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Re-Engagement Email

Send this email to re-engage subscribers who have stopped interacting with your emails.


Subject: We miss you!
Text: Hi [Name]
We know that you’re busy, and honestly we don’t want to waste
your time or inbox space.
Since you haven’t opened an email from me in the past [add
number] months, are you sure that you still want to be on our
email list?
I understand if you don’t want any more emails from me. No hard
feelings :).
But if you want to continue receiving my emails, just click the link
below to confirm, and you’ll stay on the list.
[Link] I still want emails from you ⇒ [Link]
Otherwise we’ll take it that you don’t want to be in anymore and
we’ll say our goodbyes here.
Thank you, we appreciate you!
[Your signature]

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