrr), systemic disese ulcer exam
(hypopigmentation, active jt movt, swelling, attitude of
( bilateral symptoms, upper limb,
limb, veins)
systemic signs of artherosclerotic palpation: wt, gangrene area(crept), area around
disease,impotence,paresthesia,superficial gangrene area,ulcer exam, capillary refilling, venous
filling,ulcer, neuro exam
specific tests( coastoclav compressive manoever,
nerves- shooting pain, positive symptoms hyperadd, adsons, elevate arms, branhams, allens,
in a specific position, cold and warm water,crossed leg
nerves: thickened,sesnastion,power of muscles
complications- fever+chills
etiology- diabetes, partial rx, measurements
drug,trauma, syphilis, smoking movements
past medical/surgical history/family systemic exam: CVS,RS,ABDO,CNS,PR
Dianosis: proxdistal,etiology,predisposing factor,
history complicated/uncomplicated
personal history, ses
varicose- history varicose- exam
General apperance- build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi
and peripheral stigmata of tb, internal malignancy
demographics, ,skin, nails , hair,jvp,peripheral pulses
onset,duration,preogression,pain- VITALS
,exact site,skin, signs of
inspection:dilated, elongated, tortuous veins( side,
inflammation(5), secondary changes system, territory) ,swelling, skin(color, texture),cough
and associated impulse, signs of ischemia(skin, fat,muscle), scars,
palpation: warmth, tenderness, palpate along veins:
features(local,distant), recurrence nodules-thrombotic
etiology: prolonged standing, dvt- specific tests( schwartz test- whole lsv),
surgery, immobilization, obs history, (morrisseys,test,brodie-trenlenberg- sf
incompetance), (multiple tourniquets[om], pratts,
other varicosities fegans- perferotors), (modified perthes, perthes- dvt)
complications: edema,hemorrahge, ascultation
itching, pigmentation, ulcer
movements, neuro exam, lymphnode
past medical/surgical history/family systemic exam: CVS,RS,ABDO,CNS,PR
history Dianosis: primary/secondary, side system involving
the lsv/ssvv, complications including perforator
personal history, ses incompetence, etiology, dvt
CEAP classification

thyroid - history thyroid- exam

General apperance-, ECOG
demographics, build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi, facies, mental
onset,duration,preogression,recurre state,skin,nail,hair,trophic changes,jvp,horners
nce, compressive symptoms+ fb
sensation, pain, function- met, head to toe- hair, eye, palms, tremor, skin,
cns,cvs,gi,gu( thryotox- 1,2, hypo), pretibial myxedema
inspection:site- ant triangle,size,shape,number
movement with deglut, lower border seen,
etiology: radiation, diet tracheal position, lateral neck swelling
metastatic history palpation:warmth,tenderness, trachea, lower
border, consistency(general, local), plane,
complication: hemmorhage
mobility, special signs(pembertons, kochers,
gen history: milestones in female berrys sign),
life, stressors, goitrogenic drugs, pulasation, thrill
percussion: manubrium sterni
vegetables, endemicity, tb
ascultation: bruit
past medical/surgical history/family skull,spine,sternum
history systemic examination(respi,cvs,gi, pr)
diagnosis: anatomic, path, functional,
personal history, ses
breast- history breast- exam
demographics, General apperance- build,nourishment,nutrition,bmi,
onset,duration,preogression,rec VITALS
urrence, pain- menses, ctn,skin inspection(4): swelling exam, site- quadrant, distance
changes, nipple discharge and from nac, skin- fullness, inflammation, sinuses,
veins(dimple, satellite nodules, puckering, dimpling,
retraction , swelling in axilla, color, texture, veins, scars,ulcer), nipple(presence,
neck position, number,size, shape, surface, discharge,
retraction, deviation,excoriation) areola(color, size,
metastatic history, low+ loa, tb surface, texture), arms, thorax, axilla supraclavicular

risk factors: menstrual history, fossa

palpation: warmth, tenderness, largest diameter,
obs history, diet, trauma, past mobility, fixity(skin,breast tissue, fascia, muscles,
chestwall), consistency, nipple palpation, ulcer exam
abcess, excercise,alcohol lymph node exam- pectoral, branchial,
radiation subscapular.central, apical(abcsp)
past medical/surgical systemic examination(respi,cvs,gi, pr)
history/family history summary: age, mame, pc, duration, significant f/h.
diagnosis- ca l/r breast, tnm stage, clinical stage,
personal history, ses significant f/h

swelling - history swelling - history

Review of systems Review of systems
Constitutional symptoms- weight loss, day sweats,
Gastrointestinal- abdominal pain, unintentional
fatigue/malaise/lethargy, sleeping pattern,
weight loss, difficulty swallowing (solids vs liquids),
appetite, fever, itch/rash, recent trauma, indigestion, bloating, cramping, loss of appetite,
lumps/bumps/masses food avoidance, nausea/vomiting,
Eyes- visual changes, headache, eye pain, double diarrhea/constipation, inability to pass gas
vision, scotomas (blind spots), floaters or "feeling (obstipation), vomiting blood (haematemesis),
like a curtain got pulled down" (retinal hemorrhage bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR,
vs amaurosis fugax) hematochezia), foul smelling dark black tarry
stools (melaena), dry heaves of the bowels
Ears, nose, mouth, and throat (ENT)- Runny nose,
frequent nose bleeds (epistaxis), sinus pain, stuffy
Genitourinary Urinary: Irritative vs Obstructive
ears, ear pain, ringing in ears (tinnitus), gingival symptoms: Micturition – incontinence, dysuria,
bleeding, toothache, sore throat, pain with haematuria, nocturia, polyuria, hesitancy, terminal
swallowing (odynophagia) dribbling, decreased force of stream
Cardiovascular - chest pain, shortness of breath, Genital: Vaginal – discharge, pain, Menses –
exercise intolerance, PND, orthopnoea, oedema, frequency, regularity, heavy or light (ask about
excessive use of pads/tampons, staining of
palpitations, faintness, loss of consciousness,
clothes, clots always indicate heavy bleeding),
duration, pain, first day of last menstrual period
Respiratory- cough, sputum, wheeze, (LMP), gravida/para/abortus, menarche,
haemoptysis, shortness of breath, exercise menopause, contraception (if relevant), date of last
intolerance smear test and result

Review of systems Review of systems

Musculoskeletal - pain, misalignment, stiffness
(morning vs day long; improves/worsens with
activity), joint swelling, decreased range of motion,
crepitus, functional deficit, arthritis
Integumentary- Breast pruritus, rashes, stria,
lesions, wounds, incisions, acanthosis nigricans,
nodules, tumors, eczema, excessive dryness and/or
discoloration. Breast pain, soreness, lumps, or
Add a little bit of body text
Neurological- Special senses – any changes in sight,
smell, hearing and taste, seizures, faints, fits, funny
turns, headache, pins and needles (paraesthesiae)
or numbness, limb weakness, poor balance, speech
problems, sphincter disturbance, cognitive and
psychiatric symptoms
Psychiatric- depression, sleep patterns, anxiety,
difficulty concentrating, body image, work and
school performance, paranoia, anhedonia, lack of
energy, episodes of mania, episodic change in
personality, expansive personality, sexual or
financial binges
Breast- history Breat- exam
Breast: position, shape size,
puckering/dimpling,ulcer- site,size,shape, surface
skin over the breast: color, texture, engorged veins,
dimple retraction, puckering,peudorgange,
Nipple-presence, position,number, size, shape,
surface, discharge
areola- color, surface, texture
arm and thorax, axilla and supraclavicular fossa,
hands above- nodules,submammary fold

Palpation: (4q+behind nipple, axillary tail,discharge)

local warmth, tenderness,site,number,size and
shape, surface,margin, fluctuation,
transillumination,fixity to skin,fascia,
Lymph nodes:

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

sinus,fist- history sinus,fist- exam

swelling - history swelling - history

Adult EM doses sinus,fist- exam
Adrenaline - 1mg(1:1000)
Amiodarone - 300mg / 150 mg
MgSO4 - TDP 1-2g in 5D over 20m
Atropine 1mg (3max)
Nitroglycerin - 0.4 mg every 5 min (1.2)
htn- 5-100 ug/min IV infusion
GTN infusion- 5 ug/min (SBP<90, map - 70)
Morphine 3-5 mg IV
Aspirin 325 mg; 75 mg
Clopidogrel: 300/150 mg-75 mg
Atorvastatin 80 mg stat/10 hsod
Labetolol- 20 mg iV, 20-80 bolus (300)
Esmolol 250-500 ug/kg 1 min- ld,
md- 25-50 ug/kg/min (300)
Amlo -10 od, Nife R- 20 bd, Meto XL -25 bd, Losart -50 od Hct -25 od
Lasix 40-120
torasemide 20-60 iv
Norad infusion- 0.1-0.5 ug/kg/min
dopamine infusion- 5-20 ug/kg/min
CPAP- Fio2 of 100, PEEP of 5
AMS, HAPE,HACE: Azetazolamide 125-250 mg po bd,dexa 4 stat, 4 q6h,
nifedipine 10 mg q6h

swelling - history swelling - history

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