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To illustrate, take Starbucks Corporation as a quintessential example.

The company has

established itself as the go-to source for coffee in the majority of countries, as its top
priority is product quality, “make a latte this way every single time”. Most stores have
upgraded to the Swiss-made Mastrena, which is designed to “provide us with the highest-
quality, consistent shot of espresso that will be second to none” (NBC Universal, 2008).
Some of its personnel have the organization's quality culture profoundly ingrained in their
mind. These systems can be found both in specialized quality management departments
and at the general organizational level. At the organizational level, the company's cross-
functional team focuses on its product offerings. Members of the marketing, engineering,
supplies, and operations teams are represented on this team. After gathering client input,
each team member contributes to what needs to be improved within the organization.
Additionally, team members are welcome to suggest flavor combinations that they would
like to try. At the quality control level, Starbucks also conducts evaluations of food
sanitation, in which modifications to store fixtures, designs, and merchandise come under
close scrutiny. The company also implements test methodologies for assessing both
equipment advances and operational processes. With a view to taking advantage of new
opportunities, Starbucks' quality department analyzes audits and customer feedback to
identify trends and patterns in the coffee business (IvyPanda, 2021). Apart from that, the
technological side of Starbucks should also be taken into account. Starbucks' history is
full of significant technological advancements. One of the first businesses to publish a
website was Starbucks in 1998. In 2002, it started providing WiFi to customers, starting
the shift from a short coffee break to an all-day hangout. A decade ago, Starbucks was
only starting to build its social media presence. Besides, Starbucks makes significant
investments in training its front-line staff to deliver excellent experiences. A 70/20/10-
based new recruit training program has been developed by L&D professionals at
Starbucks. This indicates that 70% of partner training is obtained through on-the-job
training, 20% is gained through feedback and mentorship from coaches, and 10% is
learned through online e-learning modules. The store manager oversees new hires’ initial
training, and there are also specialized trainers in charge of teaching the Starbucks
Experience lessons, which encompass the company’s history, a legacy of social
responsibility, and culture. In-store training in more distant markets or at regional training
facilities are the usual places where new recruit groups are introduced to The Starbucks
Experience. Each store also has a learning coach, a different partner with a passion for
instruction and training.

NBC Universal. (2008, March 19). Starbucks unveils host of changes. NBC News.
IvyPanda. (2021, August 4). Starbucks Quality Management and Performance

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