Critical Discourse Analysis On The Lyrics of The Song

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Designed to fulfill the assignments of the subject : Discourse Analysis and

Languiage Teaching

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd.

Name : Utami Nur Fatimah

Nim : 216121154

Class : 5D





Utami Nur Fatimah

UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta


This research aims to describe the critical discourse analysis contained in the song
Rewrite the Stars, by James Arthur-Anne Marie. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. The results of the research are as follows. First, there are 7
verses in the song Rewrite the Stars. Second, the song "Rewrite the Stars" by
James Arthur-Anne Marie conveys the theme of a story about two people who
love each other, but are separated by obstacles and obstacles that are difficult to
overcome. Despite being hindered by fate and odds, the couple wonders if they
can change fate and write their own love story, transcending existing boundaries.

Keywords : Critical Discourse, Lyrics, Song “Rewrite the Stars”


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis wacana kritis yang

terdapat dalam lagu Rewrite the Stars karya James Arthur-Anne Marie. Penelitian
ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai
berikut. Pertama, ada 7 bait dalam lagu Rewrite the Stars. Kedua, lagu “Rewrite
the Stars” karya James Arthur-Anne Marie mengangkat tema cerita tentang dua
insan yang saling mencintai, namun dipisahkan oleh rintangan dan rintangan yang
sulit untuk diatasi. Meskipun terhalang oleh nasib dan rintangan, pasangan ini
bertanya-tanya apakah mereka dapat mengubah nasib dan menulis kisah cinta
mereka sendiri, melampaui batasan yang ada.

Kata Kunci : Wacana Kritis, Lirik, Lagu “Rewrite the Stars”


Music is a cultural tool that is present in society as a construction of social

reality expressed in the form of song lyrics. Initially, songs were used for
traditional ceremonies and rituals. However, as society develops, music has
transformed into a commercialized commodity and an economic good that is
bought and sold.

According to Djohan (in Achmad Fachrudin Imam, 2012), music is a

complex and universal social behavior that contains expressions of human
thought, thoughts and ideas from the brain that contain significant message
signals. Messages or ideas conveyed through music or songs are usually related to
historical context. The content of the song is not just an idea to entertain, but also
has a moral message or ideals as well as having economic power.

Songs are also one of the media that can be used in English learning
activities, including being used as a means to improve the ability to write poetry,
as an object of study of language style, and discourse analysis. In the process,
discourse is not only a manifestation of oral media, but also a manifestation of
written media, speakers/writers, and listeners/readers. It can be concluded again
that discourse reaches all parts of communication, both oral and written.

The term discourse analysis is a general term used in many scientific

disciplines and with various meanings. Although there are large gradations in
various definitions, the common point is that discourse analysis is related to the
study of language use.

Grammatical units found in Indonesian include: words, morphemes,

sentences, clauses, phrases and discourse, Amelya (in Azkiyatun Nissa, et al.,
2023). The largest and most complete linguistic unit is in the form of a complete
essay; books, articles, short stories, scientific reports, novels, song lyrics, etc. are
boundaries of discourse. In linguistic studies, discourse analysis has the meaning:
a scientific discipline that includes the study of the use of language in
communication in order to analyze overall meaning, Alfariski (in Azkiyatun Nissa
et al., 2023).

According to Eriyanto (in Ahmad Fachruddien Imam, 2012), discourse

analysis in linguistic studies is a reaction to formal linguistic forms which pay
more attention to units of words, phrases or sentences without looking at the
relationship between these elements. Discourse analysis is the opposite of formal
linguistics, because this analysis focuses on levels above the sentence, such as
grammatical relationships that form at levels higher than the sentence. Discourse
analysis in the field of social psychology is defined as conversation.

There are various types of discourse analysis theories. One of them is

Teun A. Van Dijk's theory which was chosen as the critical discourse analysis
theory with the most use (Cenderamata & Darmayanti, in Azkiyatun Nisa, 2023).
Van Dijk's theory has several categories, namely: social categories, text and social
context. In more depth, text dimensions have 3 types of levels, namely:
superstructure, macro structure and micro structure.

This research examines one of the lyrics of the song entitled "Rewrite the
Stars" by James Arthur-Anne Marie. Song lyrics themselves are a type of written
discourse that relies on the discourse of communication channels.

Song lyrics are beautiful poems or poems that interpret human

experiences. Lyrics are a series of songs and the author's emotional outbursts
which are similar in form to poetry (Maisaroh & Prihatin, in Azkiyatun Nissa et
al., 2023). Apart from that, song lyrics also have the meaning of a person's
expression which includes a play on words with the aim of creating
distinctiveness, attractiveness and beauty. Song lyrics function as a means of
interaction between listeners and writers.

James Arthur is an English singer and musician. He won the 9th season of
the British talent show the single has sold 1.3 million copies, making it the best-
selling winning song on The X Factor. The follow-up single, You're Nobody 't
Someone Loves You, reached number 2 on the UK Singles Chart. He released his
self-titled studio album in November 2013. The album debuted and peaked at
number two on the UK Albums Chart.

Many of James Arthur's songs are world famous. He also often covers
songs by world-famous singers, such as A Thousand Years by Christina Perry.
Recently there was also a James Arthur collaboration song featuring Anne Marie
which became popular because it was used as the soundtrack for the film The
Greatest Snowman. The song is entitled Rewrite the Stars.

The researcher chose Teun A. Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis

model to examine each series of verses in the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James
Arthur-Anne Marie, because there are aspects of the text and social context that
are interesting and appropriate to the context application of this theoretical model.
Apart from that, the lyrics of the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne
Marie contain the formation of a good and correct discourse structure. This is
reinforced by the absence of previous research that has conducted research on the
song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne Marie.

This research aims to describe aspects of the text of the series of verses of
the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne Marie and describe aspects of
the social context in the lyrics of the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-
Anne Marie.

Research that is relevant to this research is research from Azkiyatun Nisa

et al (2023) entitled "Critical Discourse Analysis of the Lyrics of the Song "Be
Careful on the Road" by Tulus." This research examines the social context, text
(superstructure, macro and micro structure), and social cognition in the lyrics of
the song "Be Careful on the Road". The results of this research show that "Be
careful on the road" is the life journey of someone who experiences separation
due to circumstances beyond their control and feels deep sadness due to a
separation that neither of them expected. With the expression "be careful on the
road" which can be interpreted as the end of the meeting or meaning that you will
What previous research has in common with this research is the use of
Critical Discourse Analysis in the form of Teun A. Van Dijk's model. The theory
developed by Teun A. Van Dijk has three categories, including: text (macro
structure, super structure, and micro structure), social cognition, and social
context. The difference between the research above and this research is that there
has been no research that analyzes the lyrics of "Rewrite the Stars" using the
Critical Discourse Analysis theory model by Teun A. Van Dijk. Apart from that,
there are several studies that have not studied microstructural aspects (stylistics,
semantics, rhetorical and syntax) in detail and aspects of social context.


In analyzing the social context and text (macro and micro structure, as well
as superstructure) in the "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne Marie, the
researcher chose a critical analysis approach (AWK) to examine this research. The
type of research chosen by the researcher is descriptive qualitative.

The form of data obtained in this research is discourse. Meanwhile, the

research objects are words, phrases and sentences in the series of verses "Rewrite
the Stars" with aspects of the text (macro structure, superstructure and micro) as
well as social context.

Meanwhile, the data used in this research comes from single primary data
in the form of the lyrics of the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne
Marie. This research also uses secondary data sources in the form of journals,
scientific articles, e-books, books and important information on several websites
and news.

Because this research is qualitative, the research instrument is the

researcher himself. Researchers also use document instruments. The document
instrument is carried out by searching for and recording important information
from writings on several websites and news.
The procedures carried out in collecting data were as follows, namely (1)
reading, tapping, and listening to the lyrics of the song "Rewrite the Stars" by
James Arthur in detail and thoroughly, (2) looking for and recording aspects
contained in the song "Rewrite the Stars” by James Arthur. Text (macrostructure,
superstructure, and microstructure) (3) grouping aspects of the text found
according to their elements, (4) searching for and recording important information
contained on websites and news.


Analysis of Lyric Text Aspects of the Song "Rewrite the Stars" by James
Arthur-Anne Marie

A. Analysis Text

Through the song "Rewrite the Stars" by James Arthur-Anne Marie conveys the
theme of a story about two people who love each other, but are separated by
obstacles and obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Despite being hindered by
fate and odds, the couple wonders if they can change fate and write their own love
story, transcending existing boundaries.


You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep saying our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

And fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?

In this first verse, it is depicted that they both want each other to be
together which can be seen in the lyrics "You know I want you" and in the lyrics "I
know you want me". But fate brought them apart and away from each other.
However, even though fate separates them, they still both have feelings in their
hearts and try to fight that no one can stop them if they are destined to be together,
seen in the lyrics "So who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?”.


What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


In the second verse of this song, it is described that they are wondering
whether destiny can be rewritten so that they can be together and nothing can
separate them, which can be seen in the lyrics "What if we rewrite the stars?". So
that fate can be asked according to their will to unite two people who love each
other, which can be seen in the lyrics "It's up to you, and it's up to me".


You think it's easy

You think I don't want to run to you

But there are mountains

And there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why

Because we're able to be

Just you and me

Within these walls

But when we go outside

You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all

In the third verse of the song, it is described that it is not easy to fight for a
relationship between two people who are hindered by fate, even though in reality
they both want each other to be together, which can be seen in the lyrics "You
think it's easy". They have to face many obstacles to fight for their love
relationship, which can be seen in the lyrics "But there are mountains". They
always dream that they can be together without anything hindering their desires,
but it is all just a dream, when they wake up from the dream they will realize that
all this was just in vain.


No one can rewrite the stars

How can you say you'll be mine?

Everything keeps us apart

And I'm not the one you were meant to find

It's not up to you, it's not up to me

When everyone tells us what we can be

How can we rewrite the stars?

Say that the world can be ours


In the fourth verse of this song, it is described that no human being is able
to change destiny. No one can change something that is not destined for someone,
it can be seen in the lyrics "No one can rewrite the stars". Fate cannot be
according to what I or you want, everything is written and cannot be changed,
found in the lyrics "It's not up to you, it's not up to me".


All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you

It feels impossible

It's not impossible

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible

In the fifth lyric, it is described that they both want each other to fall and
rise together in any circumstances, which can be seen in the lyric "All I want is to
fly with you, All I want is to fall with you.” They also wonder whether they can
truly be together and have each other, whether all this will be possible or
impossible, which can be seen in the lyrics "Is it impossible?".


How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart

Cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours

In the lyrics of these six songs, it can be described how to change destiny,
rewrite destiny so that the two of them can be together and no one can separate
them because they were created to have each other, can be seen in the lyrics
"Cause you are the one I was meant to find”.


You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

But I can't have you

We're bound to break and

My hands are tied

In the last verse of the song, it is described that they really want to have
each other, but it is emphasized once again that the written destiny is not on their
side and they cannot be together because there is something blocking them, which
can be seen from the lyrics “But I can't have you; We're bound to break and; My
hands are tied”.

B. Superstructure

Superstructure is also called schema in song lyrics. This discussion explains

the structure that forms a song. The song structure consists of several elements,
including; introduction, verse, bridge, chorus, chorus, interlude, overtune, and
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are
You claim it's not in the cards Verse 1
And fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?
What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours

You think it's easy Verse 2

You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Just you and me
Within these walls
But when we go outside
You're gonna wake up and see that it
was hopeless after all
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to
It's not up to you, it's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
Cause you are the one I was meant to
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours
You know I want you Outro
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and
My hands are tied

C. Macro Structure

Macro structure is the global meaning of a text that can be understood through
its topic. The topic is represented in one or several sentences which are the main
idea/main idea of the discourse. Topics are also said to be "semantic
macrostructures" (Dijk, in Siti Maisaroh et al., 2022). This macro structure is said
to be semantic because when talking about topics or themes in a text, you will be
confronted with meaning and references.

The song Rewrite the Stars has the meaning of the struggle of two people who
love each other, but are separated by obstacles and obstacles that are difficult to
overcome. Despite being hindered by fate and odds, the couple wonders if they
can change fate and write their own love story, transcending existing boundaries.

1. “You Claim It’s Not In the Cards”

Because the sentence reads "You Claim It's Not In The Cards". So, it can be
interpreted that the word "Cards" has the meaning of destiny. So, the meaning of
this sentence is something that according to the poet is not written in fate.

2. “What If We Rewrite the Stars?”

The meaning of the sentence "What If We Rewrite Stars?" does not mean
that we write something with star objects. However, this sentence means the poet
is asking “Whether we can rewrite the fate?”. And it can be interpreted that the
fate that occurs is not in accordance with what humans expect. So the poet asks if
we can rewrite fate to suit his wishes.

3. “But There Are Mountains”

The meaning of word "Mountains" here is Challenge. There are many

challenges that poets must face in fighting for a relationship.
4. “And There Are Doors That We Can’t Walk Through”

Previously we were discussing the struggles in a romantic relationship. So

the word "Doors" can also be interpreted as a challenge. Which confirms the
previous sentence that they will face many challenges if they want to be

5. “Within These Walls”

The sentence "Within These Walls" could mean that they (the poet and
his idol) can occupy a safe place and cannot be disturbed by anyone. But this
is all just their imagination/dream, in reality when they wake up from their
dream they realize that it was all in vain.


This research reveals the theme of the song that the creator wants to
conveys the theme of a story about two people who love each other, but are
separated by obstacles and obstacles that are difficult to overcome. Despite being
hindered by fate and odds, the couple wonders if they can change fate and write
their own love story, transcending existing boundaries.

From this research, it can be concluded that in the first verse, it is depicted
that they both want each other to be together, but fate brought them apart and
away from each other. However, even though fate separates them, they still both
have feelings in their hearts and try to fight that no one can stop them if they are
destined to be together.

In the second verse of this song, it is described that they are wondering
whether destiny can be rewritten so that they can be together and nothing can
separate them. So that fate can be asked according to their will to unite two people
who love each other.
In the third verse of the song, it is described that it is not easy to fight for a
relationship between two people who are hindered by fate, even though in reality
they both want each other to be together. They have to face many obstacles to
fight for their love relationship, which can be seen in the lyrics. They always
dream that they can be together without anything hindering their desires, but it is
all just a dream, when they wake up from the dream they will realize that all this
was just in vain.

In the fourth verse of this song, it is described that no human being is able
to change destiny. No one can change something that is not destined for someone.
Fate cannot be according to what I or you want, everything is written and cannot
be changed.

In the fifth lyric, it is described that they both want each other to fall and
rise together in any circumstances. They also wonder whether they can truly be
together and have each other, whether all this will be possible or impossible.

In the lyrics of these six songs, it can be described how to change destiny,
rewrite destiny so that the two of them can be together and no one can separate
them because they were created to have each other.

In the last verse of the song, it is described that they really want to have
each other, but it is emphasized once again that the written destiny is not on their
side and they cannot be together because there is something blocking them.


Azkiyatun Nisa, Haerussaleh, Nuril Huda. (2023). Analisis Wacana Kritis pada
Lirik Lagu “Hati-Hati di Jalan” Karya Tulus (Teori Teun A. Van Dijk).
Metafora : Jurnal Pmebelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Vol. 10, No.2

Siti Maisaroh, Yulianah Prihatin. (2022). Analisis Wacana Kritis Lagu “An
Elegy” Karya Burgerkiil. Jurnal Bastra. Vol. 7, No.2

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