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VFSTR (Deemed to be University), Vadlamudi

Department of English and Other Indian & Foreign Languages,

School of Applied Sciences and Humanities,
Session: 2023-24, Semester II
Formative Assessment – (T1)
Course: MA English - Ist year IInd Sem Subject: Literary Theory CODE: 22EN408
Module 1 - T1

Part A
Q1. A) In An Apology for Poetry, Philip Sidney argues for the superiority of poetry over
other forms of literature. Can you evaluate Sidney’s main points, providing examples from
the text to support your analysis? (Evaluate T1) (4 M)
B) Reflecting on the historical context of Sidney’s “An Apology for Poetry”, how effective
do you find his defense of poetry against the criticisms of his time? Provide reasons for your
assessment, considering the lasting influence of his arguments on literary theory. (Evaluate
T1) (3 M)
C) Critique Philip Sidney’s arguments in An Apology for Poetry be relevant to contemporary
discussions on the value and purpose of literature? Discuss at least two ways in which
Sidney's ideas can be applied to analyze or appreciate modern works of literature. (Evaluate
T1) (3 M)

Q2. A) In "An Essay on Dramatic Poesy," John Dryden presents various arguments in favor
of English drama. Can you analyze Dryden's views on the superiority of the English plays
over the ancient ones, citing specific examples from his essay? (Analyze T1) (4 M)
B) Dryden criticizes French drama in "An Essay on Dramatic Poesy," particularly in
comparison to English plays. Evaluate Dryden's critique of French drama, highlighting his
main points and providing examples to support your assessment. (Evaluate and Analyze T1)
(4 M)
C) Examine John Dryden's arguments and principles in "An Essay on Dramatic Poesy" be
relevant to contemporary theater practices? Discuss at least two ways in which Dryden's
ideas can be applied to analyze or create modern theatrical works. (Analyze and Understand
T1) (2 M)

Q3. A) In the “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”, Wordsworth discusses his views on poetry and its
role in society. Analyze Wordsworth's definition of poetry as presented in the preface,
highlighting its emphasis on language, emotion, and the ordinary aspects of life? (Analyze
T1) (3 M)
B) William Wordsworth emphasizes the use of "the real language of men" in poetry in the
Preface to Lyrical Ballads. Evaluate the significance of this theory in relation to the poetic
language of his time, providing examples from the preface to support your analysis.
(Evaluate T1) (3 M)
C) Describe William Wordsworth’s theories and principles outlined in the "Preface to
Lyrical Ballads" be applied to analyze contemporary works of literature? Discuss at least two
ways in which Wordsworth’s ideas about nature, emotion, and language can be seen in
modern poetry or prose. (Understand T1) (4 M)

Q4. A) In Biographia Literaria, Coleridge discusses the concept of the imagination and its
role in poetic creation. Analyze Coleridge’s theory of the imagination, highlighting its
different forms and its significance in the creative process? (Analyze T1) (2 M)
B) Coleridge offers a critique of William Wordsworth’s theory of poetry in Biographia
Literaria. Evaluate Coleridge’s criticisms of Wordsworth’s ideas, providing examples from
the text to support your analysis of their differing views on nature, language, and poetic
inspiration. (Evaluate T1) (4 M)
C) ‘Imagination is the soul of Poetry’ – Critique on this quote by Coleridge. (Evaluate T1)
(4 M)

Q5. A) What does the word archetype mean? ( Understand – 2M)

B) How do you think archetypal criticism can contribute to our understanding of universal
themes and symbols in literature? (Analyse-4M)

C) Analyse any literary work/film that you have read or watched to illustrate how archetypal
criticism can contribute to a more meaningful interpretation of the work. ( Analyse-4M)

Q6. A) Who is credited with proposing the archetypal theory? ( Remember-2M)

B) How does Archetypal Criticism intersect with other literary theories, such as
psychoanalysis or feminism? ( Evaluate-4M)
C) Evaluate with some examples from literature or films to illustrate your argument.

Q7. A) How do archetypal motifs and narratives reflect the unconscious desires, fears, and
conflicts in literary texts? (Understand-2M)
B) Evaluate Maud Bodkin's methodology for identifying and interpreting archetypal patterns
in poetry. (Evaluate-4M)
C) How does Bodkin draw connections between individual works and broader cultural and
psychological contexts? (Evaluate-4M)

Q8. A). Can you trace the etymology of the word “archetype” and suggest where the word
was first used? (Understand-2M)
B) What does Carl Jung mean when he uses the word, archetype? ( SUnderstand-4M)
C) Can the archetypal theory of Carl Jung be used to understand some of our ancient texts
like Ramayana and Mahabharata? (Analyse-4M)

Q9. A) Discuss the concept of literary theory and its role? (Understand T1) (3 M)
B) Discuss the prominence of literary theory in understanding texts through which to one
interpret literature. (Understand T1) (3 M)
C) Differentiate between literary theory and literary criticism. (Analyze T1) (4 M)

A) Consider how Sidney’s defense, Dryden’s critique of French drama, Wordsworth’s
emphasis on nature and emotion, and Coleridge’s theories of imagination and symbolism
contribute to your understanding of poetry as an art form. (Create T1) (7 M)
B) Write about poetry and its role in literature. (Create T1) (3 M)

Part B (Unrevealed Questions)

Q1. A) Discuss the concept of literary theory and its foundational principles, highlighting its
role in the analysis and interpretation of literary texts? (Understand T1) (3 M)
B) Discuss the significance of literary theory in understanding texts, and enumerate at least
three major types of literary theory, explaining how each type offers distinct lenses through
which to interpret literature. (Understand T1) (3 M)
C) Differentiate between literary theory and literary criticism, emphasizing their unique roles
in the study of literature and illustrating with examples how one might apply each approach
to analyze a specific work of literature. (Analyze T1) (4 M)

Q2. A) Develop a critical essay on the nature of poetry, drawing insights from the works and
theories of Sidney, Dryden, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. In your analysis, discuss the varying
perspectives on the purpose, form, and significance of poetry as presented by these poets and
critics. Consider how Sidney’s defense, Dryden’s critique of French drama, Wordsworth’s
emphasis on nature and emotion, and Coleridge’s theories of imagination and symbolism
contribute to your understanding of poetry as an art form. (Create T1) (7 M)
B) Investigate and reflect on how these ideas have influenced your own views on poetry and
its role in literature. (Create T1) (3 M)

Q3. A) Do you think the archetypal theory is still relevant today? Why/Why not? (Analyse-
B) How can archetypal theory be used to inform contemporary discourse on feminism?
C) Reflect on the enduring legacy of "The Golden Bough" in shaping the field of archetypal
criticism. (Create-4M)

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