Equality and Diversity Case Study Discrimination Scenarios

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Equality and Diversity Case Study

Discrimination scenarios

Consider scenarios (a) and (b). For each decide whether anyone has a potential claim for
discrimination and what type of discrimination.

A) Two brothers (Brian and David) work in the same team in a call centre. Brian is openly gay.
David is married and has four children. The team leader (supervisor) does not hide his dislike
of gay people and although he says nothing directly insulting to Brian, the manager regularly
makes general derogatory comments about gay men in front of the team. All the team
members apart Brian and David have been given opportunities to undertake training, which
means they can handle more complex calls and earn extra bonus. Both Brian and David have
asked on several occasions to go on the training course, but each time have been told that
they will have to wait due to the volume of work.
B) A GP (local doctor) tells his receptionist not to register anyone with an Asian name. She
refuses to do this and so the GP gives her a written warning.

Security guard

Every week, a Muslim security guard left the site where he worked at Friday lunchtime for about an
hour in order to attend the mosque. A new manager told him that the client required attendance all
day, including during lunch breaks or they may lose the security contract. The employee was offered
a new shift pattern so that he could work Monday to Thursday and then either Saturday or Sunday,
but he refused this. After discussions, the guard took every Friday as sick leave or paid or unpaid
annual leave and when the manager disciplined him he left and made a claim to an Employment
Tribunal for discrimination.

What type of discrimination do you think he claimed?

What might have been the employer’s defence?


You are a manager in a Private Bank. A junior banker approaches you with a request not to have to
deal with a particular client because he/she feels the client is treating them in a racist manner.

What issues do you need to consider?

Employee with depression

You are managing an operation team in an e-commerce company. A junior member of staff was
diagnosed with depression about a year ago. She did not tell you until three months ago when she
confided in you about what she was experiencing and the treatment she was getting from her doctor
and therapist. A month ago the employee was signed off on sick leave. She returned to work last
week but is overwhelmed. She is determined, though, to carry on.

What issues do you need to consider?

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