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BM2507 BM2515 course outline

Marketing Analytics (Nanyang Technological University)

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Academic Year 2023-24 Semester 1,2

Course Coordinator Sadat Reza (S1), Xinlong Li (S2)
Course Code BM2515
Course Title Marketing Analytics
Pre-requisites AB1202
No of AUs 3
Contact Hours 3 hours seminar x 13 weeks = 39 hours

Proposal Date 25 May, 2023

A) Course Aims

This course aims to introduce you to several basic analytics tools that are applied for marketing decisions. After
completion of the course, you should be equipped with the conceptual and technical knowledge on how and when
to apply these tools in solving marketing decision problems. The course is suitable for second year students
enrolled in any business program. The course is also suitable for non-business students interested in marketing
analytics. Exposure to introductory statistics or equivalent is necessary. The course will equip the students with the
foundational to intermediate level skills on marketing analytics, and will facilitate immersion into a career in
marketing analytics, marketing research and brand management, should they choose to do so.

B) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)/Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

1. Assess the suitability of various data analytic tools in making marketing decisions.
2. Effectively apply data analytic tools such as descriptive analytics for market analysis, regression analysis for
marketing mix analysis, conjoint analysis for product attribute pricing and customer lifetime value for
determining customer acquisition cost.
3. Work in a team to solve marketing problems using data analytic tools.

C) Course Content

The course will cover the following topics: descriptive analysis; linear regression model; logistic regression;
conjoint analysis; customer lifetime value. The aim of the course is to provide you the knowledge of how and when
to apply these tools for marketing decisions. Emphasis will be on the interpretation of results and how the results
can be used for marketing decisions, and not much on the statistical techniques behind these tools.

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D) Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Component ILO Tested NBS Learning Goal Weighting Team/Individual Assessment

(Refer to Annex E for Rubrics
list) (Please insert
rubrics as

1. Class ILO 1-3 Class Participation 10% Individual Class

participation Contribution
(Annex B1)

2. Quiz 1 ILO 1,2 Acquisition of 30% Individual NA

knowledge; Problem
solving and decision
3. Quiz 2 ILO 1,2 Acquisition of 30% Individual NA
knowledge; Problem
solving and decision
4. In-class ILO 2 Problem Solving and 30% Team (Project Group Project
presentation Decision Making, Oral Report) and Report (Annex
and project communication, Individual B2)
report Teamwork and (Presentation)
Interpersonal Skills Individual
(Annex B3)

Peer Evaluation
(Annex B4)
Total 100%

E) Formative feedback

The seminar will be interactive and your inputs will be highly encouraged and assessed. Feedback will be provided
during the class discussions, and also on all your submissions (quizzes, case study analysis, simulation exercises).
For practical assessment, the instructor will grade the submissions, review the grades with the students, discuss
common mistakes and weaknesses, and provide appropriate answer keys for quizzes.

F) Learning and Teaching approach

Approach How does this approach support you in achieving the learning outcomes?

Seminars Content will be uploaded in the NTU Learn system prior to the seminar and students are
expected to read the materials before each seminar. Seminar discussions allow ample
opportunities to clarify content, concepts. Discussions will also provide the opportunity
to hear students’ intuitions, experiences and difficulties pertaining to the content. It
also offers the opportunity to assess their ability to think critically and articulate clearly.

Individual quizzes The quizzes require you to generate, analyze and deliver numerous materials in a guided
manner. These quizzes will allow the instructor to assess acquisition of knowledge by
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the students.

G) Reading and References

Required: Instructor’s lecture notes. Students are not required to purchase any textbook.

It is mandatory for the students to bring their laptops to class. All exercises will be done in Microsoft Excel. The
students are required to ensure that the Add-ins (Analytic Toolpack and Solver) are in working condition.

Optional reading:
1. Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results, by Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris.
2. Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel, by Wayne Winston.

H) Course Policies and Student Responsibilities

(1) General

You are expected to complete all assigned pre-class readings and activities, attend all seminar classes punctually
and take all scheduled assignments and tests by due dates. You are expected to take responsibility to follow up
with course notes, assignments and course related announcements for seminar sessions they have missed. You are
expected to participate in all seminar discussions and activities.

(2) Absenteeism

Absence from class without a valid reason will affect your overall course grade. Valid reasons include falling sick
supported by a medical certificate and participation in NTU’s approved activities supported by an excuse letter
from the relevant bodies.

If you miss a lecture, you must inform the course instructor via email prior to the start of the class.

I) Academic Integrity

Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student relies on
adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values shared by the whole
university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values.

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the principles
of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in maintaining academic
integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip yourself with strategies to avoid all
forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion and cheating. If you are uncertain of
the definitions of any of these terms, you should go to the academic integrity website for more information.
Consult your instructor(s) if you need any clarification about the requirements of academic integrity in the course.

J) Course Instructors

Office Consultation Hours

Instructor Phone Email
Sadat Reza (S1) S3 B1 A12 93849872 By appointment
Xinlong Li (S2) S3 B2C 88 82292095 By appointment

K) Planned Weekly Schedule Classi昀椀c

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Criterion 1 – Beginning 2 – Learning 3 – Competent

Being respectful in participation Raises points by frequently interrupting Raises points by interrupting the speaker Raises points politely and without
the speaker on occasions interrupting the speaker.

Demonstrates good preparation Unprepared for class contribution. Draws on course and reading content for Draws on course and reading content for
for class the lesson the lesson, connects to previous content,
and brings in new content.

Contributes to learning Seldom moves the Moves the conversation/discussion to new Moves the conversation/discussion to new
conversation/discussion to new insights. insights by questioning in constructive insights by questioning in constructive
way. way; expands on suggestions/ideas by
others; offers counter opinion.

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Assess Problem Solving and Decision Making

Traits Performance
Identifies and summarizes issue at hand Not Yet Substantially Developed
Does not identify and summarize the issue, in Identifies the main issue and its implicit aspects,
confused or represents the issue inaccurately addresses their relationship to each other and
recognizes nuances of the issue.

Evaluation: Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Substantially


Considers all available information before Not Yet Substantially Developed

proposing the appropriate analytic tool Only a small subset of information taken into Considers all available data sources, summarizing
consideration, and shows pre-meditated use of them effectively and demonstrating a clear rationale
analytics, overlooking or ignoring relevant data and for selecting and justifying the chosen analytics tool.
factors that should be taken into consideration. Displays a comprehensive understanding of how the
available information aligns with the marketing
objectives. Exhibits discernment in evaluating and
selecting appropriate analytics techniques,
showcasing expertise in connecting data to the
chosen analytics tool.

Evaluation: Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Substantially


Assesses/interprets the analytic results Not Yet Substantially Developed

correctly Demonstrates an inability to interpret the outputs of Makes clear and logical connections between the
the analytics correctly. Struggles to understand and analytic results and their interpretation, showcasing
extract meaningful insights from the analyzed a comprehensive grasp of the findings' significance.

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results. Shows limited comprehension of the Provides insightful analysis beyond surface-level
implications and significance of the findings, leading observations, identifying patterns and relationships
to inaccurate or incomplete interpretations. within the data. Effectively communicates how the
findings inform marketing strategies, target audience
segmentation, or campaign optimization.

Evaluation: Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Substantially


Proposes appropriate marketing decision Not Yet Substantially Developed

Proposes incorrect marketing decisions based on the Leverages insights gathered from the data to develop
interpreted insights. Fails to align the marketing an appropriate marketing decision. Consistently
decisions with the findings derived from the exhibits critical thinking, creativity, and mastery of
analytics. Demonstrates a lack of understanding in marketing concepts to craft effective and innovative
connecting the analytic results to effective marketing strategies. Decisions reflect expertise, solid
strategies and tactics. reasoning, and evidence-based support, showcasing
a comprehensive understanding of marketing
concepts and the significance of the marketing
analytics data analysis in driving strategic marketing

Evaluation: Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Substantially


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Learning Goal: Oral Communication
Learning Objective: The ability to communicate well with others verbally so that it clearly expresses the intended message and is understandable and
useful to the receiving party.
Evaluation: Not Yet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Substantially Developed
Not Yet Substantially Developed

Central message is not obvious. Main points are not clearly

Central message is precisely stated; main points are clearly
identified, audience unsure of the direction of the message.
Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion,
Organizational pattern is clearly and consistently observable
sequenced materials within the body, and transitions) is not
and makes the content of the presentation cohesive.
Message observable.
 Has a central message that is
Strong support and references are provided. Exhibits depth
supported with evidence References and supporting materials are absent. Lacks
Design Factors and insight in content.
 Signals transitions between points depth and few insights are exhibited.
 Uses visual aids (eg: graphs, charts,
Effective use of time and stays within time parameters.
text, images, videos etc…). Presentation falls outside set time parameters.
Visual aids are designed to reinforce the presentation thesis
Superfluous visuals, no visuals, visuals containing
and maximize audience understanding; use of media is
inaccuracies or visuals that are so poorly constructed that
varied and appropriate with media not being added simply
they detract from the presentation; font is too small to be
for the sake of use.
easily seen

Behavioural Factors Verbal

 Speaks at appropriate speed and Free of errors in grammar and pronunciation; good choices
Grammar, pronunciation and word choice are deficient. Vocal
volume of word enhance clarity of expression. Vocal delivery is
delivery is too soft or too fast to understand; gap-fillers
 Uses correct grammar and varied and dynamic. Speech rate, volume, and tone facilitate
interfere with expression.
pronunciation audience comprehension. Minimal gap fillers.

Non-Verbal (Mannerisms) Adequate eye contact with various members of the

 Uses eye contact, posture, gestures Infrequent eye contact with the audience. (eg: mainly looking audience.
and movement to convey energy at notes or screen)
and confidence. Composed, maintains open posture, looks confident and
 Adopts appropriate facial Displays highly distracting gestures & excessive relaxed.
expressions nervousness (eg: fidgety, shuffling papers).
 Builds rapport with audience Gestures help audience visualize the message by reinforcing
Adopts closed posture, slouches, hands in pockets, no or animating the content.
Facial expressions that communicate openness, friendliness,
Facial expressions are inappropriate (eg: expressionless, not sincerity and confidence.

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in sync with message)

“Reads” audience reactions and adjusts presentation
Little or no awareness of audience understanding of and
accordingly to increase audience engagement and
reactions to the presentation.
Calm and composed when faced with questions.
Compliments the questioner.
Does not appear to understand the question and does not
Listens to the entire question and asks questions when
Responding to Questions Enhances make any attempts to clarify the question.
clarification of a question is needed.
the overall learning environment by
responding to questions in a manner
that provides insight into the topic under Confidently, spontaneously and accurately responds to all
Responses are incorrect, unable to respond to questions;
discussion. questions with persuasive explanations and elaboration; Able
superficially responds to questions or only provides answers
to field questions beyond own individual presentation.
to rudimentary questions.

 Carnegie Mellon University, Eberly Center Grading and Performance Rubrics. Available at:
Accessed on 30 Jan 2021.
 Dartmouth College (2021), Available at: Accessed on 30 Jan 2021
 Purdue University (2021), College of Science. Available at: Accessed on 30 Jan 2021
 Florida international University (2021), APA Institutional Effectiveness. Available at:
maps/_assets/rubrics/Geosciences%20Oral%20Presentation%20Rubric%20-%20San%20Francisco%20State%20University.pdf Accessed on 30 Jan
 Van Ginkel, S., Laurentzen, R., Mulder, M., Mononen, A., Kyttä, J., & Kortelainen, M. J. (2017). Assessing oral presentation performance: Designing a
rubric and testing its validity with an expert group. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 9(3), 474-486
 Kerby, D., & Romine, J. (2009). Develop oral presentation skills through accounting curriculum design and course-embedded assessment. Journal of
Education for Business, 85(3), 172-179.
 Peeters, M. J., Sahloff, E. G., & Stone, G. E. (2010). A standardized rubric to evaluate student presentations. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education, 74(9), 171.
 KarstenNoack (n.d.). 17 Tips for Facial Expressions in Speeches and Presentations. Available at:
public-speaking/ Accessed on 16 Feb 2021.
 Nanyang Business School (n.d.). Oral Communication Rubric.
 Nanyang Business School (n.d.), AB1002 Career Readiness Course Outline.
 Ruetzler, T., Taylor, J., Reynolds, D., Baker, W., & Killen, C. (2012). What is professional attire today? A conjoint analysis of personal presentation
attributes. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 937-943.

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Member’s name:

Seminar group and team number:

Please use the attached Peer Evaluation Rubric to evaluate yourself and your team members on each of the 5 stated attributes (on a scale of 1 to 7). State
your ratings for yourself and each of your team members in the table below. For your self-assessment, insert “(Self)” after your name in the table below.

Index # Name of team members 1 – RR* 2 – CM* 3 – CR* 4 – CT* 5 – RS*
*See next page for explanation
If any of your ratings above is < 4, please provide a brief explanation to justify the ratings.

Index # Brief explanation to justify a rating of < 4


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Index # Brief explanation to justify a rating of < 4

You may attach supporting documents (like emails and screen shots), if any, to support your explanations above.


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Traits Performance
1. Roles and Responsibility (RR) Scant Substantially Developed
Behaves professionally by upholding Unclear about his/her own role; refuses to take a role in the Always fulfills responsibilities; performs his/her role within the
responsibility and assuming accountability group; insists to work individually and has limited group with enthusiasm and demonstrates willingness to work
for self and others in progressing towards coordination or communication with others. collaboratively.
the team’s goal.

Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Substantially Developed

2. Communication (CM) Scant Substantially Developed

Identifies appropriate mechanisms to Modes of communication are not appropriate, causing Modes of communication are appropriate, and maintaining timely
coordinate and correspond with team confusion and miscommunication among team members. communication and correspondence with team members.
Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Substantially Developed

3. Conflict Resolution (CR) Scant Substantially Developed

Resolves conflicts using a variety of Does not recognize conflicts or is unwilling to resolve Consistently resolves conflicts through facilitating open discussion
approaches. conflicts. and compromise.

Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Substantially Developed

4. Contributions (CT) Scant Substantially Developed

Contributes positive input for the team; Largely disinterested in working in a group and refuses to Actively attends and participates in all activities and provides
effectively utilizes one’s knowledge and participate; observes passively or is unwilling to share meaningful contribution in articulating ideas and opinions.
expertise. information with other team members.

Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Substantially Developed

5. Relationship (RS) Scant Substantially Developed

Maintains cooperative interaction with Rarely listens to others and does not acknowledge the Engages in respectful relationships with all other members in the
other team members regardless of opinions that differ from his/her own. team. Embraces and accepts diverse points of view without
individual /cultural differences and prejudice.
respects diverse perspectives.
Evaluation: Scant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Substantially Developed


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