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VSL Flower Anchorage Report No 471

VSL Flower Anchorage -

Dead End Anchorage


1. System Description

2. Component Specifications and Data Sheet

3. Particular Site Procedures for AF Anchorages - Installation, Grouting of Anchorage,

Stressing, Grouting of the Tendon

4. System Testing

5. Approval


VSL International Ltd.

Bern, March 2003

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VSL Flower Anchorage Report No 471

1. System Description
The VSL Flower Anchorage, Type AF, is a dead end anchorage particularly suited for
vertical tendons without access to the dead-end. It consists of a cast iron anchorage
which forms the dead end, and which transfers the tendon load to the concrete
structure similar to the VSL EC Stressing Anchorage. The anchorage of the
prestressing strands inside the Flower Anchorage is assured by compression fittings
on each individual strand end, encased before stressing into a high performance,
proprietary AF Anchorage Grout. Anchorage efficiency of the strands is thus ensured
by bearing of the compression fittings on, and by bond to, the high performance AF
Anchorage Grout.
Tendon installation includes the following main steps. First, the dead-end anchorage
type AF is placed inside the formwork, and a duct is connected to the anchorage, and
extended according to the progress of construction. At the other tendon end, a
stressing anchorage type E or EC, or others, is placed. The strands can then be
installed by pushing strands individually from the stressing anchorage, through the
duct, into the dead-end.
Once all the strands are installed, and the position of the strands confirmed, the
dead-end anchorage AF can be filled with the high-performance AF Anchorage
Grout. This grout permits stressing of the tendon to 80% UTS 72 hours after grouting
of the anchorage.
Once filling of the anchorage and strength of the AF Anchorage Grout is confirmed,
the tendon can be stressed to the specified load and anchored at the stressing end.
When tendon force and elongation are approved by the engineer, the tendon tails
can be cut, and the tendon can be grouted over the entire length as for other
anchorage/tendon types.

The main advantages of the dead-end anchorage type AF are:

• Simple tendon installation strand by strand after construction of the structure,
i.e. no pre-fabrication of tendon bundle, no installation of tendon before
concreting the structure.
• No recess, no openings required at the dead-end anchorage for installation or
stressing. This allows to avoid stressing galleries in certain types of structures.
• Reduced congestion in the structure near the dead-end due to the simple and
compact anchorage.
• Transfer of full tendon load at the bottom end of anchorage near the bottom of
the structure. This allows to avoid down-stands in concrete soffit, and therefore,
often allows reduced concrete dimensions.

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Fig. 1: VSL AF Anchorage

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VSL Flower Anchorage Report No 471

2. Component Specifications and Data Sheets

2.1 Strand

The type AF anchorage is suitable for the following strand types, Table 1:
Strand Type 0.6“ N 0.6“ 0.6“ S
Nominal diameter (mm) 15.2 15.7 15.7
Nominal area (mm2) 140 150 150
Tensile strength (MPa) 1860 1770 1860
Min. breaking load (kN) 260 265 279
Table 1: Strand properties

Above strand types shall comply with a national or international standard. They have
a Young’s modulus of approximately 195 GPa. Preferably, strand with a maximum
relaxation of 2,5% after 1000 h loaded to 70% UTS at 20°C shall be used.

2.2 Duct
Corrugated steel duct according to EN 523 is typically used. The wall thickness shall
be chosen to comply with the construction method, and the concrete pressure
expected on site. Duct diameters for the type AF anchorage are specified in the AF
Data Sheet, see Clause 2.5.
Alternatively, the use of VSL PT-PLUS corrugated plastic duct may be considered.
In certain cases, smooth steel pipe is used as duct. Connections of steel pipe
sections shall assure leak tightness of the duct.

2.3 Compression Fitting

These are the VSL Compression Fittings Type CF6 used in VSL coupling
anchorages. However, their external shape is adapted with chamfers to facilitate

2.4 AF Anchorage Grout

This is a high performance grout which has been specially prepared for the AF
anchorage. It is a further development of the Bouygues‘ Group Reactive Powder
Concrete concept, adapted for the use as a grout.
The main constituents of the AF anchorage grout are supplied as a ready-mix powder
to site, and include: Portland cement, silica fume, quartz flower, and sand. A
superplasticizing admixture (1), OPTIMA 100, and a stabilising admixture (2),
Rhoximat 960 SL, are provided in separate containers. On site the AF anchorage
grout powder is mixed with a Standard VSL Grout Mixer with water and the
admixtures according to the proportions given in Table 2.

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Products Ready-mix Plasticizing Stabilising Water

Powder Admixture Admixture
(1) (2)
Proportions 1 0.014 0.0189 0.0688
by weight
Table 2: Mix proportions for AF Anchorage Grout

The following mixing sequence shall be used:

§ Mix dry ready-mix powder for 2 minutes
§ Add 100% of water, and 50% of admixture (1), and mix for 1 minute
§ Add second 50% of admixture (1), and continue mixing for 1 minute
§ Add 100% of admixture (2), and continue mixing for 3 to 5 minutes

The AF Anchorage Grout has the following characteristics, Table 3:

Characteristics Value
• Flow time (EN 445) ≤ 40 seconds
• Density 2350 – 2400 kg/m3
• Compressive strength (half of
40x40x160mm prism)
- at 48 h ≥ 70 MPa
- at 72 h 90 – 107 MPa
- at 7 days 107 – 116 MPa
- at 28 days 120 – 137 MPa
Table 3: AF Anchorage Grout Characteristics

2.5 AF Data Sheet

The dead-end anchorage Type AF is available in three sizes: 6-12, 6-19, and 6-31.
Data for these anchorages is attached in Appendix 1. Other sizes of AF anchorages
may be provided on request.

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3. Particular Site Procedures for AF Anchorages - Installation,

Grouting of Anchorage, Stressing, Grouting of Tendon

The following is a brief summary of particular site / QA procedures which have been
introduced to assure reliable functioning of the AF anchorage.

3.1 Installation
• Anchorage AF and duct are blown through with air to assure that they allow free
passage of the strands.
• The individual strands are cut to length prior to installation. A colour mark is
provided on each individual strand to indicate the exact position of the strand at
the stressing end once properly installed. This allows easy confirmation that all
strands are installed correctly and evenly, just above the bottom of the AF
• Each strand is hanging freely from the wedge in the stressing anchorage to just
above the bottom of the anchorage to avoid blockage of the duct due to strand

3.2 Grouting of AF Anchorage

• Prior to grouting, the AF anchorage is drained, and blown through with air from the
grout overflow tube at the top of the anchorage. Debris or water will be expelled
through the grout inlet tube at the bottom of the anchorage.
• The AF Anchorage Grout is prepared as specified in Section 2.4 above in the
Standard VSL Mixer. Flow time shall be measured and shall comply with the value
given in Table 3. The density shall be measured, e.g. with the mud balance, and
shall be recorded.
• The AF Anchorage Grout is injected into the AF Anchorage through the grout inlet
tube at the bottom of the anchorage. Grouting is continued until the AF Anchorage
Grout exits from the grout overflow tube at the top of the anchorage at the same
consistency as in the mixer.
• Immediately after grouting, the grout inlet at the top of the AF anchorage is
checked to be free.
• One grout prism, typically 40x40x160 mm, is prepared for each batch of AF
Anchorage Grout, produced in the VSL Mixer, with a minimum of 6 prisms per
construction stage. These prisms are stored under temperature conditions similar
to those expected inside the anchorage, and are tested for compressive strength
before stressing.

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3.3 Stressing
• Verify that the AF Anchorage Grout of the particular batch has achieved a
compressive strength of 100 MPa.
• The tendons are stressed as specified in the project specification. Once the
specified jacking load is achieved, the load is held for 5 minutes. Tendon
elongation is recorded at the start and at one minute intervals till the end of the 5
minutes holding the jacking load.
• Tendons for which the elongation has stabilised within the first 2 minutes shall be
considered accepted.
• If the tendon elongation does not stabilise over the first two minutes, the load shall
be held for another 15 minutes, and elongations recorded at 1 minute intervals.
Any tendon movement beyond 5 minutes shall be reported to the PT
engineer/supervisor, and the reason for movement shall be assessed.
• In addition, the tendon elongation at the start of the 5 minutes holding the load
shall be used to assess the stressing-elongation records according to standard

3.4 Grouting of the Tendon

• The tendon is grouted from the bottom up through the grout inlet at the top of the
AF anchorage. The grouting procedures as specified in the VSL Grouting Manual
shall be applied. A Special Grout as per the VSL Grouting Manual shall be used.

4. System Testing

4.1 Assembly / Installation Test

A full scale assembly / installation test has been performed on a 40 m long 6-19
tendon with an E- anchorage at the top, and an AF anchorage at the bottom. This
test was performed on a prototype tendon on the A 20 - Viaduct de BLAZY, and was
witnessed by the ?Bureau Veritas Controle et Prevention?, on 20 January 1998.
A copy of the test report is attached in Appendix 2.

4.2 Anchorage Efficiency / Load Transfer Test

A combined anchorage efficiency and load transfer test in accordance with the FIP
Recommendations for the Acceptance of Post-Tensioning Systems (1993) has been
performed on a AF 6-19 anchorage. The test was performed in the laboratory of VSL
International Ltd., Lyssach/Switzerland, and was witnessed by an independent
representative of Swiss Federal Institute for Material and Testing (EMPA), on 5
February, 1999.
A copy of the test report is attached in Appendix 3.

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4.3 Other Testing

Other tests have been performed during the development of the AF Anchorage to
confirm certain design characteristics of the anchorage, and to confirm practical
aspects such as grouting of the anchorage. Further anchorage efficiency / load
transfer tests have been performed on prototype anchorages 6-19 and 6-31. All tests
have given satisfactory results.

5. Approval
Based on the work done and testi ng described above, the dead-end anchorage Type
AF has been approved by VSL International Ltd. for use on site.

Dr. H.R. Ganz

Chief Technical Officer
VSL International Ltd.

Subingen, 19 March 2003


Appendix 1: Data Sheet for dead-end anchorage Type AF

Appendix 2: Assembly / Installation Test of Flower Anchorage (in French), VSL Western
Europe Operating Unit, 1998

Appendix 3: AF 6-19 Load Transfer / Tensile Test, Report No. 438, VSL International Ltd.,

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

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Appendix 3

AF 6-19




1. Introduction

2. Test Installation and Procedure

3. Test Materials

4. Test Results

5. Appendices

Author: A. Gnägi / K. Lüthi

Lyssach, 13.06.2001

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The purpose of the test is to demonstrate the function and to verify the capacity of the AF 6-19
passive anchorage in a load transfer / tensile test.
The test was witnessed by a independent representative (Mr. Bues) of the Swiss Federal Institute
for Material and Testing (EMPA).
The test was carried out on the 5th February, 1999.


The test was carried out in the 12’500 kN capacity test frame of the VSL test laboratory in Lyssach.
The AF anchorage is cast into a reinforced concrete block. When the concrete reached enough
strength, the block was turned up side down, so that the 19 strands with the fixed compression
fittings could be vertically installed inside the AF 6-19 anchorage body. No special care was taken
to the arrangement of the strands. Figure 1 in Appendix A10 shows the strand end arrangement in
the AF anchorage achieved by random.
After the installation of the 19 strands, the inside of the AF anchorage body was injected with the
AF Anchorage Grout. Appendix A1 shows the arrangement of the AF anchorage in the concrete.
When the AF Anchorage Grout reached sufficient strength for the installation, the concrete block
with the 6-19 tendon was installed in the test frame.

The anchorage which is observed during the test, is the AF 6-19 anchorage, this is the reason why
the tendon end with the AF anchorage is called active side.

The active side of the test tendon is anchored with the AF 6-19 anchorage and the passive side
with an E 6-19 anchor head and W6S wedges.

When the AF Anchorage Grout inside the AF 6-19 anchorage reached a minimum strength of 100
N/mm², the 19 strands were stressed strand by strand up to 13.5 kN each. When the tendon was
pre loaded, the sealing plate at the back of the AF anchorage was removed, so that access for
observation to the ends of the compression fittings is provided (Appendix A10).

The load in the tendon is monitored by an electrical load cell.

The calibration of this load cell was verified by the independent witness.

The test procedure was carried out according to the FIP Recommendations for the acceptance of
post-tensioning systems, June 1993, see Appendix A2. The test specimen was loaded during 10
load cycles between 12 and 80% of the nominal breaking load of the tendon (FIP ‘93). The
specimen was then loaded up to failure.
Deformation of the test specimen, crack development, strand draw-in on the E 6-19 anchor head
and the load was recorded during the testing.

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3.1 Strand

Supplier : DWK Nominal diameter of strand : 15,7 mm

Heat N° : 823368 Nominal steel area : 150 mm2
Coil- N° : 12 Characteristic breaking load : 265.5 kN

3.2 Tendon

Number of strands 19
Characteristic mean cross-sectional area of the tendon Apk = 2850 mm²
Characteristic ultimate resistance force of tendon Fpk = 5044.5 kN

3.3 AF 6-19 anchorage

3.3.1 AF 6-19 cast anchorage body

Supplier Hegi
Drawing N° T 1932.1
Material EN-GJL-250 SN EN 1561

3.3.2 AF compression fitting

AF compression fitting T 1937.1

AF compression fitting on strand T 1958.1

3.4 E 6-19 Anchor Head

Drawing Number E 526.4

3.5 Wedges for E 6-19 anchor heads

Type VSL W6S

3.6 Mortar

Type AF Anchorage Grout

Compressive strength at testing (7 days) 116.5 N/mm² (cube)
Compressive strength (28 days) 137.6 N/mm² (cube)

3.5 Concrete

Compressive strength at testing (10 days) fcm,e = 37.4 N/mm² (cube)

Compressive strength (28 days) fc28 =44.3 N/mm² (cube)

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3.6 Concrete reinforcement

Reinforcement steel for spiral and for all additional reinforcement in the concrete blocks, according
to S500 SIA 162/101.


4.1 Maximal crack width wmax [mm]

side A side B side C

Load 80%, first loading wmax = 0.08 0.12 0.08

Load 80%, end 8. load cycle wmax = 0.10 0.13 0.13

Load 80%, end 10. load cycle wmax = 0.13 0.15 0.13

Load 12%, 8. load cycle wmax = 0.08 0.10 0.10

Load 12%, 10. load cycle wmax = 0.10 0.12 0.10

4.2 Concrete Strains in the test specimen

The concrete strains have been measured on two opposite sides. The Appendix A8, show the
development of the concrete strains during the first loading and during the 10 load cycles to 80% of
the nominal breaking load. They show that the strains were stable during the 10 load cycles.

4.4 Strand Draw-in [mm]

The compression fitting draw-in, in the AF anchorage body was measured on three individual
strands. The result gives the relative draw-in compared to the mortar. The draw-in of the mortar is
compared to the anchorage body AF 6-19.

Strand 1 Strand 2 Strand 3 Mortar

Load 80%, at first loading 1.04 1.20 1.19 0.27

Load 80%, end 1. load cycle 1.38 1.56 1.52 0.34

Load 80%, end 10. load cycle 1.38 1.57 1.53 0.37

4.5 Maximum Load Fu and Failure Mode

Maximum load Fu = 4944.7kN

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Maximum load / Nominal breaking load 4944.7/ 5044.5 ηA= 0.98

Failure took place in the tendon. After several wire breaks at the exit of the E 6-19 anchor head
wedges, the load could not be increased any more. The AF 6-19 anchorage body was still intact.


A1 Arrangement of test specimen, V 3657.1

A2 FIP Recommendations for the acceptance of post-tensioning systems, June 1993
A3 Side designation and measuring points on test specimen, T 1948.1
A4 Anchorage body AF 6-19, with AF Anchorage Grout injection details, T 1934.1
A5 not used
A6 not used
A7 Compression fitting installed on strand, T 1958.1
A8 Concrete strains
A9 not used
A10 Bottom view of AF 6-19 anchorage with strand end arrangement (figure 1)
A10 Strand draw-in and mortar draw-in measuring arrangement (figure 2)
A11* Side A and C after first loading to 80% of Fpk (figure 3 & 4)
A12* Side A and C after ten load cycles to 80% of Fpk (figure 5 & 6)
A13* Side A and C after maximum load (figure 7 & 8)
A14 Strand certificate
A15 Concrete strength test results
A16 AF Anchorage Grout strength test results


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Arrangement of
test specimen

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A2 FIP Recommendations for the acceptance of post-tensioning systems, June 1993

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Side designation
and measuring
points on test

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Anchorage Concrete
body AFStrains
with AF Anchorage grout
injection details

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not used

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not used

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A7 AF compression fitting installed on strand

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Appendix A8
Concrete Strains / Side A


transverse 4

transverse 5
Concrete strains [/ oo]


transverse 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
longitudinal 1

longitudinal 2

longitudinal 3

-2 Load cycles

Concrete Strains / Side C



transverse 10

transverse 11
Concrete strains [/oo ]


transverse 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 longitudinal 7

longitudinal 8

longitudinal 9


Load cycles

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A8 Measured concrete strains

Load transfer test acc. to FIP-Recommendation
CONCRETE STRAINS[o/oo] Test specimen : Anchorage Type AF 6-19 (19 strands 150mm / 265.5 kN)
Characteristic ultimate force of tendon Fpk = 19 x 265.5 = 5044,5 kN

Load step
F / Fpk [kN] longitudinal transverse longitudinal transverse
Load cycle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.2 1009 0.2 0 -0.05 -0.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 0 -0.06 -0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04
0.4 2018 0.4 0 -0.14 -0.3 0.23 0.18 0.07 0 -0.16 -0.22 0.21 0.18 0.08
0.6 3027 0.6 -0.01 -0.26 -0.66 0.69 0.5 0.16 0.01 -0.3 -0.46 0.61 0.51 0.13
0.8 4036 0.8 -0.05 -0.51 -1.19 1.28 0.79 0.2 0.01 -0.55 -0.88 1.07 0.89 0.26
0.12 605 0.05 -0.29 -0.72 1.01 0.46 0.05 0.12 -0.31 -0.5 0.85 0.56 0.1
0.8 4036 -0.05 -0.59 -1.31 1.39 0.81 0.19 0.01 -0.64 -1.02 1.21 0.98 0.27
0.12 605 0.04 -0.33 -0.79 1.12 0.5 0.04 0.12 -0.36 -0.57 0.96 0.62 0.1
0.8 4036 -0.06 -0.61 -1.33 1.43 0.83 0.2 0.03 -0.68 -1.06 1.24 0.99 0.28

0.12 605 0.06 -0.37 -0.87 1.16 0.49 0.05 0.14 -0.43 -0.63 1.01 0.65 0.12
0.8 4036 -0.04 -0.68 -1.42 1.48 0.82 0.2 0.05 -0.74 -1.11 1.31 1.03 0.29
0.12 605 0.07 -0.39 -0.9 1.17 0.49 0.04 0.16 -0.43 -0.64 1.01 0.64 0.1
0.8 4036 -0.04 -0.69 -1.44 1.52 0.83 0.17 0.02 -0.77 -1.16 1.31 1.03 0.27
0.12 605 0.05 -0.41 -0.92 1.17 0.48 0.02 0.14 -0.46 -0.68 1.01 0.65 0.12
0.8 4036 -0.04 -0.71 -1.47 1.52 0.83 0.18 0.03 -0.79 -1.17 1.32 1.04 0.27
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not used

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Bottom view of AF 6-19

anchorage with strand
end arrangement

Figure 1

AF Compression fitting
draw-in and mortar draw-in
measuring arrangement

Figure 2

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A11 Cracking Behaviour

Side A after first loading to 0.8 ×Fpk

Figure 3

Side C after first loading to 0.8 ×Fpk

Figure 4

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A12 Cracking Behaviour

Side A after ten load cycles to 0.8 ×Fpk

Figure 5

Side C after ten load cycles to 0.8 ×Fpk

Figure 6

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A13 Cracking
Side A after maximum load Fu

Figure 7

Side C after maximum load Fu

Figure 8

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A 14 Strand certificate

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A 15 Concrete strength test results

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A 16 AF Anchorage Grout strength test results

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