APLIO 300,400,500 XARIO 100,200 Dicom Setting1

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- Please make sure network cable is connected to the back of the machine

- Press means tab with your finger on the touch screen icon
- Choose means use the track ball and press the set button (like mouse and left button).
- password TSB5101& where & is shift+7
- password for version 6.0 and after is TSBORCA5101&_US
- to enter the service license , go to maintenance then config then option management then
option setting then install from code enter the below code , service will appear in name , press
ok and choose quit.
- for xario 100/200 licence is 1KJII-FWT0A-ZZ63B-GEE22- JH440 PASSWORD FOR ALL

Setting of ultrasound machine IP address and AE title:

1- press other on touch command screen go to 2/2 or 2/3 on the left upper corner of the touch screen.

2- press maintenance

3- choose config and choose network settings

4- choose local area network with device name realtek , don’t choose Microsoft loop back adaptor if there.

5- choose edit

6- enter the ip address with subnet mask and default gateway.

7-choose ok

8- edit the setting again and make sure they are changed

9- choose cancel

10- To set system AE title , choose dicom management , choose local node , delete the
DICOM_LOCAL_SCU , put APLIO 300 or 400 or 500 according to model and check use
the same AE title for all services. ( if the pacs admin gives ae title for the system use it instead of
APLIO300 or 400 or 500).

11- choose Apply

12- choose quit

13- The system will ask to restart choose ok

Setting of PACS storage server:

1- press other on touch command screen go to 2/2 or 2/3 on the left upper corner of the touch screen.

2- press maintenance

3- press config

4- choose dicom managment and input password TSB5101& where & is shift+7
5- choose remote nodes

6- choose add

7- choose [Host add/del] the define remote node host name and ip address by choosing add and then ok

8- define mnemonic name , ae title and choose host name which was defined in the step before and enter
port number

9- select service by checking infornt of it (storage service for pacs server),

check ping and dicom echo and test make sure they are successfull

10- click ok

11- press quit

12-system will ask to restart press ok , system will shut down , then again you start it up by pressing the
power switch

13-go to other , choose 2/2 , choose maintenance,choose config, choose preset link, choose show
preset, choose system preset, choose peripheral, choose printer and server, use the arrow to choose the
dicom server you defined either dicom server 1 or 2 and press save and close

14- press pims on the touch command screen , choose patient browser, choose tools, choose setting,
define dicom server by checking infront of it and press ok

15- choose pims from touch command screen , choose patient browser ,choose patient study and
highlight an image or choose all and choose copy and choose server
it will be highlighted and choose your server and click ok

16- check the job status it should be completed if everything is ok

Setting of Modality work list (MWL):

- you need ip address , AE title , hostname, and port number for the modality work list server
if there is no hostname use the AE title in place of host name

1- press other on touch command screen go to 2/2 or 2/3 on the left upper corner of the touch screen.

2- press maintenance

3- press config

4- choose dicom managment and input password TSB5101& where & is shift+7

5- choose remote nodes

6- choose add

7- choose [Host add/del] the define remote node host name and ip address by choosing add and then ok

8- define mnemonic name , ae title and choose host name which was defined in the step before and enter
port number
9- select service by checking infornt of it choose MWM for modality work list server.
check ping and dicom echo and test make sure they are successfull

10- click ok

11- press quit

12-system will ask to restart press ok , system will shut down , then again you start it up by pressing the
power switch

13- press new patient and choose scheduled and choose get worklist in the middle up of the screen

14- choose ok. Then the list should appear in the upper part of the screen
15- choose a patient and then choose start

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