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Valedictory Speech
Good Afternoon everyone. This is
Mishra------------------------------. It has
been an honour to
be a part of this delightful conference.
On behalf of the IPR Cell of
presidency University Bangalore, I
would like to extend my heartfelt
gratitude towards the university and
our faculty co-ordinators
Hamza sir and Aparna ma’am for
giving us this opportunity to organize
this wonderful international
conference and for their
extemporaneous co-ordination
throughout the conference.
Words are not enough to express our
sincere gratitude to our chief guest of
the conference Chief
Justice Rithuraj Awasthi for their
presence. The conference would not
have been the same without
your presence Sir. Further, My sincere
thanks to Dr. Rupal RautDesai for
being an exceptional judge
throughout the conference.
I would also like to thank the
participants for their enthusiastic
participation. Without you all this
event would not have been possible.
Thank you very much again.
An event of this dimension cannot
happen overnight. The wheels started
rolling months in advance.
Hence, I would like to take this
moment to thank the very motivated
and dedicated IPR cell members
who made this Conference immensely
If time is money then today, you have
spent millions for us thanks to all for
making this conference
The Principal, St. Ann’s College, the Patron, Sr. Olivia Joseph, the Chairperson,
Prof. Dr. Sr. Marry Kutty P. J., Webinar coordinators headed by Dr. T Diana
Jacob and all other dignitaries present. I am delighted to be here and be the one
to give the valedictory speech at this webinar.
We all know that Conference or webinar attendance is the life wire of all
academics. They connect many academics together to share their views about a
particular theme like the just concluded webinar you have just had on
CHALLENGES. It gives opportunity to the conferees to share their views in a
particular theme. It builds confidence in the academics and students and helps
them to learn from one another’s views and innovations which in turn help the
academics and students to apply such innovations in the classroom.
It is worthy to note that it is from World Council for Curriculum and Instruction
(WCCI) conference in 2014 in California that I met Dr. Thankachan who has
connected me to Dr.T. Diana to be here today. I cannot forget the experiences
we had and shared then which has brought about the relationship we have built
in the academic cycle.
We have reached the end of the two days international webinar on Language,
Literature and Translation studies with various issues raised and discussed along
the part of the sub themes. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Great is
the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending”.
These two days have brought together intelligent minds with torrents of
information, ideas and have shared wealth of experiences and knowledge. A
platform such as this encourages collaboration, inter- connectivity and lasting
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the organizers of this webinar for the efforts
they have put in to making it a success, for the kind of theme and sub-themes
they have addressed, for the amazing guest speakers and participants they have
drawn for this webinar without which this webinar would not have been possible.
Although we have gained some knowledge and new ideas, for me, it is sad, to
know that we shall be closing the door on this lively and stimulating debate as
well as bidding farewell to friends and associates. However, it is a privilege and
honor to be entrusted with such an important task at a gathering of such eminent
people from different parts of the world in the fields of academia and the media.
With this, I can see St. Ann’s College of Education increasing in influence and
gaining greater recognition in future. It has been an honor to be among such a
highly talented and scholastic audience.
Thank you.

Hon'ble Minister of State for External Affairs, Shri Anand Sharma

June 24, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a matter of great privilege to be here before this august gathering today to share my
thoughts on an issue of significant global importance.
India's engagement with Africa is historical and we have civilisational links. We were at
forefront of liberation struggles in Africa even while we struggled for our own independence.
In the 60s and 70s we have held in admiration African stalwarts like Nkrumah, Nasser and
Nyerere. Mahatma Gandhi is a shared national hero and icon for India and South Africa. We
provided moral, material and humanitarian assistance in Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe and
Mozambique. The principles of Afro-Asian solidarity were articulated way back in the
Bandung Conference in 1955 by our Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the African
leadership, which later became the bedrock of the Non-aligned Movement.
The 21st century world is an increasingly globalised and interdependent world. The last
decade has thrown up major global challenges which are trans-national in character and
require a concerted global response for effective resolution. Amongst the most pressing
contemporary challenges faced by all of us is the trinity of food security, energy security and
climate change. These are intertwined and our responses to each of them have a bearing on
the other.
As nations witness rapid economic growth, the demands on energy grow exponentially.
While the demand for energy has a global spread, the availability of energy resources is
highly skewed. The industrial revolution had increased the dependence of the world on the
use of coal which was later supplemented by oil and gas. In our rapid pursuit of
development, we overlooked the fact that these resources are non-replenishable and
scarce. Mindless and continuous exploitation of these resources has created a situation
where the demand and supply gap has widened beyond imagination. Today we are
confronted with a situation where the crude oil prices are threatening to touch US$ 150 a
barrel, which is a five-fold increase in less than 4 years. The recent meet of the OPEC
countries in Jeddah is a testimony to the gravity of the crisis confronting the world. This has
an adverse impact on economies across the world and is causing acute inflationary
pressures and is impeding growth.
The quest for alternatives has impelled nations to look for innovative solutions. However, it
is a matter of grave concern that countries have resorted to mindless diversion of cereals
and edibles for production of bio-fuels. Never before in human history have we seen a
situation where food is being diverted for fuel. In the recent Rome Summit it was highlighted
that nearly 100 million tonnes of cereal has been diverted from human consumption to
satisfy the thirst of fuel for vehicles. There cannot be a bigger tragedy for the 21st century
world where millions are suffering from hunger and malnutrition that we have resorted to
such myopic and unsustainable policies.
We also need to place our policy regime of energy security in the larger perspective of
environmental sustainability. It is now borne out by strong empirical evidence that the
unsustainable consumption patterns followed by the developed nations have created the
colossal challenge of climate change. The challenge is real and warrants an immediate
response. So while all of us in the developing world chart our respective courses for rapid
economic growth, we need to be mindful of its impact on environment.
Africa has the gift of nature and is endowed with huge mineral reserves and unparallel bio-
diversity. A continent of 900 million which has 60 per cent of world diamonds, 40 per cent of
phosphate, 99 per cent chromium and 85 per cent platinum is truly a rich continent. It has
proven oil reserves of nearly 16 million MTS and huge gas reserves. It has been projected
that Africa would add 38 per cent to global oil contributing a further four million barrels of oil
per day by 2010. Nigeria, Angola and Algeria have huge prospects. Apart from oil, Africa
has a huge potential for LNG and it produces over 50,000 MT per year.
Our relationship with Africa has always been imbued with a spirit of partnership and equality.
We recently convened the first India-Africa Forum Summit in partnership with the African
Union to institutionalize our historic linkages. The Summit adopted the Delhi Declaration
which provides a blue print of a shared political vision and world view, which is guided by a
commitment to deepen the process of African integration while recognizing the diversities
within various regions of Africa. The framework of cooperation adopted at the Summit
outlines the priority areas of future engagement which range from capacity building,
agricultural infrastructure development, health and food security, energy security and
technology cooperation.
The India-Africa Hydro-carbon Conference was held in November 2007 which provided a
platform of interface between Government and private sector. We seek to forge a long term
developmental partnership with mutual benefit while sharing our experience, capacity and
technology in the energy sector. We have always believed in building local capacities and
ensuring technology transfers. India can have a robust partnership especially in the area of
research and development, human resources development and managerial best practices.
Indian corporates have made strategic investments in Africa and the OVL has huge
presence in Sudan, Ivory Coast, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, and Nigeria, Nigeria-Sao Tome
Principe Joint Development Area and Gabon.
Africa provides a reliable alternative of sustained fuel supplies to a world confronted with
huge shortages.
I would like to mention that our cooperation in energy need not be confined to hydro-carbons
alone. India has gained tremendous expertise over the years in developing its renewable
energy program and we are the fourth largest wind energy producers in the world. We have
acquired technology and capacities in solar photo voltaic, bio-fuels and hydro power. Our
nuclear energy programme is totally indigenous and comparable to the best in the world. We
would be happy to share our experience and technologies with our friends in Africa across
the entire energy spectrum to ensure robust partnership.
I believe that Asia and Africa are at the cusp of a renaissance and collectively we shall have
a major say in the emerging world order. I am sure that our time tested ties shall be
transformed into vibrant economic partnerships in the years to come.

Valedictory Speech
Good Afternoon everyone. This is
Mishra------------------------------. It has
been an honour to
be a part of this delightful conference.
On behalf of the IPR Cell of
presidency University Bangalore, I
would like to extend my heartfelt
gratitude towards the university and
our faculty co-ordinators
Hamza sir and Aparna ma’am for
giving us this opportunity to organize
this wonderful international
conference and for their
extemporaneous co-ordination
throughout the conference.
Words are not enough to express our
sincere gratitude to our chief guest of
the conference Chief
Justice Rithuraj Awasthi for their
presence. The conference would not
have been the same without
your presence Sir. Further, My sincere
thanks to Dr. Rupal RautDesai for
being an exceptional judge
throughout the conference.
I would also like to thank the
participants for their enthusiastic
participation. Without you all this
event would not have been possible.
Thank you very much again.
An event of this dimension cannot
happen overnight. The wheels started
rolling months in advance.
Hence, I would like to take this
moment to thank the very motivated
and dedicated IPR cell members
who made this Conference immensely
If time is money then today, you have
spent millions for us thanks to all for
making this conference
First, we have much to be thankful for the Centre for Research & Training (CRT) (ICCRESMA 2024)
National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

In Association with Techno ate Educational & Consulting Services (TECS) Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Here in this conference we have received a great source of knowledge, thanks to our Chairman,
directors, and administrative staff and the participants . We are prepared to move on and to take on
whatever challenges come next in our lives.
Fellow graduates, I want you to know what a great gift it is to be as prepared as we are, because not all
schools offer such an advantage. Here we have had a high degree of academic excellence and whether
you intend to continue your education or not, you will benefit from what you learned here.

We can also be thankful for our families. These past four years have presented us with a lot of ups and
downs and it is good to know that we had our families in our corner, supporting us along the way.
Thanks Mom and Dad. I would not be here today without you.

Finally, we can be thankful for each other. The friendships that we have made here will last a lifetime. In
the same way we have supported each other and helped each other succeed in these years at Peterson,
I hope we will continue to provide support and encouragement for each other in future endeavors.

Now, what can we be inspired by today?

Personally, I am inspired by our classmate Alan Rockford who has overcome so much adversity to be
here graduating today. Alan, you have been tenacious and have had such a great attitude in the face of
so many setbacks. Whenever I get a little down about something that didn't turn out just the way I
wanted it to, I remember some of the talks we have had and it gives me the perspective I need. Thank
you for that, congratulations, and all the best!

I'm also inspired by Bill Thomas and Tony Marcos who are leaving later this week for Marine boot camp.
Billy and Tony, I honor you for making the choice to serve our country and I feel proud to know you.
Please take care of yourselves and keep in touch.

Conclusion of the Valedictorian Speech

Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes but I see them right here among us. I have seen in
my years at Peterson that we don't have to look far for inspiration and that we each have the potential
to make an inspiring contribution to others, by being true to our values and committing ourselves to
lofty goals.

When you leave here today, celebrate what you have accomplished, but look forward with an eye
toward how you, too, can be the inspiration for others.

Congratulations Class of 2015!

Good Morning to one & all present

It gives me immense pleasure in to deliver thanks to all of you attending both the UGC
Sponsored Short-term Course in Outcome Based Education and Quality Assurance and
Enhancement in Higher Education.
To match with the above title The UGC HRDC of BDU has reached the heights of great
success in terms of Quality in full sense with the dynamic leadership of Dr.Senthilnathan,
Director FAC,.

I take this opportunity to thank the distinguished resource person of this session and the sessions
continuing, organizing team and participants at most.

I feel honored to welcome our chief guest -Honorable Vice chancellor and Registrar for this
programme and the Director, HRDC

During this course period you will definitely get a good experience with lots of discussion on
quality assurance and enhancement aspects. I am sure that you all will feel enriched with
knowledge after completion of this course.

Quality assurance is a holistic approach covering all the processes in a higher education
institution, to serve for the students and other stakeholders in expected quality standards.

The success of a quality assurance system depends on the support of the management. In that
way our management system is very supportive to take care of all the quality aspects.

Quality assurance in policies, procedures, systems and practices. It also to be maintained in

both an internal and external process.

Quality enhancement ‘is a process of improvement’. It has two strand

1. Enhancement of individual learners and improvement of their attributes, knowledge, ability,

skills and potential.

2.The improvement in the quality of an institution

Quality Assurance Enhancement Inculcating a value system among the students, promoting the
use of technology, fostering the global competencies among students, contributing to the national
development and achieving excellence.

Range of core and elective courses, choice based credit system, lateral and vertical mobility,
Credit transfer, curriculum with value added chapters,


assessment and accreditation of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) to derive an understanding
of the 'Quality Status' of the institution.

I once again welcome you all to the STC and I hope you will have an engaging and enriching
sessions ahead.

And at last we request your support in making this course a memorable and successful one.
On behalf of UGC, HRDC, Director, Honorable Vice-Chancellor and Registrar and on my own
behalf I welcome one and all joined here through online.

Thank You.
I am here now to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have made this event a successful

one. I would like to start by thanking our Guest of honor today Prof. Ganesan Kannabiran, Indian

Institute of Information Technology, Andra Pradesh who has inaugurated the session.

I also record my sincere thanks to HRDC staff for their continuous dedication in organizing all the

HRDC Programmes

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Director

our teachers, who have been our guiding lights, imparting wisdom and knowledge to us and

nurturing our talents. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in our growth and


I would like to express my appreciation to our guests, who have taken time out of their busy

schedules to grace this occasion with their presence. Your presence has added an extra spark to

this event and made it even more special.

Finally, I would like to thank each and every one of you, my classmates and friends, for your

support and participation in making this event a grand success. Your contributions have not gone

unnoticed, and I am grateful for all that you have done.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this event would not have been possible without the

support and hard work of each and every one of you. On behalf of the student council, I would

like to express my sincere thanks to all of you.

Long Speech On Vote Of Thanks

Vote Of Thanks For Seminar In High School

Good evening everyone. I, Pragya Kumari, feel very privileged to be able to present here, on this

auspicious occasion, and be asked to deliver a vote of thanks on behalf of our School, at today's

seminar “Diving into Remote sensing.”

As we all know that saying thank you is a respectful way to show appreciation towards a person,

but these words would be less for our today's chief guest and speaker Shrini Sharma, who is a

scientist from ISRO, and is especially present here to deliver a talk about remote sensing and its

usage. Her talk not only gave us knowledge about remote sensing, but also taught us how to

think like a scientist.

A true scientist uses their knowledge in the development of the nation, which we could clearly

understand from her lecture. I would also like to thank our second chief guest Sahu Kumar, a

specialist in remote sensing and also a lecturer from a renowned college of science. His talk

involved how remote sensing in India has developed from time to time, which was clearly

understood by everyone. Thank you so much Shrini and Sahu for taking your time and teaching

us new things.

Next I would like to thank our Principal because of whom this seminar was possible. He

organised this event, and enabled us to learn new things about technology, and also about our

country. Our vice principal also played the role of a backbone to us, and helped in the

organisation of this talk.

A special thanks goes to our teachers Rahul Jaiswal and Richa Toppo, who took the responsibility

of this seminar to be a success. They invited delegate teachers to show their presence, and also

motivated us students to be a participant in this seminar.

Today, almost 200 students participated from different schools upon invitation. This made this

seminar a grand success as it was able to attract the attention of all the curious, and motivated

students who are willing to learn and explore.

Learning is always a good opportunity to feed our mind, as it helps us grow. Through such

informative seminars we get a chance to boost our knowledge with an unique opportunity to dive

into a field of subject that might be unfamiliar to us. So I would like to take my time in thanking

our dear audience, who not only took their time out to be a part of us, but also cheered and

motivated us to keep moving.

As we can see that we have a diverse group of students, and this seminar succeeded in providing

a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective to Remote sensing, by using real photography, work

experience, and selection process for a Remote sensing scientist in ISRO. It definitely was a

blessing to have intellectual minds with us, and get to know their thinking process.

Thank you again to all the respected chief guests and speakers, honourable principal, teachers,

volunteers and my dear audience. It was because of everyone’s hard work that this event was

possible. Thank you so much.

Good evening to the honourable chief guest, respected principal, invited chief guest, teachers and
my dear students.

First of all, I would like to thank the Principal Madam, you gave me an opportunity to
speak on this auspicious occasion, and it is a matter of honour for me.

On behalf of the entire institute, I would like to thanks the honourable chief guest, because
school program can be complete without your presence and inspiring words.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the
guests present today.

I would also like to thanks the student committee and the support staff, for the complete
preparation of this farewell program, you got just two days’ time.

In this such a short time, you have made the best arrangements for this program, thank you

I have also obligated to the parents present here, your participation and suggestions always help

Finally, I would like to say,

Honourable Chief Guest, Present Excellencies, Teachers and my dear Friends.

I thanks school/college/university for giving me the opportunity to express my gratitude on this special
It is the biggest day in the history of our university, today we have hosted the biggest education
conference in India.
More than 300 representatives and more than 700 colleges and universities participating in this
ceremony, this is a huge success in itself.

On behalf of the University Education Council, I express my heartfelt thanks to my Chief Guest, Union
Minister of Education, Mr XYZ.

I would like to thanks all the respected representatives who have blessed us with their presence.

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