DLP-Judge The Validity

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DETAILED School Sorsogon National High Grade Level 9


Teacher Evangeline B. Jalmasco Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 3

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types
serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing, summarizing
A. Content Standards
information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation
marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.
The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-
B. Performance
verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions,
Body Movements/Gestures and Audience impact.
MELC: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. (EN9LC-IVh-2.15)
C. Learning
At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
1. define validity of evidence;
2. identify ways on how to know the validity of the sources and;
3. judge the sources listened to.
II. CONTENT Judge the validity of evidence.
 Learning Activity Sheet in English 9 - Worksheet No. 6. Quarter 3
A. References  Judge the Validity of Evidence Listened to IIGRADE 9II MELC-based VIDEO LESSON I
B. Teacher’s Guide
C. Learner’s Materials
D. Textbook pages
E. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
F. Other Learning https://youtu.be/lw16DeB6zns?si=LedPapXf6LwDbBfG
Resources https://youtu.be/3JIdA44zSHA?si=O5oMoTBB-XqhSBx8
G. Materials Manila paper, Tarpapel, Speaker, Laptop

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries 1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Ensuring the classroom’s orderliness and
B. Reviewing previous Motivational activity (4 pis one word)
lesson or presenting
new lesson Good afternoon class Good afternoon ma’am
Are you all feeling good today? Yes

Before we proceed to our discussion, let’s have first Yes ma’am

a game. Is that alright?

I’ll be grouping you into two groups. I will show the

first picture in front, where in group one will be the
first to play the game and guess the word I am
presenting. The second picture will be played by the
second group. Each group should guess the word in
30 seconds, the group who answer within the given
time will be consider the winner.

Am I clear class? Yes ma’am

(The teacher proceed with the game) (The students will play the game)


E___E ___


C. Establishing a We are now done with the game, I like to ask a few Yes/No
purpose for the questions. Have you experience believing someone?
Do you believe them even though they don’t have (Response may vary)

In believing someone it is important to provide Yes ma’am

evidences in order for you to know whether the
information is really a fact. Am I right?

The game we had awhile ago is related to the

discussion we will have today.

(The teacher will present the objectives)

At the end of the discussion, the learners should be

able to:
1. define validity of evidence;
2. identify ways on how to know the validity of the
sources and;
3. judge the sources listened to.
D. Presenting (Response may vary)
Why do you think that there is a need for evidences
in order to believe someone?
of the new lesson
(Response may vary)
Thank you, what else?

Yes, evidences are important when it comes to

believing someone, in order for us not to be deceive
by what we see or hear.

Aside from having evidences, do you still check

whether the evidences are really true?

It is important to have evidences to believe someone

but there is still a need for us to check if the
evidences are true and not made up.
Arguments, debate, theory, research,
Where do you think you need evidences?
E. Discussing new Let us proceed to our topic for today, which is about
concepts and the validity of the evidence.
practicing new skills
Do you have any idea what is validity? Yes/No

Awhile ago, we talked about checking if the Yes ma’am

evidences are true, right?

When you fact-check an information or sources, you

are validating that information.

Where do you think validating can be use? (Response may vary)

Yes, that is right. Validity can be used in research,

news, arguments, etc.

(The teacher give salient information of the topic, the

definitions and examples are in the instructional

Evidence - is the material use to prove something or

to prove the claims.

Validity - is the accuracy of the claims, where it

measures what is intended to measures.

When someone wants to know if the sources are

really true, they check the validity of it.
Do you think there is a difference between reliability
and validity? Yes/No

Any idea what is the difference?

(Response may vary)
Thank you, that is right.

Realibility is about checking whether the sources are

consistent overtime, while the validity is about the
accuracy of the result you want to test.

In simpler terms, reliability is consistency of the

results and validity is the accuracy of the results.

Am I clear class?

Now, let’s discuss the ways on how we can know if

the sources are valid or not. Yes ma’am

There are sets of questions you need to consider in

identifying the validity of the evidences:

1. Who is the author of the source?

2. How did the source get the information?
3. What if the source you’ve found doesn't have
F. Developing mastery Activity 1:
(leads to Formative Direction: Watch the speech of the late Senator
Assessment 3) Miriam Defensor - Santiago. Listen carefully, and
answer the following questions.

(The teacher will give the transcript of the speech)

1. What is the speech all about?

2. What is the message the speaker intended to
3. Do you believe in the speaker’s statement? Why
or why not?
4. What did you realize after watching the speech?
How can you relate this in the present situation?
G. Finding practical From the discussion, why is it important to know the
applications of validity of the evidence?
concepts and skills in (Response may vary)
daily living What happens if we don’t know how to check the
validity of the sources?
H. Making Activity 2:
generalizations and Direction: Answer the following questions in your
abstractions about own understanding. Write this on a 1/2 crosswise
the lesson paper.
1. Why there is a need for an evidence?
2. What is the difference between validity and
3. What is the importance of validating an evidence?
4-5. Give at least 2 questions to check the validity of
the sources.
I. Evaluating learning Quiz
Direction: Watch the news about the struggles of
Filipinos during lockdown. After watching, answer
the following questions about the news. Write this on
a 1/2 crosswise paper.
(The teacher will give the transcript of the news)
1. What is the news all about?
2. What are the problems they encountered during
3. Do you share the same experiences during the
4. Does the video contain valid evidences of the
struggles of Filipinos during the lockdown? Cite the

J. Additional activities We are now done with our topic today.

for application or
remediation Have you gain knowledge from our discussion?
Yes ma’am
Glad to hear that.
Before I end the discussion, I will give you an
assignment. Watch “Climate Change: What the
future might hold for humanity” on YouTube. Cite
evidences of climate change based on the video.
This will be written on a 1/2 crosswise paper.
Yes ma’am
Am I clear?
Good bye ma’am
Okay, let’s call it a day now. Good bye everyone,
see you tomorrow.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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