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Business project Report worth 70% of module grade

Assessment guidance

Structure of Report

A 7000 word report to be presented

Report content (please view in combination with the Rubric for guidance
on which areas require most work / words)

Create a well-structured report with sections which flow well and reach a
clear conclusion. These must include good use of all the academic writing
requirements you have come to understand in your degree eg. Use of
paragraphs, well-constructed sentences, broad and correct inclusion of
references as well as diagrams and images to create a well written and
interesting report for the reader.

You need to show a strong level of engagement with secondary research -

breadth / depth / Mintel & Passport and academic articles. It is important to
show that during your university journey you have developed the skills and
ability to read -> analyse / evaluate -> apply.
Equally, those who have chosen to engage in Primary research, it is the
qualitative aspects of your survey, data and analysis and that will gain you
the highest marks, IN COMBINATION with good use of secondary

The key topics to be covered include, but may not be limited to:
1- Your idea, source of it and the value proposition that it offers
2- On overview of the business model you have chosen to use and its
connection to your strategy
3- Your approach to marketing
4- A basic but clear overview of your financials, showing clearly whether
there is (or not) the potential to generate good revenues and profit.
5- An overview of who your ‘significant others’ are likely to be and why.
These range from your choice of partners and suppliers to mentors if

You are required to include a section, wherever you wish, of self-reflection

& self-evaluation which discusses your understanding of your
entrepreneurial mindset, skills and characteristics and the lack thereof.
You should include such considerations as the management of self and
interaction with significant others – your understanding of how well (or not)
you are able to do these.

This will be given in the usual written manner on Turnitin

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