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Crafting a thesis in service marketing is an arduous task that demands meticulous research, critical

analysis, and eloquent articulation. It requires delving deep into the intricacies of service-oriented
industries, understanding consumer behavior, and exploring the dynamics of marketing strategies.
From conceptualizing a research topic to conducting empirical studies, every step demands
unwavering dedication and expertise.

The complexity of writing a thesis in service marketing lies in the interdisciplinary nature of the field.
It entails integrating theories from marketing, psychology, sociology, economics, and other related
disciplines to provide a comprehensive understanding of service delivery and consumption.
Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of service industries poses a challenge, as researchers must
stay abreast of the latest trends and developments.

One of the most daunting aspects of thesis writing is the formulation of a research question that is
both original and relevant. Identifying a gap in existing literature and proposing a research
methodology to address it requires careful consideration and academic rigor. Moreover, collecting
and analyzing data, whether qualitative or quantitative, demands patience and precision to derive
meaningful insights.

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commitments can be overwhelming. Deadlines loom large, and the pressure to produce a high-quality
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The associations, for example, of the car brand Jaguar may make the experience of owning and
driving one “different”. The next objective is to discover if consumers are willing to buy the generic
brand versus the name brand. The mode calculated as a 3, neutral. 4.17 Q16: Before I buy a product
I look at the prices and compare The respondents answered the question and picked the number they
felt most strong about in the survey. This question was important because it gave the researcher an
idea if price mattered to the respondent. Question nine is another question that evaluates and tests
one hypothesis. The role of brand personality congruity (bpc) on brand loyalty mediated by cu. Kraft
costs more because of the advertising that they pay for and the more expensive packaging. 45. No I
don’t feel all generic products are as good as name brands. Depending on the product I purchase
name brand or generic. 31. I do believe they are the same as the others and why do away with them
when they are cheaper! 32. The reliability with the results will be proven in the following chapter.
The information is produced from the survey instruments that were given to one-hundred
respondents. International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) International
Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) The Impact of Brand Image on the
Customer Retention: A Mediating Role of Cust. In line with this, the research analysis and samples
provide can help you in building your own research paper. Some consumers are forced to buy a
product because of lack of a better alternative product or out of convenience. The only difference is
the packaging. 25. No, I think generics are just as good of quality as the name brands. 26. No,
because some generic brands are pretty much consistent with brand names. This was an important
question because it plays a huge role in determining how open the respondent would be to
purchasing a generic brand or if the respondent would alternatively look for another name brand
product to buy. It’s not that a brand doesn’t deserve consumer loyalty. Most of the respondents felt
that generic brands were the same as the name brand and that they would definitely buy them in the
future. They are Hardcore Loyals, Soft-core Loyals, Shifting Loyals, and Switchers. It can also
support a premium price, which, in turn, can create gross margin that can be reinvested in brand
equity. Selecting a topic is always the first thing you should do when making a research paper. If a
brand is well-regarded in one context, then the assumption will be that it will have high quality in a
related context. “ (Manhaimer 2007). 2.23Brand Associations The underlying value of a brand name
often is based upon specific associations linked to it. However, if you are given the liberty to choose
any topic, it is highly suggested that you choose a topic that sparks your interest. This question was
important in conducting the survey because it helps to grasp understanding for the rest of the
responses from the respondents. Other possible explanations for loyalty to national-brand denim
jeans are their greater availability and a greater opportunity to buy national brands at sale prices.”
(Cotton Incorporated 2004). “In 2003, 48% of national-brand jeans were sold at a discount,
compared with 32% of private-label jeans. This is the main reason why this particular question was
vital in conducting this study. 67% felt that purchasing a certain brand does not play into a certain
social status. 33% disagreed and felt that purchasing a certain brand does play into your social
status. 4.14 Q13: If a new brand with the same product and the same price was available, would you
still purchase your usual brand. There are only 2 missing values because respondents. Q15 - Please
rank the following in terms of importance to you when choosing a bak. Finally, we integrate these
identified questions and set a research agenda for future research in digital marketing to examine the
issues from the perspective of the firm. Coming in the wake of an economic boom, when customer
loyalty was less of a priority, some companies are wishing they'd paid it closer attention earlier.”
(Beal 2009). 2.6.5“The rise of social networks offers a new opportunity to connect with customers
and build loyalty and affinity -- often requiring no more investment than some staff time. To measure
the attitudes that result in this model, customers are asked to rate their overall satisfaction on a scale
of 1 to 10 (horizontal axis) and their likelihood to continue to do business with you on a scale of
Definitely Will to Definitely Will Not (vertical axis).
The idea is to see if brand loyalty is influenced by price. Well, thanks to the research paper formats
available here, you can easily make a research paper without worrying about the format at all. More
than likely yes because I am more likely to buy a brand that I am familiar with. 11. Yes, for the most
part depends on the other brands quality and taste. 12. No, price and quality are number one 13. 14.
No, competition controls pricing 15. This question is important in the survey because this is one to
test the hypothesis. Loyal consumers are more likely to stay with one company and recommend
others to become customers. They should be kept to keep costs down and promote competition
between brands. 91. No if it is the same product for less price why do away with it? 93. What sales
promotions could be used to increase sales to UTD students? 16. Determinants of consumer’
purchasing behaviour for Ready to Eat Food in Delhi. This question was important in conducting the
survey because it helps to grasp understanding for the rest of the responses from the respondents.
Among women who purchased any private-label jeans, the corresponding figures were 63% for older
women and 59% for younger women.” (Cotton Incorporated 2004). 2.29Measuring Emotional vs.
Starbucks is aiming to change that assumption. (ICC Decision devices 2009). 2.15.2Starbucks new
strategy is to focus on its existing customer experience. Authentically Social by Corey Perlman
(MyBOD) Authentically Social by Corey Perlman (MyBOD) Marketing Research Paper 1. 2.
2.20.5The assets and liabilities on which brand equity is based will, according to Aaker (1991), differ
by context. Surprisingly, most of the males said that they enjoyed buying the generic products and
did not care to remain loyal to their name brand. In conclusion, we collected data from 95 UTD
students both graduate and. You can write your entire paper as per the Journal of Marketing
Research guidelines and auto format it. For that reason, it is important to measure both dimensions of
loyalty and to take steps to increase your customers’ emotional loyalty. Understand performance
marketing, attribution models, and more through expert interviews and articles. No prices are great.
96. No because they offer competitive cheap alternative. 97. No they keep the originals affordable.
98. I wish they would get rid of those damn things. 99. I enjoy generic brands. It is not only
indicated by repeat purchase but much more than that. This statement was proved to be accepted
because 67% of the respondents said that they bought a generic brand over their usual brand because
it was a lower price. Would a seasonal product (ice cream) be of good promotional use for. If a brand
is well positioned upon a key attribute in the product class (such as technological superiority), then
competitors will find it hard to attack. There are chances you will loose particular possible business
contracts. Kotler and London Business School's views on Brand equity, brand loyalty. You can also
start constructing a bibliography and references as you go on jotting down sample notes. Training on
collaborative problem solvingTraining on collaborative problem solving autobiographical essay
outline. Kraft costs more because of the advertising that they pay for and the more expensive
packaging. 45. No I don’t feel all generic products are as good as name brands. There are thousands
of other companies are battling with each other in the hopes of attracting customers to their business.
Table and chair setup is the second factor that students. With the current state of the economy, you
really need to hang onto the customers you have. “(Beal 2009). 2.7 What Influences Brand Loyalty
For advertisers to achieve their ultimate goal of brand loyalty, the consumer must perceive that the
brand offers the right combination of quality and price.
To prove that there were no biased opinions the researcher numbered each of the surveys when
received from the respondents. The following chapter will examine the findings of the research about
brand loyalty. If the respondent was not affected by the recession, then the respondent probably
would not mind spending a few extra dollars for a name brand product. It is not only indicated by
repeat purchase but much more than that. The mode in this statement is 5 which gave the value of the
most used in this question of the survey. 4.18 Q17: Do you buy a certain brand because it is what
your parents bought when you were a kid. More than likely yes because I am more likely to buy a
brand that I am familiar with. 11. Yes, for the most part depends on the other brands quality and
taste. 12. No, price and quality are number one 13. 14. No, competition controls pricing 15. No they
are made with the same thing it just has a cheaper cover on it. 16. No, they should not be knocked
off for some brands are just as good. IRJET Journal Kotler and London Business School's views on
Brand equity, brand loyalty. Kraft costs more because of the advertising that they pay for and the
more expensive packaging. 45. No I don’t feel all generic products are as good as name brands. This
is the main reason why this particular question was vital in conducting this study. The only difference
is the packaging. 25. No, I think generics are just as good of quality as the name brands. 26. No,
because some generic brands are pretty much consistent with brand names. Brooke Heidt Coles Myer
Ltd Coles Myer Ltd Amanda Crow Brand Awareness And Loyalty Brand Awareness And Loyalty
Nicole Savoie The Impact of Brand Image on the Customer Retention: A Mediating Role of Cust.
No absolutely not with the diverse social status’ of our society there should be something that
economically makes sense for everyone. 21. No, I think the generic products are usually the exact
same product as the brand name ones. The associations, for example, of the car brand Jaguar may
make the experience of owning and driving one “different”. Customers who have a high degree of
both rational and emotional loyalty are considered to be “engaged’ customers.” (Close 2009).
2.30Measure and Enhance Emotional Loyalty “To enhance emotional loyalty, focus on turning
customer problems into opportunities for your company. No prices are great. 96. No because they
offer competitive cheap alternative. 97. No they keep the originals affordable. 98. I wish they would
get rid of those damn things. 99. I enjoy generic brands. CITATION Sal09 1033 (Burnett 2009).
2.1.4“For any business, it is expensive to gain new customers and relatively inexpensive to retain
existing ones, especially when the existing customers are satisfied or happy with the brand. Among
women who purchased any private-label jeans, the corresponding figures were 63% for older women
and 59% for younger women.” (Cotton Incorporated 2004). 2.29Measuring Emotional vs. They
should be kept to keep costs down and promote competition between brands. 91. No if it is the same
product for less price why do away with it? 93. In 2000, 18- to 29-year-olds were the least brand
loyal; in the intervening nine years, many of them brought their brand switching behavior into the
30-to-44 bracket.” (Burnett 2009). 2.26Measuring Brand Loyalty to Brand Types ”Consumers are
loyal to denim jeans brand types: over the past three years, more than 8 of 10 of denim jeans
customers purchased exclusively either national brands or private labels, based on survey data from
STS Market Research. Only thirty three percent responded yes. 4.7 Q6: Have you ever purchased a
generic brand. Reviewing over 2.0 Review of Literature the reader will conclude that loyal customers
are hard to come by now-a-days with so many other companies offering the same product for a
cheaper cost. Selecting a topic is always the first thing you should do when making a research paper.
The third most common weekly allowance for the students of. Supavadee(Noi) Tantiyanon Recently
uploaded ( 20 ) Trending Topics for events Presentation.pdf Trending Topics for events
Presentation.pdf Medirom Healthcare Technologies Inc. Would a delivery service be a beneficial
feature for Reverie to pursue? Whether it’s being gluten free, organic, or offer an advantage over the
competition, this is the information consumers are looking for. The results for this question were that
70% of the respondents had purchased a generic product. The role of brand personality congruity
(bpc) on brand loyalty mediated by cu. It will be based upon the survey that was conducted and be
The most staggering of all is a brand that is not sure of them and their brand may run off their
investors. This is the main reason why this particular question was vital in conducting this study.
What criteria do UTD students look for when choosing a bakery? 4. Example of a counter argument
in an essayExample of a counter argument in an essay. No absolutely not with the diverse social
status’ of our society there should be something that economically makes sense for everyone. 21. No,
I think the generic products are usually the exact same product as the brand name ones. For the
minority of the respondents, data from the sample show that only 3 out of 12. No they are made with
the same thing it just has a cheaper cover on it. 16. No, they should not be knocked off for some
brands are just as good. Further, higher loyalty means greater trade leverage; since customers expect
the brand to be always available.” (Manheimer, 2007). 2.1.5 Mac has a great consumer following and
their loyalty is undeniable. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist
you. If you want to have an effective research paper follow this step-by-step guide in research paper
writing which serves as a supplement to Free Templates. This statement was proved to be accepted
because 67% of the respondents said that they bought a generic brand over their usual brand because
it was a lower price. The second hypothesis is consumers do not care if a product is a name brand as
long as it is considered cheap. Platinum Fashion Mall Clothing Wholesalers Platinum Fashion Mall
Clothing Wholesalers Effect of the impact of customer loyalty on marketing performance of
business. The understanding of all the research and findings of the survey instruments concludes that
there are lots of different opinions on generic brands versus name brands. The results were 67% of
the respondents were not affected by the recession This is a surprising amount of respondents who
were not affected financially by the recession. 4.6 Q5: Does Advertising influence your choice of
brand when shopping. Brand Loyalty Among Different Age Groups Source: Burnett, 2009 When
comparing 1Q09 loyalty measures versus 1Q00, the age group that experienced the greatest decline
was the 30-to-44 age segment. Provide the results of the survey instruments and give unbiased
opinions of the researcher. 2.0 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Brand Loyalty Defined
“Brand Loyalty exists when customers feel some loyalty to the brand behind the products they are
buying. Food Quality And The Microbiological And Chemical Analysis. The respondents answered
the question and picked the number they felt most strong about in the survey. Changing Dynamics of
IT and Marketing Teams in the Procurement of Marketing T. Most of the respondents felt that
generic brands were the same as the name brand and that they would definitely buy them in the
future. We find three specific design strategies of start-ups' digital business models — customer
ratings, benefit communication, and revenue model — to be effective to overcome low initial trust
perceptions and to increase adoption of digital innovations. Almost half of the students eat everyday
at the Square. Unfortunately, there are some startup companies that never had the chance to see the
light of day just because its entrepreneur failed to understand the importance of market research. An
average of 50% leaves within one year. “ (Michael A. Jones 2002). 7.12 Word of Mouth Affects
Brand Loyalty ”A negative experience decreases brand loyalty to a greater degree than a positive
experience increases loyalty. The hypothesis stated, brand loyalty is not influenced by price. The
mode in this statement is 5 which gave the value of the most used in this question of the survey. 4.18
Q17: Do you buy a certain brand because it is what your parents bought when you were a kid.
Coming in the wake of an economic boom, when customer loyalty was less of a priority, some
companies are wishing they'd paid it closer attention earlier.” (Beal 2009). 2.6.5“The rise of social
networks offers a new opportunity to connect with customers and build loyalty and affinity -- often
requiring no more investment than some staff time. Further, perceived quality can be the basis for a
brand extension. This is because up to 50 percent of customers are willing to pay an increase of 20-
25 percent on the premium to the brands they are most loyal to. (Beal 2009). 2.10 Branding Power
”A company that has a valuable brand can decrease employee turnover.
The only difference is the packaging. 25. No, I think generics are just as good of quality as the name
brands. 26. No, because some generic brands are pretty much consistent with brand names.
Interestingly, ?73% were interested in having the option of ?both dine-in and. IRJET- A Study on the
different Elements of Customer Loyalty and its Impact o. The respondents were strictly voluntary
and gave the most honest answers for the survey. They would usually announce the topics you can
select as your research paper. This theory that is mentioned in 2.0 Review of Literature is proven
incorrect because 67% of the respondents felt that their friends and family do not influence what
brands they purchase. 4.12 Q11: Do you feel like the generic brand is not as good as the name brand.
Most of the respondents felt that generic brands were the same as the name brand and that they
would definitely buy them in the future. The study was then modeled with the data on the key
variables of customer service, price, quality, and brand name products versus generic products. 3.4
Reliability and Validity The reliability and validity of brand loyalty is going to be understood. Our
experienced team is always on hand to answer questions and ensure you receive the product and
service to meet your needs. Data analysis, Decision making, Qualitative marketing research 985
Words 4 Pages restaurant in order to cope with a flow of future daily customers. It all depends on
what it is you are a getting. 17. In some cases generic products may differ slightly but may still work
for intended use. 18. No response (33,36,44,54,61,65,69,75,76,80,81,94,95) 19. Kotler and London
Business School's views on Brand equity, brand loyalty. Keller sbm3 02 Keller sbm3 02 Build
Customer Loyalty with CRM and Brand Image (Case Study on Giant Citra Raya) Build Customer
Loyalty with CRM and Brand Image (Case Study on Giant Citra Raya) The role of brand personality
congruity (bpc) on brand loyalty mediated by cu. Figure 11: Dietary preferences (based on school
status). Most respondents that were surveyed were between the ages of thirty six or older. Therefore,
this product might not be useful to offer during this season. The following results are part of the
qualitative section in the survey. It is always important to listen to the instructor when you are
assigned the project of creating a research paper. After these students were told that this bakery was
a vegan bakery, they were asked. In 2000, 18- to 29-year-olds were the least brand loyal; in the
intervening nine years, many of them brought their brand switching behavior into the 30-to-44
bracket.” (Burnett 2009). 2.26Measuring Brand Loyalty to Brand Types ”Consumers are loyal to
denim jeans brand types: over the past three years, more than 8 of 10 of denim jeans customers
purchased exclusively either national brands or private labels, based on survey data from STS Market
Research. The willingness of 40 and 50 year-olds to buy new brands carries over across every
product category including electronics, personal care products, restaurants, automobiles and more.
(Conduit 2006). 2.18 Using Email to Increase Brand Loyalty Today, email is the accepted method for
advertising and giving information about a company. The information is produced from the survey
instruments that were given to one-hundred respondents. Surveys, segmentation, and social
networking are just a few of the mechanisms available. It is a set of expectations from experience
with a company or product. “ (Wernick 1991). 2.10.1Brand is how customers, employees and
shareholders, among others --think and feel about what you do. (Wernick 1991). 2.10.2The brand
impression results from every experience or contact a person has with a company. The respondents
could choose from the following: 1-strongly disagree, 2-disagree, 3-neutral, 4-agree and 5-strongly
agree. It determines a customer's favorable attitude towards a brand. The next stage of the research
was to continue passing out the survey instruments to make sure a variety of opinions would be
represented in the research. Cross-shopping was highest (25%) among women aged 19 to 24 and
dropped off sharply among women over 34. This question was important because it gave the
researcher an idea if price mattered to the respondent. For that reason, it is important to measure both
dimensions of loyalty and to take steps to increase your customers’ emotional loyalty.
When reported, there were very different opinions that relate with many of the top results but had
more elaboration. If the respondent had never purchased a generic brand then the survey was not as
relevant to them as others. The mode in this statement is 5 which gave the value of the most used in
this question of the survey. 4.18 Q17: Do you buy a certain brand because it is what your parents
bought when you were a kid. However, some instructors may say to make it into a research paper
PDF. We observed that Cookies, Muffins, Cupcakes and Donuts were the most preferred. Q5 -
Which days of the week are you most likely to go to a bakery? (Check all that apply). Of the 95
students surveyed, 14 of these students described their dietary preference. If they attempt a frontal
assault by claiming superiority via that dimension, there will be a credibility issue. You'll see how
helpful they are and how inexpensive they are compared to other options, Especially for Journal of
Marketing Research. If a brand is well-regarded in one context, then the assumption will be that it
will have high quality in a related context. “ (Manhaimer 2007). 2.23Brand Associations The
underlying value of a brand name often is based upon specific associations linked to it. I have tried
some generic foods that are just nasty. The main purpose of a research paper is to learn new facts,
and selecting a topic you know a little may seem to defeat the purpose of the research paper. A
distribution channel can be controlled by a brand because of a history of brand performance.”
(Manhaimer 2007). 2.25 Economy Affects Loyalty to Gasoline “When comparing first-quarter 2009
loyalty measures vs. Starbucks is aiming to change that assumption. (ICC Decision devices 2009).
2.15.2Starbucks new strategy is to focus on its existing customer experience. These assets can take
several forms. For example, a trademark will protect brand equity from competitors who might want
to confuse customers by using a similar name, symbol, or package. The results came to be with a
mean (average) of 3.75. Most respondents felt they agreed with the statement that was given. In four
years, employees find a newer company, that has more productivity and confidence as a brand, and
they will quit. The mode in this statement is 5 which gave the value of the most used in this question
of the survey. 4.18 Q17: Do you buy a certain brand because it is what your parents bought when
you were a kid. Further, higher loyalty means greater trade leverage; since customers expect the
brand to be always available.” (Manheimer, 2007). 2.1.5 Mac has a great consumer following and
their loyalty is undeniable. The computation is based on the cross tabulated data of our independent
and. However, making a research paper on a topic you know can still yield facts and information that
you may not know of. Startups who use digital marketing many times got failed. Brand names
should be easy for customers to visualize, and this involves pronunciation and spelling.” (Manhaimer
2007). 2.22Perceived Quality “A brand will have associated with it a perception of overall quality,
which is not necessarily based on knowledge of detailed specifications. A research paper, like any
other document, has a certain format to follow. The medium, which is the middle value reported with
this statement as 4. The researcher also emailed the survey instruments, as well as telephoned
different respondents who were willing to participate in the study. This was one of the most vital
questions of the survey. The role of brand personality congruity (bpc) on brand loyalty mediated by
cu. The results were 67% of the respondents were not affected by the recession This is a surprising
amount of respondents who were not affected financially by the recession. 4.6 Q5: Does Advertising
influence your choice of brand when shopping. Brand loyalty can be enforced perhaps by a carefully
constructed lock in device in the products sold which serves to make it harder for customers to leave
a brand ideally though customers would feel loyalty to a brand because the products of services have
been good in providing solutions to their needs.” CITATION Sti04 1033 (
2004). 2.1.1“The degree to which consumers prefer and continue to purchase the same brand within
a product or service category.

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