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Classifying Microorganisms: A More Detailed Table

Example Importance in
Characteristic Sub-categories
Techniques Classification

* Direct
* Cell Shape: Cocci
microscopy *
(round), Bacilli (rod- Indicates basic type of
shaped), Spirilla (spiral), organism, potential
Morphological microscopy *
Vibrio (comma-shaped), motility, and cell wall
Coccobacilli (oval), composition.
techniques (e.g.,
Gram stain)

Provides clues about

* Direct
* Cell Arrangement: cell division patterns
microscopy *
Single, Pairs, Chains, and potential
Clusters, Sheets interactions with
other cells.

Indicates motility
* Staining potential and
* Presence of Flagella or
techniques (e.g., attachment
Pili: Flagella
flagellar stains) * capabilities,
(locomotion), Pili
Electron suggesting ecological
microscopy roles and virulence

* Capsule or Cell Wall Identifies specific

Composition: * Staining groups of organisms,
Presence/absence, techniques (e.g., aids in pathogenicity
composition (e.g., capsule stains) * assessment, and
peptidoglycan, Chemical analysis influences antibiotic
glycoproteins) susceptibility.

Phylogenetic * 16S rRNA Gene * PCR Gold standard for

Sequencing: Identifies amplification and bacterial and archaeal
bacterial and archaeal sequencing of identification, highly
conserved but with
species 16S rRNA gene variable regions for
species discrimination.

Reveals evolutionary
* Whole-genome
* Comparative identifies functional
sequencing and
Genomics: Comparison genes, and provides
of entire genomes insights into metabolic
pathways and
potential applications.

Confirms closely
* DNA-DNA * Hybridization of
related species and
Hybridization: Measures labeled DNA
subspecies, valuable
similarity between DNA probes to target
for taxonomic
strands organisms

* Growth Requirements:
* Culture Determines ecological
Temperature, pH,
experiments in niche, potential
Physiological Oxygen requirements,
different media pathogens, and
Nutrient needs (carbon,
and conditions industrial applications.
nitrogen, etc.)

* Metabolic Capabilities: * Biochemical Identifies specific

Carbohydrate tests (e.g., pathways, provides
fermentation, Protein fermentation insights into energy
utilization, Lipid tests, enzyme acquisition and
metabolism, assays) * potential uses in
Anaerobic/aerobic Metabolic bioremediation or
respiration profiling biofuel production.

* Antibiotic * Antibiotic Crucial for clinical

Susceptibility: Sensitivity susceptibility treatment decisions
to different antibiotics testing and assessing
potential antibiotic

Provides insights into

* Other Physiological virulence factors,
Traits: Toxin production, * Specific assays communication
Motility patterns, and tests abilities, and
Quorum sensing ecological

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