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Annual Examination 2023-23


Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Div:
……………… Roll No…………
I. Fill in the blanks 5marks
1.......... Is pictorial representation of Numeric data.
2............ Button is on taskpain.
3. A computer spreadsheet is also known as......... Spreadsheet.
4.To select the entire work sheet,press on the --------
5.Full screen option is situated on........... Menu.

II. True/False
5marks can sort cells in Ascending order.
2.Each cells has its ownaddress for reference. can't rename the Worksheet.
4.Slide Transition are the animation like effects.
5. You can't add sound in your slide.

III. Multiple choice questions

1.................................................... View displays slides in full screen mode.
( View, file)
2.Row heading displays……………………………………………......
(Letter, symbol, Number)"

IV.Match the following 4marks

V. Write Any two of the following Questions

1.Explain merging of cell?
2.what is worksheet?
3.what is cell orientation?
4. what is sorting

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