Oracle Procedure 1

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Creating, Modifying and Dropping tables

To create Oracle program for Creating, Modifying and Dropping tables
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Describe the structure of a table using DESC query
3. Modify the structure of the table using ADD/ MODIFY column specification
4. Delete the table structure using DROP query

2.Creating tables with Referential and Check Constraints

To create Oracle program for Creating tables with Referential and Check Constraints
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle with primary key constraints
2. Create table using DDL query in Oracle with unique key constraints
3. Create table using DDL query in Oracle with check and referential constraints
4. Insert query is executed for checking these constraints working or not

3. Inserting, Modifying and Deleting rows

To create Oracle program for Inserting, Modifying and Deleting rows
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data for the specified table using INSERT via DML query
3. Update the data using UPDATE query for the specified record using where clause
4. Delete the record from the specified table using DELETE query
5. Retrieve the selected data from the specified table using SELECT query

4. Dropping, Disabling, Enabling Constraints

To create Oracle program for Dropping, Disabling, Enabling Constraints
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle with primary key constraints
2. Describe the structure of a table using DESC query
3. Enable the constraints using ALTER TABLE query
4. While DML is executed, these constraints may or may not be enabled.

5. Retrieving rows with operators in where clause

To create Oracle program to Retrieving rows with operators in where clause
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data into the specified table
3. Retrieve the data from the specified table using operator such as AND, OR , NOT
4. Retrieve the data from the specified table using operator such as between .. and, in, not in
6.Retrieving rows with character / string functions
To create Oracle program to Retrieving rows with character / string functions
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data into the specified table
3. Retrieve the data from the specified table using character function such as upper, lower
4. Retrieve the data from the specified table using character function such as substr,trim
5. Retrieve the data from the specified table using character function such as lpad,rpad

7. Retrieving rows with number and date function

To create Oracle program to Retrieving rows with number and date function
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data into the specified table
3. Retrieve the data from the specified table using number function such as abs,sign
4. Retrieve the data from the specified table using number function such as round, trunk
5. Retrieve the data from the specified table using date function such as add_months, to_char

8. Retrieving row with GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause

To create Oracle program to Retrieving row with GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data into the specified table
3. Retrieve the data from the specified table using Aggregate function such as sum,count
4. Retrieve the data from the specified table using Aggregate function such as sum,count for the specified
column using GROUP BY function with WHERE or HAVING clause

9. Joining tables (Inner and Outer)

To create Oracle program to Joining tables (Inner and Outer)
1. Create two table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Insert the data into the specified table
3. Retrieve the data from the specified table using natural join
4. Retrieve the data from the specified table using Equi and Non-equi join
5. Retrieve the data from the specified table using Inner join
6. Retrieve the data from the specified table using Outer join (Right, Left and Full)
10. Simple PL / SQL program
To create Oracle program using Simple PL / SQL program
1. Create a PL/SQL program using ed command in SQL prompt
2. Set serveroutput on
3. Odd numbers only are displayed using / command in SQL prompt
4. The PL/SQL procedure is successfully completed
11. PL / SQL Program with control structures
To create Oracle program using PL / SQL Program with control structures
1. Create table using DDL query in Oracle
2. Create a PL/SQL program using ed command in SQL prompt
3. Set serveroutput on
4. Insert the data into the specified table using IF statement in begin section of PL/SQL
5. The PL/SQL procedure is successfully completed

12. PL/SQL program with Procedure

To create Oracle program using PL/SQL program with Procedure
1.Create a PL/SQL program using ed command in SQL prompt
2.Declare and initialize variable a with the value 23.
3.Define a procedure named squareNum that takes an IN OUT parameter x and calculates its square. Call the
4.procedure passing the variable a as an argument.
5.Output the result of the square calculation using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.
6.End the PL/SQL block.

13. PL/SQL program with functions using in and out parameters

To create Oracle program using PL/SQL program with functions using in and out parameters
1.Begin the PL/SQL block
2.Declare variables a, b, and c:
Declare three variables a, b, and c of type NUMBER to hold the values.
3.Define the findMin procedure:
Define a procedure named findMin that takes two input parameters (x and y) and one output parameter (z).
Inside the procedure, determine the minimum value between x and y and assign it to z.
4.Initialize variables a and b:
Initialize the variables a and b with the values 23 and 45, respectively.
5.Call the findMin procedure:
Call the findMin procedure passing a and b as arguments and assign the result to variable c.
6.Output the result using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE:
Output the minimum value of a and b using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.
7.End the block:End the PL/SQL block.

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