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) From what I learned, PESTEHL or Political, Economic, Social, Technological,

Environmental, Health, and Legal Factors is a detailed process of gathering information
about the outside influences that might have an impact on an organization's choices,
enabling it to maximize opportunities and reduce threats. First, I suggest that rather
than being objective classifications of geographic space, scales, and the global scale in
particular, can be seen as social creations reflecting political objectives. I contend that a
specific vocabulary of globalization is used to legitimize a political and economic agenda
in which growth is reliant on foreign investment flows and export-oriented industry. I
examine how the globalization narrative was translated into development strategies
based on place marketing, investment incentives, and infrastructure development using
the Philippines as an example. Current and future economic growth, inflation, interest
rates, job growth and unemployment, labor costs, the influence of globalization,
consumer and company disposable income, and possible changes in the economic
environment are all economic factors. In Philippines we lack a sense of equality
sometimes that’s why enhancing the standard of education, advance gender equality,
combat poverty and inequity, and create a workforce that is skilled and flexible. Talking
about new technology factors affect marketing in new ways of producing goods and
services is a way to provide new tech. In addition, new ways of distributing goods and
services by giving transparent service at all times, then new ways of communicating with
target markets is a great way to start off too. To compete globally in terms of
environmental progress promoting friendly policies and laws that adhere to
international standards, encourage the use of renewable energy sources, and cut back
on the usage of fossil fuels. Broadening access to healthcare, promoting health
awareness and education, and fortifying the healthcare system. Lastly, create rules and
legislation that uphold international norms and safeguard human rights. Due to its
remarkable results in the business process outsourcing other international labor
markets, the Filipino workforce has long been regarded as being internationally
competitive. Philippine competitiveness just recently gained international attention.
Historical evidence demonstrates that when presented with negative things in end
circumstances, Filipinos have displayed signs of hope of their genuine national spirit to
the world. It is yet unknown how Filipinos, who are known for their self-deprecating
humor in the face of economic hardship, would respond to the success stories of
national competition that are so rare in their past. The biggest surprise of them all might
not be that result.

2.) As a Filipino citizen I’m defining globalization as influences the world market and
promotes economic expansion. In the Philippines, when it comes to education, we dress
better, provide better education, and have more educated people. The main reason for
our failure to succeed is a lack of coaching. s. a. is poor and suffering. But, all these
adjustments also have a terrible impact on our culture. There are many Filipinos who
have encountered numerous difficulties and have been left trapped in America, far from
the Philippine government's resources, when speaking in terms of Filipinos who labor
avenue. One result of globalization in the Philippines is the absence of Filipino customs
and values, which the majority of young Filipinos do not understand and do not even
practice. Globalization has increased work opportunities for all Filipinos in the
Philippines. The government promotes the establishment of industrial business entities
by far-off corporations, creating numerous jobs for Filipino employees even abroad.
Globalization's impact not only makes the Philippines' neighbors more aware of what
occurs there, but it also encourages many Filipinos to think they have a better
understanding of and knowledge of Philippine society. In terms of the social, cultural,
legal, and political, globalization expands more. Each United States of America has its
own distinct cultural globalization, which it uses to communicate with other nations
about the fresh ideas and ideals that are prevalent in their nation. They also contribute
to the improvement of their nation. In terms of culture, values, and the economy, the
Philippines has seen significant changes as a result of globalization. Also, it contributes
to the improvement of our nation's infrastructure.

3.) Solid Globalization’s reference to globalism highlights the notion of a powerful,

integrated, and tightly organized global economy. This metaphor can be observed in the
elaborate and all-encompassing global production, distribution, and financial networks
that are built by large multinational organizations. An example of this is the method in
which Apple has established its global supply chain and network of stores, which are
tied together in a complicated web of production and consumption. The idea of a Fluid
Globalism, adaptable, and ever moving global economy is emphasized by this metaphor
for globalism. This metaphor can be observed in the free and quick movement of capital
around the globe in quest of greater profits. The ability of hedge funds and private
equity firms to swiftly transfer capital into and out of various markets in order to
optimize returns is an illustration of this. While Flow Globalism is the idea of a
connected, dynamic, and ever-changing global economy is emphasized by this metaphor
for globalism. This metaphor can be seen in the unparalleled rate at which global culture
and technology are shared and traded. An illustration of this is how social media has
revolutionized global communication by enabling individuals to quickly communicate
with one another regardless of physical location.

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