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Student Version

Manage IP, ethics and privacy in ICT
First published 2020

RTO Works
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IT Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Information and
Communications Technology Training Package.
Section 1: Research................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 2: Action Plan for review of organisational adherence to IP, ethics/conduct and privacy
requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Section 3: Policy update............................................................................................................................. 9
Section 4: Reflection................................................................................................................................. 11
Student name: NITESH GOYAL


Date: 20/06/2023

Business this assessment is IT BIZ SOLUTIONS

based on:

Documentation reviewed as ICT SIMULATION PACK

Section 1: Research
Intellectual property and ICT industry standards for intellectual property relate to general IP
copyright standard/legislation laws.
Research and identify ICT Patent protection:
industry standards for
An Australian patent provides a legal right to stop another person or
intellectual property, as well as
a third party to copy, manufacture use or sell an in invention without
copyright legislation.
putting it in the knowledge of the inventor/creator basically it is used
Describe at least one standard as a license to manufacture something on agreed terms
for intellectual property and
Trade mark protection:
the main legislation for
copyright. This is a well developed Australian trade mark protection law that
protects the intellectual property of any individual or businesses. In
Describe how you know the
this businesses can register a specific trade mark as a marketing
source of this information is
tool which eventually prevent others from using that specific brand
reliable thereby ensuring the
which is being covered by trade mark protection law.
integrity of information.
For any business, legislation would be:
Explain the outcomes of
complying with and not  Copyright Act 1968
complying with intellectual
 Patents Act 1990
property requirements (at least
one example of each).  Trade Marks Act 1995

Copyright is granted by law and in Australia that law is the Australian

Copyright Act 1968 (Act). In Australia most copyright is automatic,
although adding © Copyright logo with your name and the date can
help to ensure that not only is it clear internally that you did create
the IP but also that third parties will be reminded it is your copyright.
There are instances where automatic copyright is not enough; that is
where other forms of IP protection such as Patents and Trademarks
come into play.
This information is from a reliable source as researched peak
bodies/government department websites to find this information.
If you comply with intellectual property requirements, then the
business will be adhering to the law If you don't then there can be
great risks to the business such as litigation.

Privacy legislation Privacy legislation in Australia is covered by the Privacy Act 1988.
Information should be only kept if required for use, accurately
Research and identify existing
maintained and accessible to only those who are authorised to do
legislation relevant to privacy.
so. Privacy relates to respecting the rights of an individual to have
Identify the name of the Act their personal information collected, stored and maintained
and describe the key purpose appropriately.
of this legislation.
The act is the Privacy Act. The key purpose of this act is to protect
Describe how you know the the privacy of individuals and to ensure personal information is
source of this information is correctly handled
reliable thereby ensuring the
This information is from a reliable source as I researched a
integrity of information.
government department website to find this information.
Explain the outcomes of
If you comply with privacy requirements, then the business will be
complying with and not
adhering to the law. If you don't then there can be great risks to the
complying with privacy
business such as litigation
requirements (at least one
example of each).

Research and identify ICT Ethics: ethics at work is concerned with ensuring specific standards
industry standards relevant to of behaviour. A code of ethics can be adopted by an organisation to
code of ethics, including provide a formal or informal set of standards. It can include working
typical procedures for review and personal conduct requirements, policies and procedures, rules
and grievance procedures and moral values, which workers should adhere to.
relevant to ethics breaches.
An example code of ethics is:
List at least one code of ethics
Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics - To ensure members
and describe its key purpose.
upload and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of being
Describe typical review and an ICT professional
grievance procedures for
Review and grievance procedures typically seem to involve
ethical breaches.
documenting the issue, thoroughly investigating it and then either
Describe how you know the closing the matter if it's not an issue or escalating if e.g. to senior
source of this information is management if it is.
reliable thereby ensuring the
This information is from a reliable source as I researched a peak
integrity of information.
body website to find this information.
Explain the outcomes of
Complying with ethics requirements is important as the business will
complying with and not
run harmoniously and will be respected Not complying can cause
complying with ethics
numerous problems such as a dissatisfied workforce.
requirements (at least one
example of each).
Section 2: Action Plan for review of organisational adherence to IP, ethics/conduct
and privacy requirements
Include actions in order of priority.

What Comments When Completed

Include any comments you need Time frames/ deadlines To mark off once
What activities will you be completing
to note completed

Research and review of legislation and Make sure I check how reliable the 1-2 weeks
standards information is ☒

Review of existing policies and procedures and Review policies and procedures 1-2 weeks
identify gaps based on research above ☒

Meeting with the senior management team to Explain what the gaps are and 2-3 weeks
discuss gaps make recommendations for ☒

Update policies and procedures Focus on clear and concise 1-2 weeks
language ☒
Communication and education plan to ensure Plan to extend over 1 year. 2-3 weeks
changes fully implemented. ☒

Complete first training and information session Develop a PowerPoint 2-3 weeks
on policies and procedures. presentation for showcasing ☒

Conduct regular surveys on understanding to Conduct via Survey Monkey. 3-4 weeks
monitor implementation ☒

Annual review of policies and procedures Check to see if there any 2-3 weeks
legislation changes ☒
Section 3: Policy update
Policy updates
List the title of the  Copyright Policy and Procedures
policy and
 Privacy Policy and Procedures
procedures you have
developed, as well  Staff Code of Conduct
as the review and  Ethical review and grievance procedures.
grievance procedure
for ethical breaches.
Then attach them to
your portfolio as

Policy distribution
Take a screenshot of
the folders you have
set up.
Describe how the
information is secure
and accessible.
Include logins for this
information. Updated Policy and Procedures
Password: Albright@123

Feedback As the policies and procedures in the documents are quite useful and handy
but yet it’s not quite clear, so it needs an additional training.
Summarise the
feedback that you
were provided with
on policies and
procedures and how
you used it.

Presentation As per the feedback, policies and procedures are not clear do I have created a
presentation to explain them. The presentation is a best way of providing a
Describe how you
clear understanding of the updated policies and procedures of highlighting the
have decided to
present the policies
and procedures at
your roundtable
meeting. Explain
why you believe this
method is
appropriate for your

ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy in ICT environments | 9

Attach: Updated policies and procedures ☒

Review and grievance procedures ☒

Presentation ☒

ICTICT618 Manage IP, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment | 10

Section 4: Reflection
Insights The presentation provided a clear understanding of the updated policies and
procedures and clear all the doubts and provided opportunity to understand
Write down what you
the details.
learnt at the
discussion by
listening to other
presentations and
discussing ideas.

ICTICT618 Manage IP, ethics and privacy in an ICT environment | 11

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