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State Bar Councils:

The State Bar Councils are statutory bodies established under Section 3 of the
Advocates Act, 1961. These councils play a crucial role in regulating the legal
profession within their respective states. Here are the key aspects related to State Bar

1. Structure:
o Each state has its own Bar Council, known as the Bar Council of that
o The Bar Councils are body corporates with perpetual succession and a
common seal.
o They can acquire and hold properties, sue, or be sued.
o The Chairman and Vice Chairman of each Bar Council are elected by
the Council.
o The Advocate-General of a state serves as an ex-officio member of the
State Bar Council.
o The number of members in a State Bar Council varies based on the
 Up to 5,000 advocates: 15 members.
 5,000 to 10,000 advocates: 20 members.
 More than 10,000 advocates: 25 members.
2. Functions:
o Admission of Advocates: The State Bar Councils admit individuals as
advocates and maintain the roll of advocates.
o Misconduct Cases: They entertain and determine cases of misconduct
against advocates on their roll.
o Advocates’ Interests: State Bar Councils safeguard the rights,
privileges, and interests of advocates.
o Law Reform: They promote and support legal reform.
o Legal Education: Conducting seminars, organizing talks by eminent
jurists, and publishing legal journals.
o Legal Aid: Providing legal aid to the poor.
o Fund Management: Managing and investing the funds of the Bar
o Election of Members: Organizing elections for Bar Council members.
o Other Prescribed Functions: Performing any other functions as
prescribed by the Advocates Act.

Bar Council of India (BCI):

The Bar Council of India is a national body established under Section 4 of the
Advocates Act, 1961. Its role extends beyond individual states and encompasses the
entire Indian legal fraternity. Here’s what you need to know about the BCI:

1. Regulatory Function:
o The BCI prescribes standards of professional conduct and etiquette
for advocates.
o It exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the legal profession.
o The BCI sets standards for legal education and recognizes universities
whose law degrees qualify for advocate enrollment.
2. Representative Functions:
o Protecting the rights, privileges, and interests of advocates.
o Creating funds to provide financial assistance for welfare schemes
benefiting advocates.

In summary, while State Bar Councils focus on state-specific matters, the Bar Council
of India oversees the entire legal landscape in the country. Together, they ensure the
ethical practice of law, uphold professional standards, and contribute to legal
education and reform123.

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